Fit For Future Families 2



  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    I had a dream last night that i was pregnant. I was very upset because my due date was in May (somehow in my subconcious i knew when my due date would be...bc seriously if i was pregnant right now my due date actually WOULD be in may!) and my husband isn't scheduled to return from deployment until mid-august at the earliest! It was one of those "real" dreams...i was so torn between excitment and dissapointment... :-/ Maybe i should stop eating little snacks before bed...always end up with CRAZY dreams!

    Dreams that you're pregnant supposedly (depending on how much allowance you give it) means a significant event coming up in your life. Is there anything else that could be happening in May (although the snacks may have something to do with it...LOL)?

    The one analysis that I heard that made me stop and think there might be something to it though was my friend came into work and told us how every night for about a week, she was dreaming that she was throwing fruit at her husband. Strange eh? The weirdest part was when I looked it up and the analysis said "a dream about throwing fruit at your significant other is a common dream amongst pregnant women". I made her test and sure enough........LOL weirdness.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    LOL, Pam... and all I'm dreaming about is lions running down the road. What does that mean? :wink:

    I've read that dreaming you're pregnant (because I do that a lot because I'm obsessed...) is often just a sign of wish fulfillment, too. So perhaps you're wishing you were pregnant, but know that you have to wait for your husband to return. :smile:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    LOL, Pam... and all I'm dreaming about is lions running down the road. What does that mean? :wink:

    I've read that dreaming you're pregnant (because I do that a lot because I'm obsessed...) is often just a sign of wish fulfillment, too. So perhaps you're wishing you were pregnant, but know that you have to wait for your husband to return. :smile:

    LOL - I think it depends on whether you're being chased AND whether you're getting away......LOL My dreams lately have been about my house (except it's not my house, it's an old mansion with rooms that I share with my next door neighbour) - sometimes I'm being chased, sometimes I'm showing the house to's been the same house for the last 6 months or so, but not my house.....LOL
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    It wasn't really chasing anyone. It was just trotting down the street. Everyone moved out of its way, but it wasn't chasing anything. My response was, "Oh, hey. A lion" and then I moved on. Oh silly dreams.
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    HI Everyone!

    I had a great weekend! My inlaws ALL (7 of them) came down to help us on the house! We got a lot done, but still have quite a bit to go.My MIL brought tons of food, and I did my best to stay on track but we will see next week (i'm sure I will see the damage by then). I took my MIL and SIL to zumba with me on Saturday and they really liked it.
    I weighed in on Monday and stayed at 148.0. I have been quite obsessive with weighing myself lately, so I decided to put the scale away until wiegh-in day. It has worked so far... out of sight , out of mind!
    Well, today is my first day back teaching dance after summer break. I was told that all of our classes are full to the max. So I'm excited to see my dancers and have some fun tonight!
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Well, today is my first day back teaching dance after summer break. I was told that all of our classes are full to the max. So I'm excited to see my dancers and have some fun tonight!

    What kind of dance to you teach! I miss dancing...i did dance and cheerleading all thru highschool. Zumba has been a nice replacement...but i won't be able to do it again until next week! :-( until the Jillian is kicking my butt!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Well, today is my first day back teaching dance after summer break. I was told that all of our classes are full to the max. So I'm excited to see my dancers and have some fun tonight!

    What kind of dance to you teach! I miss dancing...i did dance and cheerleading all thru highschool. Zumba has been a nice replacement...but i won't be able to do it again until next week! :-( until the Jillian is kicking my butt!

    I teach Tap, Jazz, Ballet, Hip Hop and Lyrical. I've danced all my life, even thru college earning my BS in Dance. Zumba is about the only dancing I do now, other than teaching. Now I work at a theatre in Detroit in the dance department and sit at a desk all day. :frown: Good luck with Jillian!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hey everyone! sorry I've been MIA all weekend, went out of town and didn't have access to a computer.
    anyway, back to my BCP thingy....sorry I know we've moved on to other topics.....I've been on BCP for close to 3 years now, and when I take a multi-vit with iron, I break thru. (I only figured this out when I stopped taking the multi-vit.) So, I went to a iron-free brand and I don't have any issues now. Since prenatals are mostly iron and folic acid, I'm concerned about taking them at the same time as my BCP in case I have those "complications".
    Jalara - you are saying that it wasn't the iron, but maybe the b-vit?

    Bodies are so confusing!

    Anyway, lost a lb this week even after the weekend out! **doing the dance** :smooched:

    Paldal - I can only imagine how frustrated you must be getting.

    Honestly, having break-through bleeding when on iron doesn't make much medical sense, but more than anything I would say you need to listen to your body. I would take a regular multi-vitamin, and folic acid on the side - and once you are used to that, add in the iron to see how it's tolerated.

    Iron is recommended during pregnancy because your blood supply increases by 1/2 to support all the growth and activity and extra circulation, and it can't do that without iron - iron (Fe) functions as one of the molecules that creates blood - and most women (estimated 85%) are mildly iron-deficient.

    That said, iron is hard on the stomach, and if your body can't handle it, don't force it, but do try. To aid digestion, take it with something rich in Viatmin C, but avoid calcium for 30 minutes on either side. Never take on an empty tummy!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    So it’s been a horrible past few days. I been eating bad, not exercising and not getting enough water. I’ve been an emotional train wreck too. :sad: Poor DH probably thinks I’ve lost my mind. I don’t know what’s wrong with me but I need to snap out of it!!!!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Awww, I think the bad week is going around. Everyone I know is having one. I definitely feel your pain. Hang in there and we can turn this week around. :flowerforyou:
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Today is Wednesday...we're half way thru the week! Hang in there ladies! Boy do i have my work cut out for me for the next few days! I am only working until noon the rest of the week bc my parents are flying in this afternoon! I'm so excited! I haven't seen them since my wedding in March. My family is very close. We lived in the same town since my son was born, and the last 6 months before we moved from FL to CA we lived WITH them. The seperation has not been an easy one. Between my son's birthday tomorrow and his party on Saturday, soccer practices and games, meetings with the wives from my husband's squadron i hope i actually get to SEE my parents!!
    I got up today and did half 30 day shred and the other 30min of my exercise was finishing up cleaning! Trying to push the water...and eat good bc i KNOW we're going to eat out a lot... :-/
  • Mellie13
    I'm not having so hot of a week either! I feel cranky for no reason and I'm wondering if I am preggers since I have a lot of the symptoms. But, I won't find out till next week and am trying not to think about it and get my hopes up!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Geez - glad to know I'm not the only one. My week's been pretty lacklustre too. I know I'm drinking plenty water, but still think I'm dehydrated overall - dayglo yellow is NOT good. Exercise hasn't been good. My only saving grace this week has been that my food choices have been decent. Energy levels are down though.

    My plans for the rest of the week are: mowing the lawn tonight, lane swim tomorrow, gardening on Friday (splitting some of my plants to give away), throwing a garden swap party on Saturday, so that's cleaning like crazy, baking, cooking......but all I want to do is crawl under the covers and sleep until Monday.

    I think I'm also starting to stress about hubbie's surgery next week. It's for the best, but it's still pretty scary.

    Ron - I understand completely...I need to snap out of it too
    Alisia - Exciting!!! Sounds like a busy visit, but it's exciting too when you're close to your family to see them :)
    Mellie - my fingers are crossed. The 2WW is the WORST!!!
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    I know I'm drinking plenty water, but still think I'm dehydrated overall - dayglo yellow is NOT good..

    I have the SAME problem! I feel like i'm drowning myself in water 8-10 glasses most days and STILL bright yellow!!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    I know I'm drinking plenty water, but still think I'm dehydrated overall - dayglo yellow is NOT good..

    I have the SAME problem! I feel like i'm drowning myself in water 8-10 glasses most days and STILL bright yellow!!

    I'm so glad you weren't totally grossed out by it. I sat for a few minutes trying to figure out how to word it.....LOL :drinker:
  • Hopeful4757
    Hi Ladies!!! I am SOOOO disappointed I lost my streak on MFP. I was over 65 days of logging in consecutively and missed it due to my computer being out of commission!! I have yet to catch up on posts, but will when I have a chance. I am currently at the library and they have time limits, so I have to get some other stuff done too. :angry:

    Hope you all are doing okay and had a nice, long Labor Day weekend. I was not great and have been trying to do better this week. It is hard knowing I don't have to log in. It made me make a couple bad choices. So, I hope to catch up with you all soon and have my computer looked at this week. Yay for short weeks! We are more than halfway through.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    First of all I have to say that I love this group. :heart: Everyone here is so supportive and nice that I don’t feel like I’m annoying everyone when I go on about my issues. That being said……I think I finally kicked my bad mood. I’ve been stressing myself out about having enough time saved at work for when we have a baby and about having enough money if I have to go unpaid – and we’re not even TTC yet! :laugh: (can you tell I’m a planner?) And since I’ve been eating horrible and not exercising the past few days it’s just added to my bad mood. DH and I had a long talk last night and my bad mood is affecting him, which is completely unacceptable because he’s nothing but supportive. He helped me see that even if I were to get pregnant now, we’d be in a great position to have a child and there are millions of people who have babies with much less than we have. All we can do now is make sure that I remain healthy and leave everything else to God; things will work out how they are supposed to.

    So I got up early this morning and let Jillian Michaels kick my butt, and DH said he wants to go for a jog with me after work. I planned out my meals for the day and at 10am I’ve already had 32 ounces of water. I’ll be running to the bathroom all day, but I finally feel normal again!!!! :bigsmile:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    First of all I have to say that I love this group. :heart: Everyone here is so supportive and nice that I don’t feel like I’m annoying everyone when I go on about my issues. That being said……I think I finally kicked my bad mood. I’ve been stressing myself out about having enough time saved at work for when we have a baby and about having enough money if I have to go unpaid – and we’re not even TTC yet! :laugh: (can you tell I’m a planner?) And since I’ve been eating horrible and not exercising the past few days it’s just added to my bad mood. DH and I had a long talk last night and my bad mood is affecting him, which is completely unacceptable because he’s nothing but supportive. He helped me see that even if I were to get pregnant now, we’d be in a great position to have a child and there are millions of people who have babies with much less than we have. All we can do now is make sure that I remain healthy and leave everything else to God; things will work out how they are supposed to.

    So I got up early this morning and let Jillian Michaels kick my butt, and DH said he wants to go for a jog with me after work. I planned out my meals for the day and at 10am I’ve already had 32 ounces of water. I’ll be running to the bathroom all day, but I finally feel normal again!!!! :bigsmile:

    I'm so glad to hear that! It's true though that TTC is one of the most stressful things that you can go through, if it doesn't happen immediately. Sounds like your heart to heart really kick started you again, sometimes that's just what we need.
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Ron, I'm glad you have figured out the source of your bad mood, i too am a planner so i know EXACTLY what you mean. I made spreadsheets of budgets for the next like 12mo planning for me to be out of work going to school next semester and then working again next harvest season just until i have our hypothetical baby and then not working again until that baby is old enough for Pre-K...I am going to TRY to be a SAHM (we'll see how that works out) mostly bc it will be much harder to maintain my house with me working full time with one kid in school AND one kid in day care...and day care is so pricey if i decided to just go part time i'd just be working to pay for daycare..and who wants that! So I feel ya!

    However, today is day one (and always the worst day) of PMS...I can already feel myself on the verge of tears for no apparent reason. Well not for no apparent reason, yesterday I found out two of my very close friends here got orders to move to of them is my preggo friend that i've been helping out a lot...we thought everyone was going to go to squadrons here...but no such luck. So i was REALLY emotional last night knowing that their leaving within the next 4-8weeks....Today is my BABY's 5th birthday..and i'm LITERALLY surrounded by babies and pregnant women...Aug 30 a close friend had a baby boy, Sept 3 another close friend had a baby girl, Sept 8 (yesterday) one of the wives in my husbands squadron had a baby girl and this morning my bestfriend (basically sister) gave birth to a baby boy! It's nice having my parents here...but man, i feel all kinds of stressed, jealous and just want to cry....
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Ron - I'm glad you and DH had a chance to discuss things openly - and it's really inspiring that you walked away with renewed determination.

    Alisa - Out of everything you just said, I have the most distant question: what are you taking in school?

    Reading these makes me think that I've not planned enough! I'm normally a planner (although the wedding took up a lot of that time recently). I know that up here we get a really great mat leave (1 year paid of unemployment benefits), but there' still a fairly large loss of wages and lots of expendatures to consider.... and now we have a wedding to pay off. I guess I know what I'll be doing in the coming weeks (after school is settled in anyway).

    This place is awesome!