Fit For Future Families 2



  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Options hubbie didn't quite get it at the beginning, but since we've been trying for so long the response is now.....really, didn't we just do it yesterday? Well if I have to...... nothing quite like TTC to take the spark out of babydancing.....Thankfully since we found out our chances are next to nothing for natural conception (really like 0.002% chance of conception each YEAR), we've gone to a less frequent schedule and the spark is back....but when it becomes a chore......

    Sorry to hear your chances of natural conception are so low. I'm sure it's been frustrating for you. I hope your doctors have a good plan going ahead. :flowerforyou: We're at the "again? really?" point ourselves. Although DH put out a valiant effort of three days in a row this cycle because he apparently doesn't want to get his "stuff" checked.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Oh Alisa, that sucks! I'm sorry you and your son are having to deal with that. Maybe all that scouring can count for some calorie burn?
  • Hopeful4757
    Oh my gosh - I didn't read yesterday and you guys have cracked me up!!

    First off, kennedar - welcome, and I'm sorry about what you went through. I will keep you in my prayers.

    Ron - I seriously got so angry for you reading that. That girl sounds seriously jealous and psycho. I'm sorry you have to deal with that. What a weirdo for sitting there with the chocolate too. It really sounds like middle school crap to me. I'm glad everybody realizes she's a jerk at your work. I also LOL when I read the three times a day thing :laugh:

    Alisa - so sorry you have to deal with that. I like the posting that all that extra cleaning can count as calories! What a positive spin... It will be over soon. What a way to start your school experiences with your son.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Options hubbie didn't quite get it at the beginning, but since we've been trying for so long the response is now.....really, didn't we just do it yesterday? Well if I have to...... nothing quite like TTC to take the spark out of babydancing.....Thankfully since we found out our chances are next to nothing for natural conception (really like 0.002% chance of conception each YEAR), we've gone to a less frequent schedule and the spark is back....but when it becomes a chore......

    Sorry to hear your chances of natural conception are so low. I'm sure it's been frustrating for you. I hope your doctors have a good plan going ahead. :flowerforyou: We're at the "again? really?" point ourselves. Although DH put out a valiant effort of three days in a row this cycle because he apparently doesn't want to get his "stuff" checked.

    Yeah, my DH got his stuff checked by my endocrinologist in 2002. We were thinking of doing clomid for my PCOS to increase our chances and his count was 4M (<20M is considered infertile; average is 150M). He did another test 3 months later (count was <1M) and then we decided to try adoption. We haven't been protecting - well, ever and 8 years later still nothing. I saw my gyno a year ago and he sent my husband for a test (notice how it's been my doctors sending him for tests....LOL) and this time he was at 7M (I swear it was because of his increased zinc levels - he was shovelling down sunflower seeds all day at work because I read somewhere it increased the count) but the other levels were lower than the first.

    He saw the urologist this year and they confirmed varicoceles so the surgery will bring him up to 50% of normal (75M) which is such a huge win for us and puts our chances of natural conception at about 8% per month!!! But I'm done fooling around too and if it doesn't happen by January, we're going for the full fertility treatment of ICSI with the sperm wash. So no matter what happens I'll be pregnant by February/March for sure.

    Moral of the story though: if you even suspect you have issues, up your zinc levels (sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds are both good sources). It is key for sexual health in both men and women - it's sometimes called the sex vitamin. It works on your libido as well as on your hormones. it obviously worked since it more than doubled my husband's count from any previous reading.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Help please!

    So I'm doing a sugar and processed carb clense, which is turning out really well so far. I'm doing it because I went NUTS on th honeymoon with candy, candy and processed foods.

    So tonight, we've been invited to our friends place for Games Night, and one of them is gluten free (like me), and I'm concerned about my will power.

    See, I can handle not drinking ( I do that often anyway), but the gluten-free snacks they'll have - not so much. Snacking with people is normally not a big deal (usually has gluten), but having a specific gluten-free food option that I've not had before (she's the ultimate Martha Stewart who tries new recipes and throws together incredible things) is a little much for me to handle. See, I've not had the courage to try baking and new gluten-free recipes, and I've only been doing this for 2 years - he just found out 4 months ago and now him and his wife are right into figuring out some really good tastes and foods.

    Help! I'm really not sure I can make it without caving on this one.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Jalara, I would try whatever treat your friend has prepared but limit yourself on the amount you take. I know, easier said than done, but taking some will be better than making it completely off limits.
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Jalara - Eat to the point of contentment before you go. That way, you're not hungry and a lot less likly to be tempted to eat. (you could also bring your own veggie platter or something that is okay for you to eat but also to share with everyone) Get the recipes of what looks/smells good and try them after your done with your cleansing.

    I went grocery shopping last night and got lots of healthy snacks...and then to wendy's for dinner. I think, no i KNOW that it was probably a bad idea bc now all i can think about is fast food. I pulled chicken out for dinner...but i just cannot muster up the motivation to cook...maybe a nice lean cuisine for dinner tonight....
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Thanks for the tips - we're starting a nice healthy supper right now, so hopefully it'll go well!

    AlisaToth - try this for the checkien (it's super yummy): Slice the chicken down the middle, and slip in 3 leaves of baby spinach, 1/2 slice harvarti cheese (tomato and herb is my fav) and 1/4 slice of prosciutto - finish with greek spice - it's delishes, low-cal and very decandant. You'll love it - I promise!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    SW = 268.6
    Week 4 Weight = 255.1 (-2.4 lbs)
    Week 5 Weight = 255.1 (0.0 lbs)
    Week 6 Weight = 252.9 (-2.2 lbs)
    Week 7 Weight = 253.5 (+0.4 lbs)
    Week 8 Weight = 250.8 (-2.7 lbs)

    But I'm still not as good with water as I should be. I was at my parent house all day yesterday and only realized at dinner time that the last time I'd had something to drink was at breakfast. Yesterday, for me, was the worst day yet. I had a crappy breakfast, no lunch, 2 coffees and then, because we were all home and hence it was a "party" according to my Mom, dinner was gigantic. The only saving grace for that dinner was that I had lots of calories to spare, so I think no harm, no foul, but I won't be doing that every day.

    Plus I did kind of have a 5 minute work out - my sister and I decided to take the 4 dogs in the house (my two, my parents and hers) to the dog park and when I got my two monsters out of the car, the promptly attempted to bolt so it was a 5 minute mini resistance training with me trying to get them back in the car. I seriously thought they were going to win....they've never acted like that before so I'm not impressed. Thinking about taking them back for training again.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    SW: 204
    LW: 165
    CW: 165.5

    Up half a pound this week. :grumble: I went out to eat twice this week which is probably what killed me, but I thought I had balanced it out enough with exercise. Obviously not. :frown:
  • chelleim
    SW: 277
    LW: 260
    CW: 259

    Earlier in the week I was down to 257 but this weekend was rough, especially yesterday. WE had a family get together at our house with lots and lots of food. I tried to be smart but I ended up grazing quite a bit all evening instead of actually sitting down and eating a meal. Here is to making up the ground this week.

    I am sticking with the same goals as usual: at least 10 glasses of water per day, exercising at least 5 days per week and trying to stay under my calorie goal. I need to stick with the same goals and make sure they become habit!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    I made out pretty good last night at the Games Night - I was pleased with myself :)

    LW 218.6
    CW: 218.2 - down 0.4lbs

    And I am so so happy with the loss - because I had actually gained on the honeymoon and nto recorded it, so I'm super pleased to have put myself back on track - yay me !!

    This week I will be maintinaing my sugar clense (another 9 days) and making it to the gym 3 times (I was successful last week). Also, school starts on Saturday for me, so I'm looking forward to that!
  • kennedar
    kennedar Posts: 306 Member
    Morning ladies

    So this is my first weigh in since I started MFP. I am using a different scale so it is not completely accurate, esp since the old one was not digital, but I am down 1.6 pounds!!! I am at 185.4 which is totally awesome!! Plus our new scale has a body fat %. I had mine tested at the gym about 6 weeks ago and it was showing 44%, today the scale showed 36.8%. I know that most of the difference is due to a different scale, but a part of it has to be from actual weight loss. I am so happy!

    We are off to look at show homes with my inlaws, and then they are coming over for dinner. I am making a slow cooker chicken with roasted potatoes, cauliflower and a big salad. I should be able to stay close to my calorie intake, plus climbing stairs all day should help as well, although I do not log those ones.

    DH and I have decided to take the remainder of the month off from actively TTC. We will keep BD'ing every other day, because that has always been our schedule but no more temping and OPK's. I am going to forget what day we are at and everything else TTC related. Hopefully that helps with my stress levels!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Alright ladies, I'm officially changing my weigh in day to Monday. I don't know what i did this weekend but i did something right cuz i'm down those last few ounces to break my platue! Down a full pound (even tho technically it's been 9 days since my official "weigh in") Pretty excited and REALLY motivated! Got a busy day of cleaning today! My parents are coming in on wednesday so heavy cleaning/scrubbing today and then light cleaning tomorrow. I know while they're here we're going to eat out a lot so hopefully i will behave and make good food choices! My son's birthday is this weekend too so i know i'll be indulging in some cupcakes and a hotdog at the party.
    My goals this week are to contiue to snack between smaller meals. Water Water Water, which could be hard bc i'll be home and out with my folks a lot (it's a lot easier to drink water sitting at a desk then it is laying arond my house)
    *edit - DUH forgot my ACTUAL weigh in!

    SW: 146.6
    LW: 139.2
    CW: 138.2 <-1.0>
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    My weight went up slightly today, but I think that's because I'm bloated and my period is about to show. On to month 9 of TTC, I guess... :sad: However, I don't think we'll really be trying this month since we have a huge Halloween party every year and it would be too soon to announce and very obvious if I kept turning down drinks.

    SW: 139.9
    CW: 138.8

    Still, I've lost a pound since I've joined which is very nice and I am excited that I get to keep it up and hopefully get closer to my goal, though I haven't done a great job of working out this weekend, but hopefully I'll get back on track today.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I no longer know what my last weigh-in weight was... and am too lazy to scroll back through... sorry.

    I'm at 150 (back up half a pound... but it was a very salty, travel-filled weekend, so I'm hopeful it's not all on my hips yet...)

    Good luck to everyone this week!
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    Good Morning All!

    I had a GREAT Labor Day weekend, however, AF arrived last week and into this week. I'm a little concerned because it started on Sept. 1st and is still going strong. :( I'm it's gone by tomorrow and the hubby and I decided to TTC for a second month. I'm hoping we're successful this next month.

    SW: 192
    CW: 178 (I'm yo yo-ing between 179 and 178)
    GW: 150
  • paldal
    paldal Posts: 154
    Hey everyone! sorry I've been MIA all weekend, went out of town and didn't have access to a computer.
    anyway, back to my BCP thingy....sorry I know we've moved on to other topics.....I've been on BCP for close to 3 years now, and when I take a multi-vit with iron, I break thru. (I only figured this out when I stopped taking the multi-vit.) So, I went to a iron-free brand and I don't have any issues now. Since prenatals are mostly iron and folic acid, I'm concerned about taking them at the same time as my BCP in case I have those "complications".
    Jalara - you are saying that it wasn't the iron, but maybe the b-vit?

    Bodies are so confusing!

    Anyway, lost a lb this week even after the weekend out! **doing the dance** :smooched:
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Hey everyone! sorry I've been MIA all weekend, went out of town and didn't have access to a computer.
    anyway, back to my BCP thingy....sorry I know we've moved on to other topics.....I've been on BCP for close to 3 years now, and when I take a multi-vit with iron, I break thru. (I only figured this out when I stopped taking the multi-vit.) So, I went to a iron-free brand and I don't have any issues now. Since prenatals are mostly iron and folic acid, I'm concerned about taking them at the same time as my BCP in case I have those "complications".

    You could probably just take a regular multi-vitamin and a separate folic acid supplement so that you aren't increasing the iron. The folic acid is the reason they recommend women take prenatals before they're pregnant since it's so important to the formation of the neural tube. They sell it individually OTC.
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    So today is day one of no caffiene. I bought some herbal decaf tea over the weekend and am trying this out so that i can count my tea as water ;-) Took a few days off from Jillian since i stayed pretty busy scrubbing and studying...but was back at it this i never thought i could do something indoors that literally makes me DRIP sweat!
    I had a dream last night that i was pregnant. I was very upset because my due date was in May (somehow in my subconcious i knew when my due date would be...bc seriously if i was pregnant right now my due date actually WOULD be in may!) and my husband isn't scheduled to return from deployment until mid-august at the earliest! It was one of those "real" dreams...i was so torn between excitment and dissapointment... :-/ Maybe i should stop eating little snacks before bed...always end up with CRAZY dreams!
    Today, one of my very close friends finds out the gender of her baby. I'm so excited for her! I feel like i'm waiting to find out the gender of my own baby! (her husband will deploy same time as my husband and her baby will be very very young so i'll be helping her out a lot)