Fit For Future Families 2



  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    ron2282: That's horrible! Some people spread malicious gossip for one reason...... more than likely shes jealous of you. So, hold your head up high and be proud of your progress because you're doing an excellent job staying healthy. This may be a tactic to derail you off your healthier habits.
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Ron: Seriously! I would be talking to management about that. It is one thing to not like someone, it is completely another to start rumors about that person! That is SERIOUSLY unprofessional and uncalled for. Good for you for trying to ignore it, but from what i understand you've had issues with the people you work before...I would say something...but that's just me.

    This morning was not kinda, VERY dissapointing...I was REALLY looking forward to this weeks weigh in bc i was eating good all week, i started a new work out routine...i was READY to break this plateu...yeah. GAINED .2oz....So, i decided this would be good timing to just eat good and keep workin gout all weekend, and change my weigh in's to Monday. give myself a few more day. Maybe today was just a bad scale morning...
  • kennedar
    kennedar Posts: 306 Member
    Ron: What a horrible person! I can not believe anyone would spread that kind of rumor after the age of about 16! Hopefully most people in your office realize that it is not true.

    I second the recommendation for fertilityfriend. It helped me diagnose and treat our underlying fertility problem without having to wait to see a doctor. While it seems like most of the ladies here are early in their journey, if you start to get frusterated, I found temping to really help. The ladies on FF are wonderful and super supportive as well. Its well worth the $5 we pay each month for it!
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    ericaroo/kennedar: Thanks for letting me know about FF looks like a really great site!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Apparently there is a rumor going around at work that the only reason I’m losing weight is because my husband is disgusted by me and threatened to leave me if I don’t. :noway: :grumble: Are you kidding me??? I have a pretty good idea who started it – for whatever reason this one person finds something wrong in everything I do. At first I was really upset, but I refuse to let it get to me. In fact, I feel really bad for her that her life is so miserable that she has to resort to being so immature. Aaahhhh – sorry, had to vent!!!
    OMFG people are so ridiculous! What a horrible rumor for someone to start - human deciency people - jeesh!:explode:
    I'm sorry that someone put a downspin on your tremedous accomplishment - you have my support, respect and admiration.

    Have you spoken to her, or will you?
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    ron2282: That's horrible! Some people spread malicious gossip for one reason...... more than likely shes jealous of you. So, hold your head up high and be proud of your progress because you're doing an excellent job staying healthy. This may be a tactic to derail you off your healthier habits.

    My thoughts exactly!!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Weighed in this morning...and.... DOWN .6 lbs! :bigsmile:
    I have been really discouraged lately and eating terrible! This rental house really makes it hard to eat at a decent time of night and healthy!
    Still no AF, going on 5 months off the depo....I'm kind of over the waiting, but I think I am beginning to accepted that it will happen when Gods says its time. So it just gives me more time to meet my goals and get this house rented! But I still think I am going to check out fertilityfriend.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Still no AF, going on 5 months off the depo....I'm kind of over the waiting, but I think I am beginning to accepted that it will happen when Gods says its time. So it just gives me more time to meet my goals and get this house rented! But I still think I am going to check out fertilityfriend.

    Wow! That's a long time with no AF! I imagine you've talked to your doctor... but if not, they can give you prometrium to get you jump started so you have the chance to start ovulating again. Fertilityfriend won't be much good to you until AF shows. :grumble:

    Also, congrats on losing more weight. Any little bit helps! :smile:
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Still no AF, going on 5 months off the depo....I'm kind of over the waiting, but I think I am beginning to accepted that it will happen when Gods says its time. So it just gives me more time to meet my goals and get this house rented! But I still think I am going to check out fertilityfriend.

    Wow! That's a long time with no AF! I imagine you've talked to your doctor... but if not, they can give you prometrium to get you jump started so you have the chance to start ovulating again. Fertilityfriend won't be much good to you until AF shows. :grumble:

    Also, congrats on losing more weight. Any little bit helps! :smile:

    Thanks; yeah I have an appointment on the 15th to see what she says. Hopefully she can do something! My DH is just as impatient as I am, saying, " I hope it doesn't take much longer." That doesn't help. :grumble:
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    DHs are horribly annoying and clueless when it comes to TTC... at least mine is and so are the husbands of 10 other girls I'm friends with who are going through the same thing. :laugh: I think the problem is that we were all told so many times when we were younger that it just took one time without protection and you'd be in trouble. Well that's just not true in the vast majority of cases and so now they just don't know what to believe.

    I hope your appointment gets you some answers!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Thanks ladies, you made me feel a lot better. :bigsmile: Thankfully most of the people in the office know my husband because he used to work there too (that’s how me met), so no one really believes her. I wasn’t going to say anything to her because I’m a big baby and don’t like confrontation, but I actually overheard her telling another coworker! I hung back for a second because I wanted to hear a bit more. The person she was talking to said she didn’t believe her for a second and that she needs to stop spreading lies. I finally walked over to her and said that I have no idea what I ever did to make her so upset with me but she’s acting completely unprofessional and childish. If she has a problem with me she needs to tell me not spread lies. She got really defensive and walked away without giving me a reason or an answer. We used to get along fine, but as soon as DH and I started to plan our wedding and bought our house she started to change, and it just got worse when I began to lose weight. I’ve always tried to be really nice to her because I know she’s having trouble in her marriage. I even told her about MFP because she was trying to lose weight. She never joined but she was doing great for a while and then just stopped. Her weight is none of my business but she sits across from me and yesterday she was eating a chocolate bar and saying “mmmmm…this chocolate is sooo good. Do you want some? Oh, I forgot you can’t have any.” I really want to request a move, but we just had a big seating change and she’s only been sitting across from me for 3 days. I know my supervisor won’t approve it since we have no empty seats so I’d have to switch with someone and it’s a big pain to transfer our computer files. Oh well, such is life right? I posted the Serenity Prayer above my computer and I’m buying a better set of headphones this weekend. I’m just considering this God’s way of trying to make me a better person. :laugh:

    Oh wow, that’s a long post! :blushing: Sorry ladies, and thanks again!!!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    DHs are horribly annoying and clueless when it comes to TTC...

    My DH thought that when we start TCC we're going to do the baby dance 3 times a day. :noway: :huh: Are you kidding me???? I set him straight on that subject real quick! :laugh: :laugh:
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    ron2282: your last comment made me LOL. Isn't just like men! hahaha
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    My DH thought that when we start TCC we're doing to do the baby dance 3 times a day. :noway: :huh: Are you kidding me???? I set him straight on that subject real quick! :laugh: :laugh:

    Hilarious! We're lucky if we have the energy for every other day during the fertile time... :yawn:
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    My DH thought that when we start TCC we're doing to do the baby dance 3 times a day. :noway: :huh: Are you kidding me???? I set him straight on that subject real quick! :laugh: :laugh:

    Ron: When the Hub and I started talking about when we would start TTC i told him we were going to do the baby dance everyother day and he was like "wow...that's A LOT more than we're used to, are we going to be able to do it that often??" HaHa Not that he wasn't excited, but we both have very stressful, draining jobs and rarely have the energy to go at it more than once or twice a week!
    Also, do you work in a call center? That sounds like pretty typical call center behavior to me! (I worked in a call center for almost 5 years...I was ready to pull my hair out by the time i quit)

    **Edit: Ericaroo: Glad we're not the only ones! :-)
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    My DH thought that when we start TCC we're doing to do the baby dance 3 times a day. :noway: :huh: Are you kidding me???? I set him straight on that subject real quick! :laugh: :laugh:

    Ron: When the Hub and I started talking about when we would start TTC i told him we were going to do the baby dance everyother day and he was like "wow...that's A LOT more than we're used to, are we going to be able to do it that often??" HaHa Not that he wasn't excited, but we both have very stressful, draining jobs and rarely have the energy to go at it more than once or twice a week!
    Also, do you work in a call center? That sounds like pretty typical call center behavior to me! (I worked in a call center for almost 5 years...I was ready to pull my hair out by the time i quit)

    **Edit: Ericaroo: Glad we're not the only ones! :-)

    I work at the welfare office. :ohwell:
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    My DH thought that when we start TCC we're doing to do the baby dance 3 times a day. :noway: :huh: Are you kidding me???? I set him straight on that subject real quick! :laugh: :laugh:

    Ron: When the Hub and I started talking about when we would start TTC i told him we were going to do the baby dance everyother day and he was like "wow...that's A LOT more than we're used to, are we going to be able to do it that often??" HaHa Not that he wasn't excited, but we both have very stressful, draining jobs and rarely have the energy to go at it more than once or twice a week!
    Also, do you work in a call center? That sounds like pretty typical call center behavior to me! (I worked in a call center for almost 5 years...I was ready to pull my hair out by the time i quit)

    **Edit: Ericaroo: Glad we're not the only ones! :-)

    You guys have me laughing so hard. My DH was and still is so totally confused. He couldn't figure out why we had to be sure to do it a certain time of month, just couldn't comprehend the timing of ovulation. Now he is even more confused, and keeps asking when we are going to "start doing it every other day again". I am like, seriously?!?!? Now you get the every other day thing, after I get prego???? I am telling you, you cant win with these guys!!!

    Have a great weekend everyone.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Now he is even more confused, and keeps asking when we are going to "start doing it every other day again". I am like, seriously?!?!? Now you get the every other day thing, after I get prego???? I am telling you, you cant win with these guys!!!

    :laugh: Men... :noway:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Now he is even more confused, and keeps asking when we are going to "start doing it every other day again". I am like, seriously?!?!? Now you get the every other day thing, after I get prego???? I am telling you, you cant win with these guys!!!

    :laugh: Men... :noway: hubbie didn't quite get it at the beginning, but since we've been trying for so long the response is now.....really, didn't we just do it yesterday? Well if I have to...... nothing quite like TTC to take the spark out of babydancing.....Thankfully since we found out our chances are next to nothing for natural conception (really like 0.002% chance of conception each YEAR), we've gone to a less frequent schedule and the spark is back....but when it becomes a chore......
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    So...the 30 day shred just became the 29 day shred. :grumble: I sadly didn't get to do it today. My son came home from school (week 2 of kindergarden!!) with head lice...ewwwwwwwwww so i have spent the last few hours scouring his head, his bed, his room, my bed, my room....YUCK! I would rather deal projectile vomit and other "gross mommy jobs" then to EVER have to do this again!!! Gag! I am totally optimistic about jumping back on the band wagon tomorrow! Plus more cleaning/scrubbing/scouring and making sure that every potential "louse" breeding ground is eliminated!!!