Maintenance Thread



  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Ooh, a 25k that's impressive.

    I convinced a friend to sign up for a 5k for St. Patty's Day. We're going to get a bunch of people to do it. I want to set a PR for that distance!
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    I have been on Maintenance with MFP for about 3 months. My maintenance goal is 133-138. Immediately after Christmas I was about 138 and then I dropped down to about 133. That part is fine. I prefer to stay in the 135-138 range. I prefer it when I am a little more "curvy." I know you can't control exactly where on your body you are going to lose the weight from, but someone mentioned that they can see the ribs on my back. You certainly can't see them in the front. That's for sure! My BMI is well within the healthy range and I feel energetic and fine. However, I am wondering if, in fact, I may look better at a slightly higher weight.

    My exercise routine is mostly walking. I tried a short hike earlier this month and did pretty well. In a month or 2 I will add swimming. I also do some home workouts and general exercise -- sit ups, push ups, squats -- that sort of thing.

    I log on daily and am strict about getting as close to my calories and always pay attention to my proteins, fats and sugar grams. I'm ok with all of this. But when, exactly, do you know that you are at that Happy Weight? I am still unclear. Thanks, everyone, for your suggestions and remarks!
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Suddenly it's all very hard!

    I found I had dropped below my target weight of 121 lbs, so I didn't want to go any further (I weighed the same in High School!), so put the calories up to maintenance. Now I have the extra calories I just want to snack all the time! I suspect TOM is partly to blame, but also I can't get my head around being on maintenance and feeling HUNGRY.

    Shouldn't I be feeding that hunger, if I don't want to lose more? Or is it not actually hunger but food lust?
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Barbie an Moriyaj, I am the wrong person to be replying...I just changed my goal, AGAIN! I am back down to 122 and I looked in the mirror and liked what I saw. I understand the curvy part. I think being too skinny is as unattractive as being overweight. I have a friend and she is just too thin and I don't want to look like her. I think if you are feeling strong and healthy then you are probably good but if you are feeling too thin, try allowing a couple extra and see. I would base it on how you feel not what others say. One last thought on that. I do think that the older we get the better we look not being our high school weight. Having a bit extra to keep the girls a little more perky and filling out a few of those wrinkles is good. I think it is sort of sad to see someone who has lost a lot of weight quickly and they look 10+ years older! I think I could be that way a bit. I have new wrinkles that I am sure are from the looser skin.

    As for being hungry, I have come to appreciate that what I thought maintenance was and what it actually is are two very different things. I thought I could eat the way I did before but the truth is the way I used to eat is what put the pounds on. If you feel too thin then upping the calories is a great idea but maybe you changed your ratios. I know that if I do not eat enough protein and veggies, I feel hungry. When I have extra calories what I want are the carbs but that leads to a nasty cycle. Allowing treats just triggers the cravings for more sweets. Watch your sodium and sugars. Truth....I haven't figured it out either so my advice is of little value.

  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Thanks, Donna, that does help. I have been back to the biscuits and it really isn't good for me. I hot flushed today! Kept under my calories though :)
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    As for being hungry, I have come to appreciate that what I thought maintenance was and what it actually is are two very different things. I thought I could eat the way I did before but the truth is the way I used to eat is what put the pounds on. If you feel too thin then upping the calories is a great idea but maybe you changed your ratios. I know that if I do not eat enough protein and veggies, I feel hungry. When I have extra calories what I want are the carbs but that leads to a nasty cycle. Allowing treats just triggers the cravings for more sweets. Watch your sodium and sugars. Truth....I haven't figured it out either so my advice is of little value.

    you totally just spoke right to me with i worked out hard because i had a snow day and i had extra time so i figured i better not waste it...after 3 full meals and a couple of snacks i still had over 600 calories left so i thought what the heck i've been wanting no-bake cookies now is a good time to make them...what did i proceed to do? eat like 6 cookies (less than 90 cal each so i didn't totally screw myself, but still)...if only i would've grabbed something good with protein or even an apple or veggies i would've been so much better off...not 'rewarding' myself for a good workout with food that is not-so-good for me is a constant battle...even if it is within calories it doesn't help the scale go down (or even stay where i want it to for that matter)
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    opps double post!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    When I am on a diet, my body gets used to the calories and doesn't make me that hungry. As soon as I start eating a little more, something in my body wakes up and says "She's going to feed me again. Yeah! Let's tell her we're really hungry so we can eat, and eat, and eat." At least that's what it feels like. :laugh:

    I know after I did my Ironman, I deliberately took Dec. off and went pretty easy in Jan. too. But for Dec., I was still feeling hunger as if I was exercising 10 hours a week. I had to deliberately be a little hungry a few days in a row in order for my body to adjust to only make me as hungry as it needs to be. Once I did that, it seemed to get back on track though.

    The other thing is, I just got one of those BodyMedia FIT things. I haven't worn it for quite a week yet but I've worn it enough to know that my daily calorie burn, not counting exercise, varies by as much as 200 calories a day! Well, if you eat 200 calories a day more than you need, that's .5 pound a week gain! This is one reason why I try not to get too excited if I go over my calories one day as long as it balances out over a 3-4 day period.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    When I am on a diet, my body gets used to the calories and doesn't make me that hungry. As soon as I start eating a little more, something in my body wakes up and says "She's going to feed me again. Yeah! Let's tell her we're really hungry so we can eat, and eat, and eat." At least that's what it feels like. :laugh:

    This was definitely what the 1st couple of days were like! Hopefully calming down now. I wonder, does it happen at every weight, or just when you've slimmed down?
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member

    The other thing is, I just got one of those BodyMedia FIT things. I haven't worn it for quite a week yet but I've worn it enough to know that my daily calorie burn, not counting exercise, varies by as much as 200 calories a day! Well, if you eat 200 calories a day more than you need, that's .5 pound a week gain! This is one reason why I try not to get too excited if I go over my calories one day as long as it balances out over a 3-4 day period.

    That's why I like the weekly tracking on mfp... I can see it usually evens out.

    I also wonder if my jobs (teacher and mum) are more active than I realise. I set my activity at the same as a nurse because I'm on my feet a lot of the time, as a nurse would be, but I've always lost more weight than mfp predicted.
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    I have really been thinking of the Bodymedia or Bodybugg. I would love to know what I really burn.

    After reading Barbie's reply, I did something a bit weird. After shoveling heavy snow I was dripping with sweat so took a shower. After, I really took a close look at my naked body and to be honest, I was shocked. I didn't know I was this thin. My hip bones protrude forward, my shoulders are really bony and I can even see my ribs across my chest above my (sagging:wink: ) breasts. My butt, which I always imagine as HUGE, is really quite flat and nicely rounded. I would love for me legs to be more toned but really , they were not that bad. The only part I thought was still to big were my saddlebags, but I also realize that losing more weight isn't going to change that, only exercise can tone that up. I need to accept that I am a pear so my lower body is just plain bigger than my upper body but if I lose 7 more pounds, I think I might be too thin.

    I have been back an forth on this "ideal weight" thing so many times it is making me crazy!!!

  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hello all, I am guilty of not posting for a while :embarassed: January was a strange month for me with my weight going up from 119 to 124 pounds at one point (I started to panic then!!!) but pleased to report that I have things back under control (I hope!!!) and now at 120.5 pounds PHEW ....... nearly at goal weight again :happy: Its nice to see so many people on the thread, well done :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Hello all, I am guilty of not posting for a while :embarassed: January was a strange month for me with my weight going up from 119 to 124 pounds at one point (I started to panic then!!!) but pleased to report that I have things back under control (I hope!!!) and now at 120.5 pounds PHEW ....... nearly at goal weight again :happy: Its nice to see so many people on the thread, well done :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Barty, I have a feeling that is just how maintenance is. When MacMadame said that her range in an average day can be as much as 200 calories (using the body bugg), I realized that even with logging and our best estimates, we still need to monitor and adjust as needed. I think it will be normal to over indulge for a bit and then have to cut back for a bit.

    Happy to hear you are coming back down. I can understand the "panic". My greatest fear is gaining it all back!! We all know people who have done it! It can happen. Being diligent just needs to be a way of life from now on.

  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Thanks DeeDee, Totally agree with you, I just don't seem to have the same willpower that I did when I was losing the weight :sad: today I have had a candy meltdown :grumble: will try real hard to get back on track tomorrow :smile:
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    I am having a "rough day," with this maintenance stuff. I know that I will never re-gain 80+ pounds. No way, no how. But I really miss "eating." It has been far too long since I've indulged in my favorite foods. I miss them. It seems like the only things I really want to eat have way too much of one or more of the following: saturated fat, sugar grams, or sodium. The best, of course, have all 3!

    I know that it would be perfectly okay to go to an Asian buffet, or any buffet, on an occasional basis. It won't kill me and I think I could handle it with portion sizes and making "better choices" -- even at the buffet. But I would feel strange eating that way again. I don't dislike my new way of eating. I don't hate it. But I do so enjoy thinking about food. Will this feeling ever pass?

    Just wondering?
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    About being too skinny at goal weight... If you still have other areas that have fat, it might redistribute. That happened to me. I was bony on top, my ribs were showing and my spine but my thighs and belly were still a bit fat. I thought that this was just the way it would be as I wasn't willing to lose more given how boney I was on top. But over the next year, my thighs and tummy got smaller and my ribs and spine disappeared back into my body. Thank goodness!
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Help! I'm shrinking!

    I'm trying to maintain at 55kg (bmi 20.2), but the scales jumped from 55.5 to about 53.5kg (bmi 19.7). If a bmi of 20-25 is the optimum to conceive, I really don't want to be below it. Equally though, trying to 'fatten up' on purpose seems really bizarre after always trying to lose.

    I was still losing at the suggested 1670 maintenance calories, so I changed my profile to active rather than lightly active, so I have 1810 to play with.

    What would you do?
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    Mori - that sounds like a good plan! You don't want your BMI dropping into the unhealthy range. At about 1800 calories you are still following a food/exercise plan, but you are encouraging a modest gain. Sounds wise at this point. Let us know how it works.

    It's also good to hear that your weight may redistribute given time. Too skinny and bony is not a very healthy or attractive "look" either. We all want to look toned and thin, but not gaunt and weak. It's such a difficult balance I'm afraid. Not an exact science -- that's for sure!
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    About being too skinny at goal weight... If you still have other areas that have fat, it might redistribute. That happened to me. I was bony on top, my ribs were showing and my spine but my thighs and belly were still a bit fat. I thought that this was just the way it would be as I wasn't willing to lose more given how boney I was on top. But over the next year, my thighs and tummy got smaller and my ribs and spine disappeared back into my body. Thank goodness!

    That is good to hear. Maybe working on toning for a bit longer and then seeing what I look like! Redistributing would be great!
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Help! I'm shrinking!

    I'm trying to maintain at 55kg (bmi 20.2), but the scales jumped from 55.5 to about 53.5kg (bmi 19.7). If a bmi of 20-25 is the optimum to conceive, I really don't want to be below it. Equally though, trying to 'fatten up' on purpose seems really bizarre after always trying to lose.

    I was still losing at the suggested 1670 maintenance calories, so I changed my profile to active rather than lightly active, so I have 1810 to play with.

    What would you do?

    I think increasing is a good idea. When I was in my 20's I was having a hard time conceiving after my first child...I had gotten too thin. I worked on gaining and conceived. Then we wanted another baby and I was down to 102. After a year of trying, I finally decided to focus on gaining some weight back. I was eating really healthy so it was sort of hard. I had to focus on things like almonds and Valencia peanut butter to increase my calories. When I reached 112, we conceived. The sex hormones are fat soluble. Basically, you need to have some fat in order for the hormones to travel from the Pituitary gland to the ovary.

    Being too thin is not good for a will need some stored fat for milk production if you plan to breastfeed as well.

    It is hard but part of how we are wired as women.
