Team UK - September10



  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member

    Thanks Beebee and Nikki for your lovely comments on the dresses :) I'm excited! The wedding is in March so still 6 months to go :)

    Congrats on your weight loss Nikki! Great start. I always feel a bit disheartened by how much more weight men can lose hehe damn gender-related-slower-metabolisms!

    I've had a bit of a disheveled week since I started back at work in Birmingham on Wednesday. Last time I was there I lived on ready meals (the new asda ones with more veg and fresher style food) since there is very limited fridge space and cooking utensils but this time I bought a small frypan and stove-top steamer so I'm happy not to have to have ready meals! I do still have to shop daily though but it means I get an hour of walking even if I don't feel like it haha!

    I can't believe how cold it has gotten like overnight! Winter is definitely on the way.

    Take care everyone xx
  • I've lost 8lb so far this month. I stalled for a week which made me feel like crap. Just glad it has started coming off again :smile:
  • lilmissy - well done you! I like the getting the walk in even if you don't feel like it! Very good idea!

    Morianna - well done on your loss!!

    I still can't weigh in until november but I keep on going xxx
  • psmith64
    psmith64 Posts: 102 Member
    Bumping to read later
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    I can't believe how cold it has gotten like overnight! Winter is definitely on the way.

    Very true! Was freezing in here on Saturday night (to a point that my ex and I ended up cuddled up under a blanket just to stay warm!!!! LOL). Mum told me that her outdoor thermometer dipped to 2degC so yes, winter is def on the way and I need to wear coats every day now. Last night I had to turn the shower right up just to get warmth back into my bones. Hoping to use exercise and healthy eating as a way to defeat my S.A.D this winter. The knee injury meant that my exercise suffered last week so I didn't lose but hoping that things pick up soon and I'll be back on the 30day Shred tomorrow.

    Hope everyone's doing ok x
  • TMLS
    TMLS Posts: 125 Member
    Month's still going well for me, a week after hitting the September goal my thoughts are now turning to the October one. 10 lbs I think it'll be, which would also mean I'd achieved my next "big" goal to be 17 stone by my wedding. Dare I change that to 16 and a half?
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Hi just had a quick read through since last checked in, there's been some fantastic weight loss, reaching goals early, new size clothes, and lovely wedding dresses t'bout well done everyone, its so inspiring to read.

    I'm checking in for end of September. Reached my goal of some weight loss for this month. Think I said I was happy to lose anything as it was coming off slowly - actually managed 2 lb off this month - hooray!! Lost half inch off waist and hips and 1% down on fat - yipee :bigsmile:

    Close to my goal now, then I'll see how much more I need to lose. So next month would be nice to lose about the same as this month so we shall see.

    Keep posting folks and good luck :heart:
  • TMLS
    TMLS Posts: 125 Member
    Is there an October thread yet? Can't seem to find one.
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    there will be an October one just aint got round to setting it up yet. Had alot on yesterday.

    Will set it up now

    Have a good weekend
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Bought myself some new jeans and bras today in a smaller size, only problem is I now feel fat because my clothes 'fit' instead of feeling loose :grumble:
  • Anyway its getting cold now :indifferent: drinking again tonite.. ARGH !!!!!!!!!!!.... used my calories as Liquid... Argh...... . My life is so "FUNKY"""".... still love my work outs.. thank GOD AT LEAST I HAVE THAT !!!!! :love: ....... If not I'd be a basket case PROPER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...... :huh:
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