Texting in Movie Theater



  • trinitylyons01
    trinitylyons01 Posts: 126 Member
    All in all I do not see that a man was shot for using his cell phone. The altercation that ensued between the two men ended in the shooting. Their were rules against both bringing the phone into the theater or using it there AND having weapons in the theater. It appears that rule breaking and ego's were responsible for this death.

    Apparently he WAS shot for using his cell phone during the previews. The angry ex-cop went to get a manager to complain about the guy texting but instead came back with a gun and shot him. Sounds like it was over the cell phone, which is absolutely uncalled for. The man with the phone was trying to explain why he was texting. The cop wasn't having it and left and got his gun.

    Yes, it is rude to use cell phones during a movie. It's a lot less rude during the previews but still annoying. The bottom line is a man was shot and killed over it. He didn't deserve that. NO ONE deserves that. We can sit here all day and talk about how people need to be respectful in movies but that is NOT the point. A man died people! Another man thought it was appropriate to shoot a man because he was texting inappropriately. Wow!

    In any event, in answer to the main question people should not text during movies because it can be distracting. With my old phone the light was dim and no one really knew because I would put my phone in my purse if I HAD to text (family emergency or quick question). My new phone could actually light up a dark theater. Because it is so bright I would have to cover myself with my coat to text without anyone seeing it. So, I just won't use it during a movie. That being said, I can personally deal with texting at any point during a movie because I ignore it. That goes double for the previews.

    So, it is probably a good idea NOT to text. However, we shouldn't have to fear being shot if we need to send a quick text - especially before the movie starts. (And I love previews too guys!)

    But, as someone brought up it boils down to following the rules. If the theater says don't use the phone we should NOT use the phone. Rules should apply to all of us. That goes double for NO WEAPONS!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    previews I guess doesnt bother me......but people just can't stay away from their phones for nothing...sad really

    Definitely pathetic. I am amazed at how much money people spend on it.
  • Timmmy40
    Timmmy40 Posts: 152 Member
    Texting during the previews. Who cares. The guy didn't deserve to die. I hope the old murder goes to prison for the rest of his life. I do not like people texting at inappropriate times either, but shooting him.
  • 1ZenGirl
    1ZenGirl Posts: 432 Member
    It's the "me only" attitude and "I don't care about anyone else" society that we live in. I see it all the time!!

    That comment can apply to the texter as well as the disturbed movie goer. :flowerforyou:
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    I always chuckle when people excuse their bad behavior with "I have kids."

    Really? Wow! You actually have children?! What a rare and freak occurence. Not many people have to deal with that. You're so special and brave!

    Just wait until you are on the receiving end of a call or text that your child has been in a serious crash and you need to get to the emergency room immediately. And you didn't even know he was out. Life happens. Technology exists. I'm glad it does.

    Oh good gravy....just QFT, please?

    I'm happy for technology, but I'm not going to sit here and justify rude behavior. Besides if there's an emergency, I should be the LAST person to call. Call 911, get them to the hospital and situated and THEN call me.
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    during the previews.

    i fail to see any problem with this.

    Some of us actually enjoy watching the previews and pay as much attention to them as to the movie itself. Just because you don't doesn't make it not a problem.

    If you are paying such close attention to the screen, how does someone typing on their phone catch your eye?

    I have never been bothered by people quietly texting in a movie. Now, if their is an audible sound, that may bother me.

    Great for you, my husband can see it, and then he OCD's out on it, which then causes him stress and anxiety, which then spikes his blood pressure, which then causes a migraine to develope which can be so debilitating he can lose sight in his right eye. It IS a big deal for some people.

    But I'm sure some little text conversation was more important than my husbands being able to enjoy a movie he's been looking forward to for months without putting his health at risk.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I always chuckle when people excuse their bad behavior with "I have kids."

    Really? Wow! You actually have children?! What a rare and freak occurence. Not many people have to deal with that. You're so special and brave!

    "No see you don't understand. I have children. Ever heard of them? So no, it's not important that you get to enjoy the movie you paid to see. What matters is that I am a parent and none of you understands what that's like. It's simply not possible for us to sit and quietly watch a movie. We must remain in constant contact in case the child needs medical treatment, which he does every time we leave the house for 2 hours. You just have to understand, I'm a parent which makes me more important than you."

    I have a kid. I've shut off my phone and had people say to me "But what if something bad happens to Mutant Face?" I say, "I hope they get her to a hospital! If there's a medical emergency I'm really not the first person you should go to, I'm not a doctor."

    Dear parents, if you're so worried your kids won't survive the 2 hours you're at a movie theater, you probably shouldn't go anyway.


    or if you can't put your life on hold for kids (because let's face it- in order to not be that rude parent who takes their screaming wretched young everywhere- sometimes YOU have to sacrifice things- including going to a movie.)
    If I had kids, I would never turn my phone off. What if there is an emergency? Silent/vibrate, sure, but completely off? No. As long as it isn't making noise, it shouldn't concern anyone else

    can I make a point here.

    Emergency? seriously? if someone is watching your child they should be competent enough to know how to deal with most major emergency's.
    Dial 911
    Perform CPR
    Basic First aid.

    I got certified to sit kids when I was a teen (why I have no idea- but whatever- we all make mistakes when we are young) and you had to be certified to give CPR and basic first aid and know how to contact authorities- next of kin if parents can't be contacted- things like that.
    Just wait until you are on the receiving end of a call or text that your child has been in a serious crash and you need to get to the emergency room immediately. And you didn't even know he was out. Life happens. Technology exists. I'm glad it does.

    really? what are you going to do? they are going to be in surgery- or out cold- or dead. magic 8 ball says if they are in a serious medical emergency they aren't waiting for you.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I'm amazed at the number of people in this thread justifying their rudeness.

    "A list of prohibited items and behavior in their theaters are on the theater website. Among them: no cell phone use, including texting, in the theater auditorium. And no weapons allowed."

    Old nut brought a gun to the theater even though it's specifically prohibited. Rules didn't apply to him I guess. Very rude.

    No one is saying what he did was OK. It absolutely was not. But the question in the OP was "is it OK to text during a movie?"

    The question was prompted by the incident, but was not a question ABOUT the incident. No one who is sane thinks shooting someone for texting during a movie is justifiable homicide. It is not.

    But it is STILL rude to have your phone out and in use in such a situation. If you do it, you're a jerk.

    So why are you not a jerk for violating the other rules the theater has in place? It's the same mentality you mentioned earlier. The "me only" I believe it was. "I know I'm not allowed to bring my gun it but I'm going to anyway." Why is that less wrong or less selfish? I say if you bring prohibited items to the theater you're a jerk.
    What rules of the theater have I violated? I go in, turn my phone to silent and put it away, then sit quietly and watch the movie. If someone is disturbed by that behavior, that person has some serious issues.

    Anyone who violates any rules (which are in place to not disturb others who have paid to watch the movie) are jerks. But right now we're discussing cell phone use.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member

    Also, who texts when a child has been in an accident? Is there no scenario these days where someone might actuall use a phone as a phone? "Ur kid n crash, lol *smiley face*" I mean seriously.

    The police call. I had my phone with me. I wasn't at the movies at the time, but I wasn't home either. I'm glad I had a phone. I was able to get to first the scene of the accident, and then follow the ambulance.

    Of course this isn't the likely scenario why people are texting in a movie. But it's the main one why I'll never be without a phone. It's on silent, it's in a pocket, but it's with me.
  • Timmmy40
    Timmmy40 Posts: 152 Member
    What can you expect from them Crazie Floridians...

    The guy is probably from New York or New Jersey!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    during the previews.

    i fail to see any problem with this.

    Some of us actually enjoy watching the previews and pay as much attention to them as to the movie itself. Just because you don't doesn't make it not a problem.

    If you are paying such close attention to the screen, how does someone typing on their phone catch your eye?

    I have never been bothered by people quietly texting in a movie. Now, if their is an audible sound, that may bother me.

    When they're in the row directly in front of me, the light is distracting.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    If you are paying such close attention to the screen, how does someone typing on their phone catch your eye?

    because it's something out of the ordinary in an otherwise very dark room. I notice it all the time.. 90% of the population are completely oblivious to lots of things- thanks for proving the point they are situationally unaware of EVERYTHING.

    I'll confess I've done it a handful of times- but I try really hard not to- and it's usually "I'm in a movie- I'll get back to you"

    and I try to cover the screen. ... I also REALLY hate that little blue light blinking telling me I have a message- so I often just physically put my phone in a pocket or hide it so I can't see said blinking blue light.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Too many ridiculous arguments in this thread for why it's OK to leave your phone on during a movie. Like you're somehow more entitled to go the movies, even though you can't unplug during that time, than the rest of the patrons who want to enjoy the movie in peace.

    People like that are why I just don't go to the theaters anymore. I think the last movie I saw in theaters was back in 2010. I haven't missed it one bit.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    People like that are why I just don't go to the theaters anymore. I think the last movie I saw in theaters was back in 2010. I haven't missed it one bit.

    I went to see Gravity. I think we saw it in 3D.

    I hated it- it was awful- the seats sucked- and the theater was packed with idiots. I go maybe 2 x a year- it's nice to make a night of it- but I really have more fun at home.
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    If you are paying such close attention to the screen, how does someone typing on their phone catch your eye?

    because it's something out of the ordinary in an otherwise very dark room. I notice it all the time.. 90% of the population are completely oblivious to lots of things- thanks for proving the point they are situationally unaware of EVERYTHING.

    I'll confess I've done it a handful of times- but I try really hard not to- and it's usually "I'm in a movie- I'll get back to you"

    and I try to cover the screen. ... I also REALLY hate that little blue light blinking telling me I have a message- so I often just physically put my phone in a pocket or hide it so I can't see said blinking blue light.

    There must be a happy medium between being able to focus on a movie and being completely unaware of your surroundings.

    Also, I do not think I have ever texted in a movie.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Worse than phone usage is the people who bring very young children to very inappropriate movies and continue sitting there while their children make noise and sometimes run around.

    Some idiot woman had a young child at Hall Pass. It was a horrid movie, but it also had graphic sex and nudity. The little girl constantly whined about needing to use the bathroom and the mom just sat there. And that's only one of many examples. Almost every movie we go to (NOT children's movies, by any stretch) has some idiot with a small child. Even if we go to a late movie.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    during the previews.

    i fail to see any problem with this.

    Some of us actually enjoy watching the previews and pay as much attention to them as to the movie itself. Just because you don't doesn't make it not a problem.

    If you are paying such close attention to the screen, how does someone typing on their phone catch your eye?

    I have never been bothered by people quietly texting in a movie. Now, if their is an audible sound, that may bother me.

    Great for you, my husband can see it, and then he OCD's out on it, which then causes him stress and anxiety, which then spikes his blood pressure, which then causes a migraine to develope which can be so debilitating he can lose sight in his right eye. It IS a big deal for some people.

    But I'm sure some little text conversation was more important than my husbands being able to enjoy a movie he's been looking forward to for months without putting his health at risk.

    I hope your husband is on some type of medication for this. A little cannabis will calm him down as well as increase the enjoyment of the film. (Depending on what state you're in, of course :wink:)
  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    As soon as I enter a movie theatre I turn off my phone and keep it off until the movie is over. If you need to keep in contact with someone then maybe you should just stay home where you'll be more accessible and not interrupt others.

    Good advice, but make sure your gun has a bullet in the chamber so you can start shooting as soon as someone else does something that annoys you.

    I'm shocked at the amount of people on this thread that think they need to take a gun to a movie theatre. They are part of the problem.