Texting in Movie Theater



  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    If you are paying such close attention to the screen, how does someone typing on their phone catch your eye?

    because it's something out of the ordinary in an otherwise very dark room. I notice it all the time.. 90% of the population are completely oblivious to lots of things- thanks for proving the point they are situationally unaware of EVERYTHING.

    I'll confess I've done it a handful of times- but I try really hard not to- and it's usually "I'm in a movie- I'll get back to you"

    and I try to cover the screen. ... I also REALLY hate that little blue light blinking telling me I have a message- so I often just physically put my phone in a pocket or hide it so I can't see said blinking blue light.

    There must be a happy medium between being able to focus on a movie and being completely unaware of your surroundings.

    Also, I do not think I have ever texted in a movie.

    I am quite certain that I haven't. I paid for mobile service for a number of months and decided it wasn't worth the expense. But I am with you on this one, Doorki. I think people need to medicate for their OCD.

    (I generally find *any* movie is better if I medicate right before I go in. :smokin:)
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    During the previews? Fine text away but after that movie starts it is a douche move. It isn't that much to ask for either. People are like freaking zombies theses days, always fondling their preciouses.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I'm shocked at the amount of people on this thread that think they need to take a gun to a movie theatre. They are part of the problem.

    That's rich. :laugh:
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    I am quite certain that I haven't. I paid for mobile service for a number of months and decided it wasn't worth the expense. But I am with you on this one, Doorki. I think people need to medicate for their OCD.

    (I generally find *any* movie is better if I medicate right before I go in. :smokin:)

    My husband watched Blade II "medicated", and thought it was an amazing movie.....until he saw it again unmedicated.

    Seriously though, medications for OCD only do so much, he can't control his OCD, people can put their phones away, unless they're clinically OCD about their phones. :tongue:

    Oh, and Texas, so NO chance of it getting legalized, seriously considered it while in California though, it treats the OCD, the blood pressure AND the migraines, but NOOOOOO :grumble:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    My husband watched Blade II "medicated", and thought it was an amazing movie.....until he saw it again unmedicated.

    That clears up so many things for me about why there is so much crap out there and how it's possible that so many people love it.
  • sweetmelissa222
    sweetmelissa222 Posts: 290 Member
    Personally, when I go into a theater I set my screen to dim and put my phone on vibrate. Sometimes I stick it in my purse, sometimes I put it in my pocket. If I ever notice it going off, I glance at who the message or call is from. I don't have to unlock it to do so and it takes half of a second. If it is something I need to deal with, I exit and respond. I'm less diligent during the previews because there are already a number of distractions with people walking in and out and the opening of candy and whatnot.

    I think it is insane to excuse answering text messages or calls in a theater because you have children. I completely agree that your phone should be on (vibrate or silent of course) and you should definitely take the call or respond to texts, but do so outside of the theater. Date nights/ childless nights are few and far between and every parent deserves them and also deserves to know that if something happens to their child, they can be reached quickly, but that isn't an excuse to be rude to others who have paid $10+ a ticket.

    We have a theater that is 18 and older, the seats are plushy, there are waiters who serve gourmet food and wine. It's a wonderful way to experience a movie in a really nice environment. It has always been a positive experience. We also have a single screen theater that is all slanted floor seating. For whatever reason, both of these theaters seem to demand a certain demeanor from attendants. I tend to pick and choose when I will sacrifice the experience at a regular theater because I know, inevitably, there will be someone talking, kicking the back of my seat, allowing young children to see movies far beyond their years or using their cell phone.

    The only time I really enjoy a crowded theater is when a horror movie opens because let's face it, there is nothing better than hearing a crowd react. It just makes the movie better.

    Overall, I love my cell phone. I use it all the time. I have it on me at all times. I've always prided myself on being that friend or family member that you can always reach when you need them. I don't, however, expect others to deal with that responsibility and I certainly don't aim to negatively impact anyone else's experience. Anyone who thinks that a bright as hell screen in the line of sight of others in a dark theater is not distracting is either completely oblivious or knowingly rude.

    End note, apparently I missed something about guns and shooting people because they annoy you. That's clinically insane. Seriously.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    As soon as I enter a movie theater I turn off my phone and keep it off until the movie is over. If you need to keep in contact with someone then maybe you should just stay home where you'll be more accessible and not interrupt others.

    Good advice, but make sure your gun has a bullet in the chamber so you can start shooting as soon as someone else does something that annoys you.

    I'm shocked at the amount of people on this thread that think they need to take a gun to a movie theater. They are part of the problem.

    Shootings always happen where their is no guns allowed. JS
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member

    Also, who texts when a child has been in an accident? Is there no scenario these days where someone might actuall use a phone as a phone? "Ur kid n crash, lol *smiley face*" I mean seriously.

    The police call. I had my phone with me. I wasn't at the movies at the time, but I wasn't home either. I'm glad I had a phone. I was able to get to first the scene of the accident, and then follow the ambulance.

    Of course this isn't the likely scenario why people are texting in a movie. But it's the main one why I'll never be without a phone. It's on silent, it's in a pocket, but it's with me.

    Why are you in a movie if you're so concerned that at any minute you might need to be first on the scene of your child's accident? That's pretty irresponsible of you. You probably should be sitting in your car, with it running. Seeing as you're so hypervigilant about safety.

    But you shouldn't go to the movies. They have rules about using your phone. You should just wait for the DVD.

    Ohhh you don't want to go to that extreme, do you? You still think you should be able to go to the movies whenever you'd like, it's just everyone else who should have to put up with you using your phone.

    Sorry, if being at a movie and away from your child for 2 hours worries you that much, don't go to the movies.

    You're acting like going to a movie with a phone in your pocket on silent/vibrate that will 9.9 times out 10 will not go off is a huge crime.

    Not one time did this chick say she sits in front of you playing ping ball and tweeting bout the movie. She didn't say she constantly text or checked her phone. She said it was with her but not 100% off.

    And it's not about worry, genius, it's about being there for your kid when they need you. But whatevs....

    I am going continue being the jerkface with a phone in my pocket that will mostly likely not go off and bother the perfect movie goes, such as yourself.

  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    I'm shocked at the amount of people on this thread that think they need to take a gun to a movie theatre. They are part of the problem.

    That's rich. :laugh:
    I know, right?!
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    As soon as I enter a movie theatre I turn off my phone and keep it off until the movie is over. If you need to keep in contact with someone then maybe you should just stay home where you'll be more accessible and not interrupt others.

    Good advice, but make sure your gun has a bullet in the chamber so you can start shooting as soon as someone else does something that annoys you.

    I'm shocked at the amount of people on this thread that think they need to take a gun to a movie theatre. They are part of the problem.

    I think I am the only one. Your post is ridiculous of course. As I posted earlier, your phone has killed as many people as my gun, and no one has ever seen it at the theatre. Can the same be said for your phone? And btw, I have a permit and have never seen a "no gun" notice at the theatre's I attend. Please save your politics for an appropriate opportunity.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member

    Also, who texts when a child has been in an accident? Is there no scenario these days where someone might actuall use a phone as a phone? "Ur kid n crash, lol *smiley face*" I mean seriously.

    The police call. I had my phone with me. I wasn't at the movies at the time, but I wasn't home either. I'm glad I had a phone. I was able to get to first the scene of the accident, and then follow the ambulance.

    Of course this isn't the likely scenario why people are texting in a movie. But it's the main one why I'll never be without a phone. It's on silent, it's in a pocket, but it's with me.

    Why are you in a movie if you're so concerned that at any minute you might need to be first on the scene of your child's accident? That's pretty irresponsible of you. You probably should be sitting in your car, with it running. Seeing as you're so hypervigilant about safety.

    But you shouldn't go to the movies. They have rules about using your phone. You should just wait for the DVD.

    Ohhh you don't want to go to that extreme, do you? You still think you should be able to go to the movies whenever you'd like, it's just everyone else who should have to put up with you using your phone.

    Sorry, if being at a movie and away from your child for 2 hours worries you that much, don't go to the movies.

    Oh, come on. That's not what I said and you know it. The simple fact is that things can go wrong. Bad things do happen. And if there's technology to mitigate it, good. It's not about being hyper vigilant. It's kind of like a seat belt. I wear one. I hope I'm not in a car accident, but if I am, I'm glad I have one on.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    Seriously though, medications for OCD only do so much, he can't control his OCD, people can put their phones away, unless they're clinically OCD about their phones. :tongue:
    As someone who deals with mental illness issues with several family members, I feel for your husband; I really do. But see, the thing is, he's the one who has the problem, so if being in a situation where you can't control everything around you (like jerks being jerks, 'cause it's gonna happen) is going to set you off, you really need to just avoid that situation. It's incumbent upon you to change your behavior.

    It kinda sucks, but them's the breaks. Life is hard. Wear a helmet.
  • ajaxe432
    ajaxe432 Posts: 608 Member
    previews I guess doesnt bother me......but people just can't stay away from their phones for nothing...sad really

    Definitely pathetic. I am amazed at how much money people spend on it.
    Guilty as charged and I pay 100 plus a month....I could pay for 30-40 dollars on other phones, lol
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    As soon as I enter a movie theatre I turn off my phone and keep it off until the movie is over. If you need to keep in contact with someone then maybe you should just stay home where you'll be more accessible and not interrupt others.

    Good advice, but make sure your gun has a bullet in the chamber so you can start shooting as soon as someone else does something that annoys you.

    I'm shocked at the amount of people on this thread that think they need to take a gun to a movie theatre. They are part of the problem.

    I think I am the only one. Your post is ridiculous of course. As I posted earlier, your phone has killed as many people as my gun, and no one has ever seen it at the theatre. Can the same be said for your phone? And btw, I have a permit and have never seen a "no gun" notice at the theatre's I attend. Please save your politics for an appropriate opportunity.

  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Oh, come on. That's not what I said and you know it. The simple fact is that things can go wrong. Bad things do happen. And if there's technology to mitigate it, good. It's not about being hyper vigilant. It's kind of like a seat belt. I wear one. I hope I'm not in a car accident, but if I am, I'm glad I have one on.

    But if you receive a call or text that is an emergency you need to deal with, are you going to sit in your seat and respond and go back and forth or are you going to get up and leave to deal with said emergency? Because if you are just sitting in your seat talking (yes, people actually answer their phones and have conversations during movies) or texting back and forth, it is NOT an emergency and you need to put your GD phone away.

    Since the people we're talking about are usually sitting in their seat texting back and forth (or in some cases holding lengthy conversations), I don't think there is an emergency in progress.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Oh, come on. That's not what I said and you know it. The simple fact is that things can go wrong. Bad things do happen. And if there's technology to mitigate it, good. It's not about being hyper vigilant. It's kind of like a seat belt. I wear one. I hope I'm not in a car accident, but if I am, I'm glad I have one on.

    But if you receive a call or text that is an emergency you need to deal with, are you going to sit in your seat and respond and go back and forth or are you going to get up and leave to deal with said emergency? Because if you are just sitting in your seat talking (yes, people actually answer their phones and have conversations during movies) or texting back and forth, it is NOT an emergency and you need to put your GD phone away.

    Since the people we're talking about are usually sitting in their seat texting back and forth (or in some cases holding lengthy conversations), I don't think there is an emergency in progress.

    I dunno, looks like people are getting bent out of shape if there is a phone simply brought into the theater that hasn't been powered down, because even silent won't suffice.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Oh, come on. That's not what I said and you know it. The simple fact is that things can go wrong. Bad things do happen. And if there's technology to mitigate it, good. It's not about being hyper vigilant. It's kind of like a seat belt. I wear one. I hope I'm not in a car accident, but if I am, I'm glad I have one on.

    But if you receive a call or text that is an emergency you need to deal with, are you going to sit in your seat and respond and go back and forth or are you going to get up and leave to deal with said emergency? Because if you are just sitting in your seat talking (yes, people actually answer their phones and have conversations during movies) or texting back and forth, it is NOT an emergency and you need to put your GD phone away.

    Since the people we're talking about are usually sitting in their seat texting back and forth (or in some cases holding lengthy conversations), I don't think there is an emergency in progress.

    I dunno, looks like people are getting bent out of shape if there is a phone simply brought into the theater that hasn't been powered down, because even silent won't suffice.
    How can anyone be upset about something they don't even know is there?
  • ajaxe432
    ajaxe432 Posts: 608 Member
    As soon as I enter a movie theatre I turn off my phone and keep it off until the movie is over. If you need to keep in contact with someone then maybe you should just stay home where you'll be more accessible and not interrupt others.

    Good advice, but make sure your gun has a bullet in the chamber so you can start shooting as soon as someone else does something that annoys you.

    I'm shocked at the amount of people on this thread that think they need to take a gun to a movie theatre. They are part of the problem.
    You win the ignorance award! Congrats!
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    You're acting like going to a movie with a phone in your pocket on silent/vibrate that will 9.9 times out 10 will not go off is a huge crime.

    Not one time did this chick say she sits in front of you playing ping ball and tweeting bout the movie. She didn't say she constantly text or checked her phone. She said it was with her but not 100% off.

    And it's not about worry, genius, it's about being there for your kid when they need you. But whatevs....

    I am going continue being the jerkface with a phone in my pocket that will mostly likely not go off and bother the perfect movie goes, such as yourself.


    If it's so important that "you're there for your kid whenever they need you", what are you doing in a movie theater without them?

    At least you cop to it. You're a jerk. You're rude. You think you're more important than other people because you had children.

    It doesn't take a high horse to be above you. A hamster would suffice.


    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I can already see you are not worth the argument... I've been called worse, honey.
