Pregnancy 2010 - September



  • souldancer
    Hang in there ladies, breastfeeding, is the best you can give your child.
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    We got the rest of our maternity pics. Here's the link:
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    PrePreg Weight: 191.0
    Current Weight: 187.0

    Anyone else loose weight in the begining? I am really trying to eat at lest 1500-1800 calories a day, but the lbs keep dissapearing?
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I've heard that some weight loss for women happens. Have you been really sick? I worked with a girl who gained 1 lb her entire pregnancy. She said she ate normal and she was a bigger girl to start with. I wish I could say the same I've gained 7 lbs and should have only gained about 2 by now.

    I have noticed my nausea is going away and I am getting more energy. I am 10 weeks now, I wasn't expecting it until about 12. Sounds normal from what I read on the internet. Hope so.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    I am loosing as well, the first 5 weeks I was trying to loose weight then I found out I was pregnant and stopped the 1200 cal a day diet. I bumped it up to 1700 for a week then my doc said I needed 2000 - 2500, I bumped it up to 2000 but can rarely eat it. I am still loosing, down 14 lbs from pre pregnancy weight. Some days I can only eat about 1300 while others I may go over 2000 but still under 2500, I just go with what my body wants and as long as I am not gaining loads of weight I'm not worried.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I am also starting to feel more energetic and less nauseated. I still have to eat or I get nauseated, but it isn't quite as bad it seems.

    As far as breastfeeding goes. It can be difficult. BUT it is a wonderful experience. The first week as your nipples get toughened up it is a little painful--or can be a lot but it goes away quickly after that. Breastfed babies tend to be healthier as they get antibodies from the moms to help prevent sickness. Breast milk is also more easily digested which is why the babes need to eat a little more frequently. However that first month I use that as an excuse to do nothing but hold that cute baby. They grow up too fast in my opinion, and you need to take advantage of every moment you get, especially at the littlest tiny stage! I have also never had constipation problems with my two kids, where my SIL's and friends who have used formula have had major issues.

    As far as pumping at 3 weeks, 4 oz sounds just about right to me. At three months I was pumping 6 oz when going 12 hours without nursing.

    I have a medela pump. I bought it for work, I absolutely love it! I had a little hand pump with my daughter, it was much cheaper and was good for occasional use, like once a month, but if you are going to be pumping daily I would recommend an electric double pump, it is really fast, and easy to use.

    Once you get the hang of nursing it is no big deal! It takes about a month to get used to it all. And for your milk supply to adjust, I would recommend carrying an extra shirt for yourself that first little while...:blushing:
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I have the worst swollen gums, and they are so painful too. I'm going to my dentist tomorrow for a cleaning. I take really good care of my teeth and just got out of braces a year ago, so it bothers me that they hurt so bad. I've put thousands of dollars into my mouth over the past 3 years, I don't want it all messed up. AGH:sad:

    I did not have this with the last one.
  • seestellarun13_1
    seestellarun13_1 Posts: 33 Member
    So happy I found you lovely, pregnant ladies! Finally! I have been searching for something exactly like this forum since the beginning of my pregnancy. I reached my goal of 120 lbs through FitnessPal (under another acct) and just monitoring the weight gain, so I can get back on track once our son is born. Today I'm 19w1d, due January 31st! Anyone else close to that due date?

    Re: breast feeding/pumping
    Anyone able to breast feed after a breast augmentation? I had one 7 years ago. I really want to breast feed but have a notion that since I have had no SERIOUS breast tenderness I may not be able to. I was told at the time of my surgery because where the incisions are (around aereola) that I may not be able to...

    Angela - your pics are so cute!

    ckmama - I found you on 'The Kitchen Table'! Are you still eating clean? I just started today. Feeling great!

    Can't wait to get more acquainted with you ladies!
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Welcome, mfish! There are some really great ladies here! I am 10 weeks behind you, I'm at 9 weeks and 2 days :smile:
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    can i join
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    So happy I found you lovely, pregnant ladies! Finally! I have been searching for something exactly like this forum since the beginning of my pregnancy. I reached my goal of 120 lbs through FitnessPal (under another acct) and just monitoring the weight gain, so I can get back on track once our son is born. Today I'm 19w1d, due January 31st! Anyone else close to that due date?

    Re: breast feeding/pumping
    Anyone able to breast feed after a breast augmentation? I had one 7 years ago. I really want to breast feed but have a notion that since I have had no SERIOUS breast tenderness I may not be able to. I was told at the time of my surgery because where the incisions are (around aereola) that I may not be able to...

    Angela - your pics are so cute!

    ckmama - I found you on 'The Kitchen Table'! Are you still eating clean? I just started today. Feeling great!

    Can't wait to get more acquainted with you ladies!

    First of all... Welcome!
    I don't think that breast augmentation will affect your ability to nurse. My coworker had the surgery in 2004 or 2005 and she had a baby and nursed in 2007. She too was worried that she would not be able to but there were no problems at all. I think you will be fine, just give it a shot as that is the only way you will know for sure.
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Had my OB appt today, just over 1cm dialated and 50% effaced. Having a lot of contractions, doc says she thinks he'll come some time this week! YAY! :-)

    On the down side I found out I have pregnancy induced carpel tunnel causing fun numbness in three of my fingers on my right hand. *sigh
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    That is awesome.

    not the carpal tunnel.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I wish I could say I was still eating clean, but the past few weeks have been a mess. I've found this week has been much better, i've been able to cook and actually stand the site of meat. So we'll see. Glad your here.
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    can i join

    Of course!! Welcome!
  • seestellarun13_1
    seestellarun13_1 Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome!

    mwilson & all - So exciting! This journey we are embarking on sure is amazing. I've enjoyed every second of it. Congratulations to all of you :)

    sherijimenez - A friend of a friend didn't have any problems either. Crossing my fingers!

    ckmama - I am in my 2nd trimester. I promise you during my first I didn't want anything but club soda, pretzels, saltines and french fries. I couldn't stomach much else! Try to get back on once the sickness has subsided, if you can. Feels so good to be eating so healthy for me and the little one!
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Feel so uggh today, already lost the liter of water I drank. :sick: Eating some dry cereal hoping to get it under control. If not soon I want to head home for the day and crawl in bed. Hopefully just 3 more weeks of this to go! I hate food, I haven't exercised, gosh I just want to feel good again. :cry:
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member

    Sorry didn't have much time to introduce myself yesterday! But didn't want to lose the group! I've been looking for a pregnancy thread! I had one back when I first got pregnant but it died out! So I'm excited to see you girls in here chatting away!! My name is Kim, I'm 26 yrs old, and expecting my first little one Nov 24th! I'm 29 wks. I was just diagnosed with gestational diabetes last week, so I am on a special diet and checking my blood sugar 4 x a day. So I need all the support I can get! I have been on mfp for almost two years! I didn't get too far the first year ;( but jan this year I started losing and sticking to it. I lost 22 pounds by april. However, I also got pregnant! So things have def changed alot! I've gained 30 pounds! Alot of it was my own fault. I went from eating a strict deit to eating whatever I wanted so I gained quickly! However for about a month now I've been eating better and not gaining as much. I've actually lost a couple of pounds since being on the GD diet. This baby was a complete suprise for me and my bf. He's still in school and we were planning on waiting a few more years. But we couldn't be happier about it now! It's a boy, his name is Darron Jr. We will call him DJ. Well, we already call him DJ!

    Nice to meet you girls!!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Welcome MissKim! I had GD with my last pregnancy. I lost weight in my last trimester too and actually left the hospital with a flatter stomach than I started the pregnancy. Unfortunately as soon as I could eat what ever I wanted I gained that lost weight back, and am afraid I may be on that same path again. Once I can actually think of food again I am going to start the diet again. See if I can avoid a diagnosis, and be healthier! For the sake of honesty I felt the best later in my pregnancy while on the GD diet--it is amazing how even levels of blood sugar can make you feel!

    I threw up the glass of water I had this morning, not a fun way to start my day. Now I am already worn out and the day is just starting. I can't remember the last time I was this sick in the morning. Usually it hits me in the evening. My dd (7yrs old) had a very hard time getting to school this morning too. That really didn't help any either! What a day!
  • seestellarun13_1
    seestellarun13_1 Posts: 33 Member
    Welcome MissKim - we have a junior on the way too! Sean Jr., we are planning on calling him SJ :)

    @ sherijiminez & debnu1 - Hope you gals start feeling better!