What is "too skinny" for you?



  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    I use BMI as my guideline for myself. If I went below the normal range, I would consider that "too skinny." As far as what I find attractive on other people, I think that depends on the individual. I definitely prefer a fit look with some muscle tone over a skin-and-bones look.
  • I think skinny is sexy
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Most of us know the difference between healthy skinny and unhealthy skinny. A strong (with some muscle definition), vital body with healthy, fresh skin and eyes that show mental balance is pretty attractive if you ask me, regardless of body type.
  • Ha! Trick question! You can never be too skinny!
  • Abi198111
    Abi198111 Posts: 76 Member
    If I weigh less than 125 lbs, I look like a well groomed meth head with inexplicably good teeth. That's too skinny.

    This ^^^
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    I'm literally confused about this. I usually like chubby, curvy girls, but there are just a few I actually like (famous people I like physically: Drew Barrymore, Rose Mc Gowan, Scarlett Johansson, they're not too skinny, and they've got curves, but they're also not what you would ever define "fat"). Sometimes I even appreciate heavier girls, who are definitely overweight, instead than normal weight or skinny girls. But I guess that's just because I'm overweight myself, so I can relate to them, because every now and then I feel like everyone looks so fat and if also wonderful famous women look fat then where's hope for me? I think that my mindset plays a huge role in this.
  • BrettWithPKU
    BrettWithPKU Posts: 575 Member
    At 6' 1.5", my weight goal is 205.
    Unless I become a big time long-distance runner, I doubt I'd ever want to weigh below 190. I play some rough sports and need to keep some bulk.
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    MagicalLeopleurodon Posts: 623 Member
    Personally, me in high school. Anything below about 110lbs. If i can see ribs through the back of my shirt. Id my elbiws look like doorknobs. If i fit in a size 3. If i get lightheaded walking my dogs. If my thighs dont touch. If i lose my dimple.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    If I weigh less than 125 lbs, I look like a well groomed meth head with inexplicably good teeth. That's too skinny.

    I am 5'6.5" and I looked like that at 140 and even worse at less. I was aiming for 150 originally, but glanced in a mirror recently and thought my face was looking to thin so I changed it to 155. I can work on toning at this weight and my bf% is 26% which is within healthy limits.

    Too thin? There's a girl where I work whom I expect to pass out from hunger every time I see her stand up. She looks painfully thin to me and she really is unsteady on her feet sometimes. I just want to tell her to eat something all the time and I struggle to keep my mouth closed.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    I'm 5'9" and built like a linebacker (big hands, big feet, wide shoulders, small breasts, etc), so when I graduated high school at 170lbs I probably could have gone to 160 but not much lower. I've since had a baby so I have no clue if I could even get down to that anymore, but 170 is my ultimate goal weight....we'll see how that goes.

    I tell people I'm built like a running back, because I played RB when I was a little girl. I quit when the boys stopped keeping their hands to themselves, if you know what I mean. At 5'6.5" I'm too short to be a linebacker. LOL!
  • The_Aly_Wei
    The_Aly_Wei Posts: 844 Member
    I have yet to see a woman that is too skinny in person...males are too skinny in my opinion as soon as they make me look fat.
  • john062
    john062 Posts: 38 Member
    If I weigh less than 125 lbs, I look like a well groomed meth head with inexplicably good teeth. That's too skinny.

    LOL love this answer
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I didn't really know where to put this question, anyways.

    I know BMI's and charts , I am asking about the look. At what point, a person looks unattractively thin to you? Could you give examples from people I might find by google(celebrities?)

    Thank you.

    I know these are forums and we like to "discuss" different topics, but I can't see how it's an appropriate discussion to bodyshame people, to the point of posting pictures to say, "Sorry. Not attractive."

    This. Having been accused of 'being too skinny' even though I am at a healthy BMI for my frame and height, I object to this post.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I didn't really know where to put this question, anyways.

    I know BMI's and charts , I am asking about the look. At what point, a person looks unattractively thin to you? Could you give examples from people I might find by google(celebrities?)

    Thank you.

    It *totally* depends on the individual. For me, less than 20% BF would be way too skinny, even though it's perfectly healthy for a woman to be that low.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Well I'm not afraid to answer this honestly. I see women and think they are "too skinny" when their elbows are protruding bones, when their thighs are so thin they bow inwards from their knees and hips, and when you can count their ribs when they aren't sucking their stomachs in.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    I have yet to see a woman that is too skinny in person...males are too skinny in my opinion as soon as they make me look fat.

    Sadly, I see girls walking around campus (large university) on a regular basis that I suspect are suffering from EDs.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    Marilyn fluctuate weight, but was VERY small during most of her films.

    She was so tiny that this man had trouble finding mannequins SMALL enough to fit her clothes. He said she was like Kate Moss, with more bust up top.


    She was just sexy as hell and very well proportioned, which gives the appearance of being fuller. But best believe, MM was an extremely slender woman most of her famous life.
  • I think that celebrity wise, Nicole Richie is too skinny, but Christina Aguilera circa 2002 is about perfect.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    To answer the OP, I very seldom think people are too skinny. Sure there are those who are dangerously thin, but that's an exception, not a rule.

    I actually think that the opposite is true. Because we've gotten so fat in the States (and upcoming in other countries) the perception of "normal" has radically shifted. Today's "skinny" person can often be classified medically as overweight. I'm not talking extreme obesity here, or even being "fat" either. I think we are becoming accustomed to seeing excess fat on our bodies to the point that being "just" 10-15 lbs overweight is expected and very typical now.

    I think we're at the point that people who have actual very low fat bodies, that are NOT celebrities, are starting to be accused of being "too" thin/skinny/lean.

    A couple studies have shown that people these days, by and large, tend to significantly:

    Underestimate how much they eat.
    Overestimate how much bodyfat they're carrying.

    Evidence of that can be seen on this board when you see women claiming they'll look "anorexic" in a size 8 and average height dudes who think they'll resemble a "skeleton" below 180lbs.
  • Slrajr
    Slrajr Posts: 438 Member
    For me, I don't know! I've never been there, probably because I like eating too much:)