White Wheat Bread ?



  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Civilization was built on bread and beer.

    Eat it all you like assuming you don't have a wheat allergy or Celiac disease. It will not make you fat.

    There is a difference between bread and beer in the older times and what they are today. -_-

    What's the difference between the bread I make, from scratch, every week and what my ancestors made exactly? Other than that I use a food processor with a dough paddle.

    Your modern wheat is the offspring of several generations of ancient wheat which makes it not-wheat, and then you put it in a food processor which makes it processed food, and process food is bad because SCIENCE!


    Well hell.

    Thanks Obama. :grumble:
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    You shouldn't be eating wheat in general. I'm a hypocrite when it comes to that as of now though. Lol.

    Why not? Assuming a person doesn't have a gluten allergy?

    One reason is that it contains gliadin and if you aren't familiar with what that is I suggest you look into it.

    oooo another boogeyman ….giladin…

    if this is so bad for us how is that everyone that eats wheat is doing just fine?

    Yeah, totally... that's why lots of people are overweight. Wheat is in almost everything processed today.

    People are overweight because food is readily available and we eat too much of it while not moving enough.

    I think it's a bit more than just having the food there and not moving enough. Food can be an addiction and what do we crave when we're down, stressed or tired? Processed food aka wheat based + sugary processed crap (that's delicious)! Wheat isn't the same as it use to be, it is full of crap now.

    lets just clarify that is your opinion and is not grounded in fact whatsoever...
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Eat what you like. Bread and wheat is just the latest victim of the internet fear-mongering hype machine. It's perfectly fine for the general population who do not have a sensitivity to it. Your white bread may not have as much fiber as the whole grain variety but hopefully you're eating enough vegetables that it should matter. Same goes for white rice, white pasta, etc.

    ^^^^ all of this, plus log the calories carefully.
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    You shouldn't be eating wheat in general. I'm a hypocrite when it comes to that as of now though. Lol.

    Why not? Assuming a person doesn't have a gluten allergy?

    One reason is that it contains gliadin and if you aren't familiar with what that is I suggest you look into it.

    oooo another boogeyman ….giladin…

    if this is so bad for us how is that everyone that eats wheat is doing just fine?

    Yeah, totally... that's why lots of people are overweight. Wheat is in almost everything processed today.

    People are overweight because food is readily available and we eat too much of it while not moving enough.

    I think it's a bit more than just having the food there and not moving enough. Food can be an addiction and what do we crave when we're down, stressed or tired? Processed food aka wheat based + sugary processed crap (that's delicious)! Wheat isn't the same as it use to be, it is full of crap now.

    lets just clarify that is your opinion and is not grounded in fact whatsoever...

    I'm basing my gliadin 'opinions' from what I've seen and read and I based that last part off my own experience/other people's experience I have seen. Does it really matter at the end of the day? I said you shouldn't, not that you have to. -_-
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    You shouldn't be eating wheat in general. I'm a hypocrite when it comes to that as of now though. Lol.

    Why not? Assuming a person doesn't have a gluten allergy?

    One reason is that it contains gliadin and if you aren't familiar with what that is I suggest you look into it.

    oooo another boogeyman ….giladin…

    if this is so bad for us how is that everyone that eats wheat is doing just fine?

    Yeah, totally... that's why lots of people are overweight. Wheat is in almost everything processed today.

    People are overweight because food is readily available and we eat too much of it while not moving enough.

    I think it's a bit more than just having the food there and not moving enough. Food can be an addiction and what do we crave when we're down, stressed or tired? Processed food aka wheat based + sugary processed crap (that's delicious)! Wheat isn't the same as it use to be, it is full of crap now.

    lets just clarify that is your opinion and is not grounded in fact whatsoever...

    I'm basing my gliadin 'opinions' from what I've seen and read and I based that last part off my own experience/other people's experience I have seen. Does it really matter at the end of the day? I said you shouldn't, not that you have to. -_-

    Consider looking for some dissenting opinions online.

    Getting your info from sources with the same agenda is foolhardy.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    You shouldn't be eating wheat in general. I'm a hypocrite when it comes to that as of now though. Lol.

    Why not? Assuming a person doesn't have a gluten allergy?

    One reason is that it contains gliadin and if you aren't familiar with what that is I suggest you look into it.

    oooo another boogeyman ….giladin…

    if this is so bad for us how is that everyone that eats wheat is doing just fine?

    Yeah, totally... that's why lots of people are overweight. Wheat is in almost everything processed today.

    People are overweight because food is readily available and we eat too much of it while not moving enough.

    I think it's a bit more than just having the food there and not moving enough. Food can be an addiction and what do we crave when we're down, stressed or tired? Processed food aka wheat based + sugary processed crap (that's delicious)! Wheat isn't the same as it use to be, it is full of crap now.

    lets just clarify that is your opinion and is not grounded in fact whatsoever...

    I'm basing my gliadin 'opinions' from what I've seen and read and I based that last part off my own experience/other people's experience I have seen. Does it really matter at the end of the day? I said you shouldn't, not that you have to. -_-

    Does this mean you're not going to explain how my homemade bread is different?
  • dirty_dirty_eater
    dirty_dirty_eater Posts: 574 Member
    You shouldn't be eating wheat in general. I'm a hypocrite when it comes to that as of now though. Lol.

    Why not? Assuming a person doesn't have a gluten allergy?

    One reason is that it contains gliadin and if you aren't familiar with what that is I suggest you look into it.

    Wow. I don't think I've ever felt the need to leave my little tin foil hat chicken in two different threads at the same time.
    You should be proud.

  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    You shouldn't be eating wheat in general. I'm a hypocrite when it comes to that as of now though. Lol.

    Why not? Assuming a person doesn't have a gluten allergy?

    One reason is that it contains gliadin and if you aren't familiar with what that is I suggest you look into it.

    oooo another boogeyman ….giladin…

    if this is so bad for us how is that everyone that eats wheat is doing just fine?

    Yeah, totally... that's why lots of people are overweight. Wheat is in almost everything processed today.

    People are overweight because food is readily available and we eat too much of it while not moving enough.

    I think it's a bit more than just having the food there and not moving enough. Food can be an addiction and what do we crave when we're down, stressed or tired? Processed food aka wheat based + sugary processed crap (that's delicious)! Wheat isn't the same as it use to be, it is full of crap now.

    lets just clarify that is your opinion and is not grounded in fact whatsoever...

    I'm basing my gliadin 'opinions' from what I've seen and read and I based that last part off my own experience/other people's experience I have seen. Does it really matter at the end of the day? I said you shouldn't, not that you have to. -_-

    Consider looking for some dissenting opinions online.

    Getting your info from sources with the same agenda is foolhardy.

    Well that's YOUR opinion now, isn't it? Anyway, I'm done with this conversation - if you call it that. Have a nice life. :)
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    You shouldn't be eating wheat in general. I'm a hypocrite when it comes to that as of now though. Lol.

    Why not? Assuming a person doesn't have a gluten allergy?

    One reason is that it contains gliadin and if you aren't familiar with what that is I suggest you look into it.

    Wow. I don't think I've ever felt the need to leave my little tin foil hat chicken in two different threads at the same time.
    You should be proud.


    I'm so honoured! ;)
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    You shouldn't be eating wheat in general. I'm a hypocrite when it comes to that as of now though. Lol.

    Why not? Assuming a person doesn't have a gluten allergy?

    One reason is that it contains gliadin and if you aren't familiar with what that is I suggest you look into it.

    oooo another boogeyman ….giladin…

    if this is so bad for us how is that everyone that eats wheat is doing just fine?

    Yeah, totally... that's why lots of people are overweight. Wheat is in almost everything processed today.

    People are overweight because food is readily available and we eat too much of it while not moving enough.

    I think it's a bit more than just having the food there and not moving enough. Food can be an addiction and what do we crave when we're down, stressed or tired? Processed food aka wheat based + sugary processed crap (that's delicious)! Wheat isn't the same as it use to be, it is full of crap now.

    lets just clarify that is your opinion and is not grounded in fact whatsoever...

    I'm basing my gliadin 'opinions' from what I've seen and read and I based that last part off my own experience/other people's experience I have seen. Does it really matter at the end of the day? I said you shouldn't, not that you have to. -_-

    It matters because misinformation is bad. The idea that the medical establishment is part of some conspiracy to keep people sick literally kills people, because they choose treatments that are complete bunk instead of getting proper treatment for their illnesses.

    As for wheat-- the idea that bread is always bad causes people to feel guilty for eating something that's perfectly healthy for them. If I had thought in the beginning that I had to give up wheat in order to lose weight, I'd still be fat. Thankfully I learned early on that all I had to do was reduce my portions of bread (and everything else) and I could still have all the foods I love.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    So. She flounced. Can we talk bread now? Has anyone done cinnamon raisin bread in bread pudding? How was it? Also accepting cinnamon bread recipes.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Wheat has been in pretty much everything since the dawn of civilization. Wheat isn't the reason people are fat, processed or not.

    ^^^^ this

    hunter-gatherer populations ate grains long before the neolithic revolution. they just didn't cultivate them. Why on earth would people suddenly start cultivating food they've never eaten before? Wild grains are abundant in many different ecosystems at specific times of year. Cultivation was a way to ensure a steady food supply and support greater numbers of people on a smaller area of land. Neolithic people didn't suddenly start eating foods people had never eaten before.

    As for the fact that modern cultivars of wheat are different to wild varieties.... that's true of pretty much every fruit and veg we eat. They're selectively bred for certain characteristics, Have you seen wild bananas? they are nothing like the bananas you see in the supermarket, and they've been selectively bred for as long as wheat has (i.e. since the neolithic era). Also, farm animals are very different to their wild counterparts, due to selective breeding for individuals that are docile enough to stay happily on your farm and not be aggressive to human keepers, plus selective breeding for animals that fatten up easily and breed easily. Is it a bad idea to eat all these foods too? What are you going to eat instead?

    And the reason it's extremely extremely difficult to get fat as a hunter-gatherer is because you have to exert yourself to catch/find your food before you can eat anything. Unlike modern people who can sit down all day and get all the food they want. But no, really, it's the wheat I tell you.... the wheat!!! (neolithic wheat farmers were not fat either, because, guess what? Ploughing the fields and tending the crops daily and chasing away birds and reaping the harvest and stuff). IN fact people have eaten wheat in every human era, but it's only modern people that have an obesity problem, because cars, lifts (elevators), restaurant home delivery, grocery home delivery, electronic devices that do most household tasks and everything else that keeps us sedentary, combined with the fact that we have an abundance of food and very few people are so poor that they can't eat food in the quantities that they want (not that poverty is a good thing and everyone should be able to afford to eat properly, but people really need to get off their arses and exercise a lot more).
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    You shouldn't be eating wheat in general. I'm a hypocrite when it comes to that as of now though. Lol.

    Why not? Assuming a person doesn't have a gluten allergy?

    One reason is that it contains gliadin and if you aren't familiar with what that is I suggest you look into it.

    oooo another boogeyman ….giladin…

    if this is so bad for us how is that everyone that eats wheat is doing just fine?

    Yeah, totally... that's why lots of people are overweight. Wheat is in almost everything processed today.

    People are overweight because food is readily available and we eat too much of it while not moving enough.

    I think it's a bit more than just having the food there and not moving enough. Food can be an addiction and what do we crave when we're down, stressed or tired? Processed food aka wheat based + sugary processed crap (that's delicious)! Wheat isn't the same as it use to be, it is full of crap now.

    lets just clarify that is your opinion and is not grounded in fact whatsoever...

    I'm basing my gliadin 'opinions' from what I've seen and read and I based that last part off my own experience/other people's experience I have seen. Does it really matter at the end of the day? I said you shouldn't, not that you have to. -_-

    It matters because misinformation is bad. The idea that the medical establishment is part of some conspiracy to keep people sick literally kills people, because they choose treatments that are complete bunk instead of getting proper treatment for their illnesses.

    As for wheat-- the idea that bread is always bad causes people to feel guilty for eating something that's perfectly healthy for them. If I had thought in the beginning that I had to give up wheat in order to lose weight, I'd still be fat. Thankfully I learned early on that all I had to do was reduce my portions of bread (and everything else) and I could still have all the foods I love.

    This. Making people afraid of food they love sets them up for inevitable failure.
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    So. She flounced. Can we talk bread now? Has anyone done cinnamon raisin bread in bread pudding? How was it? Also accepting cinnamon bread recipes.

    Aw, you could of talked about bread the whole time, you shouldn't of let me stop you.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    So. She flounced. Can we talk bread now? Has anyone done cinnamon raisin bread in bread pudding? How was it? Also accepting cinnamon bread recipes.

    Aw, you could of talked about bread the whole time, you shouldn't of let me stop you.

    It's hard to get people to focus on mundane things when someone is spraying crazy everywhere.
  • silverraiyne
    silverraiyne Posts: 683 Member
    Consider looking for some dissenting opinions online.

    Getting your info from sources with the same agenda is foolhardy.
    Well that's YOUR opinion now, isn't it? Anyway, I'm done with this conversation - if you call it that. Have a nice life. :)

    Actually, that's not opinion, that's having basic critical thinking skills. If you're only ready articles that already agree with your point of view then you will have a confirmation bias. That's being pretty closed minded in not looking into other possibilities before taking something as fact. You're not using your thinking cap very well on this one :wink:
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    So. She flounced. Can we talk bread now? Has anyone done cinnamon raisin bread in bread pudding? How was it? Also accepting cinnamon bread recipes.

    Aw, you could of talked about bread the whole time, you shouldn't of let me stop you.

    It's hard to get people to focus on mundane things when someone is spraying crazy everywhere.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    So. She flounced. Can we talk bread now? Has anyone done cinnamon raisin bread in bread pudding? How was it? Also accepting cinnamon bread recipes.

    Aw, you could of talked about bread the whole time, you shouldn't of let me stop you.

    It's hard to get people to focus on mundane things when someone is spraying crazy everywhere.

    hahahahaha …this literally made me laugh out long and I agree ….
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Civilization was built on bread and beer.

    Eat it all you like assuming you don't have a wheat allergy or Celiac disease. It will not make you fat.

    There is a difference between bread and beer in the older times and what they are today. -_-

    what would those differences be?
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    Consider looking for some dissenting opinions online.

    Getting your info from sources with the same agenda is foolhardy.
    Well that's YOUR opinion now, isn't it? Anyway, I'm done with this conversation - if you call it that. Have a nice life. :)

    Actually, that's not opinion, that's having basic critical thinking skills. If you're only ready articles that already agree with your point of view then you will have a confirmation bias. That's being pretty closed minded in not looking into other possibilities before taking something as fact. You're not using your thinking cap very well on this one :wink:

    I didn't have that point of view until I watched the documentary, thank you very much and me being closed minded, you guys aren't even considering that wheat may be a serious cause of obesity in the world, so don't go on about me being closed minded.