Moms -- Can You Help Me Out?(lady question)



  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    Well for both pregnancies....being late was my first clue. I never ever miss my period.

    Other things: I was extremely tired all of a sudden, feeling very bloated (sorry, sounds gross) and really sore boobs. I didn't get morning sickness right away.

    One last thing....I just had a feeling I was pregnant, and I was right both times.

    Good luck!
  • ketoandbarbell
    ketoandbarbell Posts: 189 Member
    With my last one, I was SOOO tired. Fell asleep doing anything and everything. Smells... I could smell someone smoking when we were out driving and they were like 10 cars away. Sore boobs, of course. I took the dollar store test and it was positive but hubby didnt believe it since it was a cheapy. Made my pee on 2 expensive ones just to make sure? :laugh:
  • Ivey05131980
    Ivey05131980 Posts: 1,118 Member
    I didn't feel any different...go to the Dollar store and buy in Bulk!

    I can also vouch that the tests from the Dollar Tree are very accurate.

    Also, my son is no less awesome because I found out he was on the way with a $1 test.

    LOL AMEN....true that!!
  • Four_Leaf_Clover
    Four_Leaf_Clover Posts: 332 Member
    For me, the feelings of impending period are the same as early pregnancy - tender boobs, a little crampy and bloated, etc.
    With my pregnancies - I quickly had smell aversions to things I normally liked and was insanely tired (like fall asleep on the couch at 5 pm).

    Get a test - first thing in the morning is best as the hormones are most concentrated then.

    Either you are, or you'll test and then AF will prompty start!
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member

    When you are pregnant, it feels like you are about to have a baaaaaaad period. It just never shows up.
  • will2lose72
    will2lose72 Posts: 128 Member
    I was unusually tired...a different kind of tired if you will, would come on suddenly and I could be out in moments if I laid down. I didn't check your profile so not sure how much you've been exercising or how much weight you've lost, but previously when I was working out with a trainer and really into it, I noticed significant changes in my cycles. Getting too low on body fat can also wreak havoc for some women. Just some things to consider depending on your weight loss journey. At home tests are quite sensitive now so that's going to be your surest sign. Best wishes!
  • thelowcarblady
    thelowcarblady Posts: 137 Member
    Thanks everybody! I really hope I am :bigsmile:
  • RandaRae16
    RandaRae16 Posts: 36 Member
    When we found out I was pregnant with our daughter, I didn't have any physical symptoms but things that were bad for me (beer, cigarettes) tasted HORRIBLE! That was my first tip that lead me to buying 5 tests and all of them being positive. We were not trying at the time & it was a total surprise. When I got pregnant with our twins, I could tell based on my skin. I had a huge break out that seemed like it was out of left field. Then I started to get woozy in the mornings. We were trying on our 2nd round so I was on the look-out for signs. I had a short 3-day period and then about a month later, when I should have had another one, it didn't happen. Bought a test - boom! Pregnant! The twins part was a total surprise but that's another story....
  • lsorci919
    lsorci919 Posts: 772 Member
    My only indication was that I was late. None of the other symptoms (morning sickness, sleepiness, ect) happened till a couple weeks after I had taken a test. But I'm very regular so when I was late I already knew the answer the test was going to give me.
  • thelowcarblady
    thelowcarblady Posts: 137 Member
    When I got pregnant with our twins, I could tell based on my skin. I had a huge break out that seemed like it was out of left field.

    You know what's weird -- I usually get a break out right before my period & my skin has been surprisingly clear. I didn't think about that earlier! ....i wonder if that could mean anything? lol
  • LosinItAll2012
    LosinItAll2012 Posts: 238 Member
    Go get a darn test already, will ya!?!?!

    Heehee... Now I'm anxious for you!!
  • nicoleashley_24
    nicoleashley_24 Posts: 144 Member
    With my first pregnancy, I had a pretty good idea when I got a whole bunch of little zits instead of my typical period zit. I was right of course and then looking back, I had also been feeling hot and easily irritable (not in the same way I PMS'd).

    This time around.. I had implantation bleeding, breast tenderness, and a few other symptoms but I wasn't expecting to be pregnant, so I thought it was just AF starting. Lol. You'd think the second time around I would have been more in tune but nope! Anyways, after my BFP, it took about a week or so before I started feeling any other symptoms..
  • nicola1141
    nicola1141 Posts: 613 Member
    When I got pregnant with our twins, I could tell based on my skin. I had a huge break out that seemed like it was out of left field.

    You know what's weird -- I usually get a break out right before my period & my skin has been surprisingly clear. I didn't think about that earlier! ....i wonder if that could mean anything? lol

    This was my primary sign when I was pregnant the first time. Basically, the lack of pre-AF signs (including the lack of my pre-AF breakout).

    POAS! FYI, I've tested in my work bathroom before because i just couldn't wait. Just sayin', you now have a thread full of ladies waiting to see your results! :)

    Dollar Store are not bad, but the line doesn't really get super-dark, but they've been my first indicator both times. But for 7 days late, I'd just break out the big guns and get a First Response (but don't get a digital!!)
  • hopefaithlove24
    hopefaithlove24 Posts: 454 Member
    In for the result ;)
  • Headingforhealthier
    Me too!!
  • thelowcarblady
    thelowcarblady Posts: 137 Member
    haha ok if I can sneak out during lunch to buy a test I will, but it not I'll try to test at home this afternoon after work and let you ladies know! I'll drink lots of water today! haha
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    I dunno, I know they say those tests are accurate and all - but I'd go to my Doctor's and get a blood test.

    When I was pregnant (for my now 15 year old daughter) - I still bled monthly - I had NO CLUE that I was pregnant; I was just REALLY tired......I thought I was sick.

    I didn't want to 'deal' with these tests (did I do it right)?!

    If there's serious doubt - go to your Doctor.
  • SugarBaby71
    SugarBaby71 Posts: 3,630 Member
    Three pregnancies, one miscarriage... the thing that told me I was pregnant -before I took a test was that I'd puke when I brushed my teeth. And that happened very early -just a couple of weeks along.
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    I dunno, I know they say those tests are accurate and all - but I'd go to my Doctor's and get a blood test.

    When I was pregnant (for my now 15 year old daughter) - I still bled monthly - I had NO CLUE that I was pregnant; I was just REALLY tired......I thought I was sick.

    I didn't want to 'deal' with these tests (did I do it right)?!

    If there's serious doubt - go to your Doctor.

    My great aunt bled monthly through out both her pregnancies up until the day she gave birth.
  • MrsG31
    MrsG31 Posts: 364 Member
    I agree that the the Dollar Tree test are awesome, afforadable and senstive- I know know so many women who swear by them!

    With my first, the week I should have gotten my period I travelled in the car for a LONG care ride. During the ride I was a bit nauseous, but just thought it was the smells from other cars on the highway and carsickness. But when we got to our destination, I spent much of the time feeling SO tired, my boobs were sore, and I was a bit crampy. I just chalked it all up to about to start my period. Then one day I sat and really thought about it and looked at a calender and it was like a lightbulb went off in my head. I called my husband (as he has stayed home) and told him my suspicions. I got back home around 5pm and we decided to go out to dinner first, then we picked up 2 different brands of preg-test on the way home. So I didn't take it until around 8pm and it was positive. They say morning pee is best, but .....a line is a line is a line. Since it was my first time, I did take about 2 other tests before I accepted it, lol. I was already about 3 weeks preggo by then.

    I have been pregnant 2 other times since then, but we were actively trying so I was taking tests left and right. I don't really recall any particular symptoms with those. (pre-test taking) One was a miscarriage and the other turned out to be my son. :)

    With my 2nd child, crap, I honestly don't remember the test taking, lol. That is sad.....but motherhood does funny things to your brain and memory, not just your body!