not sure i can do it.....5k that is



  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    can yall please just answer my question and stop telling me to do the things ive made clear arent going to happen. closest gym is over 30 miles one way. no babysitter to use

    Do you have any advice for training while inside my house? thank you.

    there is no substitute for running.

    sure you can do some stuff- jump roping whatever to train your heart- but you can't just do stuff around the house to subtitue for running.

    The only way to train for a running event... is to fricking run.
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    can yall please just answer my question and stop telling me to do the things ive made clear arent going to happen. closest gym is over 30 miles one way. no babysitter to use

    Do you have any advice for training while inside my house? thank you.

    A - Don't let your husband pick the exercises he wants you to do
    B - If you don't want to run, don't
    C - Jillian Micheal's has lost of DVD stuff you can do at home
    D - Give up on the idea of running a 5K in April if you can't start RUNNING now. There are NO REPLACEMENT exercises to be done inside while waiting for the weather to turn.

    No one here is trying to be mean, just real. As I said before, you HAVE gotten quality advice, just not what you want to hear. EVERYONE has difficulties with fitting in their particular exercise of choice but they figure out how to make it happen.
  • davemunger
    davemunger Posts: 1,139 Member
    can yall please just answer my question and stop telling me to do the things ive made clear arent going to happen. closest gym is over 30 miles one way. no babysitter to use

    Do you have any advice for training while inside my house? thank you.

    If you seriously want to do this, then you need to get a treadmill. Sounds like that's your only option. If you can't afford one, try finding used ones, maybe searching craigslist or something similar.
  • ckspores1018
    ckspores1018 Posts: 168 Member
    can yall please just answer my question and stop telling me to do the things ive made clear arent going to happen. closest gym is over 30 miles one way. no babysitter to use

    Do you have any advice for training while inside my house? thank you.

    There is nothing you can do inside to truly train for a running/road race without a treadmill, or maybe (but not really) an elliptical. You want answers but your requirements don't allow for realistic answers. Technically, you only need to carve out 30 minutes, 3 days a week. If it is really that impossible then maybe running isn't in the cards for you.

    So, no, other than wanting it and making it happen, I have no other advice. If you wanted to achieve this goal you'd find a way to make it a possibility.
  • jennipooh0324
    jennipooh0324 Posts: 85 Member
    My advice would be to find a used treadmill and train on that. It works for all weather and you can do it when your little one is sleeping. You can probably get a used one for 200-300.

    Also, just cuz you can't run in the house, start training by doing cardio DVD's or some strength training (check you tube).

    On days that it has warmed up slightly, try to bundle your little one up and see if you can get out even for 10-15 mins.

    good luck!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I don't think there's much you can do that will train you for running, except running. Any possibility of getting a treadmill? Around mid-February there'll probably be some good deals on Craig's List.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    . My husband found one in april he wants me to do.


    ETA: I have a kid that cant go out in the cold weather for more than a few minutes. So "bundling up and getting out there" doesnt work. Im looking for advice of things i can do in the house.

    wait a minute- how is he going to have time to train if you don't?

    no baby sitter? bullhockey- make him watch the kid while you run.

    That being said- if you don't want to run- don't run.
  • nuttyfamily
    nuttyfamily Posts: 3,394 Member
    Just start when you can and if you have to walk part of it, there is no shame in that!

    Many around here do a run/walk method and even just walk it.

    Moving forward is what counts. A mile is still mile whether you run it or walk it.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    C25k takes eight weeks (or so depending on the program). Pick a date you think will be warm enough to take your kid outside and find a race 8 weeks out from that. Or run on your lunch break. You can build your cardio system through the winter, but nothing will really help you run a 5k except for running.
  • ok, so no outside and no gym

    I would get a heart rate monitor (it really helps making sure you exercise at a decent intensity level)
    and do some cardio routines you can find on the internet.

    but make sure your keep you heart rate at an appropriate level (over 120 for 30 minutes)

    you could do jump rope or pretend jump rope, jumping jacks, and so on

    and do some strengthening too, to avoid injury.
  • ckspores1018
    ckspores1018 Posts: 168 Member
    . My husband found one in april he wants me to do.


    ETA: I have a kid that cant go out in the cold weather for more than a few minutes. So "bundling up and getting out there" doesnt work. Im looking for advice of things i can do in the house.

    wait a minute- how is he going to have time to train if you don't?

    no baby sitter? bullhockey- make him watch the kid while you run.

    That being said- if you don't want to run- don't run.

    This is also an excellent point. He has time to train but you don't? That seems rather unfair.
    DYELB Posts: 7,407 Member
    Does your child have a medical condition?

    As far as I know as long as you use enough layers it's fine.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    . My husband found one in april he wants me to do.


    ETA: I have a kid that cant go out in the cold weather for more than a few minutes. So "bundling up and getting out there" doesnt work. Im looking for advice of things i can do in the house.

    wait a minute- how is he going to have time to train if you don't?

    no baby sitter? bullhockey- make him watch the kid while you run.

    That being said- if you don't want to run- don't run.

    This is also an excellent point. He has time to train but you don't? That seems rather unfair.

    From the wording I'm not sure if the husband is doing it or just wants her to . . . hopefully the former but you never know. :huh:
  • lmhbuss
    lmhbuss Posts: 282 Member
    There's lots of fitness activity you can do inside your house, but the only way to train to run, is to run. I guess you could try running in place for long periods of time, really get your knees high...that would be a little bit like running...but the only real training for running is running. Sorry if you don't like the's the truth. Perhaps you should just focus on engaging in indoor fitness activities that burn calories for now, rather than trying to prep for a 5k when you can't go out and run. You'll burn calories, get would still be a good thing.
  • kelseyjsnyder
    kelseyjsnyder Posts: 219 Member
    . My husband found one in april he wants me to do.


    ETA: I have a kid that cant go out in the cold weather for more than a few minutes. So "bundling up and getting out there" doesnt work. Im looking for advice of things i can do in the house.

    wait a minute- how is he going to have time to train if you don't?

    no baby sitter? bullhockey- make him watch the kid while you run.

    That being said- if you don't want to run- don't run.

    This is also an excellent point. He has time to train but you don't? That seems rather unfair.

    I never once said he was training for it. AND if you read my posts yes no babysitter we have literally 3 hours together a day and its while im sleeping. (12am - 3 am) so no him babysitting for me is not an option. as ive stated 3-4 times already
  • scottyg70
    scottyg70 Posts: 388 Member
    Well, I'm probably going to p iss you off by throwing my two cents in but I'll give you the best advice anyone has ever given me: You don't wait for time to exercise, you make time to exercise. If your hubby wants you to run this, then you guys need to put your heads together and work out your schedule. I always plan running into my days/weeks. I normally run on Tuesday, Friday and Sunday but if somethings going on, then I adjust. It might be Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Or Tuesday, Wednesday, Sunday. But I make it work. I don't have kids in the house so I don't have to take that into account and I understand you can't just leave a child alone while you go run.

    If that doesn't work, then you may want to find a race that's later in the year so you can start training when it warms up. I myself love running in the cold and, so far, I've been running outside through the winter. As someone said, the C25k is an 8 week program so look for a race in May or June. If you're winded easy now, then you may want to plan on more than 8 weeks.

    I don't know what your surroundings are, but if you have a running specialty shop you could ask if there are any indoor tracks (like at a university) that you can use. If not, then I think option 2 is your best bet.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    We work opposite shifts so when he is home im at work when im at home he is at work. we literally live over 100 miles from our closest family/friend so no babysitter isnt the option hence to why i would like stuff i can do inside. I am not making excuses i am asking for stuff i can do to get ready but stay inside my house with her. if you dont have any advise you have no reason to comment.
    eta:only time we are home together is 12am-3am when i am sleeping cause i have to get up at 3 am and go to work.

    Then get up at 2:30 AM. Problem solved.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    I never once said he was training for it. AND if you read my posts yes no babysitter we have literally 3 hours together a day and its while im sleeping. (12am - 3 am) so no him babysitting for me is not an option. as ive stated 3-4 times already

    you said he was going to run it but not train for it.

    and yes you do have a baby sitter

    it's called a husband.

    look. stop making excuses. Either you want to do it- or you don't.

    Like I said- my BF is 2 hrs away and I see him from 5 PM to when I get home only twice a week.- IF i do not have other obligations- some times I do. I do my best to protcect those days FOR HIM but my dancing is my love- so if there is a Wed night workshop- guess what- he takes me to class- and then I go to class and he drives me home. sometimes there has to be a sacrifice.

    You can take 30 minutes to go run- then take a shower together and get family time in. You can run 3 days a week.

    so that's 1.5 hrs over (assuming 3 hrs toghether over 7 days) is 21 hrs

    that's 19.5 hrs- subtract the shower time of 15 minutes- three times is another 45 minutes- that's still 18.75 hrs.

    really? you are giving up because of that? you aren't losing that much time. Suck it up butter cup.

    Really what you are doing is making excuses because if you really wanted to be doing this- you wouldnt' be asking stupid questions and you would be working something out with your husband.

    like we all said- if you don't want to do it- don't do it. We don't care if you do or don't.

    Edit- here's a suggestion- drive to the park together- you go run- he watches the kidlet and plays outside- when it gets to cold- they sit in the car and wait for you.
    Problem solved.
  • ckspores1018
    ckspores1018 Posts: 168 Member
    . My husband found one in april he wants me to do.


    ETA: I have a kid that cant go out in the cold weather for more than a few minutes. So "bundling up and getting out there" doesnt work. Im looking for advice of things i can do in the house.

    wait a minute- how is he going to have time to train if you don't?

    no baby sitter? bullhockey- make him watch the kid while you run.

    That being said- if you don't want to run- don't run.

    This is also an excellent point. He has time to train but you don't? That seems rather unfair.

    I never once said he was training for it. AND if you read my posts yes no babysitter we have literally 3 hours together a day and its while im sleeping. (12am - 3 am) so no him babysitting for me is not an option. as ive stated 3-4 times already

    I feel like that is even worse. HE wants you to do it (you obviously are not that on board you would already have figured out a way to make it happen) but he's not going to do anything to assist you in meeting that goal?

    That's crap, too.
  • kelseyjsnyder
    kelseyjsnyder Posts: 219 Member
    Well, I'm probably going to p iss you off by throwing my two cents in but I'll give you the best advice anyone has ever given me: You don't wait for time to exercise, you make time to exercise. If your hubby wants you to run this, then you guys need to put your heads together and work out your schedule. I always plan running into my days/weeks. I normally run on Tuesday, Friday and Sunday but if somethings going on, then I adjust. It might be Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Or Tuesday, Wednesday, Sunday. But I make it work. I don't have kids in the house so I don't have to take that into account and I understand you can't just leave a child alone while you go run.

    If that doesn't work, then you may want to find a race that's later in the year so you can start training when it warms up. I myself love running in the cold and, so far, I've been running outside through the winter. As someone said, the C25k is an 8 week program so look for a race in May or June. If you're winded easy now, then you may want to plan on more than 8 weeks.

    I don't know what your surroundings are, but if you have a running specialty shop you could ask if there are any indoor tracks (like at a university) that you can use. If not, then I think option 2 is your best bet.

    ^ not rude at all. I would LOVE to do the race in april but im thinking you are probably right about later in the year. I dont know of any running specialty shops around here. I live in a little hicktown that youhave to pay bookoo to even get internet which is why i dont have internet at home. I appriciate your non rude way of talking.