not sure i can do it.....5k that is



  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
  • jasminetoi
    jasminetoi Posts: 62 Member
    and wow people on here talk like drill would think pals would be encouraging and uplifting
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    You've already made up your mind that you can't do it and you even have excuses outlined as to why you can't so you're right.

    You can't do it.

    You say you live 100+ miles away from "family and friends" so a baby sitter isn't an option. Sure, maybe if you want your family and or friends to watch your kid but I'm guessing that you don't live 100 miles away from civilization where you can go out and find someone to watch your kid. You obviously have the internet so do a search on baby sitters. Put up flyers in colleges asking if anyone is interested in baby sitting. Hell, ask your neighbor to watch your kid for a little bit while you go for a run.

    If you want to do it bad enough you WILL find a way to get it done.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member

    80 bucks, take the baby jogging. I have a more expensive model and take my daughter when I'm not HARDCORE training.
    She's gonna be the death of me one day because all I hear while we are out is "FASTER DADDY FASTER.... BLASTOFFFFFF"

  • Morgaath
    Morgaath Posts: 679 Member
    Can't go outside, need to be near the kid: Fire up the c25k app (I like the zombies, run version), and run in place...or if you do it like me, move about an inch forward with each step, allowing me to do "laps" in my basement. When it says walk, do just that, back and forth all around the house. If you work on getting the knees up, you will find that you are burning a lot of cals and pushing the body.

    It is not quite running, but it is better prep for your real running than sitting on the couch waiting for the weather and right time.

    If the kid is old enough, have them join your workout, and tell them/have them tell a story about the imaginary world you are traveling through. One day can be going to grandma's (Run or we will get stuck waiting for the cars to clear the street!), the next is being at the zoo and trying to catch an escaped animal (There he is. Catch him!...oh, he jumped the fence...Ok, keep your eyes open)
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    Run laps around the outside of your house with a baby monitor strapped to ya??
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    and wow people on here talk like drill would think pals would be encouraging and uplifting

    We are encouraging and uplifting. OP just seems to want to ignore all of the encouraging and uplifting advice she's been given.
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    and wow people on here talk like drill would think pals would be encouraging and uplifting

    No people are tired of repeating the same advice. The ONLY way to train for a running race is to RUN. For every quality piece of advice that has been given, a "reason" why that isn't possible is given.

    I still say pick another activity because the OP clearly DOES NOT want to run.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    guess i forgot to mention: I cant just bundle up and go outside i have a kid that cant be in the cold weather. So i literally cant go outside till it gets warmer i have no one to watch her

    what about hubby? he can't watch her while you go out for 15 minutes. if you can't be outside because it's cold and you want to do a race in april but you can't be out in the cold what month can you go out in? march - that will not give you enough time to train for a race in april unless you want to walk it then go for it.

    have you tried running in place? it's definitely not the same but at least you're moving. i don't suggest running around inside because you will be be going at pace speed.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    and wow people on here talk like drill would think pals would be encouraging and uplifting

    No people are tired of repeating the same advice. The ONLY way to train for a running race is to RUN. For every quality piece of advice that has been given, a "reason" why that isn't possible is given.

    I still say pick another activity because the OP clearly DOES NOT want to run.

    Or it's just been ignored, like the advice to look into buying a cheap treadmill.
  • scottyg70
    scottyg70 Posts: 388 Member
    ok my husband is NOT doing this 5k. He knew i was wanting to do one and one of his bosses told him about this one. He isnt pushing me into this. i am the one wanting this. and im so glad all of you can figure out ways around workschedules to do your stuff. i will remember from now on to stay off the boards cause everytime i come looking for advise i get told im "asking stupid questions" "making excuses" yadda yadda yadda

    Since YOU want to run it, then pick a later one that will allow you to start training when it's a little warmer. There are lots of websites that list races:

    My favorite:

    And I'm sure others I don't even know about. Look for a race you want to do (I'd recommend something small or a fun run like the Color Run) and then REGISTER!! If you're registered then you'll want to follow it through. Don't worry about crossing the finish line first, breaking a PR or winning your age group, just worry about finishing. In the meantime, try doing what you can (walking up steps, running in place, body weight exercises) to get your body used to consistent exercise. Find some exercises that will strengthen your core and your lower legs. You will thank yourself later! Good luck!

    As for the comments, take them with a grain of salt. Everybody's way is the right way and everyone is an expert.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    and wow people on here talk like drill would think pals would be encouraging and uplifting

    Real friends don't enable things that are bad for their friends.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    and wow people on here talk like drill would think pals would be encouraging and uplifting

    You've never met a drill sergeant have you??? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • SheFitWalks
    SheFitWalks Posts: 29 Member
    Hi Kelsey, I've had small children in the house. I so understand! (Mine are older now, so I'm able to get outside.) If you want to build up endurance and start small now until the weather warms up, you could try what I've been doing. I have 2 or 3 Leslie Sansone Walking DVDs. There are a couple at Walmart for $10. She basically does aerobic activities while "walking." I do these in front of my computer or my TV. (There are some posted on YouTube...they seem a little more intense.)

    I started jogging - inside the house, jogging around all the open spaces in the house. I would do this during her faster beat songs. At first, I could barely do 30 seconds. Now, I can do 2 minutes fairly easily. I know this isn't the same as running on the road. (We live in a super hilly's 5 floors, according to my Fitbit, just to go to my mailbox.) This may be the jump start you could use while needing to exercise inside the house.

    As far as the 5k in April, I have walked some 5ks when my kids were younger. They ran, I walked. :) Hopefully, it will get warm in time for you to do your outside training though. If you don't get up to being able to run the 5k, you might could alternate walking and jogging. I know that since I am able to the 5 mile (not kilometer) Leslie Sansone DVD several days a week, that I could easily do a 5k. Probably alternating walking and jogging. - I'd probably be walking on the hills. ;) (I know this because I went on a full day sight-seeing venture and didn't get tired at all after doing these videos for a month or so. We walked about 10 miles that day.)

    Good luck in your training!
  • lynnkieu
    lynnkieu Posts: 67 Member
    I have read all of your comments to make sure I fully understand your situation and here are the three solutions I could think of:

    1. Buy a treadmill (in none of your posts have you stated that this wasn't an option).

    2. Find an indoor track. Are there any universities or colleges in your area? Since you live in a "small hick town" maybe not, but I go to to a University indoor track to run on really cold days, but when the weather hits at least the 40's then I run outside in long pants and a long sleeved shirt.

    3. If your child is young enough that she can't be exposed to the cold, she is probably still young enough to be taking naps. When you put her down for her nap, bundle yourself up and run around outside your house, up and down your street. Still be close enough to make sure that the house doesn't catch fire and no one is breaking in, but get the experience of running outside and getting your body used to that feeling.

    Would any one of these options work for you?
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    ok my husband is NOT doing this 5k. He knew i was wanting to do one and one of his bosses told him about this one. He isnt pushing me into this. i am the one wanting this. and im so glad all of you can figure out ways around workschedules to do your stuff. i will remember from now on to stay off the boards cause everytime i come looking for advise i get told im "asking stupid questions" "making excuses" yadda yadda yadda

    it would help if you posted clear and concise information in your first post not just make a blanket statement hubby found a 5k in april i can't go outside with the baby because of the cold. we are not mind readers and most (including myself) did not read every post you made. not trying to be a B but if you included the part about only seeing each other from 12-3 in the am each night due to work in your original post you would not have received a lot of snarky comments. having said that what about during your breaks at work? do you get 15 minutes that you can go outside and run around your office building? do you have a little extra money to buy a used treadmill? if the cold is an issue then i would not register for a race in april - there's no guarantee it will be warm in april (notice you are in MO). you're probably better off finding a race in june/july.
  • casiobarnes
    casiobarnes Posts: 78 Member
    This is a weeeiirrdd thread...

    OP, your profile says you work at a corrections facility. Is there a gym there you can use? (I honestly don't know if this is an outlandish suggestion, as I don't know anything about prisons). Even if you have 45 min for lunch, you could spend 15 of it run/walking on a treadmill, to help build up endurance? You really can't 'run' at home/inside without a treadmill, but you can certainly do other cardio and strength training.

    There are many fitness clips on youTube, but it sounds like you don't have internet at home though, which is tough...perhaps your local library has some fitness dvds you can borrow? Or order something off Amazon I guess.

    MANY others have already suggested it, but I REALLY like C25K (but maybe you don't have a smartphone either!).
  • hkristine1
    hkristine1 Posts: 950 Member
    can yall please just answer my question and stop telling me to do the things ive made clear arent going to happen. closest gym is over 30 miles one way. no babysitter to use

    Do you have any advice for training while inside my house? thank you.

    there is no substitute for running.

    sure you can do some stuff- jump roping whatever to train your heart- but you can't just do stuff around the house to subtitue for running.

    The only way to train for a running event... is to fricking run.

    It's true - you need to run if you're going to do a running event. BUT, in the meantime, before you start running, you CAN start building up strength so that you don't hurt yourself when you do start running. My sports injury doctor (yes, I speak from experience with injuries) recommended that I do something called the "Myrtl" routine at least 4 times per week, more if I"m able. You can find a free video of this routine on youtube... It will help you build your hip/glut strength (lack of strength in this area leads to a ton of injuries - knee, hip, ankle, etc. because if your hips aren't strong enough to support your weight over the distance, you start running with bad form and it can mess you up all over!).

    ANY exercise you can get started with in the meantime will help you build some endurance and muscle. There are a lot of free exercise videos on youtube. Just pick one and do it.
  • hkristine1
    hkristine1 Posts: 950 Member
    I should also mention the Myrtl routine is quick (about 10 minutes) and you don't need the video right in front of you when you're doing it... so watch it at the library or wherever you have internet access, write down the exercise list, and then do them at home.
  • I suggest that you download a 5k app to your phone. I was told this is helpful. There is someone talking to you to let you know when to walk/run. It helps build your endurance. Good luck!