Week 3, "H20" Lose 20 Pounds by Halloween Challenge.



  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Bru - I'm sticking the the elliptical and weights at the gym. Though ultimately I'd like to train myself out of my exercise induced asthma by starting some usage on a treadmill. Probably not for another couple of weeks though.

    As far as costumes, mine is already picked out! I'm gonna be a pseudo-pirate! I say pseudo because my colors are green and black, hahah! My corset looks okay on me now, I can't wait to see how it'll look in twenty pounds!
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    This weeks exercise is definitely about the outdoors. It seems fall has come to Davis, which is my favorite time of year! So I've been riding my bike everywhere for exercise. Getting out and enjoying this beautiful weather we've been having and lots of walking. Going to a football game on Saturday, does cheering enthusiastically count as exercise? ;) Not sure what next week will bring, but since it's cooled off I'm definitely thinking of just continuing to ride my bike everywhere, including work and such.

    As for Halloween, I'm still debating on costumes. I know I'm going to be staying home and passing out candy with my roommates. It's her first time living somewhere that actually gets trick-or-treaters so she's super excited. But since I'm not going out I thought about just wearing my Ravenclaw costume again this year. We'll see! Those costumes on Torrid were looking cute. Particularly the Sailor one!

    Down 1lb this week!! I think I was tracking them wrong before. These are my actual stats since the start.
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Weigh in for me for this thread, this morning. I started at just over 252 and as of this morning am 248.9. Not only does this mean that I've broken through my plateau, but also that I finally hit my first mini goal and am well on my way to hitting the second for Oct 7. Also, last night I had my hubbie do my measurements and I'm down 18.5 inches overall.

    WOW! So much great news in this post! Congrats on being down on the scale, on making your first mini goal, and for loosing a foot and a half of you!!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    cnbethea - Good for you for staying enlightened! If you hurt yourself yesterday don't push it too hard today. I love hearing your enthusiasm to keep things on the up and up, but you don't wanna make your injury worse.

    Bru - Seeing you (and many others) doing the 30 day shred makes me really intrigued. I started poking around YouTube seeing before/after stuff and wow! The results seem pretty great for anyone doing the program. You've got such strength and willpower that even though you'll be surrounded by Birthday consumables I know you'll stay on track. Pinup sailor sounds ADORABLE! But I'm really getting a kick of you being a pimp. I can just see you with a giant boa-rimmed hat, walking around with a swagger. :laugh:

    Emily - I believe I can flyyyyyyyyyy. And yeah, I've decided I'm not going to really use the scale as the total dictator of my weight loss progress. I've got a pair of GAP size 12 jeans that I haven't worn since my bachelorette party in summer 2008. I'm going to use the "jeans don't lie" method and keep trying them on, seeing how they fit. They're fitting better than they had when I started H20. I could wear a flowy top with them and go out in public without being crazy self-conscious. But there's still muffin top action that's no bueno. Soooo yeah. I'll stop rambling now. :tongue:

    Cenedria - Isn't this cooler weather AWESOME! Davis, CA? Are you going to UC Davis? Is it a bike-commuter kind of school? I remember when I was visiting the UC campuses trying to decide where I wanted to go, the UC Santa Barbara campus was TOTALLY commuted by bikes. Like, students didn't walk to class. They rode their bikes...while wearing skirts, backpacks on, talking on their cell, and driving with one hand. I can only imagine how many collisions there are! And you're going to have to dress up no matter what, especially since you're going to have trick-or-treaters!! Have you looked at yandy.com? They've got a section for fluffy bunnies and they have a GREAT and varied selection! Like, they're not about to make you feel guilty for having curves KWIM?

    So my turn to answer Bru's question about exercise...uhhhmmm...I just need to get off my azz! I kinda slumped this week and haven't been as good about getting my 30 minutes of cardio in. Planning on wandering around the mall later this afternoon to window shop and sniff the fall-scented candles that are out now. And I also want to take the furbabies for a walk, but we'll see. Tomorrow there will be good walking time logged because we're going to Disney California Adventure. But I've got a feeling we will take up residence at our favorite in-park bar for quite some time. *drooling at the thought of BBQ Chicken Pizza and a caramel appletini*

    ETA: OH YEAH my costume...I'm still really liking those butterfly and sexy harlequin get ups I'd posted. I'm really just loving the colors and shiny of the harlequin one, though I really doubt I could wrangle my boobies into that one. The butterfly one is SO cute, and I proposed the idea to the hubby, but he thinks him being a flyswatter wouldn't really work. He'd have to have a butterfly net, or be sticky bug-catching paper or something. Or may end up recycling a costume from years past since I keep 'em all. Still workin' on that one.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member

    Bru - Seeing you (and many others) doing the 30 day shred makes me really intrigued. I started poking around YouTube seeing before/after stuff and wow! The results seem pretty great for anyone doing the program. You've got such strength and willpower that even though you'll be surrounded by Birthday consumables I know you'll stay on track. Pinup sailor sounds ADORABLE! But I'm really getting a kick of you being a pimp. I can just see you with a giant boa-rimmed hat, walking around with a swagger. :laugh:

    So my turn to answer Bru's question about exercise...uhhhmmm...I just need to get off my azz! I kinda slumped this week and haven't been as good about getting my 30 minutes of cardio in. Planning on wandering around the mall later this afternoon to window shop and sniff the fall-scented candles that are out now. And I also want to take the furbabies for a walk, but we'll see. Tomorrow there will be good walking time logged because we're going to Disney California Adventure. But I've got a feeling we will take up residence at our favorite in-park bar for quite some time. *drooling at the thought of BBQ Chicken Pizza and a caramel appletini*

    ETA: OH YEAH my costume...I'm still really liking those butterfly and sexy harlequin get ups I'd posted. I'm really just loving the colors and shiny of the harlequin one, though I really doubt I could wrangle my boobies into that one. The butterfly one is SO cute, and I proposed the idea to the hubby, but he thinks him being a flyswatter wouldn't really work. He'd have to have a butterfly net, or be sticky bug-catching paper or something. Or may end up recycling a costume from years past since I keep 'em all. Still workin' on that one.

    Either way, I will post pics when we decide what we're doing. I could totally rock the pimp hat, I just wanna see my hubby dressed like a ho..:laugh: If you are interested in 30day shred, it's like $9 at Walmart, but you can find it fairly cheap on ebay and amazon. I started it, but like I said, OWWWWW, lol, so I may put it on the backburner for a bit. BBQ Chicken Pizza and caramel appltini sounds yummy, I'll be having whatever my in laws grill up tomorrow night. I really like the harlequin one too, can't wait to see what you (and everyone else) wear for Halloween :)

    I WANT PICTURES PEOPLE!! Yes, that means you, and you over there, ohh, and especially you in the back hiding, I see you!! If you dress for Halloween, you better post a pic! :laugh:

    **Edited: So, my 5k running partner is feeling better today and we are meeting up in a hour at the local park...she's military and I think she's gonna give me a workout! Kinda nervous about it b/c she's use to it, I'm really not. I'll post tomorrow on how it goes as well as my weight. Later Tators!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Well I was going to post some pictures from last Halloween but Photobucket isn't agreeing with me. Hmmph.
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Happy Friday!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Happy soggy Friday from Illinois! I weighed in this morning at 204.8 which gives me a 3lb loss so far. I hope once this weekend is over (3birthdays so we're headed out of town) that I can get my exercise on track again for the weekends like I use to, but being out of town in the middle of nowhere for two weekends straight is really not helping.. so on that note, I'm headed to do some pilates and then Walk Away The Pounds with Leslie with the next 2 hours.

    Oooh, so I went to the park yeaterday with my military friend who's doing the 5k next weekend with me, we only ran .5mile and walked 5.5miles, didn't run mostly because we were talking and catchinf up on everything, if the rain decides to stop for a bit this afternoon, I plan on running much more, we'll see :)

    Have a wonderful weekend all, see ya in a few days! XoxoxoX Bru
  • bballgrrl34
    bballgrrl34 Posts: 174 Member
    Fitterpam greata job on your weight loss. That must feel great. Congrats and keep up the great work. I am going to try and weigh myself tomorrow. I hope that there is some sort of change. I think there may be. Just gotta see. Great job everyone.

    The weather is a little chilly, but it is nice to be out there. I went for a nice hour long walk last night and it was perfect.
  • Flotus87
    Just did my weekly weigh in and am at 256.8 lbs that's down another 3.12lbs and puts me at 13.8/20 down toward the H20 goal. This means I have only 6.8 pounds left to go. Yay!

    Today was a good weigh in day for me I really thought that with all of my classes starting up that I would be finding myself at a stand still or even going back up a few. But to have continued my loss is just what I needed to remind myself that even though it's not the easiest thing with being so busy it is worth it to take the extra time and effort.

    Hope next week is great for all of us! we can do it. When in doubt remember what i think we should adopt as the H20 motto: "let's bring our sweaty on and get our sexier back" ~hehe
  • urmyeffinstar
    urmyeffinstar Posts: 57 Member
    138 this morning!
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    YEAH! Lost 4.2lbs this week! Considering I gained 3lbs last week this is a marked improvement! Technically I've only lost 2.2lbs for the challenge but I still only have 18lbs to go! WOO!

    CW 198.8 *dance*
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Bru congrats on being down, and have fun at all of the birthday parties!

    Flotus, damn girl! Look at you go! You're already on the downhill side of the 20 pound challenge!! By next week you'll have earned your mini goal mani/pedi!

    urmyeffinstar - well done! Keep going!

    Emily, HELLS YEAH!! A killer loss AND you're in the 190's! This is a great day for you. Congratulations!!

    Uh so yeah the walking and sniffing of candles at the mall yesterday evening didn't happen. Apparently it was nap time in our household as everyone knocked out for three hours. :laugh: Still managed to do some crunches and planks for the challenge I'm doing. We tried taking the dogs for a walk, but our 6 month old German Shepherd Dog is not good on a leash still and we had to go home. He has this strange reaction to other dogs when there isn't some kind of barrier between 'em (i.e. a fence). I know it is excitement, but it is not OK. *sigh*

    Today there will for sure be some walking around and plenty of on-our-feet time.

    Hey Bru, can you send that soggy weather out to California? We'd had a couple days of GORGEOUS overcast and cool weather but the sun is back out (dammit).
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Pinky - oof, sometimes those nap days just need to take over. I know I'm gonna be passing out really early tonight! I might even sleep in tomorrow :)

    Strange reaction? What kind of strange? I might be able to help. My mom's a professional dog trainer and I worked with her growing up. I'm going to school now to work with exotic animals. If not try checking out clickertraining.com, they have a lot of fantastic tools, advice and articles. As long as you don't use Cesar Millan's (EVIL) techniques you should be fine :)
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Wow I'm glad I brought it up then! I'd love to hear what you think.

    When he sees another dog, whether in close quarters like in the same room, or across the street, he starts doing a yelpy bark and his tail goes a little down. Now when I say his tail goes a little down, you have to realize that he has a VERY non-standard German Shepherd Dog tail. It is completely curled up to his hind quarters like a Basengi. The yelpy bark is actually kind of a whine, and he really tugs at the leash, like he is DESPERATE to go see the other dog. But when I've had this happen in close quarters (at the vet), he reacts in a more skitterish way - can't stand still and rears up and tends to back up into me. He's a freakin' strong dog and it is hard for me to control his strength.

    I know he is a smart dog (he learned where the treats live at the vet after seeing the tech take them out of the drawer one time) and is VERY sweet and loving when he is home. He lives with two cats and a Lhasa Apso, so it isn't like he's not capable of being around other dogs. And he is also friendly with the dog who lives next door - but they only visit via poking their noses through the chain-link fence. But none of the freak out reaction.
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Oh and I should probably add he's yet to be neutered. Think his hormones could be aiding in his reaction? I know we need to work with him on leash manners.

    You're going to school to work with exotic animals?! That is too freaking cool! Do you plan on working at SeaWorld/SD Zoo/Safari Park when you're all done with classes?
  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    weigh in friday for me.
    doing better -more walking.

    week 2: 323
    week 3: 319.2
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Molly that is a FANTASTIC loss! Go you!!
  • roughneckswife
    roughneckswife Posts: 341 Member
    I'm so happy to see how well everyone is doing!! I went to lunch with a friend today and did suprisingly well! LOL
    I did PART of the 30 day shred last night, It's been so long since I've even tried to do it. I thought I was gonna die!!!! LOL
    So I'm hoping by Monday I'll be able to do the entire workout because I actually want to do it for a complete 30 days!
    Can't wait to see everyones halloween pics!
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Pinky - I'll send you a message, I just have a few more questions and then I think I can help you :) Oh, and I would definitely suggest neutering him though I think he's a little too young for this to just be his hormones going crazy.

    I would LIKE to work at the Wild Animal Park, but after the program is finished I will pretty much take whatever, as long as the zoo has a good reputation. Ultimately I'd like to open my own exotic animal rescue but that's much further down the line :3

    Molly - Great job!! Awesome loss and way to focus on staying active :)