Eat before a workout?



  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    I think it is all personal preference, I can't work in the working right after eating I need to usually give it at least an hour, but I usually get my best workout in the morning if I haven't eaten anything at all, just some water, and I'm good to go.
  • howeyd2211
    Thank you for the great question! I completely agree with those who state that your body will tell you what the answer is. There will always be science to back up a claim on both sides of the spectrum because (as Cre8veLifeR brilliantly stated) bio-individuality.
  • ThriceBlessed
    ThriceBlessed Posts: 499 Member
    For me it depends on the time of day. If I eat, I have to digest for about an hour before working out. So if there isn't time for this I work out first, and then eat afterward. If I eat and try to workout right away after, I'll throw up. So, if I have to be somewhere really early, I'll get up and workout right away, then have breakfast. If its a day when I have more time, I might have breakfast, and then fiddle around the house for an hour, then work out.
  • alienaliens
    alienaliens Posts: 64 Member
    - I love reading your replies. And I am not shouting so no need for anybody to write me saying so! I'm learning
  • TheDarkestStar87
    TheDarkestStar87 Posts: 246 Member
    For me it depends on the time of day. If I eat, I have to digest for about an hour before working out. So if there isn't time for this I work out first, and then eat afterward. If I eat and try to workout right away after, I'll throw up. So, if I have to be somewhere really early, I'll get up and workout right away, then have breakfast. If its a day when I have more time, I might have breakfast, and then fiddle around the house for an hour, then work out.

    I'm the same, I tend to do my morning runs on an empty stomach otherwise I just feel bloated but at the weekend I have a nice breakfast and give it an hour or so to go down and then go for a run. I think it also depends on the workout you're doing. Wouldn't try to run a marathon on an empty stomach, but 2-3 miles is ok.

    The same goes for after, I remember being unable to eat for about an hour after my half marathon, just forced small bites of banana down to have something refuelling me. Others were enjoying the full blown BBQ at the finish line...
  • tesha_chandler
    tesha_chandler Posts: 378 Member
    I was actually told by my Dr. that you burn significantly more fat if you don't eat breakfast before working out in the mornings.. But even though it came from a Dr. I'm not so sure that I would go by that. It seems like it would cause more trouble than good. I would at least eat a small amount of fruit or something first, but definitely not a huge breakfast.
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    I can't workout after I eat within an hour. On race days or long run days I will eat a bagel with pb and jelly as that keeps me full, gives me energy, and I can run within an hour. Other than that, regular workouts I do not eat before hand. If I'm really hungry when I wake up, I grab half a graham cracker and head to the gym at 5:30am. When I work out int he evening, if I'm hungry before, I do the same thing.

    Anything else just hurts my stomach and thus my workout :(
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    You totally posted this at just the right time because I just got done with a nutrition class on pre and post workout fuel.

    The gist of the whole thing is that if you aren't fueling (and with the proper things) before and after workouts (ANNNND in a correct tie frame) then your workout is considered a bust.

    pre and post workout nutrition is apparently EXTREMELY important and I myself witnessed the help the proper foods/timing provides to my own workouts tonight.

    Since you are working out in the early morning like I usually do, you will want to eat something lower in fiber and quickly processed about 30 minutes before your workout. I.e. 1/2 a banana or 1/2 scoop protein in water.

    post workout your window to replenish your glycogen is about 30-45 minutes and some top choices here would be 2 rice cakes, 4 oz sweet potato or 1/2 an apple.

    Of course these are not your meals, but simply fuel. Today was my first day following this 100% and OMG did it make a HUGE difference in my workout. Hope it works well for you too :)

    So what is recommend if you workout in the evenings after work? I have stopped eating before I workout because I seem to get heartburn about 10 minutes into my workout not matter what I eat but especially peanut butter? Is that normal? want to do this right and am clueless on how the body works but determined to do it right and learning as I go

    eat when you want to ..before, during , really has zero impact on your overall goals.

    Just eat in a calorie deficit, hit your macros, and work out/move more...
  • SinfulMe
    I have to eat 45-60 minutes before I work out in the afternoon due to low blood sugar issues if I don't.

    However, I can workout in the early morning without issue - most of the time.

    Follow what your body tells you... listen.
  • Love4fitnesslove4food2

    Since you are working out in the early morning like I usually do, you will want to eat something lower in fiber and quickly processed about 30 minutes before your workout. I.e. 1/2 a banana or 1/2 scoop protein in water.

    1/2 a scoop of protein powder would not provide you the quick source of energy that you'd want in a pre-workout meal. Simple carbohydrates are ideal (assuming this isn't an endurance workout that would require more sustained energy).
  • nohaynicknamesdisponibles

    Can a car run without gas? No it cannot, so why do you expect this from
    your poor body ?

    If you fill the car with gas the night before do you wake up and it's gone?
    Perfect response.
    Totally stupid response, since a cars motor is supposed to be off over night and the "human motor" continues running 24 hrs.
  • ATGsquats
    ATGsquats Posts: 227 Member
    When I'm bulking I don't eat, but when I'm cutting like now, I'll have something small like a protein shake with banana in it.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member

    Can a car run without gas? No it cannot, so why do you expect this from
    your poor body ?

    If you fill the car with gas the night before do you wake up and it's gone?
    Perfect response.
    Totally stupid response, since a cars motor is supposed to be off over night and the "human motor" continues running 24 hrs.

    even more stupid response. Does the human body use all its energy from bed time to wake up? if yes, please explain how you are able to get out of bed in the morning, or how you even wake up breathing for that matter….
  • Elsie_Brownraisin
    Elsie_Brownraisin Posts: 786 Member
    If I eat, I have to stop midway to poop. :embarassed:

    Not good if I'm in a lake or on a country road, unless you're into that sort of thing...