Just an observation....almost scared to post!



  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    You are so right on ! I have had to delete some of my posts because of bully`s on these board who think only their way is the right and only way to lose weight.


    Certain people on MFP who have already lost the weight they were looking to lose think they are entitled and overall better than everyone else because they have already accomplished their goals.

    I find them to be very narrow-minded. They think they have the right answer to everything. They think other individuals who are still in the process of losing weight's opinion is less valuable and accurate.

    Most importantly they think what worked for them, will work for everyone else. Yes, there's only one way to lose weight: a calorie deficit. But everyone gets their calorie deficit different ways.

    This sounds an awful lot like you last night in the Ketones thread. Pot, kettle?
  • THECaptainObvious
    THECaptainObvious Posts: 399 Member
    Ignore the idiots and they will go away. There are plenty of nice, supportive people on this site befriend them and problem solved.

    THIS!! Most of us are quite cool :D
  • MissSarahAllison315
    MissSarahAllison315 Posts: 263 Member
    That's why I usually make my question a status on my profile and have my MFP friends answer the question. Usually doesn't get nasty, and I listen to what they have to say.

    Y'all have to admit that sometimes posters are nasty without the OP even responding to anything.
  • chocl8grl
    chocl8grl Posts: 30 Member
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    OP1: I'm not losing weight, what's wrong?
    Veteran Member: You're probably eating more than you realize.
    New-ish Member: You're putting on muscle!
    OP1: I'm putting on muscle!
    Veteran Member: No, and you're an idiot for not listening to me!

    OP2: I'm not losing weight, what's wrong?
    Veteran Member: You're eating more than you think, idiot!

    Every. Single. Time.

    This happened 3-4 times in the same thread today......minus the whole "you're an idiot" thing of course.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    You are so right on ! I have had to delete some of my posts because of bully`s on these board who think only their way is the right and only way to lose weight.


    Certain people on MFP who have already lost the weight they were looking to lose think they are entitled and overall better than everyone else because they have already accomplished their goals.

    I find them to be very narrow-minded. They think they have the right answer to everything. They think other individuals who are still in the process of losing weight's opinion is less valuable and accurate.

    Most importantly they think what worked for them, will work for everyone else. Yes, there's only one way to lose weight: a calorie deficit. But everyone gets their calorie deficit different ways.

    Really? At least these supposed entitled people don't start throwing around insults, resort to name calling and start body shaming everyone.
  • SusanL222
    SusanL222 Posts: 585 Member

    we will not go away. we will refuse to go away. resistance is futile. give in to your hate -- join us. :flowerforyou:

    Trivia Question: Who originally said the words quoted above? Too dang funny :laugh: :laugh: and I don't want to wade through this thread to find out. :noway: So thank you in advance for enlightening me!! :glasses:
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    You are so right on ! I have had to delete some of my posts because of bully`s on these board who think only their way is the right and only way to lose weight.


    Certain people on MFP who have already lost the weight they were looking to lose think they are entitled and overall better than everyone else because they have already accomplished their goals.

    I find them to be very narrow-minded. They think they have the right answer to everything. They think other individuals who are still in the process of losing weight's opinion is less valuable and accurate.

    Most importantly they think what worked for them, will work for everyone else. Yes, there's only one way to lose weight: a calorie deficit. But everyone gets their calorie deficit different ways.

    That's rich.

    The only sad thing is that the last two threads you tried to give advice in were locked and deleted because your advice was so galactically bad the entirety of MFP descended on you. As a result we can't link anyone to the threads so they can read the things you said.

    This is the single greatest problem with MFP's "scorched earth" policy of moderation. If you're a little bit bad with your advice, it stays for all to see for eternity...(see some of my posts from 2012 for example)...but if you're colossally bad with it, it ends in a mushroom cloud so no one will ever know (or be able to direct others to it in the future)...it will just be a vague recollection that a particular user gave/gives shaky advice. (This is also why the recent change to allow users to hide their post history is a less than ideal feature, but that's a different rant.)
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    OP1: I'm not losing weight, what's wrong?
    Veteran Member: You're probably eating more than you realize.
    New-ish Member: You're putting on muscle!
    OP1: I'm putting on muscle!
    Veteran Member: No, and you're an idiot for not listening to me!

    OP2: I'm not losing weight, what's wrong?
    Veteran Member: You're eating more than you think, idiot!

    Every. Single. Time.

    Examples? I can't remember an OP just being blatantly called an idiot without dishing out some pretty hefty insults first

    I'll wait.

    Here's one:

    Here's the thing: people say they're not making fun of the person, but the product. But the way they make fun of the product they're also saying the person is an idiot for not knowing it's not going to help. It's January, there are a ton of new people here who have no reason to believe they're being lied to.

    Don't post stupid things and people won't treat you like a stupid person.

    Here's one now!
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    In on the off chance this one takes an unexpected turn.

    OP, when I first started here, I thought like you. Then I read more posts, and it occurred to me that the people I initially thought were being rude were not actually being rude. Their delivery style was different from mine, but they weren't being mean. They were being honest.... telling it like it is plain and simple.

    Once I started just looking at the information for what it was, I learned an awful lot. Some of the folks you are saying are rude are people who, through trial and error, have found success and want to pass that along to the newbies who come around. They don't ask for anything in return, and I've started to understand the frustration they must feel when people argue with their good advice.

    I'm not saying no one is ever mean on here, I'm sure it happens. However, it doesn't happen nearly as often as some folks in the "mean people" threads say it does.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    OP1: I'm not losing weight, what's wrong?
    Veteran Member: You're probably eating more than you realize.
    New-ish Member: You're putting on muscle!
    OP1: I'm putting on muscle!
    Veteran Member: No, and you're an idiot for not listening to me!

    OP2: I'm not losing weight, what's wrong?
    Veteran Member: You're eating more than you think, idiot!

    Every. Single. Time.

    This happened 3-4 times in the same thread today......minus the whole "you're an idiot" thing of course.

    No. This is what happens.

    OP1: I'm not losing weight, what's wrong?
    Veteran Member: What's your height, current weight and what are your calorie goals set at? Do you use a scale?
    OP1: I set it at 2lbs/week even though I have 5-30lbs and no, I don't use a scale.
    Veteran Member: Invest in a scale and weigh everything everyday. I also notice you aren't logging consistently and using a lot of quick adds. Log everything and do it everyday.
    New-ish Member: You're putting on muscle!
    OP1: I'm putting on muscle! Okay, thanks! Great to know!
    Veteran Member: No, you are more than likely not putting on muscle as it is hard to do on a deficit unless you have a lot of fat to lose (which at 5-30 you really don't). You may be experiencing water retention and noob gains though. But honestly, I'd suggest you do the things I said in the previous post.
    2nd Veteran Member: ^This
    3rd Veteran Member: I'd do what Veteran Member said.
    New-ish Member: Do a detox and ketones! And don't eat after 6pm!
    Veteran Member2: No, your body detoxes yourself and you don't have to buy ketones. And meal timing is irrelevant. Just eat at a calorie deficit and you'll be fine.
    OP1: Oh! A detox! I'll try that and the ketones. Can you get them at the store or online? Are they cheap? And I try not to eat after 6pm because I heard that it makes you gain weight.
    Veteran Member: No, that's not true. Meal timing is irrelevant and ketones aren't going to speed up or guarantee your weight loss. Why not just eat at a deficit and use the scale to measure things before spending your money?
    OP1: No need to be rude. I'm just going to do what I want to do. I can't believe the negativity on these forums.

    *then...the facedesking and gifs begin*
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    OP1: I'm not losing weight, what's wrong?
    Veteran Member: You're probably eating more than you realize.
    New-ish Member: You're putting on muscle!
    OP1: I'm putting on muscle!
    Veteran Member: No, and you're an idiot for not listening to me!

    OP2: I'm not losing weight, what's wrong?
    Veteran Member: You're eating more than you think, idiot!

    Every. Single. Time.

    Examples? I can't remember an OP just being blatantly called an idiot without dishing out some pretty hefty insults first

    I'll wait.

    Here's one:

    Here's the thing: people say they're not making fun of the person, but the product. But the way they make fun of the product they're also saying the person is an idiot for not knowing it's not going to help. It's January, there are a ton of new people here who have no reason to believe they're being lied to.

    Don't post stupid things and people won't treat you like a stupid person.

    Here's one now!

    Read through, no one called the OP an idiot.
    They said there is no magic pill for weightloss, which is true

    Still waiting.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    OP1: I'm not losing weight, what's wrong?
    Veteran Member: You're probably eating more than you realize.
    New-ish Member: You're putting on muscle!
    OP1: I'm putting on muscle!
    Veteran Member: No, and you're an idiot for not listening to me!

    OP2: I'm not losing weight, what's wrong?
    Veteran Member: You're eating more than you think, idiot!

    Every. Single. Time.

    Examples? I can't remember an OP just being blatantly called an idiot without dishing out some pretty hefty insults first

    I'll wait.

    Here's one:

    Here's the thing: people say they're not making fun of the person, but the product. But the way they make fun of the product they're also saying the person is an idiot for not knowing it's not going to help. It's January, there are a ton of new people here who have no reason to believe they're being lied to.

    No one called OP an idiot.

    But, frankly, anyone who is going to ask a question on a forum without doing any kind of research on it whatsoever gets no sympathy from me. Even just reading the Wikipedia page would be something.

    First sentence under the "Putative health effects" section on Wikipedia regarding raspberry ketones:

    "Although products containing this compound are marketed for weight loss, there is no clinical evidence for this effect in humans."
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member

    Ha, I endorse this (obviously)
  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    Because people want more cat gifs:


  • You are so right on ! I have had to delete some of my posts because of bully`s on these board who think only their way is the right and only way to lose weight.


    Certain people on MFP who have already lost the weight they were looking to lose think they are entitled and overall better than everyone else because they have already accomplished their goals.

    I find them to be very narrow-minded. They think they have the right answer to everything. They think other individuals who are still in the process of losing weight's opinion is less valuable and accurate.

    Most importantly they think what worked for them, will work for everyone else. Yes, there's only one way to lose weight: a calorie deficit. But everyone gets their calorie deficit different ways.

    I dont think this is true at all. Just because people have accomplished their goals doesnt make them better than anyone else. Maybe you could look to them for all the great advise they give out. Of course they aren't going to support stuff like 1200 calories diets, detoxes and other things that may be harmful to your health. They have experience and knowledge, you could learn something from them.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    Mean people thread! BINGO!


    Thanks, OP! :flowerforyou:
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    OP1: I'm not losing weight, what's wrong?
    Veteran Member: You're probably eating more than you realize.
    New-ish Member: You're putting on muscle!
    OP1: I'm putting on muscle!
    Veteran Member: No, and you're an idiot for not listening to me!

    OP2: I'm not losing weight, what's wrong?
    Veteran Member: You're eating more than you think, idiot!

    Every. Single. Time.

    Examples? I can't remember an OP just being blatantly called an idiot without dishing out some pretty hefty insults first

    I'll wait.

    Here's one:

    Here's the thing: people say they're not making fun of the person, but the product. But the way they make fun of the product they're also saying the person is an idiot for not knowing it's not going to help. It's January, there are a ton of new people here who have no reason to believe they're being lied to.

    Don't post stupid things and people won't treat you like a stupid person.

    Here's one now!

    Read through, no one called the OP an idiot.
    They said there is no magic pill for weightloss, which is true

    Still waiting.
    You lost points for being too literal. "Here we go again" and "This is going to be good" are insulting the poster. You know this. You're not stupid.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    You are so right on ! I have had to delete some of my posts because of bully`s on these board who think only their way is the right and only way to lose weight.


    Certain people on MFP who have already lost the weight they were looking to lose think they are entitled and overall better than everyone else because they have already accomplished their goals.

    I find them to be very narrow-minded. They think they have the right answer to everything. They think other individuals who are still in the process of losing weight's opinion is less valuable and accurate.

    Most importantly they think what worked for them, will work for everyone else. Yes, there's only one way to lose weight: a calorie deficit. But everyone gets their calorie deficit different ways.

    Oh. You're back.
This discussion has been closed.