I just have to accept that I will always be fat



  • hmaddpear
    hmaddpear Posts: 610 Member
    I can't afford a therapist. I have one counsellor I go and see but she's 30 miles away and I can't afford to take the time out right now. That's my only option for a counsellor.

    I think people forget that things like 'nutritional HCP' and counsellors are not easy to come by in the uk.

    you know what is?

    walking. for a half hour. twice a day. 5 days a week.

    I hear that is super easy to get your hands on in the UK and can help you lose the first 30 pounds with barely any other effort.


    38lb gone in 6 months (it's TOM, so my ticker's slightly out) and all I've done is walk twice a day, five days a week and watched the diet as well, of course!
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    If your calorie limit is 500 calories that explains why you are hungry. Keep searching for a plan that will work for you and that you can live with. My daughter gained a huge amount with child #2. She tried to diet for two weeks, gave up and took up running. She lost 80 pounds and ran in 8 marathons. Not my solution but it worked for her. Good luck on finding what works for you!
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Why are you making it so complicated? Find out your TDEE and eat less than that. Stop trying to rush weight loss and it will happen, I promise. I've lost over 90lbs eating whatever I wanted. You don't need to restrict and you don't need to starve.

    Same here.

    I could not do the 5:2 diet, because I'm not going to starve myself for 2 days of the week. No need to do that.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Diets are crap. Nobody should tell you what you can and cant eat to lose weight. Eat anything, and as long as it falls under your calorie allowance, weight will be lost, whatever the 'metabolism champions' might try and make you believe.
  • arrseegee
    arrseegee Posts: 575 Member
    If you are happy accepting that you will always be fat then great, go for it.

    Or did you want support? For a start stop trying to do 5:2, it is another fad diet and it's no wonder you're feeling miserable when you are only 'allowed' to eat 500 calories a day. Set your daily calorie goal to something achievable (don't know your stats but seriously, 1200 is also too low if you've selected 'lose 2lb per week), log consistently on here, and aim to improve your overall diet. After a few days of eating better you will also feel better, and then after weeks and months it becomes normal.
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    I have tried so many diets, I dont have the discipline, I LOVE food that is bad for me, it makes me feel full in a different way to anything else.

    Stop trying so many diets stick to a simple sustainable calorie deficit

    http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/819055-setting-your-calorie-and-macro-targets .

    I dont have the discipline you do have discipline, you just have to strengthen it not unlike a muscle.

    I LOVE food that is bad for me develop moderation instead of depriving yourself...


    I will just always be fat, there is no other option for me. There is always a choice, there are always options.
    I have been trying this 5:2 diet, I got so hungry and found a galaxy bar and ate it at about 4pm
    Once again just a simple calorie deficit and not a fad diet.
    I've also had a bowl of granola and a yogurt and a banana today.
    Sounds good to me, look at the IIFYM link I posted.
    well over my 500 calories, so I have basically been hungry all day for no reason what so ever.
    Well sounds like the 5:2 diet is unsustainable for you so I reiterate simple calorie deficit.
    I give up, this is the end of my weight loss journey because I am just not good enough and I never ever will be.
    This is a choice, you can choose to play the victim or take control of your life just try to set achievable goals.
    Off to throw away my 'skinny' clothes.
    I wouldn't If I was you before trying my suggestions for sustainable weight loss, self doubt creeps into everybody's mind occasionally, It is not how often you get knocked down but how often you pick yourself up.

    and if you decide to get rid of your clothes don't throw them out give them to the less fortunate.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I have tried so many diets, I dont have the discipline, I LOVE food that is bad for me, it makes me feel full in a different way to anything else.

    Stop trying so many diets stick to a simple sustainable calorie deficit

    http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/819055-setting-your-calorie-and-macro-targets .

    I dont have the discipline you do have discipline, you just have to strengthen it not unlike a muscle.

    I LOVE food that is bad for me develop moderation instead of depriving yourself...


    I will just always be fat, there is no other option for me. There is always a choice, there are always options.
    I have been trying this 5:2 diet, I got so hungry and found a galaxy bar and ate it at about 4pm
    Once again just a simple calorie deficit and not a fad diet.
    I've also had a bowl of granola and a yogurt and a banana today.
    Sounds good to me, look at the IIFYM link I posted.
    well over my 500 calories, so I have basically been hungry all day for no reason what so ever.
    Well sounds like the 5:2 diet is unsustainable for you so I reiterate simple calorie deficit.
    I give up, this is the end of my weight loss journey because I am just not good enough and I never ever will be.
    This is a choice, you can choose to play the victim or take control of your life just try to set achievable goals.
    Off to throw away my 'skinny' clothes.
    I wouldn't If I was you before trying my suggestions for sustainable weight loss, self doubt creeps into everybody's mind occasionally, It is not how often you get knocked down but how often you pick yourself up.

    and if you decide to get rid of your clothes don't throw them out give them to the less fortunate.

    Listen to his advice. It's 100% right. Give up what isn't working for you and try the links. We can't ever give up. I've been that way today too but nope we'll push on OK? Let do it!
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    That 5:2 thing would never work for me. It's just a fad, and it 'a not necessary if it doesn't work for you. What works for me is eating more + exercising. I've tried low-calorie diets many times before, and always gave up after losing 10-15 pounds, because I was hungry, moody, and low-energy. It's possible to do this without making yourself miserable.

    Just a fad? Serious? What works for YOU is not certain to work for others. 5:2 is not a low calorie diet, it's a way of keeping a deficit easily while being able to enjoy eating. Otherwise your days are filled with constant counting of calories. It also is a fantastic way to maintain your goal weight & also the health benefits that come along with it are great.

    We were not meant to graze all day with food. We were built to go hungry every now & then. This is that way of doing it safely.

    Fad :noway:

    Yes, I'm serious. It is absolutely a fad. If it works for you, that's great, I don't think it's bad or wrong. but it's also not the One True Way We Were All Meant To Eat. Defensive much? My days are not "filled with constant counting of calories", despite your condescending assumption. I actually don't count them at all!

    Edited to add: And how come you only picked on me when I see at least two other people on this page alone who used the term "fad diet"?
  • darlingyellow
    darlingyellow Posts: 22 Member
    I would like you to consider the massive amount of people who have posted something positive in this thread. We want you to have success...we have ALL been at this point time and time again ourselves. It is hard- but the result of your hard work will out weigh the feelings you're having now :)
    I didn't read all 8 pages of replies, but I hope that just one of them is enough to really push you to continue.
    <3 You're a beautiful girl who deserves the best, the best starts with you're own willingness to love yourself.

    Many times I told myself that I loved my overweight body just was much as I love my now "slimmer" body.
    I'm still overweight, but I'm still trying -that's all you can do is try.
  • rdeysher
    You need to not be so strict with yourself. If you have a bad day (or even a few) don't look at it as you failed. You just need to get back on track. I have successfully lost about 40 lbs over the years and kept it off (even during pregnancy for the most part). It was hard. I had a lot of bad days but I always know that I am not a failure. I just have to get back on track. I need to stay healthy for myself and my family. Take it one day at a time and don't give up!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I can't afford a therapist. I have one counsellor I go and see but she's 30 miles away and I can't afford to take the time out right now. That's my only option for a counsellor.

    I think people forget that things like 'nutritional HCP' and counsellors are not easy to come by in the uk.

    you know what is?

    walking. for a half hour. twice a day. 5 days a week.

    I hear that is super easy to get your hands on in the UK and can help you lose the first 30 pounds with barely any other effort.


    38lb gone in 6 months (it's TOM, so my ticker's slightly out) and all I've done is walk twice a day, five days a week and watched the diet as well, of course!
    I eat less and move more. It's free and I don't even have to go anywhere to get it!

    WTH! Do people think all us 'Muricans are paying nutritionists and counselors all the time?
  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    Yes you all go to therapy three times a week and talk about 'sharing' and 'nurturing your inner child'
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Yes you all go to therapy three times a week and talk about 'sharing' and 'nurturing your inner child'
    No one told me. :sad:
  • florentinovillaro
    florentinovillaro Posts: 342 Member
    5:2 is way too drastic. No wonder you're binging. Try something like a daily 16:8 and increase from there.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Losing weight is hard.

    Maintaining is hard.

    Being overweight is hard.

    You gotta choose your hard. Giving up doesn't mean you will now be happy...now you will unhappy with being overweight and not feeling good about yourself. No 5/2 stuff. Eat a little less, move a little more. Track and stay under your goal. Make your food COUNT. Granola for example is WICKED WICKED high in calories and you'll be hungry soon after. Find something higher in protein/lower in calories so you can eat more and not be hungry.
  • VeganAmandaJ
    VeganAmandaJ Posts: 234 Member
    Then come on!! Make yourself do this. Make little changes, instead of eating a lot of the bad food, eat less of it and not everyday if you eat it everyday. What kind of "bad stuff"? I love healthy food but I also like "bad" food such as fried greasy things HOWEVER I've learned that I feel better when I eat healthier foods regularly. I've been weaning myself off and finally after about 9-10 months I'm turning down fast food more and more and choosing better foods at home. I didn't think it would happen and I know this isn'tt he end and that I will still struggle but it gets better, I really didn't think it would but it does! You must have faith and learn how to prepare and cook healthy yummy meals and practice self control and discipline, it does pay off!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Not being a failure is my new priority

    sounds like you've got a plan in place! instead of calling it failure, just call it "change."
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    That 5:2 thing would never work for me. It's just a fad, and it 'a not necessary if it doesn't work for you. What works for me is eating more + exercising. I've tried low-calorie diets many times before, and always gave up after losing 10-15 pounds, because I was hungry, moody, and low-energy. It's possible to do this without making yourself miserable.

    Just a fad? Serious? What works for YOU is not certain to work for others. 5:2 is not a low calorie diet, it's a way of keeping a deficit easily while being able to enjoy eating. Otherwise your days are filled with constant counting of calories. It also is a fantastic way to maintain your goal weight & also the health benefits that come along with it are great.

    We were not meant to graze all day with food. We were built to go hungry every now & then. This is that way of doing it safely.

    Fad :noway:

    Yes, I'm serious. It is absolutely a fad. If it works for you, that's great, I don't think it's bad or wrong. but it's also not the One True Way We Were All Meant To Eat. Defensive much? My days are not "filled with constant counting of calories", despite your condescending assumption. I actually don't count them at all!

    Edited to add: And how come you only picked on me when I see at least two other people on this page alone who used the term "fad diet"?

    Why did I pick on you? Cause you were the one I noticed said fad.... as soon as I saw others say '500 calories per day no wonder you are starving' I kinda knew they were not listening anyway even though several people had pointed out the truth. I was one of those' counting calories every day ' person. It became obsessive, like ED possessive. If something had over 50 cals....I didnt eat it. Now on 5:2 (4:3) for me.... I don't even bother counting at all & kinda dont care how many cals are in something. If I want it.... I eat it. Simple.
  • korpinator99
    korpinator99 Posts: 15 Member
    You sound like a whiner. Nobody here is going to support starving yourself. You are weak and obviously don't care about yourself. If you did than you wouldn't be Starving yourself and killing your body. If you want and help from us than you need to make an educated and assertive effort to change your habits. Quite honestly I nor anyone else will want to read your complaining otherwise.