My 600 lbs life



  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    They said people in her community raised money for her to do this. I wonder if she lost friends when this show aired.
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    Most of these people have deep mental disorders, and it's actually doing them a disservice to give them a surgery without addressing the surrounding issues.

    This show, even for it's gems, takes advantage of people with problems.

    might as well make a show as to why someone with severe downs can't be an astrophysicist even though they filled their room with the appropriate course materials.

    But without the surgery it is likely they'll die before the surrounding issues are addressed. People are better suited to tackle a problem when they aren't 600+ pounds and about to die.
  • malou1985
    malou1985 Posts: 138 Member
  • Jlmervin03
    Jlmervin03 Posts: 152 Member
    I watched an episode the first time about 2 weeks ago. It was about Haitian woman and her 6 kids. First of all she ended up gaining 100 lbs instead of losing the 100 lbs necessary to get the surgery, but they found a dr who would perform the surgery anyways. After the surgery, she expected to get up and walk immediatly with no therapy, so got an attitude and called 911 from her HOSPITAL bed to come get her and move her to a different facility. There were no vacancies so they sent her home. 9 weeks later she died. I was like "what??" I don't know how people let themselves go to the point that they can't walk. I guess in her case she had children to take care of the other children so she really didn't have to do anything. Now there are 6 children with no mom. Shame
  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    The Learning Channel.. making you stupider every minute you watch.

    Remember when it had educational stuff and not medical mysteries or freakshows like that little fat girl and her barely literate family or that family with like 20 kids? That said there are some very impressive folks on My 600 lbs life who bust their butts and lose a ton of weight, sadly you also see ones who just don't care.
  • depuydt2011
    depuydt2011 Posts: 46 Member
    There was an episode like this on strange sex about feederism (being sexually stimulated by feeding or being fed.) There was a couple where the guy want nothing more than to feed his girl and play with her fat. Her major life goal was to weigh a 1,000 pounds.
  • Cynner2007
    Cynner2007 Posts: 46 Member
    This show is sad making, so voyeuristic. I just can't be entertained watching someone's pain.
  • monstergirl14
    monstergirl14 Posts: 345 Member
    There was one girl who was so sweet, and I felt so bad for her! She was so determined to try, she had a daughter and an abusive husband. She has already been mentioned in this thread and I guess I'm just reiterating it, but he was a terrible man. Every word that came out of his wife's mouth, he berated and belittled. "Oh, you only walked half a mile? You're proud of that?" "You only lose that much weight? I would have expected you to be small now." "I don't know why I married you"
    I was so upset for her!!
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    Is this on Netflix? I'm curious lol
  • thickerella
    thickerella Posts: 154 Member
    I just don't get it..
    How do they get to the point of being Bed ridden?
    What snapps in their mind that says 500lbs or 400lbs or 300lbs is O.k...

    As someone who is over 300lbs, I never "snapped" or thought "Wow, I want to be 300lbs!" or any of that. I gained over 100lbs when I was in a long, unhealthy, emotionally abusive relationship. I finally got my crap together, ended the relationship, lost weight, went back to school, and was moving up in my career when I was disabled in a car accident. I regained a lot of the weight I lost when I was in recovery.

    Stuff snowballs. You make bad food choices one day because you're sad. Then the next day because you're stressed. Then the next because you had a party to go to. Then a week of it because you're on vacation. Then you're too tired to cook, or you hurt too much, or you just have a craving. A million tiny, seemingly harmless excuses add up to a year, and before you know it, it's harder to move, it's easier to comfort yourself with food, it's seems impossible to change...

    It would be so much easier to stay fat, but for ME, I want to be strong and healthy more than I hate the struggle of change. Most days. I still fail.

    A lot of these people who end up like that are like me, without the motivators I have to change.

    A lot of these people who end up like a lot of people here, that may have had a different life in different situations.
  • zacsmommy101010
    zacsmommy101010 Posts: 20 Member
    The Penny episode really pissed me off too. I am very much overweight, but not to the extent that the people on the show are. What made me mad about Penny was the fact that she was missing out on about 90% of her son's life and she didn't seem to care. She said that even with the little time she was able to be with her son, she was better mother than most, and that just ENRAGED me.

    I weighed over 300 lbs before I got pregnant, and after having my baby boy last year, I decided to get healthy not only for me but for HIM. I will NOT allow my weight to impede on his childhood whatsoever. If he wants to go to the park, I'll take him. If he wants to go play, or wants me to coach his basketball team one day, or go swimming, I will never tell him that we can't simply because I'm too tired, sore, or lazy to do it. If she really cared about her son, she would have gotten herself walking in time to attend his kindergarten graduation. Really? 5 years after you have a child you haven't made the lifestyle changes to be able to even go outside with him? As a mother, I just have no patience for her and feel like she has no excuse.

    I have a lot against me -- family history, PCOS, hypothyroidism, and insulin resistance, but I will not use those as excuses as to why I can't lose weight. It's simple math, and after an entire lifetime of being overweight, I am finally seeing food as fuel for my body and making healthier choices. If she didn't love herself enough to make those changes, she should have at least loved her son and husband enough.

    So sad for that little boy. :(