Squatting and deadlifting



  • Kirk_R
    Kirk_R Posts: 112 Member
    I run the 5/3/1 and it has been the best program ever. I compete in NAS. Strongman competitions ans this program has brought awesome gains. I have hit a 525 dead in competition and a 210 log press and now am training for my second one in march and i have hit so many PRs in the last week its crazy. Dont judge it til you have atleast ran a few cycles.

    Very nice! I remember the fun of PR after PR. Congrats!

    The idea that a program can become outdated is pretty silly. If it worked before it'll still work and the main things are getting the basics right and being consistent, which you can do with any reasonable program.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    I think it is a great idea if you never want your deadlift to really progress.

    I was thinking the same. Good way to actually get weaker at deadlifting. Too much volume == not enough recovery == weaker lifts.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Why not increase it to 10 to 12 and 6 to 8, respectively?

    Oh, I know why...because that's crazy talk.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    It's unnecessary, more is not always better. Rest is crucial for muscle development.

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