New Year Challenge!



  • deewesash
    deewesash Posts: 35 Member

    I hope I can lose more weight next week & stay away from the kids' Halloween candy. :)

    You and me both! :-)
  • marilla
    marilla Posts: 221 Member
    Weigh in weeks:
    Sept 6: 138.2
    Sept 13: 141.4
    Sept 20: 140.0
    Sept 27: 137.2
    Oct 4: Vacation
    Oct 11: 135.6
    Oct 18: 137.6
    Oct 25: 136.6
    Nov 1: 137.2
    Nov 8:
    Nov 15:
    Nov 22:
    Nov 29:
    Dec 6:
    Dec 13:
    Dec 20:
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: Goal- 120.0
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning and happy Tuesday. Today I decided to head to they gym just to break up the monotony of using the dvds and I completed High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) on the elliptical and treadmill machines. On the elliptical the crossramp remained at level 10 while I switched between resistance level 4 for recovery and level 10 for intensity. On the treadmill the incline remained on level 8 while I switched between a recovery speed of 4.4 and an intensity speed of 5.4.

    This was a great workout and my body feels good.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon everyone and happy hump day! Today I completed the Core-week 1 dvd from the Kettleworx series AND the Push Circuit 1 dvd from the Chalean Extreme program.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Weigh in weeks:
    Sept 6:
    Sept 13:
    Sept 20:
    Sept 27:209.0
    Oct 4: 207.2
    Oct 11: 204.6 (10/9)
    Oct 18:202.0
    Oct 25: 200.8 (was down to 199 but my eating habits last night changed the scale)
    Nov 1: (10/31) 196.4
    Nov 8:
    Nov 15:
    Nov 22:
    Nov 29:
    Dec 6:
    Dec 13:
    Dec 20:
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: Goal- 170 (185 minimum goal)

    Congrats on reaching ONE-derland! That has GOT to feel great to see that ONE on your scale! :bigsmile:
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    OK - so I decided I need to change my goals since I was up 8.5 lbs from my cruise & birthday and since its not coming off as fast as I want it to.... I decided I need to change them so they are more reasonable and reachable. I need to start kicking butt to reach them, but hey - that's what goals are for, right?

    Sept 07: 212.4
    Sept 13: 210.6
    Sept 20: 208.4
    Sept 27: 208.0
    Oct 01: 210.0
    Oct 05: 207.0
    Oct 11: SKIP - CRUISE
    Oct 19: 215.0 REALLY?
    Oct 27: 209.0 I'm slowly getting rid of my vacation & birthday gains!
    Nov 1: 207.4
    Nov 8:
    Nov 15: >>>>goal ONEderland
    Nov 22:
    Nov 29:
    Dec 6:
    Dec 13: >>>>goal 195
    Dec 20:
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: >>>goal 190

    I know losing 10lbs over the holidays sounds pretty steep, but last year I lost 10 lbs in December, so.....I'm gonna try to lose that again! :smile:
  • LoriT129
    LoriT129 Posts: 312 Member
    Options wear me out with all of your work-outs and when I grow up...I wanna be just like you!! :)

    Kelly....I have no doubt you will do fine over the holidays and that is a totally reachable goal!

    I was so happy to see the plateau gone and really worked with getting more exercise in. I pulled a muscle in my back and had to slow down so that it could heal and now I am having a hard time getting motivated again!! So I am setting a goal for the rest of the week....MORE EXERCISE! No more slacking!! I REALLY want to see the 2Zero's before Thanksgiving and I think that is doable! Enjoy the rest of your day and have a wonderful weekend! I'll see you guys on Sunday or Monday! :)
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Sept 6: 163
    Sept 13: 163
    Sept 20: 165
    Sept 27: 163
    Oct 4: 165
    Oct 11: 166
    Oct 18: 164
    Oct 25: 161
    Nov 1: 161:noway: :love:
    Nov 8:
    Nov 15:
    Nov 22:
    Nov 29:
    Dec 6:
    Dec 13:
    Dec 20:
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: Goal- 160

    It's been one of those weeks where I haven't had much going on with work, so I've been playing catch up at home! I was amazed when I saw the 161 on my scale again this week (I admit to not weighing in until yesterday, *sigh*). I don't know HOW it's happened, because I sure as heck haven't been as diligent as I should be, and I haven't been getting in very much exercise. Hopefully I can maintain it, and lose ONE MORE!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Hey all :) Hope you are doing great this week. This is the first week a while that I feel like I'm actually accomplishing something. What are your accomplishments so far this week? Mine are: completing 4/14 days of my shred challenge. I've also donated 3 bags of clothes (both mine and a few of the hubbys) to my old middle school and to Good Will. Let's see, what else? Ah, yes, I VOTED! Last night we had to go suit/dress shopping for this weekend..went to JCP and spent a little over $200 (like $230ish) on a jacket, pants, tie, shirt, and shoes. I found a (size 12!) dress for $31 on clearence ;) We saved $125 in total!! Woot Woot!!

    As for exercise this week, I've been doing 30 day shred, walking, dancing, and cleaning (which was a lot of sweat moving around cabinets and scrubbing a floor on my knees, etc). I plan on finishing up the week with 30 day shred, and thats probably it. Grandma's wake is tomorrow and the funeral is Saturday. The guys that Nick works with have been super sweet and took up a small collection for us since Nick will miss a few extra days, but we plan on donating it to the diabetes foundation that his Grandma had chosen. We also found out that Grandpa may not make it much longer. It's going to be a long, emotional weekend.

    Have a great day all and I will see you Monday.

    Thanks for your support while my family and I have been going through this. :heart: Bru
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Well, I went ahead and weighed in this morning....I HIT 'ONE'derland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm hoping this is a sign for better things to come in my family. Don't forget to hug your family as much as you can, you never know when it's too late.

    Sept 6: 205.4
    Sept 13: 204.8
    Sept 20: 205
    Sept 27: 204
    Oct 4: 202.6
    Oct 11: 201.4
    Oct 18: 200.8
    Oct 25: 200.6
    Nov 1: 201.6
    Nov 8: 199.8
    Nov 15:
    Nov 22:
    Nov 29:
    Dec 6:
    Dec 13:
    Dec 20:
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: Goal- 180
    XoxoxoX Bru
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Congrats to you, Bru! :bigsmile: So happy for you to finally reach ONEderland! You are amazing! :flowerforyou:

    I peeked at the scale this morning & I have finally reached the exact weight I was at the day I left for my cruise! 206.6 lbs :bigsmile:
    So now I can finally start "losing" again! :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker:

    Come on ONEderland for ME! I'm trying to get there by the gotta kick some boo-tay between now & then! :tongue:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon everyone and TGIF! Today is a very special day as it marks my 1 year MFP annivesary. I can not believe it's been a whole year since I embarked on this journey. I am very proud of all that I have accomplished this year and want to thank you all for playing a very special role in it.

    Today I completed the Legs and Back dvd from the P90X series.

    LoriT: Thank you for all the support. Motivating yourself to exercise can be difficult which is why I usually workout first thing in the morning. I usually tell myself I'm only going to do 20 minutes and then once the first 5 minutes have past I'm totally involved. Sometime we just have to psych ourselves out. Good luck.

    Brunettewife: Congratulations on hitting 1derland. You've been really dedicated so I know you'll hit your ultimate goal.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Good afternoon everyone and TGIF! Today is a very special day as it marks my 1 year MFP annivesary. I can not believe it's been a whole year since I embarked on this journey. I am very proud of all that I have accomplished this year and want to thank you all for playing a very special role in it.

    Congrats on your ONE YEAR with MFP, Chocolickkyss! That is FABULOUS! :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: You are truly dedicated to yourself, as we all should be! :drinker:
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 712 Member
    Good afternoon everyone and TGIF! Today is a very special day as it marks my 1 year MFP annivesary. I can not believe it's been a whole year since I embarked on this journey. I am very proud of all that I have accomplished this year and want to thank you all for playing a very special role in it.

    Congrats on your ONE YEAR with MFP, Chocolickkyss! That is FABULOUS! :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: You are truly dedicated to yourself, as we all should be! :drinker:

    Second that, congrats!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! Today I headed to my local gym and completed 35 minutes on the elliptical and then took a 50 minute kickboxing class. Tonight is one of two ladies night out events. My friends and I are heading to the movies to check out Tyler Perry's new movie "For Colored Girls" and then we'll head to a nearby restaurant for dinner, drinks and discussion.

    Thank for all the support ladies, it's truly appreciated.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Congrats on your one year :)
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning everyone! Yesterday's evening out with the ladies was great. The movie was very, very, emotional and deep but I thoroughly enjoyed it. The powerhouse of actresses was just unbelievable and they all did an excellent job. In my opinion, Tyler did an excellent job w/trying to stay as true to the play as possible. After the movies we headed to the restaurant for dinner, drinks and discussion but unfortunately that did not last long because everyone else had the same idea and it was a 2 hour wait. I chatted with the ladies a little bit but decided I was not going to eat that late at night. We arrived at the restaurant a little after 10 PM so waiting until midnight was not an option. After chatting with the ladies a little bit I decided to head home but because I was hungry I stopped by McDonald's and purchased a yogurt parfait and made some whole wheat toast. It satisfied me so I did not go to bed hungry. Also, instead of purchasing popcorn at the movies (please keep in my I ABSOLUTELY LOVE movie theater popcorn) I snuck in some apple slices. Overall I'm very happy with my choices yesterday.

    I'm hoping I can make similar choices today. A different group of ladies are heading to a play this afternoon and we might have dinner afterwards. Since dinner is not definite I have no clue what my restaurant options are and am unable to check out the menu prior to arriving.

    Anyway, today is my designated rest day so I decided to keep it light. I completed 16 minutes of the Fast Fat Burn dvd and 16 minutes of the Fast Abs dvd from the Kettleworx series.
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    Weigh in weeks:
    Sept 6:
    Sept 13:
    Sept 20:
    Sept 27:209.0
    Oct 4: 207.2
    Oct 11: 204.6 (10/9)
    Oct 18:202.0
    Oct 25: 200.8 (was down to 199 but my eating habits last night changed the scale)
    Nov 1: (10/31) 196.4
    Nov 8: 196.0
    Nov 15:
    Nov 22:
    Nov 29:
    Dec 6:
    Dec 13:
    Dec 20:
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: Goal- 170 (185 minimum goal)

    Monday's are pretty tough for me to weigh in. Unless i can control my weekend cravings, I'm changing it to Friday.
  • havfaith

    Weigh in weeks:

    Sept 6: 208
    Sept 13: 207
    Sept 20: 204
    Sept 27: 201
    Oct 4: 199
    Oct 11: 197
    Oct 18: 197
    Oct 25: 194.4
    Nov 1: 191.6
    Nov 8: 190
    Nov 15:
    Nov 22:
    Nov 29:
    Dec 6:
    Dec 13:
    Dec 20:
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: Goal- 188
  • LoriT129
    LoriT129 Posts: 312 Member
    The last couple of days have been rough and the sodium has been high so the weight gain is not a surprise to me. TOM is on the horizion as well and rather than stressing about this I'm moving forward. I am happy with all that I have accomplished since June. Now I must get down to business! Have a fabulous week everyone! :)

    Weigh in weeks:
    Sept 6: 225.5
    Sept 13: 224.4
    Sept 20: 223.1
    Sept 27: 220.5
    Oct 4: 217.8 (officially said godbye to the 220's!)
    Oct 11: 217.6 (eh...I do believe TOM is on the horizon!)
    Oct 18: 217.8 (grrr)
    Oct 25: 217.2
    Nov 1: 213.6 (I'm a HAPPY girl!)
    Nov 8: 214.3 (I'm still a HAPPY girl!!) :)
    Nov 15:
    Nov 22:
    Nov 29:
    Dec 6:
    Dec 13:
    Dec 20:
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: Goal- 199