New Year Challenge!



  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Yea, I don't think I'll make my new goal, but, maybe I will. I'll be ok if I don't. I can't wait to get the new challenge started :) I'm not trying to make excuses for myself, but this part of the year has been so hard. Starting with losing Nick's Grandparents back to back and the many weeks leading up to that were horrible. And now that it's been a month and a half, the family (mostly Nick's parents) have been so cold- hearted and greedy. I hate that. So that has put extra stress on us both. I'm glad taht I had the chance to use the gym though, all the bottled up emotions came undone last week and it was nice to burn it off. Hope you all have a great week :)

    Sept 6: 205.4
    Sept 13: 204.8
    Sept 20: 205
    Sept 27: 204
    Oct 4: 202.6
    Oct 11: 201.4
    Oct 18: 200.8
    Oct 25: 200.6
    Nov 1: 201.6
    Nov 8: 199.8
    Nov 15: 199.2
    Nov 22: 197.6
    Nov 29: 201.6
    Dec 6: 197.6
    Dec 13: 197.4
    Dec 20: 197.4
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: Goal- 193.9
    XoxoxoX Bru
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Today I completed the Burn It Off dvd from the Chalean Extreme program. I had a wonderful weekend but my arthritis has flared up in my knee and back so I'm in a little bit of pain. I plan on completing some type of workout everyday this week but it the intensity may vary depending on how I feel.
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 712 Member
    Well, i have pretty much decided that i am just going to maintain until the New Year and as Brunettewife said look forward to the next challenge. :)

    Weigh in weeks:
    Sept 6: 128
    Sept 13: 125 yeah!
    Sept 20: 125.5
    Sept 27: 124.5
    Oct 4: 126 (TOM)
    Oct 11: 125.5
    Oct 18: 125
    Oct 25: 126, bummer!
    Nov 1: 128, EEK, TOM and Halloween sweets, now that is scary! Ugh!
    Nov 8: 125.5
    Nov 15: 125.5
    Nov 22: 126.5
    Nov 29: 126.5
    Dec 6: did not weigth
    Dec 13: 126.5
    Dec 20: 126
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: 123
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    I think I'm stuck in a rut. It will be interesting to see what happens over the holidays!!

    Sept 6: 166
    Sept 13: 164
    Sept 20: 163
    Sept 27: 162
    Oct 4: No Weight
    Oct 11: 10/15/10 161
    Oct 18:
    Oct 27: 158
    Nov 1:
    Nov 8:
    Nov 15: 157
    Nov 22:
    Nov 29:
    Dec 6:
    Dec 13: 155
    Dec 20: (Weighed 12/21 - 155 (darn TOM!)
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: GOAL: 152
  • MCS64
    MCS64 Posts: 126
    Weigh in weeks:
    Sept 6: 156.2
    Sept 13: 153.6
    Sept 20: 152.4
    Sept 27: 153.2
    Oct 4: 150.8
    Oct 11: 148.8
    Oct 18: 150.8
    Oct 25: 148.4
    Nov 1: 147.8
    Nov 8: 146.6
    Nov 15: 144.6 weighed in 11/19
    Nov 22: 144 30lbs lost!!!
    Nov 29: 142.4
    Dec 6: 141.4 weighed in 12/9
    Dec 13: 141.4
    Dec 20: 140.8
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: Goal- 140
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Weigh in weeks:
    Sept 6: 156.2
    Sept 13: 153.6
    Sept 20: 152.4
    Sept 27: 153.2
    Oct 4: 150.8
    Oct 11: 148.8
    Oct 18: 150.8
    Oct 25: 148.4
    Nov 1: 147.8
    Nov 8: 146.6
    Nov 15: 144.6 weighed in 11/19
    Nov 22: 144 30lbs lost!!!
    Nov 29: 142.4
    Dec 6: 141.4 weighed in 12/9
    Dec 13: 141.4
    Dec 20: 140.8
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: Goal- 140

    Congrats to you, Marie! You are SO close to your goal! :bigsmile:
  • MCS64
    MCS64 Posts: 126
    Weigh in weeks:
    Sept 6: 156.2
    Sept 13: 153.6
    Sept 20: 152.4
    Sept 27: 153.2
    Oct 4: 150.8
    Oct 11: 148.8
    Oct 18: 150.8
    Oct 25: 148.4
    Nov 1: 147.8
    Nov 8: 146.6
    Nov 15: 144.6 weighed in 11/19
    Nov 22: 144 30lbs lost!!!
    Nov 29: 142.4
    Dec 6: 141.4 weighed in 12/9
    Dec 13: 141.4
    Dec 20: 140.8
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: Goal- 140

    Congrats to you, Marie! You are SO close to your goal! :bigsmile:

    Thank you so much! Wouldn't ya know it these next two weeks are going to be my biggest challenge yet. Im so close and Im staring at 4 kinds of cookies, a Christmas Prime Rib, my husbands and my Aniversary we are going out for lobster (lobster with no butter, I don't think Then my husbands Birthday he has requested an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen. UGGG!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Today I completed the Cardio Burn & Sculpt dvd from the Melt It Off series. The arthritis is still flared but I feel better than I did yesterday. Hope everyone is having a great day and your Christmas shopping is done because I heard the malls have been a mad house.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! Today was strength training so I completed the Burn Circuit 2 dvd from the Chalean Extreme program.

    I am still undecided about what program I will begin in the new year and I need to make a decision quickly since it is upon us. Does anyone know of a place to purchase the Turbo Fire program cheaper than on the beach body site? I would like for that to be my next program but don't really want to spend the money since there are other pressing issues that need to be tended to.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    I skipped the gym last night as I had tons of errands to do and too much to do at home....Christmas with my family is TONIGHT! :bigsmile: So again, I will be skipping the gym tonight :grumble: AND I have NO calories left for tonight! :laugh: Its cookie day at work & I had 3! :noway: Anyway....I don't care for today. I'm off work the rest of the week & I will be hitting the gym, since I really don't have much else to do with my Christmas celebration being tonight. HOWEVER.....I want to just give myself one last Christmas present to myself.....ONEderland and hopefully 50 lbs lost - both would be FABULOUS, but as of this morning I need to lose 2.7 lbs for ONEderland and 3.6 lbs for 50 lbs GONE! I'm SOOOOO close! :bigsmile:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good evening everyone! Today was an extremely busy day and I'm just finally getting around to posting. Since today is my designated cardio day I completed the Core Cardio & Balance dvd from the Insanity program. I love that I have so many programs to choose from so when I get bored I can switch it up.

    I am also happy to announce that I purchased the Turbo Fire program today and I'm hoping to begin that program on January 17, 2011. I chose that day because it's after my birthday and all the celebrations should finally be behind me and I can begin concentrating on healthier eating. I was able to purchase the entire program off of Ebay for $78.00 so I'm extremely happy. This was my first time ever using Ebay so I'm hoping this will be a positive experience.

    Kintegra: Hope you enjoyed your Christmas celebration with your family.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning everyone and Merry Christmas Eve! I hope everyone is looking forward to spending time with their family and friends because I know I am. Today is a strength training day so I completed the Burn Circuit 3 dvd from the Chalean Extreme program.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Merry Christmas everyone! I hope this post finds you all in good health and spirit and amongst love ones. I will be heading to a girlfriends house later this afternoon where there will be plenty of food, drinks, games and laughter. I always have the best time with her and her family.

    Since I know I will be indulging later I decided to rock out today's workout. Today I completed the Burn Intervals dvd from the Chalean Extreme program.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning and Merry day after Christmas. As of today, I have logged onto this site everyday for an entire year. I did not start out trying to achieve this goal but as I began accumulating more and more days I started pushing for it......challenges keep me motivated. My next challenge is to workout everyday for an entire year and I will have accomplished that on January 4, 2011, so the countdown has begun.

    Since Sunday's are my designated rest days I try to keep my workouts light so I completed 30 minutes of Yoga and 30 minutes of Stretching.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    YOU GUYS ARE DOING SO GREAT! I Came on here just to see the makes me want to stick my challenges out.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! I've decided to keep my workouts light until I receive my Turbo Fire program so I can complete a Turbo Fire/Chalean Extreme hybrid workout. Today I completed the Fat Blaster dvd from the Chalean Extreme program.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Double post......sorry
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Wow Choco - congrats on your commitment! That is fantastic!

    I'm not weighing in today....I will see what Mr Scale says tomorrow. I had lots of yummy crap food - I know that makes sense to you all - and I ate every meal out yesterday to top off the holiday weekend. SO...tonight I'm hitting the gym & trying to get my water down today while at work! See ya all tomorrow!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    It's been a rough few months, but I'm ok with not losing to much, the fact that I've been maintaining is ok with me for this time of year. One more week, wow, where did the year go?!
    Sept 6: 205.4
    Sept 13: 204.8
    Sept 20: 205
    Sept 27: 204
    Oct 4: 202.6
    Oct 11: 201.4
    Oct 18: 200.8
    Oct 25: 200.6
    Nov 1: 201.6
    Nov 8: 199.8
    Nov 15: 199.2
    Nov 22: 197.6
    Nov 29: 201.6
    Dec 6: 197.6
    Dec 13: 197.4
    Dec 20: 197.4
    Dec 27: 197.4
    Jan 3: Goal- 193.9
    XoxoxoX Bru
  • MCS64
    MCS64 Posts: 126
    Wow Choco - congrats on your commitment! That is fantastic!

    I'm not weighing in today....I will see what Mr Scale says tomorrow. I had lots of yummy crap food - I know that makes sense to you all - and I ate every meal out yesterday to top off the holiday weekend. SO...tonight I'm hitting the gym & trying to get my water down today while at work! See ya all tomorrow!

    LOL...I had alot of "Yummy crap food too!":grumble:

    Im weighing in Wednesday.