New Year Challenge!



  • havfaith

    Weigh in weeks:

    Sept 6: 208
    Sept 13: 207
    Sept 20: 204
    Sept 27: 201
    Oct 4: 199
    Oct 11: 197
    Oct 18: 197
    Oct 25: 194.4
    Nov 1: 191.6
    Nov 8: 190
    Nov 15: 189
    Nov 22:
    Nov 29:
    Dec 6:
    Dec 13:
    Dec 20:
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: Goal- 188

    I hope I can keep my exercises up this week. I have no idea what is going on with my foot but I know it's killing me. It's swelled, throbbing and all black & blue.
    Just in case! Does anyone know any good sitting exercises? I'm going to try and do my Leslie Sanzone and Wii Fit Plus as much as I can though no matter what.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! I did not really feel like exercising today. I think TOM is lurking so I just dont have any energy. Anyway, I managed to convince myself to get up and get moving and 30 minutes later the workout was complete. Today I completed the Cardio-week 1 dvd from the Kettleworx series.
  • deewesash
    deewesash Posts: 35 Member
    Checking in.....

    Weigh in weeks:
    Sept 6: 184.8
    Sept 13: 184
    Sept 20: 182.2 :)
    Sept 27: 182.6
    Oct 4: 182.6
    Oct 11: 181.6
    Oct 18: 180.4
    Oct 25: SKIP
    Nov 1: 180.6
    Nov 8: 181.6 :(
    Nov 15: 181.6 no change
    Nov 22:
    Nov 29:
    Dec 6:
    Dec 13:
    Dec 20:
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: 165
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! Today I completed the Plyometrics dvd from the P90X program. Although I did not procrastinate with today's workout I must admit I'm not really not feeling it this week. I hope this feeling passes quickly because I've been doing so well and I would hate to have a setback.
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 712 Member
    Weigh in weeks:
    Sept 6: 128
    Sept 13: 125 yeah!
    Sept 20: 125.5
    Sept 27: 124.5
    Oct 4: 126 (TOM)
    Oct 11: 125.5
    Oct 18: 125
    Oct 25: 126, bummer!
    Nov 1: 128, EEK, TOM and Halloween sweets, now that is scary! Ugh!
    Nov 8: 125.5
    Nov 15: 125.5
    Nov 22:
    Nov 29:
    Dec 6:
    Dec 13:
    Dec 20:
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: 123
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! I continue to struggle with my desire to workout this week. I'm really having a hard time getting into it but somehow I managed to push through the entire 60 minutes of Billy Blank's boot camp dvd. It was absolute torture but I did give it my best.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning everyone! The TOM is in full effect therefore my energy level is basically non-existent. I have some meetings to attend today so that meant I had to get the workout in this morning therefore procrastination was not an option. Alarm clock sounded and I got out of bed, completed the morning rituals and then pushed play on the dvd player. Today I completed the Burn Intervals dvd from the Chalean Extreme program.
  • MCS64
    MCS64 Posts: 126
    Im alittle late at entering my weight this week sorry! For some reason I can't cut and paste anything. Having other little problems when Im on the site. Starting to wonder if its my computer too.

    Anyway: This weeks weigh in is 144.6. Down from last week, Yey!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning everyone and happy, happy Friday! TOM is kicking my tail so of course it has made my desire to exercise virtually non existent but I managed to pull out 30 minutes of the Cardio Mix and Melt dvd from the Melt It Off series.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I"m slowly getting there! Hope you all are doing well. Have a happy weekend!

    Sept 6: 205.4
    Sept 13: 204.8
    Sept 20: 205
    Sept 27: 204
    Oct 4: 202.6
    Oct 11: 201.4
    Oct 18: 200.8
    Oct 25: 200.6
    Nov 1: 201.6
    Nov 8: 199.8
    Nov 15: 199.2
    Nov 22: 197.6
    Nov 29:
    Dec 6:
    Dec 13:
    Dec 20:
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: Goal- 180
    XoxoxoX Bru
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! Since I was feeling a tad bit better and the weather here in GA is absolutely beautiful I decided to head to the local park in order to get in today's workout. Today I walked the park trail three times for a total of 5.64 miles and then I walked around the parking lot for 15 minutes as a cool down.

    Tonight I am heading to an Old School party. They hold this party once a month in a local hotel ballroom and they only play R&B and Hip Hop from the 1980's and 1990's. I absolutely love this music and always have a good time when I attend. It's soooo popular that there's usually between 2000-3500 people in attendance every month. Can't wait!
  • LoriT129
    LoriT129 Posts: 312 Member
    So I took the advice of so many and went ahead and rasied my calories this past week. Holy moly! It worked!!! I lost 3.5 lbs. this week. I also joined a burn 3,500 calorie challenge this week. Whatever it was, I'm just HAPPY I am seeing some results. I was seriously getting discouraged. I am back to the same weight I was on Nov. 1 so here's hoping that things will continue to go down. Even if I don't reach the below 200 lbs. mark by the New Year, I'll be all right!

    Keep up the great work everyone!!! :flowerforyou:

    Weigh in weeks:
    Sept 6: 225.5
    Sept 13: 224.4
    Sept 20: 223.1
    Sept 27: 220.5
    Oct 4: 217.8 (officially said godbye to the 220's!)
    Oct 11: 217.6 (eh...I do believe TOM is on the horizon!)
    Oct 18: 217.8 (grrr)
    Oct 25: 217.2
    Nov 1: 213.6 (I'm a HAPPY girl!)
    Nov 8: 214.3 (I'm still a HAPPY girl!!) :)
    Nov 15: 216.7 (I am NOT a happy girl!!)
    Nov 22: 213.2 (FINALLY!!!)
    Nov 29:
    Dec 6:
    Dec 13:
    Dec 20:
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: Goal- 199
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hi all,

    I will be back in this challenge this week. I had problems with some prescriptions that caused me to swell up with water weight, but it's fixed now, so I should be able to post a weight this week. It may not be nice, but it should be close to nice.

    I hope everyone in the USA does well this week with the first of several eating holidays coming our way.

  • LoriT129
    LoriT129 Posts: 312 Member
    Welcome back Jeannie! :) Glad things are going better for you!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    A quick post. Today I walked 45 minutes while holding two 3 lb weights.
  • havfaith
    New Year Challenge

    Weigh in weeks:

    Sept 6: 208
    Sept 13: 207
    Sept 20: 204
    Sept 27: 201
    Oct 4: 199
    Oct 11: 197
    Oct 18: 197
    Oct 25: 194.4
    Nov 1: 191.6
    Nov 8: 190
    Nov 15: 189
    Nov 22: 188
    Nov 29:
    Dec 6:
    Dec 13:
    Dec 20:
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: Goal- 188Reached my new years gold already! Hope I can do better!!
  • MCS64
    MCS64 Posts: 126
    New Year Challenge

    Weigh in weeks:
    Sept 6: 156.2
    Sept 13: 153.6
    Sept 20: 152.4
    Sept 27: 153.2
    Oct 4: 150.8
    Oct 11: 148.8
    Oct 18: 150.8
    Oct 25: 148.4
    Nov 1: 147.8
    Nov 8: 146.6
    Nov 15: 144.6 weighed in 11/19
    Nov 22: 144 :happy: 30lbs lost!!!
    Nov 29:
    Dec 6:
    Dec 13:
    Dec 20:
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: Goal- 140

    Havfaith-Im so happy for you that you have reached your goal. Great job! :flowerforyou:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I swear I really struggle to stay on task this time of the year. I never want to exercise and always want to snack which does not make for a good combination. In addition to this laziness I feel my arthritis in my lower back and right knee has flared up and really bothering me today. I procrastinated all morning with today's workout but finally got it done.

    Today I completed the Cardio Mix and Melt dvd from the Melt It Off series.
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 712 Member
    Weigh in weeks:
    Sept 6: 128
    Sept 13: 125 yeah!
    Sept 20: 125.5
    Sept 27: 124.5
    Oct 4: 126 (TOM)
    Oct 11: 125.5
    Oct 18: 125
    Oct 25: 126, bummer!
    Nov 1: 128, EEK, TOM and Halloween sweets, now that is scary! Ugh!
    Nov 8: 125.5
    Nov 15: 125.5
    Nov 22: 126.5 :grumble:
    Nov 29:
    Dec 6:
    Dec 13:
    Dec 20:
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: 123
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 712 Member
    I swear I really struggle to stay on task this time of the year. I never want to exercise and always want to snack which does not make for a good combination. In addition to this laziness I feel my arthritis in my lower back and right knee has flared up and really bothering me today. I procrastinated all morning with today's workout but finally got it done.

    Today I completed the Cardio Mix and Melt dvd from the Melt It Off series.

    I feel the same way. Just want to curl up with a good book and snack!