New Year Challenge!



  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Sept 07: 212.4
    Sept 13: 210.6
    Sept 20: 208.4
    Sept 27: 208.0
    Oct 01: 210.0
    Oct 05: 207.0
    Oct 11: SKIP - CRUISE
    Oct 19: 215.0
    Oct 27: 209.0
    Nov 1: 207.4
    Nov 8: 206.6
    Nov 15: 206.0
    Nov 22: 205.2
    Nov 29:
    Dec 6:
    Dec 13: >>>>goal 195
    Dec 20:
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: >>>goal 190

    I just really feel like I'm slacking when I look at what my start weight was in September! It sucks that I had the gain from the cruise, but I really wish I was closer to hitting ONEderland! I worked out every single night at the gym last week & Sat morning too...I helped CJ clean the garage Sat night and helped him move for 14 hours yesterday. I know I had way to much sodium & not enough water yesterday (plus 2 beers Sat night) so hopefully if I flush it out today & tomorrow I will have a better weigh in. I'm just really wanting to get out of the 200s. :ohwell:

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! My arthritis continues to bother my lower back and right knee so I will be taking it easy this week. Today I completed the Burn It Off dvd from the Chalean Extreme program.

    Congratulations to all who continue to lose weight. Keep up the great work!
  • deewesash
    deewesash Posts: 35 Member
    Checking in.....

    Weigh in weeks:
    Sept 6: 184.8
    Sept 13: 184
    Sept 20: 182.2 :)
    Sept 27: 182.6
    Oct 4: 182.6
    Oct 11: 181.6
    Oct 18: 180.4
    Oct 25: SKIP
    Nov 1: 180.6
    Nov 8: 181.6 :(
    Nov 15: Skip (forgot and have been working evenings which I swear my weight is always up when I'm on a different schedule)
    Nov 22:
    Nov 29:
    Dec 6:
    Dec 13:
    Dec 20:
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: 165
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon everyone the long weekend is about to begin. Since the arthritis was still bothering me I kept the workout light. Today I completed the Cardio X dvd from the P90X program.
  • MCS64
    MCS64 Posts: 126
    Good afternoon everyone the long weekend is about to begin. Since the arthritis was still bothering me I kept the workout light. Today I completed the Cardio X dvd from the P90X program.

    I hope you start feeling better soon. Its not like you to go light on the workouts. I know its for the bettier though. I also have problems with arthritis and back problems. Get better soon.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Remember what you are thankful for, be it family or health or the new lifestyle. Indulging a bit or even a lot for one holiday dinner is not the end of the world. So please don't stress about the small things and remember to think of what you are thankful for!! Celebrate and enjoy your family and friends and your healthy life!!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving my MFP pals. Today has been a great day. It began with me completing the Fat Blaster dvd from the Turbo Jam series and then eating a nice hardy bowl of oatmeal with a banana. I then got dressed and headed to the volunteer program. I was assigned to the clothing center which is set up like a little department store and I was responsible for escorting clients in and helping them select items of clothing. I also assisted with folding and hanging up clothes. Everyone was in great spirits and I am so glad I decided to spend my Thanksgiving day giving back. It was very rewarding.

    Marie: Thank you very much for the well wishes. I don't know why my arthritis has been bothering me so much but I hope it improves soon. Hope you're having better success with your arthritis and back problems than I am.
  • kschoono
    kschoono Posts: 344 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    I have not log in for a while because I am recovering from major surgery for my cochlear implants so I can hear again.

    I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    Topic: New Year Challenge

    Here are my current stats:

    Sept 6: 152.5
    Sept 13: 149.5
    Sept 20: 147
    Sept 27: 146.5
    Oct 4: 146
    Oct 11: 144.5
    Oct 18: 144.5
    Oct 25: 146.0 :(
    Nov 1: 145.5
    Nov 8: 145
    Nov 15:145 no changes
    Nov 22: 144.5 lost .5 pounds
    Nov 29:
    Dec 6:
    Dec 13:
    Dec 20:
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: Goal- 140
  • marilla
    marilla Posts: 221 Member
    Weigh in weeks:
    Sept 6: 138.2
    Sept 13: 141.4
    Sept 20: 140.0
    Sept 27: 137.2
    Oct 4: Vacation
    Oct 11: 135.6
    Oct 18: 137.6
    Oct 25: 136.6
    Nov 1: 137.2
    Nov 8: 136.0
    Nov 15: 136.2
    Nov 22: 135.2
    Nov 29:
    Dec 6:
    Dec 13:
    Dec 20:
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: Goal- 120.0
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    I haven't done this in 2 weeks, I apologize.

    Weigh in weeks:
    Sept 6:
    Sept 13:
    Sept 20:
    Sept 27:209.0
    Oct 4: 207.2
    Oct 11: 204.6 (10/9)
    Oct 18:202.0
    Oct 25: 200.8 (was down to 199 but my eating habits last night changed the scale)
    Nov 1: (10/31) 196.4
    Nov 8: 196.0
    Nov 15:
    Nov 22: 191.8
    Nov 29:
    Dec 6:
    Dec 13:
    Dec 20:
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: Goal- Back to 185.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good evening! I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday and are still enjoying the fun and laughter with loved ones. Today I completed the Cardio-week 5 dvd from the Kettleworx series.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning all! I hope this post finds my MFP friends in good health and spirits. My previous boot camp instructor is offering a free, Saturday, boot camp session until the end of the year so I decided to partake in it today.

    Today's circuit consisted of twisting mountain climbers, squat & overhead press, burpees w/a jump, pulsating squats while holding 20 lb weight, jumping rope, push ups, jumping squats w/a step, pulsating lunges, high knees, inchworms, jumping jacks and bicycles. We did each circuit until the trainer blew the whistle and then we moved on to the next. I believe each circuit was a minute. We did this twice and then we competed in team relays that consisted of walking side squats, jumping jacks, skiers and high knees.

    I had a great time and it made me realize how much I like and miss the group boot camps. I'm really considering joining for at least a month in order to jump start my workouts again
  • MCS64
    MCS64 Posts: 126
    Hello Everyone!

    I have not log in for a while because I am recovering from major surgery for my cochlear implants so I can hear again.

    I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    Topic: New Year Challenge

    Here are my current stats:

    Sept 6: 152.5
    Sept 13: 149.5
    Sept 20: 147
    Sept 27: 146.5
    Oct 4: 146
    Oct 11: 144.5
    Oct 18: 144.5
    Oct 25: 146.0 :(
    Nov 1: 145.5
    Nov 8: 145
    Nov 15:145 no changes
    Nov 22: 144.5 lost .5 pounds
    Nov 29:
    Dec 6:
    Dec 13:
    Dec 20:
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: Goal- 140

    Hope your surgery was successful and you are healing quickly. Welcome back.:flowerforyou:
  • LoriT129
    LoriT129 Posts: 312 Member
    I am sooo psyched that I was able to maintain during the holiday. I ate things I shouldn't have but did get some exercise in during the week because I am still doing the Burn 3,500 Calorie Challenge. It was certainly a motivator to keep up the exercise. I hope you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving!

    To those of you who are in the hospital, recovering from surgery or suffering with pain - Much love to you and I admire you so much for continuing to fight this battle! Hang in there and feel better soon!!

    Weigh in weeks:
    Sept 6: 225.5
    Sept 13: 224.4
    Sept 20: 223.1
    Sept 27: 220.5
    Oct 4: 217.8 (officially said goodbye to the 220's!)
    Oct 11: 217.6 (eh...I do believe TOM is on the horizon!)
    Oct 18: 217.8 (grrr)
    Oct 25: 217.2
    Nov 1: 213.6 (I'm a HAPPY girl!)
    Nov 8: 214.3 (I'm still a HAPPY girl!!) :)
    Nov 15: 216.7 (I am NOT a happy girl!!)
    Nov 22: 213.2 (FINALLY!!!)
    Nov 29: 213
    Dec 6:
    Dec 13:
    Dec 20:
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: Goal- 199
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Today was a very busy day so I was only able to get in a quick workout. I completed one mile of the Fat Burning Walk dvd by Leslie Sansone.
  • dkrioux
    dkrioux Posts: 144
    Ok, I am joining in kinda late, but still want to do this!!:) I will be continuing on after new years but it will be a great start...
    Nov 29: 215
    Dec 6:
    Dec 13:
    Dec 20:
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: Goal- 200
  • MCS64
    MCS64 Posts: 126
    Ok, I am joining in kinda late, but still want to do this!!:) I will be continuing on after new years but it will be a great start...
    Nov 29: 215
    Dec 6:
    Dec 13:
    Dec 20:
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: Goal- 200

  • marilla
    marilla Posts: 221 Member
    Weigh in weeks:
    Sept 6: 138.2
    Sept 13: 141.4
    Sept 20: 140.0
    Sept 27: 137.2
    Oct 4: Vacation
    Oct 11: 135.6
    Oct 18: 137.6
    Oct 25: 136.6
    Nov 1: 137.2
    Nov 8: 136.0
    Nov 15: 136.2
    Nov 22: 135.2
    Nov 29: 136.6
    Dec 6:
    Dec 13:
    Dec 20:
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: Goal- 120.0
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Sept 6: 163
    Sept 13: 163
    Sept 20: 165
    Sept 27: 163
    Oct 4: 165
    Oct 11: 166
    Oct 18: 164
    Oct 25: 161
    Nov 1: 161
    Nov 8:
    Nov 15:
    Nov 22:
    Nov 29: 167:cry:
    Dec 6:
    Dec 13:
    Dec 20:
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: Goal- 160

    I apologize for being MIA. I'm not really sure where November has gone. Last I knew I had several weeks until my daughter's birthday, and now it's come and gone! In short: work has been crazy, life has been crazy, family has been crazy. A few pertinent details:
    My older sister is due to have baby #2 in less than 2 weeks. A couple weeks ago her MIL passed away (she had been undergoing chemo for lung and bone cancer). My younger sister and I went down to her place to watch her son and help get some things ready for the baby since nothing had been done due to the illness of her MIL.
    My DD just turned 6 last week. We went to an indoor waterpark to celebrate. Following Thanksgiving dinner we ate out for the rest of the weekend because of this. (My DH referred to the weekend as a "nutritional disaster" and that is MORE than correct!)
    My younger sister got engaged over the weekend. He's a great guy, but he has 3 kids from 2 previous marriages, and some custody issues from the last one still haven't been resolved.

    That's about it besides all the stuff I've been doing with work. Christmas season always gets crazy in the music department between pep band at basketball games, Holiday parades, concerts, parties, dinners, extra performances for civic groups, etc etc etc. Even with all of that, I WILL get back on the wagon and start eating better. My first step is today. Feel free to check my log, and if I haven't enterred any food shoot me a harrassing message. It's ok, I'll appreciate it eventually!:wink:

    I am glad to read that so many have continued to lose. For the ones who are "stuck" my advice is to change up one thing, be it eating or exercise, but change up one thing for several weeks and see what happens.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Sept 07: 212.4
    Sept 13: 210.6
    Sept 20: 208.4
    Sept 27: 208.0
    Oct 01: 210.0
    Oct 05: 207.0
    Oct 11: SKIP - CRUISE
    Oct 19: 215.0
    Oct 27: 209.0
    Nov 1: 207.4
    Nov 8: 206.6
    Nov 15: 206.0
    Nov 22: 205.2
    Nov 29: 208.0 :grumble: TOM is here & plus with the holiday weekend....goodness gracious! :sad:
    Dec 6:
    Dec 13: >>>>goal 195
    Dec 20:
    Dec 27:
    Jan 3: >>>goal 190