OMG Everything I know is wrong!



  • bubbaduts
    bubbaduts Posts: 196 Member
    Yah there is something off...

    1. You are not weighing your food. I looked at your diay and you have 1 tortilla, 1 patty, 1 stalk, 1cup of this, 1 small apple etc.

    You are eating more than you think...bottom line.

    And to top it all off....

    2. On Monday Your have 85mins of running at 819 calories...HRM with chest strap? if not...I am dubious because another day it was 83 mins a 1091 calories...
    group powerlift 60mins 385 calories burned????
    Zumba with HRM 60mins 628...

    I always wear a HRM monitor. I have been on here for 3 years, I have tried every approach weighing everything etc. But i'm glad your degree in sports nutrition has made you an expert......

    HRM with chest strap....not a wrist one...

    As for your snark fine do what you want, listen to what you want and when this doesn't work please feel free to come back and ask again and you will get the same advice...weight your food, be careful with calorie burns

    If you are not losing weight than this is the fact you are taking in more calories than you think and you are not in a deficet sounds like maintenane to me.

    As for the know what they call a person who graduated dead last for grades out of Medical school...Doctor...Degrees mean nothing if you can't apply the knowledge with some common sense.

    3100 calories my butt...that is my husbands maintenance calories and he is 30 and is a lot more active than you.

    ETA; Scooby has you at 2277 for TDEE-20% with activity being 5-6hours of strenous activity....

    Not trying to be snarky. I didn't ask for advice from the forums. Again I posted because I am hoping it helps someone else who is having the same issue. I wear a chest strap. i am not a NUbie to any of this. I lost weight have kept most of it off and live a very healthy and active lifestyle. I asked for advice from someone who does this with people who run marathons and play sports for a living. I didn't say please help me to anyone here, merely shared my new found knowledge. She based this on examining me and knowing all the facts about me in an hour consultation not over the internet.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Yah there is something off...

    1. You are not weighing your food. I looked at your diay and you have 1 tortilla, 1 patty, 1 stalk, 1cup of this, 1 small apple etc.

    You are eating more than you think...bottom line.

    And to top it all off....

    2. On Monday Your have 85mins of running at 819 calories...HRM with chest strap? if not...I am dubious because another day it was 83 mins a 1091 calories...
    group powerlift 60mins 385 calories burned????
    Zumba with HRM 60mins 628...

    I always wear a HRM monitor. I have been on here for 3 years, I have tried every approach weighing everything etc. But i'm glad your degree in sports nutrition has made you an expert......

    HRM with chest strap....not a wrist one...

    As for your snark fine do what you want, listen to what you want and when this doesn't work please feel free to come back and ask again and you will get the same advice...weight your food, be careful with calorie burns

    If you are not losing weight than this is the fact you are taking in more calories than you think and you are not in a deficet sounds like maintenane to me.

    As for the know what they call a person who graduated dead last for grades out of Medical school...Doctor...Degrees mean nothing if you can't apply the knowledge with some common sense.

    3100 calories my butt...that is my husbands maintenance calories and he is 30 and is a lot more active than you.

    ETA; Scooby has you at 2277 for TDEE-20% with activity being 5-6hours of strenous activity....

    Not trying to be snarky. I didn't ask for advice from the forums. Again I posted because I am hoping it helps someone else who is having the same issue. I wear a chest strap. i am not a NUbie to any of this. I lost weight have kept most of it off and live a very healthy and active lifestyle. I asked for advice from someone who does this with people who run marathons and play sports for a living. I didn't say please help me to anyone here, merely shared my new found knowledge. She based this on examining me and knowing all the facts about me in an hour consultation not over the internet.

    whatever good luck to you ..

    Increasing your calories 1000% a day is going to produce some interesting results, and I hope that is what you are looking for.

    I will say that if you were not losing, then you were doing something wrong, most likely underestimating calories. Calories in VS calories out works for everyone, you are not different or special.

    thats all Igot
  • bubbaduts
    bubbaduts Posts: 196 Member
    Not trying to be snarky. I didn't ask for advice from the forums. Again I posted because I am hoping it helps someone else who is having the same issue. I wear a chest strap. i am not a NUbie to any of this. I lost weight have kept most of it off and live a very healthy and active lifestyle. I asked for advice from someone who does this with people who run marathons and play sports for a living. I didn't say please help me to anyone here, merely shared my new found knowledge. She based this on examining me and knowing all the facts about me in an hour consultation not over the internet.

    Sure you weren't....I am not so young that I don't know a passive agressive dig when I see one...but whatever

    Like ndj said have fun with this and the results will be interesting...

    And just so you know if "new found knowledge" is gonna cause a New person grief there are those of us that will regardless of the posters intent tell them they are wrong...and that they are not special snowflakes...

    You may think you are....know you are but we know better...

    Good luck OP and for anyone new reading this...Yah no...there is something off....

    It is SO sad that you seriously think you know more about me and my health and what I should do with my body being some random stranger over the internet than someone who does this for a living that actually met with me in person. Must be awesome knowing everything about everything. At least i could see something was wrong and went and asked for help from an appropriate channel not a forum on the internet with fake experts who love to tell people what they are doing wrong
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Not trying to be snarky. I didn't ask for advice from the forums. Again I posted because I am hoping it helps someone else who is having the same issue. I wear a chest strap. i am not a NUbie to any of this. I lost weight have kept most of it off and live a very healthy and active lifestyle. I asked for advice from someone who does this with people who run marathons and play sports for a living. I didn't say please help me to anyone here, merely shared my new found knowledge. She based this on examining me and knowing all the facts about me in an hour consultation not over the internet.

    Sure you weren't....I am not so young that I don't know a passive agressive dig when I see one...but whatever

    Like ndj said have fun with this and the results will be interesting...

    And just so you know if "new found knowledge" is gonna cause a New person grief there are those of us that will regardless of the posters intent tell them they are wrong...and that they are not special snowflakes...

    You may think you are....know you are but we know better...

    Good luck OP and for anyone new reading this...Yah no...there is something off....

    It is SO sad that you seriously think you know more about me and my health and what I should do with my body being some random stranger over the internet than someone who does this for a living that actually met with me in person. Must be awesome knowing everything about everything. At least i could see something was wrong and went and asked for help from an appropriate channel not a forum on the internet with fake experts who love to tell people what they are doing wrong

    Just for the record, you also don't do this for a living and came here to help people you've never met know what they might be doing wrong. I think you might be wandering into a pot/kettle situation.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Not trying to be snarky. I didn't ask for advice from the forums. Again I posted because I am hoping it helps someone else who is having the same issue. I wear a chest strap. i am not a NUbie to any of this. I lost weight have kept most of it off and live a very healthy and active lifestyle. I asked for advice from someone who does this with people who run marathons and play sports for a living. I didn't say please help me to anyone here, merely shared my new found knowledge. She based this on examining me and knowing all the facts about me in an hour consultation not over the internet.

    Sure you weren't....I am not so young that I don't know a passive agressive dig when I see one...but whatever

    Like ndj said have fun with this and the results will be interesting...

    And just so you know if "new found knowledge" is gonna cause a New person grief there are those of us that will regardless of the posters intent tell them they are wrong...and that they are not special snowflakes...

    You may think you are....know you are but we know better...

    Good luck OP and for anyone new reading this...Yah no...there is something off....

    It is SO sad that you seriously think you know more about me and my health and what I should do with my body being some random stranger over the internet than someone who does this for a living that actually met with me in person. Must be awesome knowing everything about everything. At least i could see something was wrong and went and asked for help from an appropriate channel not a forum on the internet with fake experts who love to tell people what they are doing wrong

    LOL @ fake experts...

    We are just people that have had success and are trying to give you a bit of advice.

    You cant eat in a 1000 calorie or 500 calorie deficit and not lose weight. Even if you were truly were in "starvation mode", which I highly doubt" you would lose fat mass, muscle mass, etc, which would result in a drop in weight.

    Do you really think that you are the one person out of seven billion on the planet that can eat in a deficit and not lose weight?

    All we are saying is that your calorie estimates are off and that the drastic increase in calories is more than likely not going to produce the results that you want...If you don't want to heed that advice then that is up to you ..

    As an aside, I have seen plenty of "nutritionists" that give horrible advice...

    but good luck to you ...
  • VeePhillips
    VeePhillips Posts: 33 Member
    I have been on MFP for over 3 years and initially lost 77 pounds FAST! But I have been stuck for 2 years of gaining and losing the same 10-15! I thought I had a health issue so I saw my Dr. she ran every test in the book and said I was healthy but decided to send me to a nutritionist because of my symptoms. I met with the sports nutritionist and man oh man was I wrong about what I thought my body needed! She looked at my MFP food and exercise diaries and then told me I was eating the calories of a 90 year old grandma and no wonder I can't lose weight. With the running Mileage I do a week alone I should be eating 3100 calories a day and 75 percent carbs! Not to mention the other exercise! I was floored I am still having a hard time believing her but an 8 year degree in sports nutrition can't be wrong. She explained that I am no longer the 270+ pound girl that started, I am a marathon runner and an athlete now and if i dont eat like one my body will fight back. I will be using MFP to help me up my calories and get my carbs in but I think I am finally ready to transition to the athlete I am! I just wanted to post this just in case there is anyone else that is facing the same problem of not losing.

    It doesn't really make sense for her to say you can't lose weight because you aren't eating enough calories. If you aren't eating enough calories you should be having trouble with losing too much weight, including lean muscle. You should weigh everything you eat and calculate how many calories you need using your TDEE, and then eat below that to lose weight. If you aren't losing weight it's because you are calculating your intake incorrectly and not eating at a deficit.

    It makes perfect sense! If you are using more calories than take in then your body will go into starvation mode and a thallus start breaking down your muscle first. It will start to store fat to protect your vital organs. It's all numbers! I too am working with a doctor to lose weight. Everything is taken into consideration. How you spend most of your day, exercise and so on. Your body burns Callie's just breathing and working. Then you have to make sure you get the right amount of carbs, fats and even sugars. Listen to the nutritionalist. Obviously, if your activities slow down then you should eat less calories.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    I still think that 2100 calories might be an appropriate amount as long as you are tracking accurately. But an interesting read:
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I have been on MFP for over 3 years and initially lost 77 pounds FAST! But I have been stuck for 2 years of gaining and losing the same 10-15! I thought I had a health issue so I saw my Dr. she ran every test in the book and said I was healthy but decided to send me to a nutritionist because of my symptoms. I met with the sports nutritionist and man oh man was I wrong about what I thought my body needed! She looked at my MFP food and exercise diaries and then told me I was eating the calories of a 90 year old grandma and no wonder I can't lose weight. With the running Mileage I do a week alone I should be eating 3100 calories a day and 75 percent carbs! Not to mention the other exercise! I was floored I am still having a hard time believing her but an 8 year degree in sports nutrition can't be wrong. She explained that I am no longer the 270+ pound girl that started, I am a marathon runner and an athlete now and if i dont eat like one my body will fight back. I will be using MFP to help me up my calories and get my carbs in but I think I am finally ready to transition to the athlete I am! I just wanted to post this just in case there is anyone else that is facing the same problem of not losing.

    It doesn't really make sense for her to say you can't lose weight because you aren't eating enough calories. If you aren't eating enough calories you should be having trouble with losing too much weight, including lean muscle. You should weigh everything you eat and calculate how many calories you need using your TDEE, and then eat below that to lose weight. If you aren't losing weight it's because you are calculating your intake incorrectly and not eating at a deficit.

    It makes perfect sense! If you are using more calories than take in then your body will go into starvation mode and a thallus start breaking down your muscle first. It will start to store fat to protect your vital organs. It's all numbers! I too am working with a doctor to lose weight. Everything is taken into consideration. How you spend most of your day, exercise and so on. Your body burns Callie's just breathing and working. Then you have to make sure you get the right amount of carbs, fats and even sugars. Listen to the nutritionalist. Obviously, if your activities slow down then you should eat less calories.

    Ummm yes, but if your body is using muscle for energy then you will weigh less because you have used up muscle, thus dropping the number on the scale.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    Ummm yes, but if your body is using muscle for energy then you will weigh less because you have used up muscle, thus dropping the number on the scale.

    This is very true. If your body really is breaking down muscle for energy, you can expect to see a rather drastic drop in weight because consuming muscle for energy is not a very efficient process. In other words, to extract X energy by breaking down your lean body mass, your body will have to burn through more pounds of muscle to extract the energy than it would need to burn through in pounds of fat. Not to mention, if your body needs to break down your muscle for energy, why would it be storing fat at the same time, unless perhaps you had a protein deficiency. In short, odds are if you weren't losing weight over a lengthy period of time, you were eating at maintenance.
  • Ashes_To_Beast
    Ashes_To_Beast Posts: 378 Member
    I would get a second opinion!!! 75% carb is dangerous for your health! and the amount of cals recommended is to high. You always want to aim for a high protein diet, it will transform your body much faster!

    Google (High fat/ Low carb diet), beleive me they work! It has alot of benifits and if you find the right articles you'll learn why NOT to buy low fat products and the misconceptions about fatty foods
  • alexandriax03
    alexandriax03 Posts: 289 Member
    My brother is a marathon runner and it is typical for runners to gain weight. I am not a nutritionist - just sharing what I know. With the amount of running you are doing your exposing your body to internal oxidative stress which triggers your cortisol levels to go up. Check out this video.
    Hope it helps!

    This is very true. OP: Did your doctor test your hormone levels?
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Someone needs to call Warren Buffett and tell him about the MFP forums!!!!!!! (and google)

    He should get his CEOs and Board Members here instead of places like stupid Universities and people with real life work experience!
  • Okay, guys, enough with the 'tell the starving african children' ****.

    There's a difference between consuming a decent amount of food that's not nearly ENOUGH and ACTUALLY starving in a third world country.


    I'd also be far more inclined to listen to a professional, with perhaps a second opinion, than the MFP forum quoting articles that may or may not be peer reviewed, may or may not be accurate, mayo r may not be biased, may or may not even exist...
  • bubbaduts
    bubbaduts Posts: 196 Member
    My brother is a marathon runner and it is typical for runners to gain weight. I am not a nutritionist - just sharing what I know. With the amount of running you are doing your exposing your body to internal oxidative stress which triggers your cortisol levels to go up. Check out this video.
    Hope it helps!

    This is very true. OP: Did your doctor test your hormone levels?

    Yes and my Thyroid all perfect.
  • FWIW my wife is a health/nutrition major and alot of missinformation does get tossed around. As humans we have experiental reality in things we know through experience and we have agreement reality which are things we are told is true and everyone agrees upon as a fact. Do some research and you may be amazed at what you think you know isn't true.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    I have been on MFP for over 3 years and initially lost 77 pounds FAST! But I have been stuck for 2 years of gaining and losing the same 10-15! I thought I had a health issue so I saw my Dr. she ran every test in the book and said I was healthy but decided to send me to a nutritionist because of my symptoms. I met with the sports nutritionist and man oh man was I wrong about what I thought my body needed! She looked at my MFP food and exercise diaries and then told me I was eating the calories of a 90 year old grandma and no wonder I can't lose weight. With the running Mileage I do a week alone I should be eating 3100 calories a day and 75 percent carbs! Not to mention the other exercise! I was floored I am still having a hard time believing her but an 8 year degree in sports nutrition can't be wrong. She explained that I am no longer the 270+ pound girl that started, I am a marathon runner and an athlete now and if i dont eat like one my body will fight back. I will be using MFP to help me up my calories and get my carbs in but I think I am finally ready to transition to the athlete I am! I just wanted to post this just in case there is anyone else that is facing the same problem of not losing.

    I am confused ( especially since I have worked with an MA in Nutrition for 30 plus years in the field ). There is no such thing as not losing , because a person does not ingest enough calories. If that were true the concentration and refugee camps of the past and present would have been full of fat people.
    You say you started out at 270 plus pounds, you have lost around 77, you are yo-yo-ing 10-15 pounds, which means you are still 200 pounds and over. With all due respect that is not the weight of a high performance runner. Of course it is difficult to give any details, because you did not mentioned your stats. If you are around 6 feet tall or more you might need 3100 calories, but I personally would be concerned about the 75% carbs. If you have the typical runner's height and especially if you are still overweight and if you want to keep those 15 pounds you are battling down for good, I would eat less carbs, more protein and beneficial fat, because just carbs at those quantities will not keep you healthy and in good shape.
    I don't want to tell you what to do, but personally would probably go to another specialist or at least would get a second opinion, because some of her advise just does not make sense to me.
  • FWIW my wife is a health/nutrition major and alot of missinformation does get tossed around. As humans we have experiental reality in things we know through experience and we have agreement reality which are things we are told is true and everyone agrees upon as a fact. Do some research and you may be amazed at what you think you know isn't true.
    And then we have peer reviewed scientific research....
  • Val_from_OH
    Val_from_OH Posts: 447 Member
    I think you will be successful going to 2100 calories, or maybe even a little higher. I had been in a plateau for months. I did some research, recalculated my TDEE using a few different calculators, and ended up adding 300 calories per day. I started losing again almost immediately! I'm no athlete, but I work out about 3 times a week, and I run around a lot more when I'm home than I had accounted for. Living in a three-story townhouse helps get your burn on!
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    if the object is to lose more weight, i wouldn't assume adding calories will result in more weight loss.

    that only makes sense if you were under feeding but then more then made up for it on binges. in which case you were not eating at whatever calorie level you thought you were
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Okay, guys, enough with the 'tell the starving african children' ****.

    There's a difference between consuming a decent amount of food that's not nearly ENOUGH and ACTUALLY starving in a third world country.


    I'd also be far more inclined to listen to a professional, with perhaps a second opinion, than the MFP forum quoting articles that may or may not be peer reviewed, may or may not be accurate, mayo r may not be biased, may or may not even exist...
    There's no difference between not eating enough here and not eating enough in Africa. People like to trot out the "starvation mode" theory every time they think they are eating at a deficit and don't lose weight. The truth is that if you eat in a deficit, you lose weight. Anorexics right here in America prove this every day by not eating enough. Their bodies continue to break down their muscle when the fat storage is gone and they continue to lose weight, even though they continue to eat a deficit. Bottom line: if you do not eat enough, you lose weight. Period.
    Not all medical professionals are perfect, they are just people. And they can only give you answers based on the information you give them. If that information is incorrect, they will be wrong as well. People on here have often done years of research themselves, or work as fitness advisors, or nutrtionists themselves. You can't discount someone's opinion just because they don't have a medical doctorate. Physics is fact.