Restaurant Pet Peeves



  • gkwatra
    gkwatra Posts: 431 Member
    Ha! I know EXACTLY where that is. I love that area. I live in Lithonia. :happy:

    This was in reference to the VORTEX in Atlanta. Doh!:grumble:
  • gkwatra
    gkwatra Posts: 431 Member
    I've never personally experienced this but I read somewhere that a group of people from a church went for Sunday lunch after their services. When the waiter came to their table, one woman said, "I want to tell you beforehand that we will not be tipping you because we don't believe in working on Sundays."

    If you don't believe in working on Sundays, then don't go out to eat on Sundays and then waiters won't need to work on Sundays!!!! :grumble: I have no problems with what people believe but don't cop the "holier than thou" attitude. You earn 0 points that way ...
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    A gratuity is ordinarily only added to large parties

    Not necessarily.

    I have been to plenty of restaurants where I've caught the added gratuity at the end of the check and it's just my husband and I. In cases like that we don't even leave an extra tip because you've already assumed you were getting one and added it to my bill.
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    And for the record, TIPS means "To Insure Prompt Service". There was a time where the server was tipped before they waited on the patrons and however much the patron left ahead of time determined the quality of their service.
  • Erin_goBrahScience
    Erin_goBrahScience Posts: 1,215 Member
    I've never personally experienced this but I read somewhere that a group of people from a church went for Sunday lunch after their services. When the waiter came to their table, one woman said, "I want to tell you beforehand that we will not be tipping you because we don't believe in working on Sundays."

    If you don't believe in working on Sundays, then don't go out to eat on Sundays and then waiters won't need to work on Sundays!!!! :grumble: I have no problems with what people believe but don't cop the "holier than thou" attitude. You earn 0 points that way ...

    ^^I actually have been on the receiving end of this type of rationale...and more than once.

    As a former server Sunday lunch was by far the WORST. Once I had enough seniority I vowed I would NEVER work a Sunday afternoon service again.
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    I've eaten in restaurants where the server automatically brings water and in restaurants where the server does not. I have never noticed a measurable difference in the time spent between the two.I love how all of your complaints in this thread are so serious they require capital letters and the Internet equivalent of screaming them at the top of your lungs, but you belittle others' complaints and tell them they're wrong.

    There is a time difference. Every minute, every SECOND they are wasting if you don't want water is TIME. You are wrong. No matter what you say, time is time.

    How can you say it's not a measurable difference? Let's say you just arrive, 5 MINUTES by the time your server gets to you(You are in a party of 12), WHY? Fixing 12 waters that nobody wants at the table. Could have been at your table in 2-3 minutes. You have NO CLUE OF WTH you are talking about.

    Even just printing the check is wasting my time if I want something else. That's TIME, TIME IS TIME. We have had servers before give us the check only for them to have to adjust it and print it all over again. Time is time.

    Anything wastes time if you do it for nothing. Are you stupid?

    Why don't you just SAVE SOME TIME and go eat at a FAST FOOD RESTAURANT where you can HAVE IT YOUR WAY? You will save TIME TIME TIME!!!

    You sound like such a lovely individual. You're probably one of those people who talks loudly on the phone during dinner as well because IT'S YOUR TIME!!!!
  • EplusThree
    EplusThree Posts: 47 Member
    I've never personally experienced this but I read somewhere that a group of people from a church went for Sunday lunch after their services. When the waiter came to their table, one woman said, "I want to tell you beforehand that we will not be tipping you because we don't believe in working on Sundays."

    If you don't believe in working on Sundays, then don't go out to eat on Sundays and then waiters won't need to work on Sundays!!!! :grumble: I have no problems with what people believe but don't cop the "holier than thou" attitude. You earn 0 points that way ...

    ^^I actually have been on the receiving end of this type of rationale...and more than once.

    As a former server Sunday lunch was by far the WORST. Once I had enough seniority I vowed I would NEVER work a Sunday afternoon service again.

    This is truly sad. I have never heard of this, but that is the most ridiculous thinking. So, you don't believe in working on Sunday, but you believing eating in a restaurant on Sunday? Do they not understand people need to WORK to serve them? How can their brains not wrap around that concept?
    I can't believe this is actually a thing people say.. That's probably the saddest thing I've heard on this whole thread. Next time I eat at a restaurant on a Sunday, I'm doubling my tip!!
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    When they bring you a fresh drink and leave the empty glass on the table. I really don't like that. It shows laziness on their part (I know sometimes they are very busy) and makes you look gluttonous.

    I'm happy to to tip well for service.
    Servers have to bring a fresh glasses each time, for health reasons, but they DEF shouldn't be leaving the glass if its completely empty unless their hands were full from picking up plates
  • sjp_511
    sjp_511 Posts: 476 Member
    I haven't read all of the previous pages, but I hate when I have a reservation and still have to wait a long time. One time my husband and I were traveling and were going to be driving through his aunt & uncles town around dinner time. They made a reservation for the 4 of us to have dinner. We got there right on time and they were packed - it was 7PM on a Friday night. They refused to tell us how long until our table was ready. After waiting for 20 minutes, one of the hostesses finally told us that they were just beginning to seat people who had 6PM reservations. We immediately left and went elsewhere. We were hungry and still had 2 hours to drive to our hotel. We weren't going to wait for another hour!
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    I've never personally experienced this but I read somewhere that a group of people from a church went for Sunday lunch after their services. When the waiter came to their table, one woman said, "I want to tell you beforehand that we will not be tipping you because we don't believe in working on Sundays."

    If you don't believe in working on Sundays, then don't go out to eat on Sundays and then waiters won't need to work on Sundays!!!! :grumble: I have no problems with what people believe but don't cop the "holier than thou" attitude. You earn 0 points that way ...

    ^^I actually have been on the receiving end of this type of rationale...and more than once.

    As a former server Sunday lunch was by far the WORST. Once I had enough seniority I vowed I would NEVER work a Sunday afternoon service again.

    I am so, so sorry! I say that in all sincerity. I've heard a horror story or two of the after-church crowd being horrible customers. It should never be that way and I hate that some waiters/waitresses have to deal with rudeness like that. If someone doesn't believe in working on Sunday, they should throw some lunch in the crockpot on Saturday night and eat at home!
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    I've never personally experienced this but I read somewhere that a group of people from a church went for Sunday lunch after their services. When the waiter came to their table, one woman said, "I want to tell you beforehand that we will not be tipping you because we don't believe in working on Sundays."

    If you don't believe in working on Sundays, then don't go out to eat on Sundays and then waiters won't need to work on Sundays!!!! :grumble: I have no problems with what people believe but don't cop the "holier than thou" attitude. You earn 0 points that way ...

    THere was a pastor who had a large group go out to a restaurant after sunday church and when the bill came she saw there was 18% grat added because it was a large party, so she croseed it out and put "I give god 10% what makes you think you deserve 18%" and stiffed the server. The server posted it on facebook or something like that, then the pastor found out, called applebees and demanded they fire that server, which they did, then so many people boycotted that applebees until they hired the girl back lol
  • MissSarahAllison315
    MissSarahAllison315 Posts: 263 Member
    I don't see it as asking for a tip because 9 times out of 10 they haven't even looked at the cash when they ask this question. For all they know there isn't even enough to cover the bill!

    Why would they give their server not enough to cover the bill? That makes no sense what-so-ever.

    It doesn't matter what amount. They shouldn't try to shorten their job. They should be WILLING to do their ENTIRE JOB without asking to shorten it. It's almost saying "Do I have to make an extra trip to get your change for you?" To me, that's like complaining that they have to do WORK.

    Do you honestly think no one has ever intentionally or unintentionally not put in enough to cover the bill? Which is not even the point, anyway. I think you take things too personally, Cookie.

    ^^^THIS. I've had so many tables (especially 7-8 tops) try to cheat me on the check. I even had one table of NINE pay cash, and leave the second I turned my back....they didn't pay gratuity...but WORSE they didn't even pay the d**n sales tax. So I ended up PAYING THEM TO EAT!!!! So yes....I check and then say "I'll bring you your change!!
  • Solar07
    Solar07 Posts: 83 Member
    great idea!!
    #1 has to be screaming children...I mean not a crying child who is just cranking or hungry. I mean the little brat throwing a fit and screaming at his parents while they pretend not to notice...ok so the parents too!!

    I agree 100%! If you can't control your kid, then ask for a to-go bag so I can enjoy my meal.
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    great idea!!
    #1 has to be screaming children...I mean not a crying child who is just cranking or hungry. I mean the little brat throwing a fit and screaming at his parents while they pretend not to notice...ok so the parents too!!

    I agree 100%! If you can't control your kid, then ask for a to-go bag so I can enjoy my meal.

    If we go to a restaurant and the hostess is steering us towards a table near children we will ask them to please seat us elsewhere.
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    Why don't you just SAVE SOME TIME and go eat at a FAST FOOD RESTAURANT where you can HAVE IT YOUR WAY? You will save TIME TIME TIME!!!

    You sound like such a lovely individual. You're probably one of those people who talks loudly on the phone during dinner as well because IT'S YOUR TIME!!!!

    You sound mean and have no issues with people controlling your money. I don't want someone telling me how to spend my money.


    I'm sorry but when I go out to a nice restaurant I'm actually not under a time constraint. It's in the evening and I'm relaxing with my husband over drinks and a nice dinner. In fact there are far too many times where our food comes out too fast and if we know that the particular restaurant we are at does this we will spread our ordering out. Never had a problem telling the server that we're in no hurry, we're just going to order appetizers for now and if we're still hungry then we'll order our meals.

    I read your posts and sorry to say it but you're the one that sounds extremely ornery and rude. I feel sorry for anyone that has to wait on you.
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    Why don't you just SAVE SOME TIME and go eat at a FAST FOOD RESTAURANT where you can HAVE IT YOUR WAY? You will save TIME TIME TIME!!!

    You sound like such a lovely individual. You're probably one of those people who talks loudly on the phone during dinner as well because IT'S YOUR TIME!!!!

    You sound mean and have no issues with people controlling your money. I don't want someone telling me how to spend my money.

    Time for a reality check springs, you sound mean yourself, and you are talking about people with control issues, when you are legit a control freak and are telling everyone here how they should think or feel.

    Now please do the world a favor and either get the stick removed from your booty, or crawl back under that bridge you came from and don't come out until it's feeding time.
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    Some servers *ASK* if we want some of the complimentary things. I don't feel any server should be giving that without asking, because it's not up to the restaurant manager if I want some food that is free or not, because that manager is not paying the tip, *WE* are though, so it's up to *US* ONLY!

    So what? Seriously, what the frick is the big deal if they put something on your table like say a basket of bread with olive oil and vinegar to dip it in? If you don't want it DON'T F*CKING EAT IT!

    First of all, in my experience if water is standard at the restaurant it's not the server that brings waters, it's whoever is bussing the tables.
    That's at fine dining. I am not talking about those type of restaurants. I am talking about non-fine dining restaurants like Applebee's, Chili's, Outback, Red Lobster, etc.

    Ahh. That explains a lot.
    If I'm at a bar or someplace that doesn't really set their table I don't expect water.
    WHY the hell would you *******EVER*********** ***EXPECT*** something you NEVER ONCE ORDERED, HUH? I don't expect that, WHY should anyone?

    And again, DON'T DRINK IT IF YOU DON'T WANT IT! I have never been to a restaurant where someone didn't come by and fill my glass up with water and you know what? IT NEVER BOTHERED ME EVEN THOUGH I NEVER ASKED FOR IT BECAUSE EVENTUALLY I'M GOING TO WANT IT! Don't you think that by filling up your glass ahead of time you're saving yourself your ever precious TIME TIME TIME! by NOT having to flag them over and ASK THEM for WATER?

    But then again I don't eat at Chillis, Red Lobster, or Outback. I prefer fine dining where they give me water and bread and any other "freebie" that they might have WITHOUT MY ASKING FOR IT!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    You are very mean and love control apparently.

    Project much?
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233

    Seriously Springs131. You are cracking me the f-up. You're talking about places like Denny's Chilli's, IHOP, Outback, Applebees like they're "fine dining" establishments.

    Oh, and I happen to like it when my server puts a cute little thank you note on the check with their name.
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233

    Seriously Springs131. You are cracking me the f-up. You're talking about places like Denny's Chilli's, IHOP, Outback, Applebees like they're "fine dining" establishments.

    No, they aren't. That's why I rather them, because I am not FORCED to get water and I also like the food better at those. You also get A LOT MORE FOOD for your money than at fine dining.

    We also have had much better service at non-fine dining. Fine dining we have had some bad service. Why do you act like where the place is that means that the server is going to be a hard worker and care about you more? We have tipped 25% at IHOP even. It depends on the *PERSON* that serves you, NOT how expensive everything is. We went to a restaurant me and my husband spent almost $300 before tip where the cheapest entree at the time(2011) was $89 a plate, our waiter forgot my margarita from the bar and he didn't even say he was sorry even, which I wasn't mean or anything just nicely reminded him about it. It took 8-10 minutes just to get a coke and another 8-10 minutes to get a refill of coke. For spending $293, we should have had ZERO problems, NONE what-so-ever. We should have had a soft drink under a minute as we have had a chain restaurants before. We should have had an APOLOGY for a forgotten drink that we have had a chain restaurants before. You sure don't know much or go out much it sounds like, do you?

    I go out all the time . I'm not sure what that has to do with anything. Sure I've had bad service at some places but the amount of times that I have vs haven't is minimal. We had a server forget to put in our order and then say that it was the computers fault which we knew it wasn't. Were we a little bit mad? Sure. Did we cause a stink and berate him and demand an apology for it? Nope. We just ordered another round of drinks, listened to the music and waited for our meals and now when we go there we either request to not be seated in his section or we let the other servers know that we don't want him waiting on us. Problem solved.

    I also don't care if they give me water at when I didn't order it, place bread or something special that the chef made on my table when I didn't ask for it, go into a bit more detail on the menu items when I order something when it's printed on the menu, and are genuinely nice people to me. I've been to restaurants where the server who had us previously sees us come in and requests that we be seated in her section. Sure I expect zero problems anywhere I go but the fact of the matter is that there will be problems, there will be servers who are lack-luster and don't pay attention to you and mess things up. It's going to happen any place you go.

    Just throwing it out there but perhaps it's your attitude that dictates the kind of service you get at any restaurant.