Who are we losing weight for... Really?



  • Nightdust
    Nightdust Posts: 171 Member
    :bigsmile: I want to keep ahead of the zombies!

    Really I want to feel better and look better for myself.
  • Maleficent0241
    Maleficent0241 Posts: 386 Member
    I'm doing it for me, and honestly any pressure other people would put on me couldn't begin to compare to the pressure I put on myself. I used to be very thin, healthy, modeled, etc. until the health issues that made me pile on weight and I am plain ol' depressed with myself now. I need to feel better, mentally and physically.
  • fallingken
    fallingken Posts: 98 Member
    Several reasons for me. One, so I can fit my butt into those tiny airplane seats as I have a 25th anniversary cruise in June and I have to fly across the Atlantic twice. Second, because my yellow Lab insists on going for runs each day and she is much happier when we run, which I can do now without my knees hurting and running out of breath. Third, so I can make my work buy me new issue uniforms when everything i currently have gets too big on me, almost ready to order a new set again. Fourth, I want to get back into the sky again. I miss the freedom .
  • CrystalDreams
    CrystalDreams Posts: 418 Member
    im losing weight so im not horrified by the hideous Ursula with legs in the mirror
  • huv123
    huv123 Posts: 54 Member
    i do it to be able to pick up younger and hotter chicks. just being honest

    A good personality would get you further. Also not calling women chicks. Just being honest.
  • imjolly
    imjolly Posts: 176 Member
    I am losing weight for ME. Of course we all want to look good but I honesty want to be healthy, feel healthy and look healthy for me. We are not the same when we are carrying more weight, we tend to be tired, grumpy, less motivated to do anything and we end up doing nothing but eating and probably watching worthless TV when we could be out doing something to make us feel better and stay fit. I run, bike, swim, lift weights, count calories and eat healthy because it makes me feel good.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    What really made my weight loss plan sink in and stick was after I read that people who have a lot of belly fat, start building up fat on their hearts, lungs, kidneys, etc. For those shaped people (I am one) the body starts building fat cells on vital organs. So it is for me. I am the only one who cared and I am the only one who can do anything about it.
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Honestly, for me it was all about $$$$$
    We were facing an increase in our health insurance premium at work if we did not pass 5 bio markers in Dec 2013. I succeeded and my cheapness paid off, no increased premium for this old lady.

    BTW, I could care less about the superficial aspect you claim as motivation.I will have been married for 39 years this year and he has always loved me the way I am. Nothing superficial about him, he knows the inner me. I am a very lucky lady!
  • smc864
    smc864 Posts: 570 Member
    I don't know about y'all, but I'm losing weight for clothes. ;)

    ^^This!!! When I was fat I literally couldn't find anything that looked half way decent... now everything I try on looks good. I lost weight for me, and for clothes!!!
  • crazyvermont
    crazyvermont Posts: 171 Member
    Are you serious? I feel lousy when overweight and not able to do the things I'd like to be able to do. Years beyond the sexy part, but I would like to be able to chase both my grandchildren and someday great grandchildren around the yard
  • Focusisfab
    Purely for my ego.:tongue:
  • ebayaddict0127
    ebayaddict0127 Posts: 523 Member
    #1 - Me. I'm depressed and fat and sad all the time. Plus I'm at high risk for heart disease.
    #2 - My husband. I'm tired of complaining and being down all the time around him. And I want to feel cute again.
    #3 - My kids (fur kids). I don't have children, and don't plan to. I have pets though. They are my world. I want them to know me through their entire lives.
  • CMoeDee
    CMoeDee Posts: 102 Member
    Two reasons:

    One, my pants stopped fitting, which... straight to hell with that. I love those pants.
    Two, I went from an office job to working from home; my hours got weird, my food got unlimited, and I was tired all the time. Then my pants stopped fitting. Diet and exercise remedy both these problems 100%. Once I got started, I figured, why not? I haven't been "in shape" for five years. Let's see if that's still as fun as I remember.

    My dude likes my butt no matter the size and once I met him I could not give a single damn whether anyone else thought I was attractive or not.
  • jkleon86
    jkleon86 Posts: 245 Member
    I knew a girl once that was really really big, and also the biggest ,rudest snob that I ever met. most times wouldn't acknowledge that I was even around. But she got a computer boyfriend, lost weight and was the sweetest person, smiling all the time and would even give me a hug from time to time. well boyfriend found someone else and she gained all her weight back and was back to being a snob again. so why did she lose the weight ,for herself or the boyfriend and what made her so friendly and feel good being skinny and beautiful or what turned out to be a scum ball boyfriend. NO MAN IS WORTH WHAT SHE HAS LET HERSELF BECOME TODAY!!! just saying :)
  • hkied
    hkied Posts: 46 Member
    wow me to wish I could drop weight a little faster though....... I havent totally giving up drinking but have really slowed down, with nothing to show for it! Congrats on feeling better!
  • ArtsyGarbage
    my ex liked me when I was 190 lbs, and my current boyfriend likes me at 141 lbs.
    I dumped my ex because I couldn't *truly* accept that he liked me because I hated myself so damn much.
    I hated myself because I let food control my life. I hated myself because I was obese and unhealthy and I couldn't climb up one single flight of stairs without getting panty and light-headed. I hated myself because I was literally sitting on the couch, eating, and watching my life go by.
    I'm getting rid of the weight for me and me alone, so I never have to feel like I'm whittling my life away again.
    HELL YEAH! :glasses:
  • topazora
    topazora Posts: 82 Member
    I'm losing weight for me, I'm losing weight because I want to get into the military and take advantage of any opportunity that will open up for me if I took the risk to join. I've always had people tell me, don't wait, go for what you want, and if something is in the way, take care of it. I want something, and my weight is in the way, so I'm taking care of it.
    My weight and health are all about me. Its a selfish act, and that's ok.
  • ThriceBlessed
    ThriceBlessed Posts: 499 Member
    I'm losing weight for myself. Really.

    My husband loves me and finds me attractive. He loved me and found me attractive when I was 56 pounds heavier than I am now. That really hasn't changed.

    What has changed? Well, I no longer have pain in every joint of my body. I no longer use a cane to walk. I no longer stop breathing in my sleep. I no longer go to bed wondering if I'll wake up in the morning. I no longer watch other people going on hikes, or riding bikes, or getting on a roller coaster, and know that I can't go because of my weight.

    Do I look better? Yes. Am I glad about that? Yes. Is that why I am losing weight? NO.

    I am also losing weight for my family, because I want to be here with them for years to come.
  • Mandyg416
    myself. at 206 pounds i couldnt make it through an 8 hour work day without crying the drive home from the pain in my knees and back,. now almost 70 pounds lighter i feel great and am still losing even though i met my original goal, it apparently wasnt the right number for my body, so ill just keep losing til it stops.
  • nikkihk
    nikkihk Posts: 487 Member
    Three reasons...

    1. My fiance deserves a fit bride.

    2. I deserve to love myself.

    3. Can't handle my appearance on camera, so I want to be fit before the next film I do.