Early Stages of Dating -- No-Nos



  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I am not familiar with the thing to which you refer..."dating"

    I don't believe you.
  • srcardinal10
    srcardinal10 Posts: 387 Member
    I posted this on another thread on here a few weeks ago, but this will always be the biggest no-no that I've ever experienced lol. It definitely wasn't a date, but everyone always seems to get a kick out of this story (it was by no means funny at the time):

    Talking to a guy online that lives an hour away, we talk for a week or so, add each other on Facebook, and then I get a random phone call from him and he's like "I'm on my way to come see you"... I was confused, had never given him my address or mentioned exactly whereabouts I live, etc... I was like 'oh he's obviously kidding'.

    An hour after that phone call, there's a knock on my front door. I had three roommates that were all out of town for the month for winter break, so I'm home by myself. HE'S STANDING OUTSIDE MY FRONT DOOR WITH A BACKPACK. In my large, locked, high-rise apartment building that had no labels on the doors/mailboxes to identify who lives in each apartment. And somehow, he is standing at my front door. Says it was easy to find out where I lived using "landmarks that you mentioned, and the internet". Da fuk?

    I made up some lie about having to go somewhere, he asked me for gas money to get home (WTF??? I gave him money just to get him out of my living room), and then I blocked/deleted him from everything and never heard a peep from him again. I almost think I'll see his mugshot on the news someday for something. ::shudders::

  • srcardinal10
    srcardinal10 Posts: 387 Member
    I am not familiar with the thing to which you refer..."dating"

    I don't believe you.

  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    A few months ago, one of my friends that knew about that story made me search for that crazy guy on Facebook to see if he was still on there. We found him... profile says he's married now. The girl probably doesn't even know it. Either that, or he's got her locked in a tool shed at his house. Creepy!
    He probably married her
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    A few months ago, one of my friends that knew about that story made me search for that crazy guy on Facebook to see if he was still on there. We found him... profile says he's married now. The girl probably doesn't even know it. Either that, or he's got her locked in a tool shed at his house. Creepy!
    He probably married her

    Bahahahaha thanks for making me laugh like a crazy person in front of unsuspecting coworkers :blushing:
  • TheConsciousFoody
    TheConsciousFoody Posts: 607 Member
    My first date with a guy on Friday as we are eating:

    Him: "Oh. I shouldn't have ordered brocolli. It makes me fart."
    Me: **staring in shock**
    Him: "Let's hope I don't fart."
    Me: **face palm**

    He's 35. Quite possibly why he's single.

    See this worries me that I will end up single forever because...that would have made me laugh
  • sbetts2229
    sbetts2229 Posts: 79 Member



    My first date with a guy on Friday:

    Him: "Oh. I shouldn't have ordered brocolli. It makes me fart."
    Me: **staring in shock**
    Him: "Let's hope I don't fart."
    Me: **face palm**

    He's 35. Quite possibly why he's single.

    Honesty is refreshing. Can I get his digits?

    Back off sister, I asked first!

    Tag team?!