men... own your height, don't lie about it...



  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    I presume this is about online dating because unless you are blind it's pretty obvious if someone measures up to your expectations if you meet them in real life.

    With regard to online dating I think most men, if they misrepresent their height, do so deliberately - a little white lie. This is because I guess they know if they put down their true height they would get screened out automatically and therefore never get the chance to make a connection. I guess it is playing the odds a bit in the hope that if a lady actually views the profile they may think "hey, this is a really great guy" and that ultimately it won't matter so much if their height isn't quite up to par (pardon the pun) as they have so much else going for them.

    So what is the logical conclusion of all of this? The more people know that others lie on internet dating the more they will be encouraged to fabricate the truth to improve their own chances. This in turn pushes out genuine people after a while as they are bored of playing games. What you are left with are the liars, the players and the uninterested eventually...
  • JG762
    JG762 Posts: 571 Member
    I've met several men from dating sites, and the number of them who claim to be 6' (and aren't even close) is just astounding. So I guess they don't realize that I can tell they were lying? 5'9" or 5'10" is not 6'. Hell, I'm not even 6' tall myself (just a bit under) so when I show up--in flats, as usual--they look at me like I grew a second head. And of course they make a rude comment about my height after expressing shock at how tall I am. If they lie about something that simple, what else are they lying about?

    No thanks. I don't do online dating anymore, but if I did, I'd regard any man who puts 6' in his profile with great suspicion.

    I will date shorter men. Well, at least 5'8". But that's only because I'm so tall myself. And just because women have lied about their weight, it doesn't excuse men who lie about their height.

    LoL, personally I love tall girls, they're well worth the climb!