Wife JUST Sabotaged Me!



  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I can't believe this, how many people are having to deal with this same sort of sabotage but also how many spouses are just admitting to it like Sunday's fishwrap, like a bad penny or a no-good waxpack.

    I know why the caged bjleech cries.
    You bet your kidney plaster! There's burglars in the bedroom while you're fiddling in the parlor!
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    my husband just dropped a bag of pretzels in my lap, seriously. I took a modest few and said - please put them over on the other side of you. So instead of eating handful after handful, I only had one handful. Victory in my book, be glad the oreos were in the kitchen and not dropped in your lap.

    Don't give her any ideas!! :angry:
  • char_barr
    char_barr Posts: 125 Member
    I've given up telling my husband when I am on the wagon - he tends to bring home tons of sweets and crap. I almost laugh about it. My mother in law falls into it too! SO FRUSTRATING, but I don't think they are really doing it on purpose...who the f knows.
  • legendaryfrank
    legendaryfrank Posts: 11 Member
    ?? Just don't eat them, you lack self control
  • MatthewNSW
    My wife bought me a Magnum Chocolate Truffle ice block over the weekend. Without my asking her to. I contemplated divorce, then amputating a hand to compensate for the inevitable weight gain. The amputation seemed the less painful option. In the end, the Magnum was too good for me to find fault....
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member

  • Derp_Diggler
    Derp_Diggler Posts: 1,456 Member
    my husband just dropped a bag of pretzels in my lap, seriously. I took a modest few and said - please put them over on the other side of you. So instead of eating handful after handful, I only had one handful. Victory in my book, be glad the oreos were in the kitchen and not dropped in your lap.

    An oreo lap dance? How sinfully delicious.
  • char_barr
    char_barr Posts: 125 Member
    nice diggs nice
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    It rubs the oreos into its skin or else it gets the hose again.

    that made me snort so hard my throat now hurts.
  • waytobeduck
    I am doing homework and I only have two hundred calories left for the day, probably less and my wife just said from the kitchen "There are Oreos."

    Why would she even do that? She knows that I am counting calories. I think she is insecure and wants me to fail so that I can never cheat on her.

    people r uncooperative butts sometimes... maybe tell her 2 be less of a butt... and support u, instead of being so selfish :indifferent:
  • wonderwoman325
    It rubs the oreos into its skin or else it gets the hose again.

    that made me snort so hard my throat now hurts.

    I regret nothing.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    What if you just do a bunch of jumping jacks while running to the kitchen? You could also do jumping jacks while eating them! Or if you eat them while standing on your head it burns more calories that way. You just need to think this through more before blaming your wife. I'm sure she thought of all that and more when she told you there were oreos.
  • magurski
    magurski Posts: 45 Member
    A) You're an adult, act like one and take responsibility for what you shove in your mouth

    B) "We find the defendant guilty" is five words

    C) If you really think she's sabotaging you, ask her to stop. If she doesn't, you know where you stand
  • ShadeyC
    ShadeyC Posts: 315 Member


    It's the panda cheese angry panda!!!!!!!!!!
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    My bf does it too....

    And he gets mad at me whenever I say I don't want to eat his Pasta/meatballs/lasagna/mac&cheese, I don't want to eat French fires/giant juicy pizzas, accusing me of "hating everything he loves"..... Then he said I was "mentally not strong enough to enjoy them just in moderation" and that was why I feel like I need to avoid them.

    We've had this fight 10 times already. There's no "moderate" amount of mac&cheese, or giant thick crust pizzas....

    But it's all about compromises isn't it. I've been nagging enough about healthy eating and cooking delicious enough healthy food that he actually doesn't think it's a bad idea to eat healthy anymore :)

    Compromise= One person nags the other until they give in and eat what the other person tells them to eat.
    A compromise is a solution which satisfies neither party. What a great premise for a relationship.
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    My foot is sabotaging my weight loss efforts by being all painful and swollen. Clearly I should just hack it off, it's only ever held me back anyways.

    ETA: Interested in cheating with a newer younger foot.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    You know, one day your wife may get curious and check your MFP. It keeps a track of the forums you post in. Wouldn't it be sad if she came across this forum topic YOU posted?

    You can change the original text BUT you can't change everything the users who responded decided to quote ;)


    For all we know, she could be reading this thread right now....:embarassed:
  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    If I buy a package of oreos, my kids eat them all before I can even GET to the kitchen. And do you know why???

  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    my husband just dropped a bag of pretzels in my lap, seriously. I took a modest few and said - please put them over on the other side of you. So instead of eating handful after handful, I only had one handful. Victory in my book, be glad the oreos were in the kitchen and not dropped in your lap.

    An oreo lap dance? How sinfully delicious.

    In for oreo lap dances
  • Dewymorning
    Dewymorning Posts: 762 Member
    You know, one day your wife may get curious and check your MFP. It keeps a track of the forums you post in. Wouldn't it be sad if she came across this forum topic YOU posted?

    You can change the original text BUT you can't change everything the users who responded decided to quote ;)


    For all we know, she could be reading this thread right now....:embarassed:

    For all we know, she is! (or was)