Am I the only one who feels awkward squating?



  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    and then they stop staring because they are embarrassed I shamed with them my steel vagina and rock hard *kitten*.

  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    Do some barbell hip thrusts. You will no longer feel awkward squatting.


    ^^ 100%

    If you make eye contact while doing this you will truly know what awkward is lol

    I have 200 plus pounds on mine... I'll eye contact the hell out of someone if they try to stare at me.I do not care.

    very much like
    <see this... yeah this right here> I have a vagina made of steel- I will crush you like a wood chopper- stop staring you creepy mother effer.

    and then they stop staring because they are embarrassed I shamed with them my steel vagina and rock hard *kitten*.

    It's like reverse eye f*cking.

    Meh- I know people watch- it's what people in the weight room do.

    But I seriously have no idea how you can possibly tell whose watching when you are ACTUALLY lifting. All I can focus on is brace- breath- press.


    This post wins

  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    Same for Turkish get-ups. That's another one people don't understand.

    We do Turkish get-ups at my CF gym and I STILL don't understand them. The Turks are some odd characters. :laugh:
  • Naener
    Naener Posts: 167 Member
    I squat in the comfort of my own home. And my inner dialogue is something like "Ok, let's have a seat...nope! just kidding! stand back up..." :happy:

    BAHAHAHA, im doing a 30 day squat challenge and this will now be what im thinking when i do my reps in the mirror xD
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    I just started incorporating weights into my workout and lo and behold I'm the only lady there...

    And what does that mean? That you're the most badass woman in the gym. They mirin.

    (disclaimer: I'm not actually saying that deadlifts are the only way to be a badass. Just the best way;)
    FTFY :flowerforyou:
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    Ladies: When you wear tight yoga pants, and panty lines reveal a thong, the men are wondering if you're getting a thrill doing your squats. We are compelled to watch the action.
    This person is in the minority, OP, and obviously doesn't put enough energy into his own workout. Pay him no mind. The only reason to feel awkward squatting is if you are unfamiliar with the form. Or maybe new shoes. Or if you're trying to hold in a fart. You should really do that before you address the bar.
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    I don't guess I've ever really noticed. There's only been a few times that there were other ladies in the weight room besides myself, mostly just a few guys, and they're wrapped up in their own workouts. I hope that someone is watching me and would give me some pointers if my form is off.
  • jrowens3224
    jrowens3224 Posts: 31 Member
    I thought this was going to be about your form.

    But yeah, it's uncomfortable the first few times. People look at each other in the weight room- it's socially acceptable behavior since you have downtime between sets. They probably are pinging more on you because you're an unfamiliar female, but they're also looking at the other guys benching, and the guys curling, whatever. Just ignore it and finish your workout. Force yourself to get through it, because 1) they'll look less once you're a regular and 2) you'll get used to the weight room eyeballing.

    This too. I just started incorporating weights into my workout and lo and behold I'm the only lady there...

    Edited for grammar

    I like being the only girl in the weights section. It's only a problem when a really experienced LADY lifter comes into the weights section that I feel self-conscious...but I still do my sets, anyway.

    1000 x this. I don't care what dude looks at me. I'm a female in the squat rack, yea it's awesome, even if it's the bar....but when the more experienced female lifters come in, I feel super self-concious.
  • shining_light
    shining_light Posts: 384 Member
    I work out at home, but I love squats. Something about holding that barbell that just makes me feel like a f-ing beast. :D
  • celtbell3
    celtbell3 Posts: 738 Member
    After a while you just get used to it. Truly. I guess it is because I really don't pay attention to anybody while I'm in the gym. Whether I'm doing cardio or in the weight room or in a class. I'm focused on me. Go to your mat and think about the tight butt you want and just go with it and don't even look at anybody else. Do your set and move on and next time do the same thing. After a while, you won't notice anybody. Try it :)
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    Ladies: When you wear tight yoga pants, and panty lines reveal a thong, the men are wondering if you're getting a thrill doing your squats. We are compelled to watch the action.

  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Do some barbell hip thrusts. You will no longer feel awkward squatting.


    ^^ 100%

    If you make eye contact while doing this you will truly know what awkward is lol

    :laugh: Intense eye contact, which is likely when exerting oneself...totally awkward.
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    If those people looking at you are anything like me, they're just thinking, "right on...get some." In my gym, there is my wife and like 5 other ladies who squat...they are all awesome and I have far more admiration for what they're doing than I do the people (including guys) who won't set foot in the weight room because they're chicken **** scared of a frackin' barbell.

    PLEASE keep saying things like this. I'm SO trying to 'get over it' and do a complete workout on weights and I want to think that this is what guys are thinking. All I could think as I looked at myself squatting,(JUST the bar at that) in the mirror was "I LOOK LIKE A COW".

    Strike "I LOOK LIKE A COW." from your vocabulary. A cow, would never, and could never, do squats. Seriously.


    But, yeah, stop telling yourself things like that. It's not about what you currently look like (which is NOT like a cow); it is about what you will look like and how you will feel.
  • abickford82
    That's why I try to do weights at home (we have lots of them), and I stick the cardio machines at the gym. People can be creepers in the weight room.
  • dmt4641
    dmt4641 Posts: 409 Member
    I noticed a cute guy watching me squat today and was totally fine with that. As a married mom over 30, I don't get checked out that often any more!! But in my 20s when that happened all the time it was creepy.
  • bkjk997
    bkjk997 Posts: 106 Member
    I squat in the comfort of my own home. And my inner dialogue is something like "Ok, let's have a seat...nope! just kidding! stand back up..." :happy:

    Love this! Made me laugh.
  • bkjk997
    bkjk997 Posts: 106 Member
    very much like
    <see this... yeah this right here> I have a vagina made of steel- I will crush you like a wood chopper- stop staring you creepy mother effer.

    and then they stop staring because they are embarrassed I shamed with them my steel vagina and rock hard *kitten*.

    OMG, that made me laugh so hard! Thanks so much!
  • juliewatkin
    juliewatkin Posts: 764 Member
    I mostly train at home but when I go to a gym I turn the pegs on the rack so I face out away from the mirror. It gives me a great view of everyone watching me :smile: When I first started, I felt awkward but now I just feel like a rock star.
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    hahaha you get more comfortable as your form improves! I feel like a bad-*kitten* while squatting now!

    Lol ya it's probably a different kind of uncomfortable for women, but I remember how I was a little uncomfortable about the squat when I started.

    Now, I ****ing love the squat and have to remember how awkward it can be when I'm talking to others.
  • chard_muncher
    chard_muncher Posts: 75 Member
    No, but I never wore spandex tights to the gym either. I don't mind being watched while I work out, but that's probably because I'm not new to lifting and I dress like I'm going to gym class. Also, I imagine that others who are looking are generally just interested in what I'm doing. I occasionally look at people in the gym, but it's because I'm curious or I want to learn something from watching them. And lets be honest, if you've got enough energy to stare at the people around you between sets, you're probably not working hard enough.

    I should also mention that I go to an athlete's gym, so there aren't really any mirrors. It makes it much easier not to be distracted by the other people.

    If it's a real problem, just wear sweat pants to the gym (although, for most women I somehow don't see that happening :ohwell: ).