your worse or humiliating experience when fat?



  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    There were so many humiliating experiences over the years from not finding clothes that fit to losing job opportunities because of my weight (I was up to 293 at one time - now down to 232). Not to mention the humiliation of being an obese twenty-something trying to manuever through the dating scene and never being comfortable in any dating situation because of my weight.

    For me personally, I think what is important is to not focus on the past and these humiliating experiences. They happened but time to move on. They don't motivate me to lose the weight anymore. To me, it's much more important to focus on the future. My motivation is my vision that I will run a 5K this October (2014). It's true that what we think about, we attract into our lives. I try to think my goals and what I need to do to accomplish them.
  • buckeyemom1218
    I understand. I'm at my heaviest ever, even heavier than I was when I was pregnant and although I'm at the beginning of my journey, I want to get down to about 180. I've never been small and that's where I was comfortable. Plus if I'm healthy as far as my other numbers go, I'm good. I'm proud of you! Keep up the good work. You're an inspiration to me!
  • buckeyemom1218
    The same thing happened to me and I did the same thing, except I used my blazer and Kindle as camoflauge. I was mortified I would be discovered because I was on the flight with people I worked with. Congratulations on your success! You're motivation for me!:smile::heart:
  • chocolatexxmintt
    chocolatexxmintt Posts: 85 Member
    1. When you go to a store and you hear one cashier whisper to the other " will anything here fit that chick? ' fml
    2. When your at the beach, pool, or any swim suit situation
    3. When you've packed a larger lunch and you see a skinnier girl staring at you with diguisted looks.
    4. Gym class! in High school.. fml

    Just being overweight in general.
  • Yoshirio
    Yoshirio Posts: 242 Member
    Thankfully I have never had any negative experiences to speak of.Probably cause I give off a "I WILL punch you in your stupid face" vibe.:p Made me cry reading some of these. Some people are such jerks.
  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    Honestly, I can't read any more of this thread... is it any wonder people develop eating disorders?

    Other than my now ex husband telling me I was not attractive because of my weight, I have never had a problem with people, because I usually avoid my fellow man.... and this thread tells me I should continue doing so.

    But to everyone else who posted in this thread.. thank you for having the courage to post, and all my love to you. It may not mean much, but I hope that you never have to go through that kind of pain again.
  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    Mostly, having people give me "that look" when they see my husband and I out (he's 5'8, 150 lbs) know the look I'm talking about: "look at them together, why is he even with her?"

    Also, my family had gathered together and everyone was seated in my grandmother's living room. I was looking for a place to sit and my elderly cousin looks over at me and says "Well you could sit on your husband's lap but you'd probably break it" then laughed.
  • silverstarrlyte
    silverstarrlyte Posts: 83 Member
    the worst thing. Easy. My husband saying he was leaving because I was fat, finding out he has been having an affair for months.
  • buckeyemom1218
    #1 LIFETIME hate on the list: have such a pretty face...

    This. Very much this.

    Even worse.. "...but you carry it well."
  • 43mmmgoody21
    43mmmgoody21 Posts: 146 Member
    C.right after my gallbladder surgery my mom pops in with, "would you ever consider bypass".
    Thanks mom.

  • buckeyemom1218
    OMG! I hear this all the time. I hate it. Sometimes they leave out the "but", it doens't matter. Why can't you just say I'm pretty, why do you have to say my face is pretty! I hate this.
    #1 LIFETIME hate on the list: have such a pretty face...

    This. Very much this.

    Even worse.. "...but you carry it well."
  • DerekVTX
    DerekVTX Posts: 287 Member
  • krillersmom
    krillersmom Posts: 17 Member
    1. 7th grade, the guy sitting behind me says "your arms are so big, are you on steroids?" I don't know if he was jealous or calling them fat, but it always stuck with me as I do have bigger arms. I always feel self conscious wearing tank tops.
    2. A guy I was "friends with benefits with" said to me one day "god, do you know how hot you would be if you lost weight?" He made me feel like I was an ok substitute if he had nothing else, but maybe if I was skinny I would be good enough to actually date! He is obviously no longer a friend of any kind!
    3. Always feeling like I'm getting "that look" when I go out with friends who are small. Never feeling good enough to be with them.
    4. Constantly being called fat in school.
    5. Being a healthy size, but still self conscious, and my mom allowing and encouraging me to go to weight that didn't help to make my complex worse!
  • SteampunkSongbird
    SteampunkSongbird Posts: 826 Member
    Mostly, having people give me "that look" when they see my husband and I out (he's 5'8, 150 lbs) know the look I'm talking about: "look at them together, why is he even with her?"

    I feel like I get those looks too, as my fiancé is 6'1" and slim, while I'm 5'5" and dumpy. Working on it though!
  • TiffanyRW84
    TiffanyRW84 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I am new to MFP, I am both happy and sad you asked this question. I haven't always been this size so adjusting to my body changing wasn't easy, but I eventually stopped beating myself up about it, and decided I would accept myself whatever way I was. I have been okay, but carried a since of shame on Facebook or going into public with the threat of running into people I used to know. That they would laugh or judge if they knew that I had gained this weight. So I have been anal about what photos of me are on my account showing myself in the best possible light... I know this is kind of ridiculous that I was so worried about what people from my past might think, but I kind of just wanted my old friends in my old life to remember me the way I was when I was younger and more beautiful...then about 2 years ago I had my daughter. She is the most amazing little thing and recently I realized how little pictures of us there are. I am always taking the photos and not in them... I thought to myself that my daughter would want to have as many photos of me and us all as a family as she can. These memories are so important and I want her to know I was there and a part of them too. That was my lowest low, and is my inspiration. My daughter. I want to live a healthy life so I can teach her to do the same, and be able to keep up with the insane energy of a toddler... And I want a family photo that shows more than just my face that I won't cringe when I look at it. So, this is Day 4, I am totally starving haha, but I am motivated
    And I know the biggest challenge is staying motivated. So, thank you for asking it allows me to put things in perspective and be honest with myself. ;)
  • sirlancecharlotte
    sirlancecharlotte Posts: 1 Member
    ETA wrong post, sorry!
  • MzBeckie
    MzBeckie Posts: 207 Member
    I feel like I have lots of embarrassing moments! I think one that really sticks clear in my mind is when I moved back home after 8 years. I had gained approx 75 lbs. I was already feeling shy before I even seen anyone (because I knew I looked alot different) so I sorta started my own embarrassing feeling there. But it got worse when I did see family and friends because I seen how they looked at me. Over the next few months I repeatedly heard, She's gotten so big now, She use to be so skinny, Doesn't even look like her, I wonder what happened? All sorts of short comments/questions.

    Another one is sitting in the back of a two door car. I can laugh about it now but that was hell trying to get out of that back seat! Now I just stay away from 2 door cars.
  • transientcanuck
    transientcanuck Posts: 82 Member
    I had my jerk of an ex-boyfriend tell me that I would be "pretty" if I lost 30 lbs.

    Even though I am now happily engaged to my lovely fiance who thinks I'm beautiful no matter what, those words still sting
  • transientcanuck
    transientcanuck Posts: 82 Member
    "Are you having a baby?"

    No. No I'm not.

    Rude as hell woman in a beer garden (Why would I be standing having a cigarette with a pint if i was pregnant pray tell?)

    And just general looks of 'Why is SHE buying THAT' When clothes/food shopping. Oh I'm sorry love, if you have a problem with whats in my trolley please take the 24 pack of crisps in YOUR trolley and shove them up your self righteous *kitten*!

    People can be so rude and judgmental considering weight.

    Ugh, tell me about it. I had a few pregnancy assumptions before, just because I have a protruding belly. I even had some jerk poke me in the stomach once
  • Cathalicios
    Cathalicios Posts: 12 Member
    My most humiliating experience was going to a £500 a head sit down meal at the Roundhouse in London. I was all glammed up and feeling very excited (I had never been to such a posh do) but when I came to take my seat, which was next to a pillar, there was not enough room for me to squeeze into the chair - I was simply too fat to fit! Embarrassed, I had to ask my (much slimmer) date to swap places with me. It was still a fabulous evening but the incident marred my enjoyment. I never saw my slim date again.