

  • kjtown43
    This is a great group! So much going on and such a lovely variety of women!

    :flowerforyou: Congratulations Sandy! Hooray for breaking the 300 mark!

    :ohwell: jb: the egg carton fire story is priceless! So crazy . . . who would have thought that all would have come together to start a fire! It makes a great story!

    I can't remember who it is with the friend whose friends had a suicide pact; tragic for the son but I guess you would have to know the whole story. That would be very hard to come to terms with!

    Dinner out to Italian in Seattle last night with my oldest son for his birthday. Whew . . . hard to eat Italian and keep the calories down! It is also challenging to record a bit here and there, but I'm doing it! I love tasting just a bite of what my husband & son orders! Maybe that will help me think twice about taking that bite when I realize that I've got to calculate a calorie count! I'm over for my calories for yesterday, but figured I would get them recorded and move on! I skipped the wine and appetizer (had a drink before dinner, I'm a tequila girl, so tequila on ice with lime wedge). My weight is unchanged from yesterday morning, so I guess I did okay.

    Not raining at the moment . . . .very stormy last night . . . .water flooding down the streets in Seattle; we're heading out for a walk before more storms come through.


    Kathy T. / Everett
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,807 Member
    Happy Sunday to one and all.:smile: Happy dance as I am all caught up reading. :happy: We are enjoying 50 degrees plus weather. Hoping to get a walk outside done when I get off. Sounds like it will be like this most the week. It sure has been interesting weather. Hugs to those dealing with floods, snow and earth quakes.:heart:
    Last evening when I got off work we went over to DS's to celebrate DGD 6th birthday. They made a nice supper and cup cakes of which I had one. Since I am off tomorrow and DGD doesn't have school she wants a play date at her house so we can play with her new Barbie things. Going to enjoy the time while she is still young and thinks spending time with Grandma is fun.:heart:

    Alison--when my ex remarried his wife had 2 hard hearing children. So my son learned to sign. I think that is a neat thing to know. Hugs!!:heart:

    Sylvia--Prayers for you and DH. Sounds like the doctors are getting right on top of things. Breath deep! I understand how happy you are at 205.4. :wink: I am at 223 and happy I am not 370 anymore. Enjoy your success!! Maybe there will another parent that has a boy and you could send them together or something like that. Sorry you had poor turn out for your meeting. Weather more then likely had alot to do with that.

    Laura--My chiropractor also has massage at his office. I started getting them after my accident last Nov and I love it. I told DH I want to keep getting them atleast every other month and if I have to pay for them I will. She charges $15 for 15 minutes. I am surprised I enjoy them. I guess I just need to learn that trying new things is not a bad thing.

    Joyce--Glad you and DH are home. I know meds anymore cost so much, and this year our insurance changed so we have to get those we take regular at the mail order. I do not like that.

    Carol--Great NSV!! I never thought about it, but smaller clothes do take up less space.:drinker:

    I understand about the rings getting to big. Several of mine are and have to wear them on different fingers. I wrapped tape around acouple to make them fit. I tired those plastic things from Wal-Mart and they kept falling off. DH bought me a new ring for Valentines day and it did not have to be sized. Thats a first. I keep saying when I reach goal I will have the rest resized.

    yanniejannie-I understand about feeling off. I can not say why I just feel blue, its just there. I keep thinking if I stay busy it will get better. Some days are better then others.:sad:

    Kathy--Welcome! The best advice I have is that this is a lifestyle change and important to take it One day at a time. Don't give up. Come back often and get to know us and us know you. This is a great group for support and friendship.

    Katla--Thanks I do feel so lucky with my dad and his health. Sometimes it feels sureal and we get ready for the worst and then he gets better. I Thank God everyday for the Blessings. Glad to hear DH MRI went better.

    MIchelle--Yes he does!!

    jp--your gift makes me smile. I do think it is important to have fun in a marriage. Not always easy to do. Thats scary, you hear about things like that happening-but never think it could !

    Sue--Congrates on the weight loss!!:drinker:

    Sandy--GOOD FOR YOU!!!!:drinker:

    Heather--In my family we usally celebrate milstone birthdays-40-50-60. So far I have had a party for DH 40 & 50th. My birthday is the day after his and I am 3 years younger so we celebrate together most the time. I am excited about the open house as get to see friends and family that live a distance away. DH and I both work on the day after. Going to have cake, coffee, punch, and nuts. I am trying to keep it simple.

    We have been watching the Olympics in the evenings and I find it very interesting and fun to watch. Some of those things they do on snowboards and skis scare the ---- out of me. I just wounder how they practice and learn that without killing themselves.
    Well enjoy your Sunday and stay safe.
    Blessed! Vicki GI NE with the sun shining during the day and full moon at night!
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Dee Dee welcome to my world, seems ive been doing that for weeks now:grumble:
    The DH is out doing all of it now,I have dont the brunt of it, he is cold and tired but I fortified him with french toast ,tea and sausage before he went out, he still is crabby, made an apple coffee cake for him ,have done laundry, changed and made the beds and think I will battle with the closet today. gonna stay out of his way till be calms down..
    we both are SOOOO ready for Florida, except we arent going anywhere yet..
    well I am sooo done with the countertop oven we have,it is just the 2 of us and we have had it 10 yrs or so, the oven racks slide out and i just lost the damn coffee cake all over the floor.
    I am going to hunt down a new one, broke down and had a good cry..the dogs are enjoying the crumbs though:smile:
    :brokenheart: I'm so sorry you're tired, busy, have to deal with crabbiness etc. Hug.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    I am sitting finishing my cup of tea, then off to make dinner,
    we did go buy a new toaster and countertop oven, the oven is awesome, just have to figure out how to use it, I had the DH pick which one .. it was 100.00 but we use that excusively and instead of buying a cheaper one and regretting it,we went with the better one and hope it will work out.
    then we went to Sam's for a few things.had a blow up with the DH, he keeps telling me to use my brain,now he doesnt use the word dumb, but thats what I hear, and after the catastrophe this morning that just set me off.,
    I wiped the whole counter down before I put everything up there, and now he is swearing in the kitchen and taking stuff apart saying that I didnt..
    im making dinner feeding him,making his lunch and then staying in my room the rest of the day, I need to get away...:frown:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hope everyone is enjoying their sun.Skipped church today and went back to bed.
    My good friend is going into the hospital tomorrow for an aggressive treatment for cancer.The chemo didn`t work.
    She could use some prayers.
    Hugs to all of you:heart::heart:
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,073 Member
    Good Afternoon,

    Alison we have a Cuisart toaster oven my DH bought on amazon. We love it. In the summer it doesn’t heat the house up so much. We do use it in the winter to save energy. We do need to make sure we don’t leave anything on top of it and to be sure to turn it off we done using it. Hug to you!

    Sylvia and Vicki proud of your weight loss. It shows great determination.

    Sue and Sandy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yanniejannie and Sylvia I have learned that 75% of your serotonin the feel good neurotransmitter is produced in your gut. Another reason to feed your gut fruit and veggies and good quality protein. Vit D helps too. You reminded me I just took mine (Vit D) with a snack.

    Kathy T. hope you can stay dry.

    Joyce When I look at those supposed candy bargains. I remind myself of their true cost. For every $1.00 I multiply by 10. That is the true cost to my health when I buy that treat. I admit it does not always stop me, but it does help most of the time. You learned it is not a true bargain and next time it will be easier to resist.

    Heather sorry about your friend being so upset about her friend’s suicide. She is lucky to have you to be there for her.

    Jb scary about the magnify glass starting a fire. Thanks for sharing.

    Rose I agree with you about the other forums. I do occasionally post on them. I try to overlook the negative posts and concentrate on the information I am trying to learn. My son would not eat veggies either. He started trying to eat them on foods he liked like pizza. He is much better than he used to be.

    Deb thanks for the reminder to move. I will finish up and join you.

    After church I treated myself to a Kohl’s run. I had a 30% coupon. I was able to get a cashmere sweater for$17.50. Our springs are cool in MN, so I’ll be able to wear it for a while. I’m going to a friend’s 60th birthday party tonight, so I’ll wear it there. My plan for the party is to try a suggestion from the book Eat, Move, Sleep where you eat the healthiest things on your plate first. He also suggest to drink water and have a hand full of nuts before you go.

    Eat the healthiest thing on my plate first.
    Eat more slowly
    Mindful of posture and breathing
    “Take care of myself today, so I wake up to a healthier me tomorrow.”
    Word of the year contentment
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    I am sitting finishing my cup of tea, then off to make dinner,
    we did go buy a new toaster and countertop oven, the oven is awesome, just have to figure out how to use it, I had the DH pick which one .. it was 100.00 but we use that excusively and instead of buying a cheaper one and regretting it,we went with the better one and hope it will work out.
    then we went to Sam's for a few things.had a blow up with the DH, he keeps telling me to use my brain,now he doesnt use the word dumb, but thats what I hear, and after the catastrophe this morning that just set me off.,
    I wiped the whole counter down before I put everything up there, and now he is swearing in the kitchen and taking stuff apart saying that I didnt..
    im making dinner feeding him,making his lunch and then staying in my room the rest of the day, I need to get away...:frown:
    If he was my guy he'd be making his own lunch. But that doesn't mean it has to be that way with you; just sympathizing. Hope you have some good time alone. :flowerforyou:
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    So, tried to take it easy on the food this weekend since I'm going out for dinner tomorrow and Tuesday. When it rains, it pours!
    Had some wonderful black bean soup from Laurel's Kitchen; anybody remember that cookbook? One of my all-time favorites. I should get it out more often.

    Hope everyone sleeps well tonight!

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,862 Member
    Hello to all: DH has had a virus for the last three days and now is trying to give it away. I woke up with a sore throat and headache today but went to church and sang anyway. I sing in a small ensemble and if even one is gone it makes a difference. The men's groups at church serve breakfast on Sundays and today they apparently got the sausage a little overdone and set off the fire alarm during the middle of the 8:00 service. We had to evacuate the church until the fire department got there. Only 18 degrees outside and most of us without coats. Brrr!

    Sandy - Happy, happy, happy dance for you. You rock girl!!!!!

    Michele - I have heard that if you do strength training after cardio you burn more calories during the strength training. It kind of makes sense.

    Hope everyone stays safe in all the crazy weather everywhere. Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Hi all...only have a minute after spending all of Friday and Saturday at our grade school basketball tournament.

    But...I just got a text message picture from my son of my newest grandchild! Connor Micah is his name. He is about 3 weeks early, but so were the other two boys. We're excited! Unfortunately we won't see him in person for several weeks since he's in Minnesota. Can't wait until we can make the trip!

    Eileen near San Diego
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :flowerforyou: Heather, I am very impressed with your achievements in weight training…..my heaviest weights before my fall were 15 pounds and now that I haven’t been doing anything for over three months, I’ll be going back to lighter weights.

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, do you ever use ice on your sore back? That’s what works for me.

    :flowerforyou: Joyce, one of the best decisions I made when I started this weight loss journey was that I don’t eat candy, then I don’t have to negotiate with myself about how much I’ll eat.

    :bigsmile: Eileen, congrats on your new grandchild.

    :flowerforyou: We are doing an Isagenix cleanse day today for the first time in months….it fit in perfectly with watching the Olympics all day…figure skating, skiing, hockey, snowboarding, and speed skating. This morning Jake and I did yoga together.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    :bigsmile: 24,000 steps today ----yoga with Jake
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did 50 minutes of Element TaiChi DVD for Beginners. I'm a real beginner to tai chi, and I must say that this DVD is VERY good. In most DVD's they may do a move a few times and then the last few times expect you to remember which steps go next. Not this one, he leads you thru the moves all the way (did I totally confuse you?)

    Tomorrow I'm planning that I'll do some yoga, then hold my plank, and then go to the extremepump class.

    yaniejannie - I'm so so sorry for your daughter. You're so right, just GETTING the interview is major. My best wishes for her, a waiting list sounds like it could be promising. I never heard of a sweet potato pie, either. Never heard of livermush or shrimp and grits. Things in the south sure are different! Or persimmon pudding. Vince retired from Mars so we have to root for Kyle Bush at the races

    katla - I went to a zumba class once. I am so uncoordinated, always using my right foot when I should have been using my left. I never did go back. I think it would be just awesome if the Y here was to have an aquazumba class.

    Heather - I must have missed it, but I'm amazed that Joyce's state allows smoking, too. It was just a few years ago that my state banned it, and I thought for sure they were probably the last state since most of the tobacco is grown here. Good for you using the 20# weights. Whenever I do lateral raises (raises to the side), I can almost never go above 5# weights. Do you have a whole lot of different weights? I recall reading somewhere that there's some sort of weight where you can turn a dial for different poundage, but for the life of me I can't remember what it is.

    Is anyone on here lactose intolerant? Does anyone need to go gluten free? What are some of the foods that you can have? I wonder if tofu is dairy or not.

    DeeDee - Lowe's Foods (I don't know if you have one by you) has asparagus on sale until Tues-- $1.49/pound. Yes, yes, yes, boss those boys around

    Alison (((hugs))))

    Deb A from NY - which videos did you get?

    Sylvia - is there any other mother/grandmother who can maybe watch your grandson just for the few minutes while you're in the locker room? A family changing room - do they have one?

    Rose in AZ - welcome! You'll only find support here, no criticism at all. When it comes to my birthday or something like that, I usually ask for a "flower" arrangement from Incredible Edibles. That's fresh fruit cut up into flowers. I know one year I got a dozen "roses". what it was was strawberries (yes, they opened them and put a minimarshmallow in it). Lettuce was used for the "leaves". I thought it was pretty neat (and good). Their fruits are always good

    jb - I can't believe it! Not in my widest dreams would I have thought that a fire would start. Glad you had to come in and caught it

    Joyce - "devil be gone!!!"

    Kathy - I know how hard it is to keep your calories in check in an Italian restaurant. I remember going to one one time and they had this shrimp marinara on angel hair pasta. I just know that if I had that angel hair in front of me, it would wind up in my stomach. So what I did was ask them for the shrimp marinara but without the pasa. It really was pretty good

    Vicki - have fun playing

    Jane - prayers for your friend

    Sue in SD - lol setting off the fire alarm, but not lol standing out in the cold without a coat!

    Eileen - welcome Connor Micah! You have one wonderful grandma there and I'm sure the other grandma is just as wonderful

    barbie - good for you getting back to yoga. Is this the first time you've been able to do it?

    Michele in NC
  • Nadia222222
    Nadia222222 Posts: 59 Member
    Good Evening Beautiful Ladies!!!

    I am new on here and hope to get to know all of you!!! I live in a suburb of Chicago where we have got soooooooooooo much snow this year!!! LOL Vicki I hope your parents are doing well. Eileen congrats on your new grandson!!!! Enjoy him!!
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Eileen:smile: Congratulations on the birth of your new grandson Conner Micah:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: !!!
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,945 Member
    Yay me! I got out there and did the 2.8 mile walk with DH. It was tough when I hadn't done it in a month, but it felt good.

    I have a question for those of you who count steps. Can you do it with a cheapo pedometer? I signed up for a challenge beginning in March through the wellness program of my insurance. The first 100 to sign up got a free fitbit. I signed up the minute I read the email and was already number 217. Drat it! I've never been a fan of wearing the pedometer so am hesitant to shell out $100 for a fitbit. There's a conversion thing I can use to change miles to steps, but that won't count my regular steps just walking around.

    Grandmalle, keep standing up for yourself. Maybe eventually your DH will get the message.

    According to Facebook there was an aftershock of the earthquake this afternoon, but I didn't feel it.

    Goodnight all.
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    drkatie, there are quite a few cheapo pedometers around. As for the accuracy, I'm not sure. I do think that shelling out the $99 for my FitBit was worth it though. You get the online sync, it just gives you more encouragement to do a few more steps. For instance, I will get an email or phone notification that I only need 1000 more steps, or however many, to reach my goal. I have 5 friends on my FitBit list and I check daily to see where I stand. I was 6th place all the time, yep dead last, then I was 5th place. When Charlie was in the hospital we did enough walking that I was 4th. I would get these notifications that if I just did a little more I would reach my 10,000 steps goal for the day. So I would walk around the house to try to get closer. It also lets you know the quality of your sleep which I like. They do have some models you can wear in the water, my One isn't one of them.

    Well we finally took our Christmas tree down tonight. aren't you all proud of us!!!!! It didn't take hardly any time to do it once we set our minds to do it. When we put the tree up in December and fought so with getting the garland on I decided that that there had to be a better way of handing off the whole bunched up garland to the other person helping. So I thought that if I would wrap it around an empty wrapping paper tube as I am taking it OFF the tree it would be so much easier when we put the tree up next December. My husband thought I was crazy but once he got used to rolling it up and passing it on to me that it was so much easier. So when we got done I stuck a little remaining piece into the top of the tube so we know where to start unrolling. I told Charlie when we were done it looked like the Olympic torch, all golden and shiny.

    Back to the Y tomorrow. I didn't go any at all when Charlie was in the hospital. I wish the doctors would tell you ahead of time when they were going to be in his room. He has an appointment tomorrow at 1 PM to see a shoulder specialist about his tendonitis. So I finish at the Y at noon, hurry home, grab some lunch and then head out again. We are assuming that his appointment is at the office out by our house. If it is in their other office I don't know how I will be able to go to the Y. That would be a major bummer because I need to be consistent or it will just be easier for me on Wednesday to not go. And then even easier on Friday until I am not going at all. But his doctors appointments are more important than the Y. I know he is a big boy and can go to the doctor by himself but he hates waiting. If he waits to long he just gets up and leaves in a big huff.

    Like all of you I am tired, tired,, tired of this weather. Our weather man is predicting 50s later this week. But it comes along with rain. I was so proud of being able to buy a smaller winter coat but now I am so tired of it!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    If everything goes well we will be going to visit our oldest daughter and grand daughters the end of the month. I picked it because we will celebrate my birthday there. my husband will tell me happy birthday but that's about all he will do. My grand daughters will make a big deal out of it. They won't have any money to buy anything but still their excitement will help me. i'll be 64! I know a lot of you don't see your families often and I don't know how I could do that but by the time I see them it will be 2 months. We used to go every month but that was when we slept at their house. At their present apartment there is no room for that. So we spend about $100 for a hotel. So, that means not seeing them every month. I completely understand but that doens't make my wanting to be with them any less.

    Eileen congrats on your grand baby. Is this your first?

    Joyce, Indiana
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: What happened :noway: :noway: I think I have missed a few days again and here we are Part 2 already. :huh:

    Just a quick post to say that hubby is ok, we still don't know what caused his problem. As he felt a bit better the morning after we'd been backwards and forwards to the walk in centre and then A&E he only spoke to the doctor instead of going in for a blood test. I'm still trying to persuade him to make an appointment. Why are some people so stubborn!!

    I need to go back and catch up, but hope you are all fit and well

    Chat again soon

    Viv :heart:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    well im up,again I havent been to the gym,I am having lemon water, and guess what? yup more snow tomorrow 3-6 inches,this really messes up my work schedule, so this will be quick, because I have to go make the DH dinner and lunch,take a shower and go to work..
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Good Morning Beauties,

    Haven't had a chance to read back at all but I did want to stop in and, first of all, thank yanniejannie Jan for the very thoughtful message yesterday and to give those who are wondering an update.

    My mom is still hanging in there. It has been quite a week. When I got my step father to take her into the hospital last Saturday she wouldn't have made it through the week as she was. All the hydration, oxygen, etc. naturally perked her up a bit but is, more or less, prolonging her suffering and the inevitable. He decided very quickly to bring her home for hospice care and that added tremendously to the mountain of stress. Not sure if I mentioned but we all live together and I have GREAT concerns over her suffering, shutting down and dying in the same home as my 7 year old. My stepfather THINKS he's "just" going to move her back to the hospital when she's "closer" and doesn't get that it's not that simple. I've been though this before and no one wants that kind of memory burned into their brain.

    He means well and wants her happy and comfortable but doesn't talk or think anything through before acting. He apparently thought all the furniture was just going to move itself so make room for the hospital bed and other necessary equipment. It took me, with help, most of a day. Home care aids coming and going every day, taking over what peace and routine we had left for 12 hours a day. To make things worse, my son is off on break most of this week.

    On the up side, my mom's had a few good moments since she's been home but mostly just sleeps. I also picked up her yesterday who flew in from California. Have her here will hopefully help reduced some of the stress.

    Not impressed with the hospice care AT ALL and most of the pain med dispensing is in my stepfather's hands and he's simply not equipped for it. Because they assessed her on a freakishly good afternoon they sent pills (I'm going to try my best to get that changed today) and she can barely swallow them.

    Bottom line, it's simply awful.

    I've been eating terribly compared to usual (although it could be MUCH worse), chocolate is quickly becoming my best friend (thank goodness the Valentine's candy is almost gone), and I exercised 1 time last week (while I thought about it every day). I plan to improve both this week. Am going to do my very best to log this week and get this poor old bag of bones moving.

    Hope everyone is well and taking good care of yourselves. Will do my best to read back a bit and pop in a couple times a week.

    Gloria in Metro Detroit