

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Husband had his appointment with the shoulder guy today. Rotator cuff tendonitis. He gave him a shot of cortisone and a prescription for out patient physical therapy. Some how I don't think he will be compliant with the physical therapy. The doctor was a BIG guy!!! He use to play for the Indianapolis Colts for 1 year.

    Remember when I was dissapointed that we had to cancel Charlies appointment with the neurologist but I knew that in cancelling that it would give some one on the cancellation list a boost? Just hang up with the office and they have a cancellation tomorrow afternoon!!!! So the favor was returned to us!!! This orthopedic guy today did say that Charlie had the physical stance of some one with Parkinsons.

    I think it was Molly who was talking about the Y and going to swimming. I know our Y by the record may say that a class is filled but if you ask the instructor she says it isn't full since so many people sign up at the beginning of the class then stop going.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • njitaliana
    njitaliana Posts: 814 Member
    I hit under 300 lbs today!! So excited!! Went to physical therapy for my knees today. My back is out and hubby's arm is out, but together, we cooked the dinner. Parmesan meatloaf, brown gravy with onions, oven roasted Brussels sprouts and potatoes, and a salad. Can't wait till dinner time!!
  • njitaliana
    njitaliana Posts: 814 Member
    Joyce, My husband went to a rheumatologist today for his shoulder. She thinks the rotator cuff is torn. He already had a cortisone shot, but it didn't help. He is at the physical therapist right now, because it's a work-related injury and they said he has to get PT before he can get an MRI done. So, hopefully PT will help. How is your husband doing? Maryann

    Husband had his appointment with the shoulder guy today. Rotator cuff tendonitis. He gave him a shot of cortisone and a prescription for out patient physical therapy. Some how I don't think he will be compliant with the physical therapy. The doctor was a BIG guy!!! He use to play for the Indianapolis Colts for 1 year.
    Joyce, Indiana
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Maryanne- Congrats!! Hope both you and your DH feel better quickly

    Deb A in CNY
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi everybody, just checking in before I go to bed. Had a dinner out tonight for work. Luckily everyone decided not to have an appetizer, only a main dish, *and* my main dish was not great. Way too salty, so I left about half of it. Even with a glass of wine and a little chocolate with the coffee I only went over a little today. Yay!

    Good night all,
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member

    Scanned the posts; know I probably missed a lot. Had sun but cold.

    This was quite a day. I am sad, worried and exhausted. When I spoke to Gwen last night she sounded "off".......nothing I could put my finger on.....her voice just didn't sound right. This am she was hallucinating bugs coming out of her nose......???????......and said they were all over the inside of her fridge and she couldn't eat any of the food. Took her to dr., (fed her on the way!!!) complete with bloody tissues (her "bugs")--also claimed worms are eating her furniture
    I spoke with her, dr. spoke with her, have a few med changes and brought her home. I don't know; just expected more...........blood work, something...........could be a drug effect, could be dementia, her kidneys aren't great--BUN might be high...........or 50 other things........ Will check in later and go over there to sleep if she is still unstable. Heartbreaking. I really don't know that I can handle this.

    jb.........your fire story was amazing; of course I immediately located our magnifying glass and put it in my desk.

    margaretturk.........Very interesting serotonin info
    boy, I sure need more of that!!!!!!!!!

    Eileen..........Congrats on Connor Micah

    Michele...........Wow, I hear you on the food differences.........so much was new to me.........never had ribs or bar b que and found out I love them both, also pecan pie, ..............not much on grits; although my DD likes them

    Gail..........So you do contra?? Our folk dance group has a few who do and I've been asked several times; getting close to saying yes to one of the monthly dances.

    ******Major congrats to njitaliana******

    Gloria..........I'm so sorry your hospice experience isn't better. If the pills aren't time release, ask if you can crush and give in pudding or applesauce; it will be easier for your mom to swallow. So glad your mom is having time with her sister. Hope you have more good moments to remember. I would lean toward what Cynthia said about not keeping the reality of the situation from your son, of course on a level he can understand. My mother died in my home; DD was in 6th grade (which I know is older); I think it's all in how the child sees the adults coping with dying and death.

    Bye for now,
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    well here I am, going to bed so I can get up and shovel and snowblow tomorrow, and then go to work~ Yipee cant freakin wait:grumble:
    ate ok, havent gotten to the gym in at least a week,the only way I am getting over 10,000 steps is if I am outside shoveling,,,
    I WANT SPRING:flowerforyou:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi girls! Well I am still here after having a pity party over the weekend. Now my day count starts over again! Don't know what was wrong with me. My A1C last week was a superb 5.7% so I did go out for a Mexian dinner which was yummy and worth every single carb! DH did not go to Oklahoma over the weekend. His cousin got moved to a rehab center and they banned all visitors until they complete their evaluation, except for his wife. last we heard (Friday) he was still comatose, but would wake up for 3-5 seconds at a time and could move various body parts on command, except for his right arm.

    We had some wet snow this morning, right after DH spent the weekend washing all three working cars. Oh well.

    I have found that I do really well with exercise Monday-Wednesday, then it peters off. I try to relax on Thursday, but never get back to it Friday-Sunday. I asked DH to help motivate me on those days. I think I would actually lose some weight if I did all 6 days a week! My eating has been good (except for this weekend....Mexican, Valentines day, you know.....). So if you have any suggestions, feel free to pass them along.

    Well, time to get ready for aqua zumba, which I already logged. I don't want to go but I will. I really enjoy it once I get there. I'm just always so tired after work, I just want to go to bed. Early morning is not an option; I alreayd get up between 4:30 and 5:30 depending on if it's an office or clinical day.

    Hugs and high fives to those who need them. More tomorrow. Take care, Meg from spring-ish Omaha
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Maryann – congratulations!

    Hooray for new babies, too. Saw my back-fence neighbor and saw a couple of pics of her little guy. Very cute.

    YannieJannie – I’ve been to contra dances, but it isn’t really my thing. DH loves it, though! He goes without me as he has many friends in that community. I like dancing with my DH, not just whomever, so that’s how it is. He and I actually met at UNM when he recruited me for the folk dance club. We did that, plus were in a couple of square dance groups over time. Again, I kept my partner, which I liked. He’s a terrific dancer.

    I know I’ve missed a bunch of you, but have read the posts.

    Over 16,000 steps today – yay! I walked in the sun this afternoon and it’s a good thing, because it is raining now. I did 3 ½ miles outside, plus 2 more at the Y tonight, and weights. Maybe I’m back in my groove. :wink:

    Meg, so good to see you again. Same for Nonnicee!

    Alison, you are getting plenty of exercise, even if it isn't the type you want.

    Gail from Jamaica, are you lurking?

    Gail, metro ATL
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    Well ... for five days I thought you had all stopped posting!! Now that I've found you again, I can see I was very wrong! Just read through nine pages! Sheesh! You all are great "talkers!"

    Congratulations to all who experienced great success ... too large rings, scale happy dances, surprised comments ... yay for all of you!

    To the ladies who are dealing with difficult situations ... I have paused and prayed over every one of your posts. Sigh. So much I would like to say there ... just know my heart aches for each of you.

    Joyce ... you mentioned in one post around Valentine's Day I think, that you wished you and your husband had a relationship like some of the others here ... sparks I think you said ... madly in love like your daughter. I've only been here a few days, but I've read all of February's posts ... and this just struck me ... yours are full of love!! And commitment. How blessed you and your husband are!

    Stress eating ... I'm doing too much of it right now. There isn't a carb left in my house! Finally decided to stop eating everything but what I really wanted ... chocolate. So I've baked some brownies ... had what I wanted ... and hopefully can get back on track now.

    Question for you all ... do you ever find yourselves sabotaging your efforts after having been told you're doing great ... looking good? My weight loss has become noticeable and people are commenting ... so what do I do? Eat out of control for two days. Argh!

    I wasn't going to log all of today ... just quick calorie it ... but many of you recommend logging all the bad anyways. So I'm going to do that. Won't be pretty.

    Glad to have found you all again!
    Beth, WNY (actually just a few miles outside of Buffalo, NY ....so yeah, I'm sick of the snow too!)
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    BUMP. I've fallen waaaay behind with reading and posting. I was in Juneau over the weekend covering for my boss who could not get there due to the ice storms in Atlanta. Hope to be home for next 3 weeks, giving me plenty of time to catch up.

    Stay well,
    Rori in the Colorado Foothills
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Oh, Beth! I know exactly what you're talking about. Sometimes I think I am my own worst enemy.

    Gloria, my heart is breaking for you.

    I don't have time to comment on others, but I have read your posts and sent up prayers as well. Friends, children, parents, spouses and selves that are hurting. I am sorry.

    Congrats to all who exercised and logged your food. Go, you!
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Thanks for all of the well wishes, everyone! My mammogram showed no changes. Hallelujah!! That being said, the stress was still haunting me afterwards and I ended up at a buffet of country style cooking. Let's just say that I am over 1,000 calories over goal today.That is the first time and, hopefully, the last time that will ever happen. Next time, I simply need to give in and ask someone to go with me. I don't know who that would be, but I need moral support for these appointments. I didn't sleep last night so I am exhausted. I hope that a good night's sleep and a relief from that portion of the stress will put me in a better mood and back on track. I've come too far to go back now!

    Edit: I do believe that putting me in front of a country cooking buffet is like putting an alcoholic in front of a bar lined with alcohol. And, I mean absolutely no disrespect to recovering alcoholics!
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    I Can't believe it's been so long since I posted on MFP!! We've just returned from a two week road trip to see family and friends in MS,AL and to play golf in FL. Also spent 4 days at Disney World.It was really cold in MS but nice in FL. As soon as we got home,my allergies started up. I've tried to read some of the posts but it's impossible so I'll begin here today. Missed seeing what's going on in all your lives.
    Sue in TX
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Did 15 minutes of yoga, held my plank for 2 min 15 sec then I'll take the extreme pump class for an hour. Then I need to go get cat food because Vince forgot to pick the dry food up when he got the cans. Then he needs me to go to WalMart to get a prescription for him.

    Tonight I'll play mahjongg but I might leave early as I need to buy gas and take a shower.

    I'm planning to do a Leslie Sansone walking DVD tomorrow, then finish up the last minute packing and we'll leave for FL.

    katie - good for you getting out. Baby steps, you're getting there! I'm not crazy about spending $100 for a FitBit that only counts steps. Now if it did something else (like maybe heartrate), then I'd definitely consider it

    Joyce - hello! this is February! You're just NOW getting your tree down? Well, better late than never. Cool way you store the garland. See, since I use the popcorn every year, I've never even thought about that. But you're right, it would get to be a jumbled mess. sure hope you get to celebrate your birthday with your daughter and granddaughters. That would be so cool

    Viv - glad hubby is better

    Gloria - mothers have a special "feeling" for their families, how does she feel about dying in the house with your daughter? (((hugs))) for all you're going thru

    DeeDee - have fun with the grandgirls

    Took the extremepump class then had to go to PetSmart because Vince forgot to get the dry cat food. I also got 2 more bags of the pill pockets. Vince at first said "oh, we won't need that many". But at 4/day and if we're gone for 14 days, we WILL need it. Then to Aldi, really to get money, then to WalMart to pick up Vince's prescription.

    Carol in NC - I'm sure your mammo will be fine. Insurance companies can be a real pain. We STILL haven't gotten reimbursed from when Vince was in the hospital in July. You remember all I went thru about my reclast? Sending good thoughts your way (along with a cup of virtual tea) Just read that everything was fine. How wonderful!

    Sylvia - it would be just wonderful to have Heather doing the catering for a MFP gettogether!

    Running the dishwasher right now.

    I was saying to Vince earlier "I must be forgetting something, I went from one big suitcase to a smaller one to an even smaller one" (I tend to pack everything and anything). Well,on the way to mahjongg tonight I remember what I'd forgotten. I totally forgot to get some audiobooks out of the library! Last year I had to order them early since some of them had to come from other branches. but this year I totally forgot. Let's hope that's the only thing that I'm forgetting.

    I don't know what it was last night, but for some reason I didn't sleep very much at all.

    Laurie in CO - so sorry about the ink. I remember once a long time ago I got ballpoint ink on something and sprayed it with hairspray and then blotted the ink up. Don't know if that would work for you since the vests had already gone thru the dryer.

    Maragaret - smart planning for the party. Even better that you had a turkey wrap instead of a piece of cake. Wonderful!

    Brenda - One of the things that I really look forward to when we go to FL is that I can do a body pump class that's on utube. I always thought the body pump classes were an hour!

    katla - I get the silken tofu at the grocery store, usually made by Nasoya. Does chocolate bother you? I have a recipe for a chocolate mousse that uses silken tofu. Vince has eaten it (guess what I didn't tell him was in it?). One gal who plays rummikub is lactose intolerant and I like to have something that she can have. The next time I'm hosting maybe I'll make that for one dessert and then some cookies or muffins or something like that for everyone else. I just feel bad leaving her out of things. Oh, I use the silken tofu as an oil replacement 1:1. If a recipe for brownies (say) calls for 1/3 cup of oil, I just use 1/3 cup of silken tofu. The tofu takes on the flavor of the brownies and even Vince doesn't know that it's in there.

    Sandy - what wonderful NSV's, even if your daughter wasn't real happy about them

    Heather - how wonderful that you got your hotels

    rcclcruiser - welcome! Tell us more and more about yourself.

    njitaliana - congrats!

    Well, went to mahjongg, then bought gas (got 65 cents off a gallon and if I didn't use it by the end of the month, I'd lose 20 cents. That's too much to lose. We lost 20 cents last month because Vince forgot to buy it at this one station and went to Sam's instead.) Then took a shower, now on here.

    yanniejannie - Gwen is ever so lucky to have you in her life. I don't care for NC bbq, the vinegar in it to me is just "weird". I like "normal" bbq.

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: Michele, I’ve done yoga a few times since my fall in October but it was a Rodney Yee routine with twists and I thought it was doing more harm than good. I’ve been having trouble putting yoga as a high priority so this month I made a resolution to do it once a week. I changed routines to a routine of standing poses. On Sunday, Jake wanted to do yoga with me for the first time in over a year.

    :flowerforyou: Drkatie, any pedometer would be good even if it’s not super accurate…..you’ll be comparing your daily accomplishments using the same measuring instrument. I have an Omron pedometer that I carry in my pocket and It allows me to upload my steps to software on my computer so I can see my success...I love it......I can see my progress since I got it in 2010

    :bigsmile: DeeDee, it sounds like you’ve done all the right things for your back.

    :flowerforyou: Heather, I did a few of my weight training activities today with 5 pound weights…..I did squats with 20 pounds……little by little I’ll get back to heavier weights.

    :flowerforyou: Nccarol, I stay away from buffets because I am not able to control what I eat…..if I could, I’d stay away from all restaurants......many sober alcoholics stay away from bars and drinking parties for the same reason

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    18,000 steps today ----60 squats
    2 minute plank
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Yes, I am guilty, I took my Christmas tree down in February. But since our Christmas wasn't until Jan 4th do I get a little slack????:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I was quite proud of my garland rolling set up. Husband said it wouldn't work but by the time we finished he was quite proficient at it and I know he will enjoy it come next December.

    Well we aren't going to go to our daughter's for my birthday:sad: Their oldest daughter is in an a capella choir in her middle school. The district has a weekend seminar for the high schoolers and concert. Their middle school was the only one chosen to attend. So it is a big honor. I would completely miss her and I would also miss the concert since it would be going on at the same time we would be driving home. But my daughter suggested that they come this weekend! I know it's not my birthday but there is never any celebration for any ones birthday anyway. Not my choice. No one wants to do it. We would be spending around $150 for hotel and gas so we will just pay for their gas to come here. We always pay for all of their meals anyway when we are there or they are here. My daughter thinks my 12 year old precious grand daughter started her first period tonight. I don't want her to grow up but I don't think I have a choice in the matter. They have totally prepared her for it so it won't be to much of an emotional experience. Not like mine. My Mom told my older sister to take me downstairs in the basement to take care of it. Yep, real support and education! When she graduated from high school they gave her a book called "it's time you know'. She made sure she gave it to me when she was finished with it. Well, I didn't mean to write all of that!!!!:tongue:

    I went ahead and told my husband tonight that I have informed our daughters about his Parkinsons. He asked me why and I told him that I needed emotional support through it. I also told him that unless it is a negative emotion he is an emotional void. He agreed. I didn't mention that I also told all my siblings. There are a lot of prayer warriors in my family and I need them. So we are all anxious to get this appointment over with tomorrow so we cans we where we are going.

    Ahhhh, buffetts. I have successfully gone to them but my husband can not. So we don't go. I always go to the salad end first and load p on a big green salad with lots of veggies in it. I used to put cottage cheese, ham, nuts and raisins in it but I have learned on all of those that those are no nos unless I don't plan on eating anything else from the buffet. I have a weird way of eating a salad. First I cut it all up just like you would cut a young childs spaghetti. Then I add a small amount of dressing. When I say small amount I mean SMALL. Then I toss it all together. I use about 1 TBSP fat free dressing on a large salad. I eat that slowly while hubbie is eating his first and sometimes second meat and potato plate which is full. When he goes back for the last one I go up and get some baked fish or grilled chicken or something like that. Then we go tot he dessert area. I do allow myself one desert but I cut their servings in a small portion like 1/4 or smaller. No bread allowed at all. Plus they are just so expensive!

    The church I have been attending has a ladies Sunday school class that I will more than likely go to. They seem my age or older but that's OK. It will just make me feel young!!!:laugh: When I first retired with my MS the senior group at my church adopted me and we went on day trips together. seniors have a lot of fun. Anyway, they ladies Sunday school class is having a lunch tomorrow. They bring their own sandwich and the teacher makes the rest. So I will have my 4 slices of deli chicken on my 35 calorie bread along with the 25 calorie laughing cow cheese. That's the lowest in calorie sandwich I can think of for me to take. Then right after it's over I have to come home and hubbie and I will go to the neuro consult. My 'old nurses club' has thier monthly lunch this week at Jason's Deli. The last time was at Cheddars. Or they choose Outback or places like that. :grumble: :noway: Hopefully I will like Jason's. Never been.

    OK, good night, supposed to be warming up here in Indiana, Joyce.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    Yanniejannie - I assume they checked for a UTI. That can send old people completely gaga! My mother had a couple of "episodes". Her hallucinations were just incredible and she had a whole story to go with it.

    Got to get washed and spruced up for my yoga session with my friend!:laugh: DH has got a cold, just in time for his long trip to see his aged aunt.:cry: He won't take pills snd prefers to suffer.:tongue: This aunt used to look after him when he was a little boy and his adoptive mother was having a breakdown. He is very grateful to her. He realises now that she was quite young at the time. Now she is looking after her second husband who has Alzhiemers. It will be nice for him to spend time with his adoptive sister.

    Katla - I am being a wimp about the phone. I am by nature a "late adopter" and an "under spender". Except on food!:laugh: :tongue: I am afraid of getting locked into a contract I can't afford as my monthly income is minute. I would rather pay for a phone and do PAYG, as i do nowwith my ancient model, but I'm not sure how that would work with a smartphone. I will have to go and talk to someone at an actual shop, which, again, I rarely do. :sad: I'm dure once I have made a decision I will love it. It will be Samsung Galaxy to match my tablet. Android.

    Well, must get on. I am sending loving thoughts to all who have struggles and trials. Gloria, Carol, Joyce, Meg, Katie, and others whose names have slipped my mind, sorry. I often do a couple of exercises I lesrnt st yoga which involves stretching you hands out to the world and bringing them back to your heart centre or one at a time to your own shoulder to care for yourself as well. I think of you ladies while I am doing them and find it very settling and calming. May you all find peace.

    I am another lb up this morning. I blame the Manchego cheese I had last night as I csme in under calories yesterday. It was a good sized piece!:laugh: Oh the sodium!

    Love Heather in dreary Hampshire UK
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!
    Alison: what are you talking about; you go to the gym every day with all that snow! Cut yourself some slack! :laugh:

    Seems like a lot of people are having rough times at the moment. Thoughts going your way and hope that positive possibilities will open. Be nice to yourself where you can!

    Last night I went out with a group from work. It was nice to chat; "unfortunately" the food was not that good. "Fortunately" that meant I only ate about half and was within a couple hundred calories of my goal. :drinker:

    Tonight my guy and I are going out for the anniversary of our first kiss. :heart: That dinner will be tastier. :smile:

    Wishing everybody a good day.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    Forgot to say - have a great time in Florida Michele! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Love Heather