

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Whew! I ought to be in bed, but I couldn't stand getting any farther behind in keeping up with posts.

    I took my son for his endoscopy this morning that turned out to be a fluoroscopy. The practioner had said he needed an endoscopy so when she said she was scheduling a scope, I didn't bother to ask what kind. :ohwell: Of course, they didn't find anything so he'll probably be back for an endoscopy! I am immensely grateful that we have such amazing medical care within reasonable traveling distance, but I am getting heartily sick of I-85.

    After we got back from Duke, I took the boy child to the grocery store (good heavens, food is expensive!) and then worked on my taxes while he took a nap. He's been bugging me to no end to get them done so we can complete his FAFSA for college so I took the opportunity while I had it. They're done enough for FAFSA although I may fine tune them a bit before filing to see if I can get a few more dollars in refunds.

    I took on a new position at my church this year and, because of an incident last Sunday, I am having to rush to get modifications to documents and procedures in place ASAP. I have two meetings scheduled for Friday with folks that I need help from. I need to have some of these things in place by Sunday. :noway:

    I am so blooming tired! I found my hand in a bag of peanut M&Ms that my son had left open on the kitchen counter. Hopefully, I didn't do too much damage. I am stressed and sugar keeps calling my name VERY loudly! And, I keep answering with a yes. :blushing: I MUST get my daughter back home to her apartment and my son off to his dad's for a weekend to save my sanity until I can get away for a weekend by myself. I love them both, but I haven't had a solitary moment in over three weeks. I did, however, put my headphones on to walk/march/jog/run in place tonight and listening to my music with my door closed helped me feel alone to some degree.

    Since I should be in bed already, I will say good night.

    Carol in :yawn: NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Started my muscle relaxant for my back this evening. So far all it's done is relax my brain!!! At least being on the heating pad all the time is preventing my hands on being so freezing.

    Didn't go to the Y today to do the yoga. Fridays class is the strength training and I'm not sure if I'll be bale to go to that one either. Missing is the one thing that puts me in the habit of skipping out on it altogether. don't want that.

    After really looking at the 4 houses I had narrowed it down to for vacation rental I had to delete two of them. When I really looked at where they were located. They are on this really thin sound down in the panhandle of Florida. It is surrounded by preservation areas and a state park. But the cheapest of the 4 houses was one of those 2. So my husband says no on the other 2 because of the cost. I don't get him. He wants a vacation every year with the whole family but he wants it at about $100/day for accomodations for 7. Won't happen. Of course he still thinks it is rediculous you have to pay more than $100 for a new recliner or $35 for a coffee table. I don't what century he is living in. I told him to do the searching himself but he doesn't even know how to turn the computer on much less a search. So it is all on hold for now.

    Really tired, Joyce, Indiana
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Joyce, your hubby reminds me of mine. He doesn't go grocery shopping with me very often, but the few times he did he stood at the register with a $20 bill in his hand and was dumbstruck when it totaled $100. We have literally driven halfway across the country specifically to visit a particular museum and then he refused to buy a ticket because it was $7 each. He has no concept of costs or the idea that prices go up over the years. But he's good for other things, so I guess I'll keep him. Men are funny.

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    <--- I've been trying to read and catch up! :bigsmile:

    This is the middle of Week 3 following my new set of "rules". The scale is finally behaving itself on a regular basis, going down a bit each week. I just had to get serious, no more goofing around....but I'm a master at goofing around, :laugh: so this has been an interesting transition in mind & body. Feels good!

    Looking forward to the day when I won't have to jump up and down about 5 times, cramming, huffing and puffing :ohwell: while putting on my jeans :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Hosting a dinner party Saturday night, so I've had to bump up my spring cleaning agenda...which I usually don't get around to until mid-summer :noway: I'll have a good head start this year, boy howdy. :wink:

    Good day, good night, good health to you all :flowerforyou:

    :smile: jb in Portland
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Hi all,
    I love all the posts! To everyone with kid/grandkid issues - I hope everyone get healthy mentally and physically really quick - sending good thoughts your way.

    I am a book club member and am the resident sweet baker - well I did not want to do that for tonight - and they don't know I am dieting - so brought Kale chips tonight instead - so easy - and I think good - well I am going to have to buy more Kale as by the time the bowl got back to me they were all gone!

    Does anyone have any fun, different HEALTHY snack recipes they would be willing to share? I'll check over on recipes too....

    Smiles from rainy CA
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sylvia our first vacation we went on I found out what he was like. We were going all the way from southern Indiana to California so it was a long trip. Going to Disney Land. So we needed to save as much money as we could along the way. Well he stocked up on Spreadables. That was a canned meat many years ago. I don't know how many sandwiches I had of spreadables and had chips with it. Of course you don't make hotel reservations! So on the way home we stay in one hotel that the mattresses are on concrete slabs, found roaches in the bathroom. Just awful. Next night we are in a small town staying in an equally less than ideal hotel and they have a major prison break:huh: :noway: It was our last night on the road so I made him stop at the biggest buffet on the way home. I was going to eat well and spend every last penny he had in his pocket.. I book hotels now before we go, I stay in suites if I can. He snores, wants to channel surf while I am trying to go to sleep. Have you ever tried to go to sleep while the light of the TV is changing every 10 seconds??? He came back form Karaoke feeling bad about rejecting our plan so he told us that the one house that is in his budget would be OK. But it is in the boonies! Nothing to do but sit on the beach for 4 days. And he also told me that my previous guidelines of 4 nights needs to be changed to 5 nights:sad: No WAY! So now I am supposed to find 5 nights within his price budget when I couldn't even find 4???

    So I asked him why he even asks our girls where and when they want to go on vacation if he is going to nix every thing we find. If we would just get the hospital bill for his little heart escapade and know what our finances are it would make it easier. He wants me to wait until June to make reservations. So why did he have me start looking now?

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello ladies!:flowerforyou:
    Sylvia:drinker: Congrats! You look wonderful! Your loss is symbolic of discipline and dedication. I salute that!
    Joyce:flowerforyou: love the sisters poem….absolutely true sister ;) Hope u get your dream vacation soon, in the house of your choice
    Rori :flowerforyou: your goals have given me something to think about. The days you r low on carbs, what do u replace them with in your diet? Just curious. I am trying to do the 5;2 fast diet where I am supposed to limit my intake to 600 cals so that the body is forced to use the stored body fat.
    Carol:flowerforyou: so glad your son is in good hands. Hope you find your moments of peace in this sea of activity where you don’t hear any Sugar calling out to u ;P:laugh:
    Jb in Portland:glasses: cute pic and good luck in all your endeavors .
    Momsamodel:drinker: great choice of kale chips. Great how u handled your party. Many of us here walk in our living rooms, or through the house when we cant go outdoors for our walk / run etc.
    Katla:bigsmile: most of the times I have enjoyed a book much more than the movie. Hope you are doing much better now
    Meg :happy: so glad to see your posts. Your Bennie beagle is such a riot :smokin:
    Michelle :bigsmile: sounds like Florida is treating you well. Your workout routines are inspiring
    Beth :flowerforyou: keeping you and your boys in my prayers. Just work on one thing at a time, as many here have said , it works…. Everytime in all situations :noway: you can do it
    Sandy !!!!!! Congrats!:wink::flowerforyou:
    Barbie :cry: sorry about your friend
    Heather :flowerforyou: :drinker: wow lowest weight you say!!!
    Margaret sorry about the cold:grumble: , great goals you are giving me ideas!:heart:
    Barbie Act the way you want to feel :love: is helping me a lot… I am becoming a good actress:blushing: and feel great ;P
    Yanniejannie great flexibility also reflects great personality :flowerforyou:

    I have been successful most days in getting up early, to finish a round of yoga after my meditation. It seems like a great way to begin the day . My favourite poses are mountain pose, tree pose, seated forward bend, plough pose, Updog, down dog, boat pose, cobra pose,bridge pose, warrior pose. here's a link yoga.about.com/od/yogaposes/‎
    Trying to run on alternate days at least 3 kms so that when I do my weekly long run of 15km body is used to the idea :grumble: :laugh:
    Take care everyone I know I have missed a few of my regular friends :drinker:
    Anamika from Mumbai
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    So...both blood sugar and blood pressure are still normal to low normal. Yay! :drinker:

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Read the last page.
    You have to give hubby some credit it's because of the way he handled the money that your comfy today.
    Mine was a money watcher also. We stayed in some terrible motels and some very nice ones to. But like you no reservations always drove as far as we could. We did a lot of tenting and camping when the boys were young. But then that's what memories are built of.

    Well as for me I'm doing more getting more heart endurance. I haven't been here in so long. Had a wii gain this week at tops. .2 and I got on wii this morning and it's gone. So that's a plus. Going to make it a good move a lot day. The more you move the more you loose.

    See you all lighter.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    morning my friends~
    finally got some decent sleep,but didnt get to the gym, maybe I am in a rut and have to find something different to do..
    i think i am going to look if there and any zumba lessons on you tube, would like to try that,and once the weather warms up(another freakin storm with mega snow Sunday night) will go out and do race walking again..

    I think the reason I havent lost any weight is because im going through menopause bit time, insomnia,night sweats,hot flashes,and im hungry alot, when it is hot outside you dont eat as much so come on summer!!!!:laugh:
    my DH is the money keeper too,when we travel, usually I am the one finding where we are to stay, mostly it is motel 6 or super 8 with a senior discount ..
    the one good thing this year is that instead of 2 weeks we will be in florida for 3:happy:
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Good morning all. Just bumping for later. Have a great day!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Good morning,
    Have been to the doctor's and got antibiotics. I hope the nurse has given me enough. Didn't even gym this morning, feeling sorry for myself and couldn't really fit it in with the appointment. Awake in the night as well, but read a spiritual book and calmed myself back to sleep. Feel exhausted. I asked the nurse to take my blood pressure and it was highish again. At home it is in the ideal range. So I will carry on with the medication. I was hoping to reduce it a bit. I have a review in April, so we will see then. I can't believe I have the same blood pressure as when I was 4 stone heavier!
    DH stepped up to the mark and took me, sacrificing half of his gym time.:love: I am nervous of driving the car at the moment because we are trading it in on Wednesday for our new 4 wheel drive and I don't want to scratch it before then.:laugh: I know I will be very nervous of the new car gor a while.:ohwell: I am a nervous driver at the best of times and being given the wheel of DH'S new car will be a stretch. It is slightly wider and longer than our current one.:sad:
    Tonight we have delicious rabbit stew, cooked in cider. With cabbage. I will have so few calories today. Perhaps I will feel up to some exercise later.:frown: Those of you who stick to 1200 calories, I don't know how you do it. I normally can eat 1650, which is two extra substantial snacks.:smile:
    Joyce - I'm with you on the accomodation. For a holiday cottage we like 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. I do mostly sleep with DH, but I like a bolt hole for wakeful nights or illnesses. In a hotel we try for twin beds or a supersuperking. In NYC we have booked a room with two doubles! Luckily he only snores occasionally when on his back, but I was worried about being awake with jet lag and needing to read. I am not sure I could go on holiday with so many people. I hope you find what you want. I like to book ahead as well.

    Must sort out my hair. I left my old salon because my lovely hairdresser left to have a baby and I didn't like it without her. They play music which she turned off for me. Then I got one who comes to your house, but I find her manner and opinions so annoying. She is overweight herself and is always telling me what I should be eating and going on about toxins. Toxins smockshins.:laugh: Plus when she ran out of my colour she used a slightly darker one to save her money and I don't like it.:grumble: So .........I have to find a new hairdresser. :sad:


    I have been losing sight of my mantra recently.:tongue: Rinse and repeat - DON'T LET THE PERFECT BE THE ENEMY OF THE GOOD.

    That's better! Breathe out!:wink:

    Love to all, much love Heather in sunny and showery Hampshire UK, where my mini irises are putting on a show.:drinker:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Margaret:smile: Sharing my coffee:drinker: and water:drinker: ! Hope you feel better:flowerforyou:

    Anamika :smile: I`m going to check out those yoga poses, I keep saying I want to get started with it:embarassed: !!!

    Carol in NC:smile: Hope you get some peaceful time just for yourself soon:flowerforyou: !!!

    Alison:smile: More snow:sad: ! I will be glad to see summer too:glasses: !!! My cherry tree is starting to bloom, I saw about 5 little pink flowers that have already popped out:love: , those made me very happy:bigsmile: !!!!

    Jb:smile: What a wonderful attitude you have!!! Your plan is working well:bigsmile: , keep it up my friend!!!

    Jane Martin:smile: Hope you and your family feel better soon:flowerforyou: !

    Cynthia:smile: Congrats on normal numbers:bigsmile: !!!

    Linda C:smile: Glad you`ve been able to get a little more exercise in:flowerforyou: !!!

    Michele:smile: Bring some sunshine and heat back from FL:glasses: !!!

    Heather:smile: Hope you feel better soon:flowerforyou: !!!

    I`m getting my Valentines Day pedicure today:love: ! I`m sure my feet will appreciate me more afterwards:laugh: !!!!

    Have a wonderful day! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in NC
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Slept a little better last night. Oldest son had medical appointment to review independent evaluation that was requested. Very stressful as we decided to change providers ... current nurse practioner was very flustered but conceded she had focused on wrong areas and was stuck in how to treat my son. Good news is that we DO have a new diagnosis and a new treatment plan that a new doctor will be moving forward with. Twenty months lost treating the wrong thing ... but today there is some hope.

    Younger son, however, is not well ... experiencing a lot of pain ... treatments yesterday not successful.

    Sylvia and Joyce .... not a huge fan of George Carlin but love what he says about men and women: "Here's all you have to know about women and men ... women are crazy, men are stupid ... and the main reason women are crazy is that men are stupid!" ????

    Heather ... my bp has actually increased since losing weight ... obviously other factors involved. But I'm hopeful I can come off some of my meds the more fit I become. If I can't, at least I'll know I've done everything I could and the rest was out of my control.

    Carol in NC ... new here, I assumed your "boy child" was .... well ... a little boy ... until I read you're filling out college forms! ???? My niece experienced symptoms similar to what you're describing when she was in high school right up until she left for college this past year ... I will check with my SIL as to what their final diagnosis was ... but I do believe a lot of it was due to nerves. Real symptoms mind you ... just caused by nervousness.

    Grandmallie ... 3" yesterday ... another 5" this morning ...and more coming .... arghhh! But "operating a snow blower walking" is in the exercise database!

    Hope you all have a great day!
    Beth in WNY (a little south of Buffalo)
  • Kayzoola
    One more Bodycombat class this week, then I get a rest day tomorrow. Whew! My hamstrings are still sore from Tuesday.

    My poor mom had a stroke a couple of days ago. Pain behind her eye, and garbled speech. She thought she was headed for the pearly gates, but is better now.

    DD is about to take her drivers test. Does that ever get less terrifying?

    Heather. Toxins smockshins. I like the way you think.

    Grandmallie. Menopause gifted me with 10-15 pounds. I still have the last five hanging around, but I think their days are numbered.

    Those of you with snoring husbands. I don't go anywhere without foam earplugs. Heavenly peace!

    Kayzoola (PNW USA)
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Good morning to all,
    Late start this morning and can't read the posts, but I will catch up later. I work the Y today after work. I get off here at 3:45 and work the Y 4:30 to 7. I am training my lady at 4:30 and Monday I worked with two brothers who want to learn how to work out without injuries.
    Today at lunch I am going down to try out a class offered here. We have Yoga on Monday, Line Dancing on Tues, Pilates on Weds and Friday and Strength training on Thurs. You can pay for each class or you can pay for a session. I haven't taken any yet since I can work out at the Y free but am thinking I need something during the day to help me out. We'll see.
    I hope everyone is having a good day, take care of yourselves and God bless.
    Patty, Cincinnati
  • luckyinlove2
    luckyinlove2 Posts: 66 Member
    Quick note for the end of February: Love reading the posts, but if I get behind a day, I can't get them all read! Anyway, this month I reset my ticker--thanks to those who gave instructions on how to do it. I wanted it to be true for what I've lost and go forward! Gained through the holidays--10 pounds and am working on getting them gone again. It took me an extra 7 weeks to convince myself I didn't need to eat all I had been eating!

    Heather--quick note-I love your idea of funeral music! I'm going to have to do a playlist because I want my memorial service to be full of good memories and fun music. :flowerforyou:
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good Thursday to all & just a day to go for the working gals. I'm SO far behind but did read the posts.Isn't it a shame how I don't remember them for long. Old age brought a screen for my mind & doesn't let much stay.:grumble:

    I thought I had either broken ribs or pleurisy,but realized there was no sharp pain when trying to breath.Dr really did a number on my back & waist area.She's a tiny thing,but her thumb & forefinger felt like they were coming thru to other side!:cry: She diagnosed either torn or pulled muscle in 2 diff spots.

    Put me on a course of prednisone............you know it would have to be the only med that Gives me every side effect listed.Sat up till 3am last nt,then dozed off & on till I gave up at 5:15....gonna be a long day :sad:

    We are in for cold,snow & ice thru the wk end.Putting meat in slo cooker this eve,then in the morn,will fill it up with beef/ veg soup.

    Have to stop at funeral home today,then get a few groceries.Just can't allow myself to get a cold right now. Famous last words.

    Hate seeing how many problems we all have with kids/family & friends.Nothing worries us more.Hugs for all going thru rough times.

    Yesterday,DH brought me a small bag of jelly beans. He didn't pour them down my throat,but they were so tasty.:blushing: Won't check wt till I see Dr next wk.

    Allison,you are getting socked with a plateful,family,work,taking care of others,so much worry with your bro & how is he? Add in menopause ...good heaven,it's a wonder you do so great keeping up with it all.Lucky you,3 wks in Fl. !! One day at a time,you'll soon be back where you want to be.:flowerforyou:

    "I have been losing sight of my mantra recently. Rinse and repeat - DON'T LET THE PERFECT BE THE ENEMY OF THE GOOD"
    Heather,I love your mantra.Good advice for sure.

    I have never been perfect ,never will be,,,,, will just do my best to keep that in mind.

    Time to grab a bite of something light,then get ready to leave. Pat in Ohio
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Lin you are so right. I am very thankful for my husbands attitude towards money. We are very comfortable for our age and he is a main reason for it. I grew up in the credit card age. My Dad being a preacher with not a whole lot of money needed to use the credit card just to buy basic things sometimes. My sister's husband who is an accountant and is head of his department has remortatged thier home so often. They have lived in this little started home for more years than we have lived in ours. They still owe more on it than the original price.

    I also love the mantra of don't let our perfection be the enemy of the good. I need to think on that often. I am my own worst enemy, very hard on myself.

    This muscle relaxant is quite a relaxant. I am so draggy.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    I own my business which is in my home so can do my schedule my way, had a 9:30 client re-schedule so took the moment to grab a cuppa tea and read up on everyones doings.... I did my dog walk this morning in the rain, wet dog and all! within 30 minutes of getting home the sun broke out!!

    I am looking forward to March with a bit of diet worry, it appears i will have 3 rounds of house guests which will fill up my weekends and some spill over. I am not so well versed in this new way of eating to know what to do with guests; and they are used to my old style of cooking - which includes a lot of baking - sweet baking... which right now I am just not doing at all... Plan Plan Plan! I'll figure it out I'm sure.....

    Heather, I noticed your note about needing a hairdresser - I went through the similar thing and saw this gal walking often when I walked Levi and she had the cutest cut... finally asked her and now I go to her hairdresser. Big surprise for me is that it was in JCPenny and the price was super good! A wash and cut can run $60+ here and at Pennys I get it for $37.... yeah!

    Cynthia - congrats on the good numbers at your physical

    Joyce - have you ever considered the house swapping sites ? I have not done it but it looks like a fun, less expensive idea. However I do agree with everyone, the careful finance attitude pays off in the long run.

    and to everyone else Happy Friday eve :happy: