

  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Good Morning to All, Welcome to the Newbies,
    I feel better today, more in control. I think as I have started seeing the life coach and we've talked on things that contribute to my weight gain and emotional eating I have come to the realization of things not working, however I haven't really found how to change those things, hence my frustration. Working on it.

    I have to work both jobs today, I have to sit here at this desk until 3:45 and then drive to the Y and sit at the front desk there until 8:30. On Monday and Thursday I work the fitness room, walk around, talk to people, clean the machines, and our Y is three floors so I do the steps. I like those two days. I can get up and move around some at the front desk, but as I am the only one there I can't leave the area.

    Katla, NM Oregon; I enjoy movies but usually find the book is better.

    Joyce, Indiana; I thought and hoped we were done with the snow and cold as well, here in Ohio.

    Michele, NC; On this very cold morning I wish I could be in FL as well. It is unfortunate that I find the time to eat and eat wrong, but there is up sides, my Sundays will be done at the end of March and I got a raise on my full-time job, so I am thinking of cutting back to two week days instead of three.

    Megblair, It is hard but I’m committed to figuring things out. Yesterday, not so much as I was ready to throw in the towel. I am back on track.

    Granmallie, If you can, take the time and money for the massage now, it might but just what you need to help you carry on.

    Time to start working everyone have a blessed and healthy day,
    Patty, Cincinnati
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Barbie:smile: So sorry to hear about your friend:cry: ! Glad Brandy and Sasha are back together:heart: !

    Sylvia:smile: You look smashing darling:smokin: !!! I think Molly looks very regal:heart: and Bruno, well he is just a cutie:love: !!!! Hope things workout well for your son and grandchildren!!!

    Katla:smile: I find I often enjoy the book more than the movie too:tongue: !

    Meg:smile: Benny Beagle :laugh: , he is such a character:love: ! Glad you`re back:flowerforyou: !

    Patty:smile: Congrats on your raise:bigsmile: !!!! Glad you didn`t throw in the towel, I`ve been there a few times myself:embarassed: .

    Rori:smile: I work from home sometimes too:happy: , I seem to get more done from home, only because I don`t have people flowing in my office to "chat" all the time. I have also said a few choice words to the dreaded scale:embarassed: ! Here lately it has been pretty nice to me:bigsmile: . I`m still trying to get the 8 pounds off that somehow found their way back to me:angry:

    Vicki:smile: Happy Birthday a little early:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: !!!

    Have a great day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in NC:glasses:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,801 Member
    thanks ladies~
    again last night, was awake for 3 hours tossing and turning and I had sleepytime tea too..
    what gives:grumble:
    so again no gym...BUT I did it, I bought the voucher for a 1 hour swedish massage..
    now I am trying to figure out on a very tight budget as how to pay my credit card bill down, I get 20.00 a week into my checking account and use that exclusively to try and pay it down
    Spring is my favorite season except for the tree pollen, when the tree's start budding so does my nose:frown:
    so im starting the flonase early:laugh:
    getting my eyes checked tomorrow, ive been having issues, then to see what I can find online ,ecause I am not going to buy them in the eyeglass store, to expensive
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,801 Member
    Molly~ you had me in stitches about the litterbox candydish~ thanks for the laugh:laugh:
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Hi all. I'm having a rough time right now. Family concerns ... my two sons ages 27 and 16 ... are both having serious health issues. The stress and inability to change things is causing me to dive head first into emotional eating. Yesterday was a bomb! I've gained 3 pounds in the last two weeks and I'm not liking that. I was up all night and only got some rest after I spent some time in prayer. Should have done that when I first woke up instead of spending two hours stressing about the situations! Sometimes I think I'll never learn ... I've never been able to accomplish anything through my worrying. Today is a new day.

    Meg ... I don't have a smart phone either ... (my kids do, though!) ... I carry an old Tracfone! I don't know how old your students are, but texting you to see how long your phone takes to receive the message sounds like something my 16 yr old would do. Smart alecks!!

    Grandmallie ... I understand sleepless nights all too well. Hope you get restoring sleep tonight.

    Patty ... "working on it" ... this made me laugh because I've said that all my life. Family used to tease me about it even. It was my mantra ... "I'm working on it." And the truth ... I never really was. Like that shoe commercial ... JUST DO IT! Yeah, yeah ... I know, easier said than done.

    Hope you all have a great day.
    Beth in WNY ... who wants Sandy to keep that POLAR VORTEX in ON!!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,353 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Ooooofffff I have been soooooooo frustrated with my phone! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
    My poor DH! He has to put up with me! All he says is "ring the shop up " which is sensible, but I am still grappling with it. Then I read in the help centre that it helps to turn it right off and on again - so I have just done that and lo it's miles better! I still need to find out ehat 250mgs wifi looks like per month, but Vodaphone website is down, so . ........... swearing under breath. I then downloaded their app, couldn't get it to work so uninstalled it. Grrrrr:explode:
    But at least it's working better and I have found the widgets to easily turn off wifi and bluetooth and data to save battery as it was chomping through it. Think I might sleep tonight! I am still in my jammies at 2.35pm and haven't done my strength training, though I did the gymming.
    Good news is that half a pound has gone, so I only have the other half to go to get back to my lowest weight so far. Yeah!:drinker:

    Jill - my DH hates queues as well. Before online check in we used to have to get to the airport soooo early! Now it's easier.

    Lucy - hugs for you and best wishes for your DD.:heart: Unfortunately we can't do it for them.:cry:

    Barbie - :flowerforyou: sorry to hear your friend died, but what an amazing survival - 30 years!

    Alison - so glad to hear you are having a treat! I used to have a huge credit card bill with no possibility of paying it off. Then an aged aunt died and left me just enough money to pay it off.:happy:

    Sylvia - looking good! Amazing weight loss!

    Katla - DH was a student of Tolkien at Oxford. He studied Anglo Saxon as part of his English degree. Hence DH'S novels, which are set in the 9th century.:happy:

    Well, I feel mighty relieved that my phone is working properly now. Might even get washed and dressed!:laugh:

    Love from Heather in sunny Hampshire UK

    Beth - just seen your post. Big hugs to you. Horrible to have to worry about the children.:cry::brokenheart:
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Morning ladies!

    I sat down and recalculated my BMI this morning, and somehow it managed to be both encouraging and depressing at the same time. My starting BMI was 51.83 at 302 pounds. My current BMI is 34.84 at 203. So I am BARELY out of the morbidly obese category which starts at 40. But still at the very top of the obese range. Boo! It says I have to be 145 to be in the normal range. My initial goal was 150, which would still be classified as overweight. So, I'm going to reset my goal to 145. It's only five more pounds. Only!

    Well, it's time to go pick up grandson for story time. Have a great day!

  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Meg – oh Benny! Grapefruit? Ewww but I juice it every morning. DD describes it as it tastes like earwax lol I had a Motorola flip phone too and I loved it but unfortunately it stopped working so I had to get a smartphone. :ohwell:

    Rockey2 & Tartanlass – welcome! Come back often and post as we love to get to know you. Tell us about yourself.

    Michelle – sounds like you are having a good time in FL…how’s the weather there? How does the Y there compare to yours?

    Rori – oh to work at home, I would love it. I can definitely see how the lines would blur, it would be a balancing act!

    Sylvia – I’ve never had a dog but desperately would love to rescue one. I can’t do that right now because of living in an apartment with 2 senior cats that would not appreciate it. Your furbabies are so gorgeous. Have fun at story day!

    Katla – I can NOT wait until spring & summer. I’ve had enough of this cold weather.

    Heather – my kids help me with my smartphone too. I had my DD download music so that I could take it with me walking and listen to music. I also listen to it on the bike as I haven’t figured out how to download audio books onto my tablet….one day soon!! Congrats on that ½ lb!! woohooo

    Joyce – I hope your back is feeling (&DD’s) better very soon. I can’t imagine the pain. Living with knee pain is bad enough. I hope the dr helps.

    Allison- congrats on buying the voucher for the massage. I’ve been trying to tell DD that getting her glasses online is so much cheaper than some eyeglass places. Of course she knows best :noway:

    Beth – I’m so sorry about your sons health issues. You & your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I really don’t want to keep that Polar Vortex!! Please don’t make me :laugh:

    Boss is out on the road today so I have the office all to myself :bigsmile: I am going to try and add extra steps in while he's gone. DD came home last night checked her email and went straight to bed. I guess she's all tuckered out after working 11 hours. Oh to be 25 again. :laugh:
    Today is cardio day so I did my 20 min mini workout this morning and will head to the gym after work to hop on the bike. Maybe I'll do some walking on the track too...see how I feel after the bike. This week has been great for food. I made a large lasagna and divided it up into containers. I'm having the same thing for breakfast, lunch, dinner & snacks all week long. I love it, not thinking, limit temptation in the kitchen...:happy:
    Back to work, have a great day all and don't forget to smile (it makes everyone wonder what you're up to :laugh: )

    :heart: Sandy in frigid ON
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce: Texting anyone is just like texting your kids if you have their phone number stored in your phone. That said, I’ve never texted anyone who wasn’t an immediate family member. I have facebook available to my phone but will not use it. I find facebook a little too intrusive to be pinging me thousands of times a day on my phone. I do use MFP all the time because I log all of my food on the phone app. I hope you feel better soon.:flowerforyou:

    Patti in Cincinnatti: I’m pleased to hear that you’re feeling a little better. I hope the life coach will be able to provide the help you’re looking for. Movies are never as good as the book, but there have been a very small number of them that do a decent job of it. The Hobbit movies fall into that exalted group, in my opinion.:bigsmile:

    Alison: I’m glad you bought the massage voucher. I hope you’ll enjoy every moment.:flowerforyou:

    Beth in WNY: I’m so sorry your sons are having health issues. Prayer is a great idea. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: Congratulations on the weight loss. :drinker: There are all sorts of learning styles and yours seems to be like mine. I’m an angry learner. It makes me angry that I don’t already know it all. You’ll gain the knowledge you need. The kids all just play with the phone until they figure it out. Lucky devils.:devil:

    Sylvia: In the beginning when I joined MFP I apparently set my own goal or it was set in answer to questions I answered. When I reached that goal I realized I wanted to lose another 5 pounds, too. By then it was easy to keep doing what I’d been doing for a year. I’m still doing it, although I allow myself a few more calories. If I stop I am sure I'll fall back into old bad habits.:grumble: :flowerforyou:

    We had popcorn at the movie last night and I can feel the water retention in my hands this morning, but it isn’t as bad as it was when I went to bed. This is our day to go to the acupuncture doctor in Portland and I need to get ready. I’ll see you on the next “page” of our thread.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Move more: cardio at least 3 days a week and strength training as soon as I am able.
    3. Water: According to an article I saw on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness for the body. I’ll work toward following these guidelines:
    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    So I took the advice, did lots of exercise yesterday,(had over 2500 calories avaliable) then went to my party and ate! Logged it all (not until this am as I got home at midnight) and was left with a calorie or two left over! Granted it was still an over 1500 cal dinner...

    But what was cool was usually I would have had 2 cocktails, extra appetizers, 2 glasses of wine.... you can see the trend there - this time 1 cocktail I was done, tasted 2 appetizers, ate 1/2 of the soup only 1 glass of wine, part of the entree in a doggie bag.... So proud of myself and not feeling deprived at all...

    BUT this morning I feel awful, bloated, full, like all my body wants to do is make gross body sounds.. Ok wow I am learning something! It doesn't help that it is pouring rain so can't do my normal 45+ minute walk; but it will be a low food day today.. while my system finds it's way...

    If this is the new me, it will make it easier to make good choices as this is an awful feeling.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    it is pouring rain so can't do my normal 45+ minute walk
    Yes, you can. :bigsmile: :wink:

    good job at the party!
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    it is pouring rain so can't do my normal 45+ minute walk
    Yes, you can. :bigsmile: :wink:

    good job at the party!

    good point, truth is don't want to in the rain, and it is supposed to break up later so will try to do it then, the worst part is trying to get the dog dry enough so the house doesn't smell like wet dog :grumble:
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,816 Member
    Good morning ladies:drinker: . Well I am not sure what happened last evening, when I got home I got into a strange mood and ate and ate. I logged it all and almost doubled my calories for the day. :sad: Can't explain what happen just the food talked to me and I listened. So have to pick myself up and remember today is a new day. I have done so well with losing up to now and need to get back on track.
    DGD found out they are having another boy. She was disappointed, but said the important thing is being heatlhy. This will be great grand child number two. That makes me feel so old. I remember when I turned 50 I got so depressed as thought that I would have to get a black purse and shoes and wear house dresses all the time. I am so glad that is not true.

    Lucy--Hope your elbow feels better soon. Prayers for you and DD.:heart: We always want to protect our children and when they are adults it is so hard.

    Alison--I never thought I would enjoy a massage, but have gotten acouple since my addicent as part of the treatment at the chiroprators and I love it. Only lasts about 15 minutes but feels so good. Treat yourself you deserve it. Glad to see that you have scheduled the massage. Enjoy.:smile:

    Barbie--Sorry to hear about your friend. Cancer is so hard to understand. What works for one does always work for someone else. :brokenheart:

    Sandy- I agree it would be great to win the lottery, but buying a ticket would help. I have about 12 years till old enough to retirer and 25 years until my house is paid off.:smile:

    Meg--Thanks for the smile over Benny. They can be so funny sometimes. Our little pug with not lick you but he will put his head next to you and shakes it. He can make me laugh most the time.:laugh:

    Joyce--sounds like time to see doctor about your back. Hope it gets to feeling better soon.:flowerforyou:

    Patty--Glad you are not throwing in the towel. I do understand as I can do well during the day and then come evening. I am really fighting this evening eating. Just have to make sure I have nothing in the house worth eating. I have also dicided that I am not going to buy soda for home after what I have is gone. Then only drink it at work or when I am out. Pushing water at home. I keep telling myself the important thing is not giving up.

    Beth--Hugs and prayers to you and your sons. Hope you get answers soon.:flowerforyou:
    Well hope you all have a good rest of the day and log that food and drink your water.
    Blessed! Vicki GI NE
  • vjcblueyes
    vjcblueyes Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Ladies....have been on this journey July 8 of 2013. Had foot surgery in December and just now getting back to the point that I can start walking again! Where has my motivation gone too? :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    it is pouring rain so can't do my normal 45+ minute walk
    Yes, you can. :bigsmile: :wink:

    good job at the party!

    good point, truth is don't want to in the rain, and it is supposed to break up later so will try to do it then, the worst part is trying to get the dog dry enough so the house doesn't smell like wet dog :grumble:
    I know the feeling! :laugh:
    (I also know it's no fun to be out in the rain for an hour... :flowerforyou: )
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :ohwell: I just discovered something when I went through my list of friends to send some messages. About 5 of the names had an option of "unhide" under them. Unhide??? How does that happen? I did not hide anyone that i can remember, nor do I see that option. Anyone know? In any event, I unhid them.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Have a great day!
    From sunny Vancouver island.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,091 Member
    Good Afternoon,


    Welcome newcomers:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Vicki I have had those days too. I like to think fifty years young.

    Alison I get a chiropractic massage once a month and it makes a terrific difference for my legs and feet.

    Barbie sorry about your friend with cancer. :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Momsamodel good job on the dinner.

    Sandy feel your pain with the cold. Like your plan for the lasagna.

    Beth sorry about your sons. Try to take care of you the best you can during these trying times. I know where I want the polar vortex to go. :laugh: Unfortunately it would melt everything and cause massive flooding.

    Sylvia you have made such great progress. You will make your goal.

    Heather!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On lowest weight!

    Joyce hope back feels better.:flowerforyou:

    Not the easiest group to teach first thing today. Students are getting restless. Too cold to go out for recess. I have lived here for forty years and this winter is definitely in the top for degree of difficulty.:grumble:

    Take care of myself today , so I have a healthier tomorrow.
    I will eat a low processed sugar and high fiber diet, walk for a half-hour, bed by 10:30, eight glasses of water.
    2014 word: contentment
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :flowerforyou: Rori, all is well at our house now that Sasha is home. She whimpered a lot and was very disoriented so I finally went to bed with both dogs and they both felt better. Jake went to visit our friend whose wife died and didn’t get home until 8 PM so the dogs were happy in bed with me waiting for him……..the jeans I wear for line dance performances are Lee jeans with no back pockets……the bling is stuff that I bought at Michael’s craft store and ironed on myself…there’s stuff on the back, too……it just took a little time, a few dollars, and an Iron to turn $26.00 jeans into ones that look like the cost over $50.00.

    :flowerforyou: Patty, with all the sitting you have to do at work, it must be a great challenge to find ways to be active.

    :laugh: DeeDee, I thinks scales and computers hear more than their share of “choice words”

    :laugh: Sylvia, when Brandy and Sasha were puppies, they made use of the “litter box candy dish”……now they are not so interested.

    :flowerforyou: Beth, try putting the Serenity Prayer where you can see it often, so you don’t derail your own life worrying about your kids......sorry to hear about their health challenges :brokenheart:

    :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: Sandy, it sounds like you’ve created an awesome routine for yourself with cardio and the gym and good planning for your food.

    :flowerforyou: Katla, the last time we went to the movies, Jake bought popcorn…..it smelled great, but I was glad that I resisted.

    :flowerforyou: Momsamodel, I can’t eat the way I used to because it makes me feel terrible, just like you experienced after your party

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, I have had times when I felt like I needed eat a lot for no reason and was so glad that there is only healthy food in our house.

    :flowerforyou: Margaret, after all my years of teaching and being trapped in classrooms with children during bad weather, I promised myself that once I retired, I would never again complain about the weather.

    :laugh: I don’t have a smart phone.....I figure that I can wait til I get home to use my computer…..my phone makes calls, texts, takes pictures, and plays music----who could ask for anything more.

    :flowerforyou: This morning at dance class, I was feeling a little sad rather than my usual upbeat self and then I remembered my happiness commandment “Act the way you want to feel” so I smiled big and in no time I was feeling cheery and had a great time.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • caroldavison332
    caroldavison332 Posts: 864 Member
    I'm Carol, age 53, from "Washington D.C., really Annapolis MD but people know the bigger cities, and have a husky dog as you can see. So glad to see people not obsessing over food on the page.
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Rori - Back in the late 70's I worked for a city in Nebraska under its Mayor's Commission on the Status of Women. The mayor appointed an extremely conservative woman as the chair (which caused all kinds of havoc, mainly because the Mayor was supposed to appoint women to the Commission and the Commission elected its own officers). She told me once that she would not let her daughter join the Girl Scouts because they were a subversive organization. She claimed she knew this because they offered a badge on decision-making. There are always a few people out there a few bricks short of a load! :laugh: Hopefully times have changed since then!!!

    Alison - I love, love, love getting massages and get one every month for an hour - it's great for my physical AND mental health. I treat it like prescription medications - an expense that simply must be included in the budget. Ben doing this for years now.

    Keep drinking that water!!! :drinker:

    Jill in western MA