

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Just checking in. I'm overextended again and no time to comment. Just found out a childhood friend has less than a week. Totally bummed. We played together as toddlers and my first sentence included his name.

    On a positive note, I have been walking and I suppose the wrist is healing.

    I'll shut up now or else I'll whine for another 500 words or so.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,381 Member
    Joyce - typing on this laptop the keyboard is something different. I usually try to proofread my post, but I was so beat last night that I didn't. lol hoe

    I prelogged my food yesterday and was going to eat only what I logged. I really was craving some protein later in the day, so what I think I'll do from now on is take different foods with me and then log them when I get back.

    Oh, remember I said we were going to park at Wendy's parking lot since they're cheaper? Well, they jack up their price for parking on Sunday. It was $40, same as at the mall so we just parked at the mall.

    Did 30 minutes of yoga today. The class is supposed to be 45 minutes long, but the Y scheduled the lady to work at their front desk from 6-7, then personal train from 7-8, then teach from 8-8:45. Well, from their perspective personal training brings in more income, not teaching a class that's included for free with the membership.

    chickee - your workout sounds good. Congrats on the loss. More importantly -- can I come to Cancun with you?????

    fitprincess - welcome back!

    kayzoola - I remember the "bippy" from Laugh In, too

    Tomorrow I'll do Gin Miller's Seriously Strong DVD.

    BootCamper - welcome!

    Carol in NC - I sure hope for the best for your son. That's just horrible all he has to go thru

    After exercising today I stopped at CVS to get this soda that's on sale, then to Sav-A-Lot. I'm shocked at how expensive they are. But Vince needed bread and I know that Aldi doesn't sell rye bread, so I went there (but just for a very little). Then went to buy gas. Then to Walgreens to get the milk that Vince needed that they have on sale Back to the condo to do some laundry, ran the dishwasher, mundane things. I'll make dinner here tonight

    Lucy - so sorry about your elbow. Sure hope it gets better fast.

    Vicki - SD not being at her father's birthday party will be her loss

    Sylvia - sounds like you handled son's situation with grace. Being told that you're loved makes you feel so good, doesn't it? I'm so sorry he has to go thru this

    yanniejannie - so glad Gwen's taxes are done!

    Renny - using logic I have the exact opposite problem. Vince can be so very logical and I'm the emotional one that his logic sometimes makes me mad. Although I know deep down that he's right, I can't help how I feel (emotional)

    Rita - prayers for your mom. Sometimes doctors just don't think. They aren't the ones who have to deal with the patient (your dad). I remember my dad's MD wanted him to go on dialysis, my dad just asked "and how would I get there". The MD wasn't about to do anything to get him there. My dad didn't want dialysis, anyway.

    Heather - good luck with your phone. My problem with my phone is that I just don't have the right "touch" for it.

    Katie - so sorry about your friend. Whine all you need to, we don't mind. Congrats on getting a walk in

    Michele from NC now in FL
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Bump/ BBL
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,878 Member
    Hello to all: Well today is almost over and I have only four more Mondays until retirement!!! Had a good day today but Wednesday will be crazy. Oh well that is life. Having to make some hard decisions as to how I will take my retirement pension from the hospital. I have decided it is a gamble any way you do it.

    Vicki - Annie Dillard wrote "Pilgrim at Tinker Creek". She won a Pulitzer Prize for it.

    Heather - Hope you are feeling better soon.

    Hope the little guy with the stomach problems finds a solution soon.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi girls. I guess I'm back! I definitely have a better attitude today and I can say that today I am grateful that I can disagree so vigorously with my boss and she comes back to me and says "We can always work together even if we agree to disagree." You don't find that in too many workplaces.

    Cold and a little snowy today. Nothing like other parts of the country...and Britain...all that flooding. Hope everyone across the pond is safe and dry. And hoping the rest of us are warm!

    DH's cousin is doing some better. He has blood clots in his leg and arm. They had already put a filter in him so blood clots from the legs get caught before they get to his lungs. He still is not "awake" but he did take a few steps the other day. His wife says it's like he is sleepwalking. He still only opens his eyes rarely.

    Went to my doctor today; she wants to see me every 6 months since I am going to the diabetic clinic too. I don't know if I told you but my latest A1C was 5.7 which according to her, makes me the best diabetic in the world LOL. I think she only said that because I took her some "diabetic and heart friendly" zucchini bread! My blood pressure was much better too...it had been creeping up but today was 118/72. Can't complain about that.

    Well I re-tooled my exercise routine so we will see if that helps get me back on track. I think I have been on this plateau for months now. I have 6 days planned and figure if I do 5 of them, that's a success. I didn't go to aqua zumba today though because I have had an awful sinus headache for 2 days now.

    Well nothing really new here. plugging away on the books at home in the evening. Work is going crazy; next week is our final and then boom, a week off and another one begins. Only this year I am not going to be able to take my spring break. I am hoping for one day of it. UGH got to get stuff done!

    Well I'm off to bed; I can hardly keep my eyes open. Take care everyone. Hugs and high fives. I've missed you all. Meg from still-wintery Omaha
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Sue in SD - FOUR Mondays before retirement?!? You must be so excited. :love: What is the first thing you will do? ... other than NOT rush out to work, of course. Congratulations. :happy:

    There are still ~ 7 years of Mondays in my future. Doesn't that sound like a long sentence? I actually told the boss that when I turn 62 I want to work just 4 days a week. That will still be more than 40 hours a week, but easing into extra time off seems like a good idea for me.

    Meg - good to see your post.

    Time for bed.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I am so happy to have my exercise bike working again that I’ve been on it a lot today…..that, along with a two hour walk with a friend on the Olympic Discovery Trail has kept me away from the computer today. I’ll find balance soon.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    :bigsmile: ..29,000 steps today
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    I posted my line dance picture........now here is my picture from before I joined MFP

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    You have transformed yourself, Barbie. Congratulations can't be offered too often. Your example helped me believe I could do it, too. Thank you.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    This was sent to me in an email today. I am proud of calling all of you my sister!!!!

    A young wife sat on a sofa on a hot humid day, drinking iced tea and visiting with her mother.. As

    they talked about life, about marriage, about the

    responsibilities of life and the obligations of

    adulthood, the mother clinked the ice cubes in her

    glass thoughtfully and turned a clear, sober glance

    upon her daughter...

    'Don't forget your sisters,' she advised, swirling

    the tea leaves to the bottom of her glass. 'They'll

    be more important as you get older. No matter how

    much you love your husband, no matter how much you

    love the children you may have, you are still going

    to need sisters. Remember to go places with them now

    and then; do things with them.'

    'Remember that 'sisters' means ALL the women....

    your girlfriends, your daughters, and all your other

    women relatives too. 'You'll need other women. Women

    always do.'

    What a funny piece of advice!' the young woman

    thought. Haven't I just gotten married?

    Haven't I just joined the couple-world? I'm now a

    married woman, for goodness sake! A grownup! Surely

    my husband and the family we may start will be all I

    need to make my life worthwhile!'

    But she listened to her mother. She kept contact

    with her sisters and made more women friends each

    year. As the years tumbled by, one after another,

    she gradually came to understand that her mother really

    knew what she was talking about. As time and nature

    work their changes and their mysteries upon a woman,

    sisters are the mainstays of her life.

    After more than 70 years of living in this world,

    here is what I've learned:


    Time passes.

    Life happens.

    Distance separates.

    Children grow up.

    Jobs come and go.

    Love waxes and wanes.

    Men don't do what they're supposed to do.

    Hearts break.

    Parents die.

    Colleagues forget favors.

    Careers end.


    Sisters are there, no matter how much time and how

    many miles are between you. A girl friend is never farther away

    than needing her can reach.

    When you have to walk that lonesome valley and you

    have to walk it by yourself, the women in your life

    will be on the valley's rim, cheering you on,

    praying for you, pulling for you, intervening on

    your behalf, and waiting with open arms at the

    valley's end.

    Sometimes, they will even break the rules and walk

    beside you....Or come in and carry you out.

    Girlfriends, daughters, granddaughters,

    daughters-in-law, sisters, sisters-in-law, Mothers,

    Grandmothers, aunties, nieces, cousins, and extended

    family: all bless our life!

    The world wouldn't be the same without women, and

    neither would I.. When we began this adventure called

    womanhood, we had no idea of the incredible joys or

    sorrows that lay ahead. Nor did we know how much we

    would need each other.

    Every day, we need each other still.

    Meg, so glad your post seems a little more upbeat today. Glad to see that.

    Sue, 4 Mondays until retirement!!!! Congrats. I did n't have that choice. MS made it for me. But I am still enjoying it. When my husband retired I don't think we had a month to prepare for it. He was excited, I was dreading it! I had a way of life at home that I enjoyed and I knew that he liked more regimentation that would not fit into my routine. It started out a lot differently than what it has ended up so it has taken a lot of give and take. My diet changed it a lot!!! We went to a lot of burger joints for lunch when he first retired. I also had to start drawing my pension early which I did not want to but his social security wouldn't start for 8 months after he retired so I had to start my pension early. No choice if we wanted to eat.

    I don't know what I did today differently than any other day but my left low back hurts. I have stayed on a heating pad and taken Aleve but it hasn't helped. In fact when I get off the heating pad it feels worse. Feels great when I am on it. I feel it is muscular. My dauhgters and I always get a sinus infection at the same time. She is 200 miles away, I may not see my daughter here in town all week but we will all get it at the same time. Just like we would all be on our periods at the same time. Now my daughters back hurts, she leaves and now mine hurts! I guess I should warn my daughter here in town that her back may start hurting this week!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    My daughter sent me the 15 favorite rental houses for vacation that we had narrowed it down to. So I am making all sorts of lists about those 15 houses to see which one my husband and I like the best. All are 4-5 bedroom but they are 3-5 bathroom. I know that sounds a little picky but It's nice to have your own bathroom. And the 4 bedroom my DGDs would have to sleep in the living room or maybe pull a mattress off of a pull out couch and put it on their bedroom floor. These girls wake up around 6 AM and us adults just don't want to get up that early! When we went to Myrtle beach last year we all had our own bed and bathrooms. The kids didn't have to go to the bathroom at 6 AM in their parents bedroom and wake them up. Also the kitchen was away from the bedrooms so they could go in there and fix some breakfast for themselves and then go back in their bedroom and watch a Disney film. I wish we would get the hospital bills from a couple of weeks ago so we could see where we are financially but from the way they were last year it was a couple of months. But it was Anthem last year and this year it's Medicare so it may be different. I doubt it.

    I don't know if I am imagining it or just haven't looked at his hand tremor enough today but yesterday was the first day Charlie was at the full 3 time a day dose of his medicine for the Parkinsons and I don't think I saw as much tremor. I sure hope it will be this simple. He hasn't had any side effects at all. It will sure make him accept it better.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,328 Member
    Dear Joyce,:love:
    How very true! When my old school friends and I will meet up in Glasgow I have bought some friendship tokens to give them. On one side it says' friendship token' and on the other side, 'good for a lifetime'. I think that says it all.:heart::heart: :heart:

    Heather UK
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,381 Member
    Meg - you certainly are lucky to have a boss who will work with you and values your opinion, even if it doesn't agree with hers. Congrats on being the best diabetic. Great to see you post, I always like reading your posts

    Joyce - thank you for that "sisters" post. I'm going to forward it on to Jessica and Denise.

    The other day I bought some grapefruit at this one store here. Was it ever good! I'm going to see if they have any more and when they're getting their next shipment, I'll probably take some back with me.

    Going to the Y and doing Gin Miller's Seriously Strong DVD. Then going to Aldi, Vince wants some chips and I need a few other things, too. I was shocked at how expensive things were at Sav A Lot yesterday.

    Tomorrow I'll do a downloadable spinning workout. Then I'll go to see a friend who I pay mahjongg with in Hickory. She lives in Pt. St. Lucy for 6 months of the year and in Hickory for 6 months. She's a real nice gal. One year I gave her a cake with a picture of a mahjongg tile on it as a gift to her for always being there (if she wasn't, we couldn't have used the clubhouse where we used to be).

    Well, off now.

    Everyone have a great day.

  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hello to All, Welcome Newbies!
    I am feeling a little frustrated right now. I'm not losing weight, I'm not getting in the exercise I need as I'm working full time and my part time job is now 3 nights and Sunday. This coming Sunday they decided to have a staff meeting at 5 when we close, which means I will be there another 2 hours.
    I'm trying to rethink things, right now I feel like it's another full time job thinking about, planning, shopping for, eating, logging and trying to stay focused on weight loss. I'm thinking I need better, faster planning and organization.

    Joyce, IN I like the sister story. Sisters really do listen and can relate, that’s precious and sometimes lifesaving.

    Lucy DE, I believe if necessary an elbow can be cast. Doesn’t it always seem like you hit or bump what you’ve already hurt? I swear it happens to me every time. It might be a subconscious thing.

    Tonight I am going to my DD's to celebrate her and my SIL's birthdays. I bought cheesecakes, the kind with a variety of flavors. It seems strange to think I have a 34 year old daughter and soon will have a sixth grandchild. Wow, time flies.

    Everyone have a blessed and healthy day,
    Patty, Cincinnati
    Carol, NC I so agree with you about Sunday’s. I envy you your early Friday. I wish they would let us do that here. I really wish they would let us, as a department pick either a Monday or a Friday to work, our phones would still be taken care of and we could all work 4-10hr days. Right now I am working Sundays at the Y from 1-5 and that makes Monday morning even harder. We only stay open Jan thru March on Sundays and I am looking forward to having them off again next month. I hope your son is OK, gastro issues are tough.

    Sylvia, Great job on the weight loss! I’m glad everything wen OK with the situation, your son sounds like a heck of a guy.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    As usual on a weekday, I have no time to respond:sad: ! I`ve read all the posts and wishing everyone well:heart: !!!

    Margaret :smile: Sharing my water:drinker: and coffee:drinker: !!!

    Joyce:smile: I love the "Sisters" so very true:heart::flowerforyou: !!!

    Barbie:smile: You look beautiful in the before pic too:bigsmile: ! You show us what is possible with dedication and hard work, thank you:flowerforyou: !

    Have a lovely Tuesday ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in NC:glasses:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,785 Member
    well no gym this morning because I was awake most of the night :grumble: so I am just so frustrated...
    havent lost in a couple of months,but not giving up....:sad:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    well no gym this morning because I was awake most of the night :grumble: so I am just so frustrated...
    havent lost in a couple of months,but not giving up....:sad:

    Alison, you have been turning yourself inside out helping others for months. You've put your own goals and issues behind those of friends and family on your personal "to do list." It is part of your nature to be a helping hand. I hope you come to a place soon where you can devote some attention to yourself. Hugs.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,776 Member
    Barbie ... thanks for sharing the before photo ... your transformation is wonderful!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! I've just been outside, in the cold, in my jammies and slippers chasing Bruno who had one of my shoes racing around the yard. Keep away is his favorite game. Big fun. :explode:

    Barbies pics inspired me, so I took a couple of my own. Not as good, but I still have 52 pounds to go. They are on my profile page. I don't have a before picture to put up yet, so you will have to use your imagination. Also, I finally put up a picture of my Molly. Somehow Bruno came into my life and took over and poor Molly got pushed to the back of my mind. She's older and not as demanding as a puppy, I guess.

    Yesterday I picked up my granddaughter to take her to her first Girl Scout meeting, but it turned out to be next week. Poor little thing was so disappointed. She made me pinkie swear to take her back next week.

    After having a very long talk with his ex and her parents, my son decided to let the kids go to their house for an overnight on Saturday. He is braver than I would be. He said she is on probation now, and is in treatment and has a job, so he is hopeful she will be OK now. And he said he pointed out what the legal consequences would be if they screwed it up. So, I have my fingers crossed. It really is important to the kids, so I will bite my tongue and hope for the best.

    I'm off to the gym now. Have a great day!

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Good Morning beautiful ladies.:flowerforyou: Well at weigh in this morning I lost the 1.9 that I gained last week. I am surprised as not had a good week food wise. Hope this is the start of being back on track. Only 7degrees this morning when I came to work. Sounds like it will not get much warmer the rest of the week. My BD is Sunday and I can remember it usally snows on my BD. Both DH and I work that day so will celebrate together on Saturday. I always say he can't forget my BD as just a day after his.

    Sylvia--what a stressful evening. Glad it all turned out ok. Prayers as it can't be easy for the kids or DS. Hope you get good news at the doctors. Thanks to Bruno for making me smile today. They can make us upset and then be so cute. I know Jake tries me at times but when he climbs on my lap to cuddle I just melt.:flowerforyou:

    yanniejannie--Gwen is so lucky to have you in her life. Please take care of you!:flowerforyou: On the subject of WLS, I put it off for years and then when the lap band came to GI I went to acouple classes and then I know several people that have had it done and done well and keeping the weight off. Then I got really sick and doctor said I had to do something. I know it is just a tool and I have to watch what and how much I eat. I have had to make a lifestyle change and at this point I am doing well.

    Jane--sure hope you are feeling better soon!:flowerforyou:

    Rita--OH MY! That would be so scary. Prayers and hugs to you all!:heart:

    Heather--I know what you mean about new phones. :tongue: I have one of the older ones and I have a terrible time answering it at times. But I do like it for texting as most the DGC will text more often then call. Speaking which DGD is having her ultra sound this afternoon to find out if she is having a boy or girl. They have a boy and really want a girl. Those tokens sounds very nice. Where did you get them?

    Katiebug--Sorry to hear about your friend. I saw a post on facebook this morning from my friend's SO as been a year today since Linda passed. It made me realize that the two people I have been friends with for over 45 years have passed. Hugs to you. And come Whine to us all you want that is what we are here for!:flowerforyou:

    Sue--Thanks for info on the book. Congrates on only 4 more Mondays at work.:drinker:

    Meg--So glad to see you back and glad you are feeling better. Sounds like the boss is a smart woman.

    Barbie--WOW!!!:smile::smile: :smile:

    Joyce--I am proud to call all of you my sisters and that story is so true. Hope your back feels better soon and the daughters also. Pray DH keeps doing so well on the new meds.

    Well hope you all have a good day. I am going over to a freinds after work this evening to help her fill out financal papers. She is the one that just finished radaition for breast cancer and her husband had back surgery last week. DH is working the late shift today so will go over and help with that.
    Blessed! Vicki GI NE
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good afternoon.:flowerforyou:
    Joyce,thanks for sharing about sisters,how true.
    Decided as much as I hated to ,to stay home this week and take care of me.Miss Violet,like crazy,but am no good to her now.:cry:
    Still have coughing fits and shortness of breath at times,due to the asthma.
    Hope you all are doing good.
    Thanks for the well wishes.