

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,776 Member
    Hi ladies! So much enjoy reading your posts!

    I'm in the same place as several of you ... need to get my head back in the game! Weight is stuck at the moment ... but that is due to inconsistent eating and exercise. Nasty cold isn't helping.

    Sylvia... your "arm deterrent " in the candy aisle had me laughing out loud! Will definitely do this myself! ????

    Sandy in ON ... you are experiencing great success! Being able to move comfortably is my favorite NSV.

    LucyT4dieting ... people commenting on my weight loss affects me negatively also ... what is up with that!!

    Hope you all have a great day!

    Beth in WNY
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Barbie - you look GREAT!! What a wonderful; picture, and you look so happy in it too. :flowerforyou:

    peach state gal - like many others on here, we also went through this with my Mom and MIL at different times. For my mom (who also had some dementia) we had an aide come in about 3 times a day to make get mom up, make meals, put her to bed. She also went to a senior day center where she had lunch and also had her vitals, including sugar checked daily. When it became apparent she needed night coverage also, we found an aide to live in. Mom didn't like it, but she understood that all this was keeping her at home. It was less that assisted living, until we got the live-in aide, then it was about the same. The biggest expense was the transportation to and from the senior day center 4-5 days a week. At the time, I lived about 1,500 miles away and managed the aides, etc. For my MIL, we had her move in with us - took some battling but once she was here, she really loved it. Don't know if this will help or not.

    Yesterday was finally a nice day! DH did his first grill of the year - lots of grilled veggies - yummmm. Today is cloudy and winter returns tomorrow with highs in the 20s and lows in single digits.

    Also, a shout out for DH - he has been asking me to go to the Y with him on Sundays (nope he wasn't going before). He knows I have wanted to add a third day of exercise, and this is his way of encouraging me. Now if only the scale would move downward instead of staying still! :happy:

    Jill in western MA
  • kjtown43
    Good Sunday morning!

    I teeny bit of snow yesterday but it quickly turned into rain.

    We had friends over for dinner last . . . OH MY GOODNESS!!!

    From what I can estimate, dinner last night was at least my whole days calories worth of food! BUT, rather than feel defeated, I feel fine today. I will exercise and get back to doing what I need to do in order to regain my optimal health. That feels very good!

    I tried to plan a fairly low calorie (HA!) menu; lemon chicken, green beans, roasted potatoes (mainly for the husbands), no bread (a huge weakness for me), and caesar salad . . . .ummmmm . . . oh yeah, creme brulee for dessert! OOPS!

    Then our friends brought a beautiful selection of cheese for an appetizer! Wine before and with dinner also added significant calories.

    But before, I probably ate at least this many extra calories frequently rather than once a month.

    What I LOVE about using MFP is that I get to choose exactly what I'm going to eat! Feeling restricted does not work for me. I saved as many calories as I could during the day and today I'll get back to staying within my calorie allowance. I plan to start exercising . . . I"m setting a goal of

    exercise 15 minutes four times a week (for starters)

    I feel very motivated and happy that I actually can lose weight!

    Kathy T Everett
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Have a great sun!!
    Feeling lousy still.
    Barbie,you look great.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Had a good day at church. My daughter agreed that it was a very contemporary church, the kind I would like. I asked my 12 year old DGD what she thought of it because she has never been in a traditional church since the day she was born. She said that although it was a little slow for her she thought that the preacher talked about the same things hers did and that the music was just different. The preacher is quite funny and does joke some. The lady who does children's church was not there today so my 7 year old DGD had to stay in church with us but was very good. You give her some paper and a pen and she will draw for an hour. We met husband after church at one of his favorite buffets, Teppanyaki. We haven't eaten there several times and i know what to get. I liked it that today they had fresh strawberries and pound cake. So I took a little piece of cake and a bite of strawberries together. It wasn't like what my Mom would fix as strawberry shortcake but I have learned it to be an adequate substitute.

    All of us female descendants of my Mom seem to have the same back problems. It's just that we all deal with them differently. My oldest daughter that was here this weekend is the most like Mom and my sister, pretty bad. My other daughter and I seem to have it the least. But her back was pretty bad this weekend. It isn't muscular at all, it is purely skeletal. They were planning on leaving right after lunch but SIL had diarrhea and daughters back was hurting so right now they are taking naps. Youngest is watching Disney, oldest is doing home work and the house is quiet! My only problem is that she can be a very controlling person. Instead of taking a nap in a bed, she wants the couch, curtains closed, TV off.

    My husband and his little group he sings with were getting together this weekend to put together some more songs for them to sing. They are 'The over the hill gang' and one of them always takes lead and the other two as back up. They each like at least one song as lead for themselves. So I was going to go with him since the wives like to go and hang out and talk about our husbands!!!! But now of course I am home with daughter and family.

    Love the picture Barbie. It really shows a lot of body language about who you are a person! You can tell you enjoy life and sharing it with others.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    I'm sad that the Olympics are done now. I'm watching the closing ceremonies. :cry:

    I went to aquafit again this morning. A friend's daughter came with DD & myself, she's a few years older then DD. She was in a very serious car accident a few years ago and has been permanently disabled by it. She's such a sweet girl. She wants to go for gastric bypass surgery and has started the process. I'm concerned for her because of all that she's been through physically and mentally. She's in psychiatric hospital right now but comes home most weekends. I get the feeling that she's looking for a quick fix for her weight problem. I've offered for her to come with me to the gym any time she wants and so has DD.

    DD is working 11 hour days this week and she is very grumpy when she gets tired. I don't deal very well with her moods.

    Barbie - you look amazing, thanks for posting your picture. I love your outfit

    Meg - I hope you are able to reduce some of the stress in your life. Don't forget to take care of yourself

    Yanniejannie - what a friend you are. But don't forget about you!

    :heart: Sandy in ON (supposed to go back into a deep freeze this week :sad: )
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Margaret: I love your goal, “Take care of myself today, so I have a healthier tomorrow.”:heart::flowerforyou:

    JB: Congratulations on your loss. It sounds as though you’re making good choices and getting back on track.:flowerforyou:

    Jill in Western MA: Scales do what they do and will eventually show the results of your hard work. Your DH knows how to be supportive, and that is lucky for you.:flowerforyou:

    Sandy in ON: I’ve mentioned before that we had a friend many years ago who had gastric bypass surgery and she did lose a lot of weight at first, but she returned to her old habits and gained it all back. I’m no fan of the surgery because it is risky and doesn’t help a person learn to live a healthy lifestyle.:noway: :grumble:

    We’re having a quiet day at home. It is damp and chilly outside. I took the dog for a walk and almost froze my bippy even though the temperature wasn’t THAT cold. Damp cold sucks the heat away quickly. I’m wondering how many of you know what a bippy is. :bigsmile: :wink:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Move more: cardio at least 3 days a week and strength training as soon as I am able.
    3. Water: According to an article I saw on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness for the body. I’ll work toward following these guidelines:
    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Happy Sunday evening to all you beautiful ladies. :wink: Well we did not get the snow they were expecting. Just to be cold this week and I can deal with that. We went to the movie Nebraska last evening and it was so funny.:laugh: You could tell it was not a big budget movie, but it was just like when I grew up and I knew people just like it. The theater was full again last evening, but I can understand that now that I have seen the movie.
    Didn't make it to church this morning:blushing: . DH and I slept in till almost 9:30. That does not happen often so we must of needed it. Now this evening I am working a few hours to help cover for a girl in the hospital. Then I have to be back at 5:30 in the morning so will be a short night.

    Michelle--thought of you this afternoon when the race went on rain delay. When I left to come to work it was still raining. DH said they would run tomorrow if they can't today. Will you go back tomorrow if they run then?

    Yanniejannie--Gwen is so lucky to have you as a friend. Good Luck on getting the taxes done tomorrow.:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee--I agree I would also like to see a picture of you in your new sassy boots.

    Sue--Who wrote the book Pilgrim at Tinker Creek? I do enjoy reading different views. I enjoied the Shack and the Guard. I have my name on the list at the library for Phone Call from Heaven.

    Barbie--I agree you look great and so happy. It's not surprising that you cheer people up when you dance.:flowerforyou:

    jb--Hugs!! I need to take that advice and think more before I eat. I have really been stuggling and eating to much. You would think I'd of learned when I gained last week. Thanks for the reminder!!

    Jill--Sounds like DH is helping and that is great. Maybe I will have to tell my DH he needs to step up. We talk about walking together and then space it off when the weather is cold.

    Kathy--Good for you! One day at a time is the only way to go.:drinker:

    Joyce-sounds like you, DD and DGD have a good day at church.

    Sandy--sorry to hear about DD's friend. So nice of both of you to be there for her. Surgery is a big step and not for everyone. I have two sisters that had the gastric by pass and they did lose the weight at first and gained it back and now there is nothing they can do. I had the lap band done a year ago and I did alot of praying and studing before hand. The part I like the best is that they did not cut my insides and they can ajust this the rest of my life. I still have to count calories and watch what I eat and now that I have lost so much it is lose and I have not had an ajustment since last May as found this site and doing well. The one thing I have learned is that no matter what this is a lifestyle change and a person must be willing to do it for the rest of your life or nothing will change.

    Katle--I have an idea what a bippy is and freezing it would not be fun.:blushing:

    Well I am getting ready to turn in the night as 4:30 sure comes early. Have a safe and warm evening.
    Blessed! Vicki GI NE
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    :flowerforyou: Anamika, a half marathon sounds like a fabulous goal…..more ambitious than anything I’ve done.

    :bigsmile: DeeDee, your shopping sounds great….I’d love to see a picture of you in your sassy boots.

    :bigsmile: Jb, those are awesome rules…..thank you for sharing them with us.

    :bigsmile: Kathy T……it sounds like you have a really good attitude...it is so emotionally healthy to not get discouraged by a set back or a detour.

    :flowerforyou: Jake and I have been watching Olympics again today starting with riding my exercise bike while watching the gold medal hockey game…….we cheered for Canada. The dogs have been walked a lot and the laundry is almost finished. This morning Brandy and I saw the first daffodil bloom and Sasha and I saw three deer. This afternoon we walked in the snow. It is still coming down, the temperature is dropping, and the snow is starting to stick. There are birds everywhere but there is clearly some confusion about whether it is winter or becoming spring.

    :bigsmile: :heart: Thank you for all the kind comments about my picture. I love line dancing.......I went to my first class a few months after I retired and had no idea that it would become such a passion for me.

    :flowerforyou: After overindulging at the Asian Buffet yesterday, I tried to be extra active today and eat extra clean to balance things.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    :bigsmile: 20,000 steps today ----60 squats
    two and a half minute plank

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,651 Member
    Thanks for the input on handling a cheat meal!. I read all the posts and am cheering each of you on, but listing you all by name is too overwhelming yet! I am trying to figure out who is who still.

    I am wondering at what percentage of weight lost did you begin to get comments from folks who did not know you were dieting... I am figuring that folks that KNOW you are trying will say stuff before they really see it just to cheer you on... but a friend you don't see often or someone at work you have not told... is it at 10% less or 5% or 20% - i figure it has to be a percent because of everyones different start weight.

    All of you in snow land - I can't imagine how much harder exercise is - I'm in CA and was transplanting iris today and walking the dog, in short sleeves....

    Wishing everyone a great week!
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Bumping to mark my place and say hello. Had a terrific day at the Y yesterday then we went to dinner last night. Unfortunately my gut was not happy until this afternoon. I'm not sure if it was overdoing the Y and water, or eating more than normal last night. Things finally settled out and we kept our food simple today.

    I got the laundry done, the bill pay set up for the first of the month and -- TA DA -- filed the taxes tonight! Check, check! Something got done after all. Good thing as the boss has already warned me the week will be wild. I'll take my gym clothes each day as usual and see how things go. Although I actually brought some work home with me on Friday I have not done any of it and don't really care that I didn't. Tomorrow is another day.

    DH has been lamenting the reduced hours of their pharmacy staff. They now have more people working fewer hours each, a by product I think of the Obamacare rules. Time will tell. He has been able to pick up some time at other store's pharmacies in the group, so that's a bit better, but not the almost-full time hours he had been working.

    Need to get organized for bed. Prayers/hugs/high-fives/etc. as appropriate -- I've read the posts and feel I'm mostly caught up.

    Sweet dreams -

    Gail, metro ATL
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sniff, sniff, Olympics are officially done. The guy from Rio sure looked happy as he was waving the flag for the summer Olympics. Was very pleased that they went off without any problems. The ceremony tonight was one of much culture and beauty, not the usual closing celebration that the last Olympics had but I liked it.

    Well as I said earlier my daughter and SIL weren't feeling well this afternoon and I am glad they took a nap even though it kept me from going with husband to friends house. They finally left at 5:30 which is 6:30 their time. They will need to stop for supper, takes close to 3 1;2 hours. A good 10 PM before they get home, it's a school day tomorrow. So when hubbie comes home he asks me when they left. So when I told him 5:30 he about blew up at me. Why did I let them sleep so long. I am not the Mm and Dad here. Yes, I am an adult but Dad had diarrhea and Mom's back was so bad she could hardly walk and one of them was supposed to drive home. SIL woke up and watched Disney with us, very quietly so Mom could sleep. He watched for about an hour. He could have gone upstairs and told him wife they needed to go. I am not their keeper. He eventually did go upstairs and tell her it was time to get up. They both woke up refreshed. I did try my best to get the girls to have every thing cleaned up and ready to go so the moment they woke up the ids would be ready. But I didn't succeed in that all together. The 7 year old if actuallly diagnosed would be ADHD I think. But with the proper teacher and stimulation at home she is an excellent student. Finishes her work and would go around and finish everyone else's if they let her. But left to her own resources she goes from one thing to another without finishing. She loves to use my big plush recliners as sliding boards. That is until I caught her. She's the kind of kid that if you have 10 rocking chairs in one house she would run and get them all rocking at the same time. She loves to draw, unfortunately she uses her own body as the canvas. Her Mom doesn't care one bit. If she were my daughter or staying at Grandma's house with out Mom, I wouldn't let her do it. I told her the next time she comes here and she wants to draw just to ask me for some paper and I would love to keep the drawings. Her father made the bad decision to teach her how to make paper boats, hat and even paper balloons this weekend. so my house was full of those. I gave her a plastic bag to make sure she did take them all home. I didn't want to be the heavy to tell her that as soon as she left to go home they would all go in my trashcan. She did make this one little tiny hat that if laminated or waxed or something it would make a really nice individual serving size of almonds or something like that. Her Mom thought she would keep that.My daughter was the most organized person when she was a child. I don't know what happened to her when she grew up. They brought the laundry with them and the suitcases I brought the girls for Christmas. Didn't realize they were so large!!! So after the dryer, they just threw the clean dry clothes in the suitcases without folding anything. I had laundry to do also and made sure that the odest helped me hang up every piece as it came out of the dryer. and showed her how I use the top of the washing machine to fold as they come out of the dryer. But no go. They want to do it the way they do it. And I guess that's they way they can choose it. I just know that if that's the way a 12 year old is going to learn than more than likely she will do that as an adult.

    Daughter and I spent a lot of time this weekend looking at rental homes for fall break. We have narrowed it down to 15 houses. Now we just have to decide how important it is to have a 4 or 5 bedroom home. We have found the cost to be better than we thought they would be. I am used to not sleeping with my husband. I can do it one night but not 4 nights. I did it at Disney World and it's tough. A sound machine can only block out so much snoring. Daughter and SIL would like a separate bedrooms as the kids. And of course the other daughter needs her own bedroom. When we were at Myrtle Beach the girls had their own bedrooms and they would just get up, watch Disney and fix their own breakfast. It's a very artsy house on the beach. No really my husbands style but the info says that there are dolphins that you can see daily so that sounded interesting. But the 64 million question is what is the water and air temperature in mid October in Panama city area???But it was very beachfront which I wanted. Wonderful decks to go out and enjoy the morning breeze, sunset or just watch your family play. Oh, my bedroom would normally be the kids bunkbed room!!! I would have the double bed part of the bunkbed. What fun.

    Not talking to much to hubbie after he came home. He didn't like it that I let the kids get off so late and has called me a few choice words. I know in my heart that it wasn't my fault. They are adults. But it till hurts. I kind of stress ate after wards.

    Back to a normal week tomorrow. If we had been the ones travelling, I would sleep until close to supper time tomorrow but since they came here and we did nothing yesterday I won't allow myself to do that. I did go ahead to Kohl's tonight and buy another pair of my size 12 Vera Wang jeans. They were on sale for $29 and I had and additional 15% off. Love me good sale. I tried to get the girls to go with me and get them out of the house and away from sleeping sick parents but they both wanted to watch the Disney Channel. So as soon as they left I went.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,381 Member
    Alison - The 500 was "interesting" in a word. When they had the tornado warning, we stood below the grandstands (didn't want to be near any metal just in case). Then the warning was lifted but it continued to drizzle. After 5 hours, we went back to the car. Vince said that we'd go to the car, he'd listen on the scanner and if they were going to resume the race we'd go back. But in the end he didn't want to go back. I was a bit surprised, to be honest. But then again, I can understand his feeling. He comes to the 500 to enjoy himself and being cold, wet, and in a tornado warning isn't very enjoyable. So we came back to the condo and watched the finish here.

    Yesterday in Dillard's I found two pairs of jean that I thought would fit me and that looked nice. Then I looked at the price tag. there is no way on this green earth in this lifetime I would pay that much for a pair of jeans. Was in JCP when Vince called to say there was only 50 more laps in the Nationwide so I left JCP. In the past they've been the only anchor store that's been open. Well....not this year. On Sundays all of the anchor stores are closed. Really, I think they'd probably do a bit better if they opened earlier since there were quite a few people in the parking lot when we got there around 9. Oh well...that much money I can spend on something else :)

    yanniejannie - so glad you're feeling better. Do hope you don't have to wait again like you did to get Gwen's taxes done.

    DeeDee - what aninteresting sight, you bossing the guys in your boots

    I usually get Vince something DS Charger related down here. It is so hard to find anything SD Charger related. One year I got him a steering wheel cover, last year I got im a SDC lamp and beach towel. I got him a SDC blanket which he can keep downstairs. Don't know if he'll use it, but I probably would when I'm downstairs. One year I got him a rug that we had framed and is now hanging over the TV. I did see trailer hitches for NFL teams, just didn't see any for SDC so I may have to order it online. I thought that was something different.

    jb - congrats on stopping taking food that weren't in your plan. Awesome!

    Jill - grilling! The people sitting next to us at the 500 were from a bit north of Boston. How wonderful is it that your dh wants to go to the Y with you!

    Kathy - I could never do a restriction diet, either. That would just increase the cravings (it has)

    jane - take care of yourself. This has been going on for a while now

    Sandy - I have a friend who had gastric bypass surgery and when I ased her about it, I was VERY surprised at how little pre-op psychiatric evaluation she got. Hope your friend's daughter gets more. I was also surprised at just how many suppliments she had to take each and every day. The interesting thing was that before she had the surgery, we went out to dinner. She had this tuna melt -- the tuna was good, but with mayo, cheese, and fries falling off the plate! Admitted I didn't do all that great, I remember having a "diet" plate which was cold cuts, cottage cheese, fruit on lettuce. Then, after the surgery we went out to eat and she said "oh, I have to get the salmon since I have to get my protein". I think what SHE needed was more portion control and wise choises rather than surgery. I realize not everyone is like that.

    katla - (apologies to anyone who has had WLS). My feeling is "if God had meant my stomach to be smaller, He would have made it that way".

    Vicki - I think it was last year that they ran the race on Monday and, yes, we did go back. As I recall, they didn't charge for parking that day. I didn't know this, but even with the 500 if they can't run it on Sun, Mon or Tues they run it later in the season since they have to get to Phoenix. I was just a bit surprised since the 500 is the start of the season.

    Joyce - I didn't get to see the closing ceremonies. I hope they recorded for me when I get home. Hope you find the hoe for you

    Planning to go to yoga and then the step class tomorrow. Then want to stop at CVS, need to go to Sav a Lot to check them out, then have to buy gas. Then need to do some laundry.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Michelle I was reading and re-reading your post and wondering why you thought I was looking for a hoe. Now a hoe can be used in gardening or a *kitten*. Since I really don't use either I wasn't sure why I needed a hoe. Then I figured you are talking about a HOME.

    About Gastric bypass. I'm with others. If God meant me to have a smaller stomach he would have mad me that way. I have a SIL that had the lap band done. She had fantastic weight loss, was unrecognizable. But she dindnt follow the very strict diet, ate small amounts but of all the wrong foods. She lost so much weight she was a walking skeleton, bed sores, terrible shape. Ended up i ICU on a ventilator. They gave her 20% chance of living. Eventually had to remove the band and now she is probably double what she weighed before the lapband. The other person recently had a gastric sleeve. So she only has 20% of her stomach left. It is a very permanent surgery. She has lost 80 pounds and looks good. But the meals she eats is terrible. Such tiny bites and then waits 5 minutes before the next bite. Then one day she will have a Snickers bar. Both of these girls went through extensive psyciactric eval. The second friend was quite drinker. I can't imaging her giving up her liquoer for the rest of her life. I think she is still in the honeymoon phase.

    Bedtime now ladies. Joyce, Indiana
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,776 Member
    Momsamodel ... I'm not sure how to figure the percentages ... but if I took my heaviest weight and use it for all three of these bench marks ... here's my experience:

    20# loss or about 7% ... I felt better ... only my husband commented
    40# loss or about 15%... those who hadn't seen me for a while noticed
    65# loss or about 24% ... everyone is commenting!

    And now the pressure is on .... because now everyone knows I'm dieting!

    Beth in WNY
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,776 Member
    And I should try and change the ticker ... it shows my loss since I joined MFP ... and not my total loss!
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Joyce:smile: You gave me the giggle for the day:laugh: !!!

    Michele:smile: Enjoy the FL sunshine!!!! It`s pretty here today, sunny and supposed to be around 57, :smile: on Wed. it`s supposed to be in the 40`s and raining:frown: !

    Gail:smile: Sounds like you got a lot done over the weekend:bigsmile: !!!

    I will try to find someone to take a picture of me in my new boots:love: , of course they`re really not appropriate to wear to work:blushing: , so I might have to wait till the weekend to get a pic!

    Time for me to get off the behind and get out the door now:frown: !

    Have a wonderful Monday ladies!!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in NC:glasses:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: jb -you made some great goals. I paticularly also like when you said "At this stage of my journey it's all about problem solving. I have to step aside from my emotions and really think things through on a daily basis. Really think. And plan. "

    Problem solving involves analysis of identifying the problem, and deciding what to do about it, if anything (depends if you have control over the problem or not). I have found it helpful to follow 3 points:
    1. Assume nothing
    2. Question everything
    3. Use logic and reasoning (critical thinking)

    When (use when, not if) during the problem solving process, new assumptions arise, question those as well. When you get stuck in the process, don't give up, it's a journey. In term of weighloss, We did not get fat overnight, habits took a long time to form, magic buttons do not exist, fat does not miraculously melt away, health can or already has been affected.

    If you google " problem solving" or " using logic in problem solving", you will find some interesting tools.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,785 Member
    morning ladies,
    well finally got my sorry butt back to the gym this morning..
    I told them I had been a slacker ,I confessed my sins ,and got on the treadmill :laugh:
    did 40 minutes and some strength training,going to get back on track, would like to get to my goal weight by this summer..
    im on a mission
    Michelle sorry you went through all that at the race, we have been to a few, Watkins Glen ,in New York that is a road course and to Pocono Raceway in Penn.,
    finalizing plans for our grandaughters from Wisconsin to come out this summer for 10 days,going up to new hampshire.