

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,071 Member
    Good afternoon,


    Barbie congrats on the seahawks. No contest.

    Working today so not much time for replies.

    600 cal meals/250cal. snack on day three
    At least 20 minutes per meal
    Mindful of breath and posture!

    contentment my word for the year.

    Getting healthy is a marathon not a sprint, From What Are You Hungry For
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sylvia, you could be a motivational speaker. What you said about shame is so, so true. It is a powerful emotion. I am a true believer that every emotion is a gift from God and if used positively can be used to benefit us. You found that way, good for you.

    About Hospice. I think they have multiple aspects. Both my Mom and Mother in law were in Hospice care at the time of their death. My MIL was truly a last effort because she was unable to rest in her last days. She was in constant movement. After they started sedatives she was able to die peacefully. My Mom was completely different. Our intention was for pain control and her to return to her own apartment, enjoy her life there, be as pain free as possible and still maintain her life albeit as low key as it would be. With the help of the retirement home (not nursing home) staff and her family we had hoped that she would be able to be a little bit involved in the homes activities again. It didn't work out that way and she stayed inpatient hospice and their emphasis was pain control for her and in helping us, her family, deal with the death and dying process. All was done in dignity and compassion. Mom was able to die, pain free and we were with her as much or as little as we could be. Some of the fmaily couldn't because emotionaly they wouldn't let themselves be close. They helped with that also. They stayed in touch through phone calls literature through out the year following her death. They have frequent memorial services. Many former hospice families volunteer when they can. As you can tell, I highly recommend hospice, if not for your Mom's health but for the families also.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Molly,you have recieved several letters of support on here,one which caused me to tear up.:cry: Thank MollyWhippet for sharing her personal route to losing weight. She is such a caring soul who does a bundle of caring & sharing on MFP.

    So many of us have been thru our own personal humiliations,in many cases it caused us to finally try our best. In my case,it 's mostly putting one foot in front of the other. Could Prob win the award for slowest loser :sad:

    At one time that idea,or seeing no loss on the scales was my excuse to say "Why bother"...... & go off on another tangent of eating whatI wanted,when I wanted. Shame on me!

    One day,I did realize no one could do it but me:grumble: :grumble: doesn't matter what the scale says,a few ounces down is fine,staying the same is great:drinker: Slowly,slowly.......I WILL do what I meant to do yrs ago.

    Guess what ? I can reach down & tie my shoes. Airline seat belts go around me.I'm down 3 sizes,tho not in a bathing suit :sad:

    Well,I never asked for perfect,but just being a bit smaller helps so much.

    You just come on here as much as you want & hopefully we can help.........you can help us too. Pat in Ohio,next to W Va
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi everybody, too tired to post more but wanted to say hi.

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,945 Member
    Went to doctor, got my old splint off, and a new one at physical therapy. It is much better, but still obnoxious. This one velcros on and comes off for showers and PT. My second fracture requires it to have this little annoying piece that cups my elbow. I went for a 20 minute walk yesterday and today. Today's was slightly longer, but also at a slightly faster pace. I am planning to go back to work tomorrow. I'm still apprehensive about the lack of clothing choice. Swearing off elastic waist pants is a good thing until you break your wrist and would like to be able to potty by yourself.

    On a happier note, I put the genie bra on by myself by stepping into it. It fits much better that way! I'll probably go back to a regular one for work, tomorrow. DH will just have to get up and help me get dressed.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,807 Member
    Not sure what happen as I had this all typed out and then lost part of it. So will just go from here and tomorrow is a new day!!
    Update on Dad and his surgery. It went very well and we saw good improvement. Now he goes back on Feb 12th to have acouple stents put in. Only problem is he did not quifiy for swing bed for the next couple weeks so he went home. My sister is staying with them until this next weekend and then we are going out. Mom just can not do this alone. So if he keeps doing well he will get stronger and be able to take care of himself.

    Joyce--Great that DH noticed and realized on his own that he does not do that very often.

    Tina--Sure hope you are feeling better.

    Sylvia--Sounds like the deal with the DGC will help with the mom trying to get them. I would hope a judge would look at that and realize she is the problem.

    DrKaite--loved the bra story. I know my DH is good at hooking mine up as I have trouble reaching so he has had years of practice. I thought about one of those Jenie bras but with the problems I had with the sport bras I was afraid to try it. Having the bra filling by Dillards last October was the best thing I could of done as now getting the right size. Found one acouple weeks ago at Target and love it.

    Meg--your ordeal at work sounds like at our hospital last week, A pipe broke upbove the CR and employee exercise room. Lucky it was inside the looker rooms and moved down the hall the other way. Flooded PR offices. They are glad it happened during the day when people were around or it could of been alot worse. They said over 350 gallons of water when thur the broken pipe. What a mess!! Prayers for your DH cousin.



    Pat--Hugs to you, have missed you. I do think this year has had alot of challenges and important not to give up.

    DeeDee--Prayers to your friend and the loss of grand child. Our oldest son passed at 24 and it is not easy.

    Jill--Congrates on getting off some meds.

    Sue--Happy Birthday!!

    I was hoping to get all caught up today and only up to Feb 1. I have not got my goals for Feb as I did not do well in January so have to think about this. DH has Cosmos meeting tonight and wants me to go along, so that will be all I get done tonight. I just have to get back on track with tracking and doing what is best for me. Snow has started so see how much we get.

    Blessed, Vicki GI NE
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Ended up at 2 different drs. offices;, having lunch, and taking Gwen to grocery store..........didn't get home till after 3pm.


    Heather............What a cutie; I had such a wave of longing when I saw that face; perfect baby!

    Patsy...........I looked at that Ernestine Shepherd website.........wow!!! She's really got muscles!

    Molly............It's evident you have mega support here..........Sylvia's was especially wonderful; listen to her!!!

    Gloria.........If the dr. won't go for it, you can probably get your hands on some with no problem.........and, it will help.

    Vicki...........Love the new pic............you look GREAT!!!

    Take care, all,
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Yes Jane, it's true that hospice goes far beyond those "actively dying, last days" of the past. It seems the "technicality" is that if she does start hospice care then she can't have any more chemo. She hasn't been able to have chemo for the past month and it wasn't working before that but her doctor THINKS she might have another route to try to see if she can shrink some of it. Sounds just plain stupid to me. Endure more pain and suffering in hope of MAYBE decreasing or actually prolonging the existing pain and suffering...but it's not my choice. They are going to see if they can enlist in palliative care services and still be able to opt for more chemo.

    She didn't want anything to do with helping on the LEGAL marijuana and I am going to make some illegal calls:glasses: . At least I can get her a little and see if she thinks it helps and she may want more before paying the $100 application fee to the state to get the card.

    I think I might be eating too much today. Better go log and see where I'm at:smile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,961 Member
    :flowerforyou: The football game was very exciting for us because it was our team winning. We love the coach and the players and have followed them all season. As soon as the game was over we watched the awarding of the trophy and the MVP award and then went to bed.

    :flowerforyou: Grandmallie, you are absolutely right about not pushing your brother to do something about his drug and alcohol problems.

    :flowerforyou: Michele, when I was in high school my dad taught me the basics of football so I could go to high school games and not look stupid. I’m not a big football fan but when the Seahawks started the season playing so well, we started watching their games.

    :bigsmile: Molly, I like your goal of “stop the whining and begin the winning”.....today can be the first day of a successful weight loss journey.

    :brokenheart: :brokenheart: Amanda, I am so sad about Phillip Seymour Hoffman…..how awesome that you got to work with him.

    :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: Sylvia, your post was awesome…….I hope everyone read it and was as inspired as I was.

    :flowerforyou: For anyone looking for the post from Pat(Phoo), it is near the end of the January thread.

    :bigsmile: We have friends visiting from where we used to live in Northern California. They like to walk so they went with me and both dogs and walked for almost two hours this afternoon. It’s probably bad manners to stay on the computer too long when you have company, but I want to stop in a say hello.

    :heart: :bigsmile: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington home of the awesome Seahawks
    19,000 steps today ----

    “All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking."
    - Friedrich Nietzsche
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    All caught up on the reading. Congrats to all of you that put in a great day . And to those of you like me. Went out to lunch not a good choice of food lots of calories. So what do I say to today. Hey it's done. Tomorrow is another day. So soon bed time and tomorrow will come.

    See you all lighter.
    Linda in Northern Ontario.
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Sylvia - what an inspirational post. thank you. I needed to read that tonight. :smile:

    I made a turkey lasagna in the slow cooker, it was so yummy.

    DD is driving me nuts, she is really good at helping out with housework but horrible at putting away cleaning supplies. She sweeps the floor and I have to put the broom away. She does some laundry and the soap and fabric softener are on the counter. She feeds the cats and leaves the can opener on the counter along with the lid from the can. She is aware of it but doesn't seem to change. It's not just once in awhile it's every single time. Nothing goes back to where it belongs....ugh! I am very grateful that she helps but I am at a loss as to how to get her to put things away.

    I did go to aquafit Saturday & Sunday and tonight was a really good cardio workout. I'm still struggling to get up to 10,000 steps in a day but tonight I did get 7,500.

    G'nite everyone!

    :heart: Sandy in ON
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,899 Member
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today was a wonderful day. It was sunny and we got up to 36 degrees, which felt nearly tropical after what we've had lately. At cardiac rehab I saw a rainbow out the window while I was on the treadmill. And it hadn't even rained. I spent a few hours at the studio working on pots. A friend brought her labradoodle for a visit. Sweet, sweet dog. But I felt so happy all day that I felt like singing! I didn't even mind when I got home and discovered that Bruno had destroyed my house slippers. My fault, I forgot to put them up when I left. I made grilled chicken on salad for supper, and it was yummy. The water lines to the washer thawed, so I can finally do some laundry.

    Joyce, I laughed hysterically at the thought of me being a motivational speaker. I can't talk in front of people at all.

    Nighty night!

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,218 Member
    bump for tomorrow! Take care, Meg
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did everyone see the SuperBowl yesterday? You know, watching it, I was eating popcorn and had 3 cups of carrots along with some hot chocolate mix that I put in with this seltzer water (I really wanted to use up the seltzer water). I thought the halftime show was sort-of decent. The commercials (the only reason I watched...besides seeing those guys in the tight pants running down the field....lol)

    Did that yoga on the DVD today, it was about 20 minutes. I hereby declare that DVD OK. Then I held a plank for 2 minutes and then took the extremepump class. I did up the weight in the pump class, at least on the leg portion and chest portion. Previously I used a 2-1/2kg weight along wih a 1kg weight, I added another 1kg for legs and chest. I don't think I could (or even want to) do biceps or triceps with that much weight. Now that the Y has moved the time of the yoga class that I usually took on Satudays, I'm contemplating changing up my routine and do some sort of weight routine.

    Going to have mahjongg at my house tonight

    Tomorrow I'm planning to do some HIIT at the Y. I usually do it on the elliptical (since you can immediately increase the speed). I've been doing 30 sec sprint and 1 min recovery. Wonder if I should change that up?

    It's so warm here. When I was in the pump class, I was actually wishing that I had my shorts on. OK, it's only in the 60's but that's a real heat wave compared to what we had before.

    Molly - regardless...come here. Love your goal of "stop the whining and start the winning" you CAN do this. I'm so so sorry you had such an awful time in the car, but things happen for a reason. That got you to come back here, and we'll all be here to cheer you on

    Joyce - Vince is the same way as your hubby. As dumb as my question is...he always answers so patiently. Not that I always understand, mind you. Much less remember. I have the opening ceremonies for the Olympics scheduled to record. We used to get a listing of when the sports would be showing, so far we haven't gotten it, but we may in a few days. The only sport when Vince is watching on TV that I don't even go near him is when he's watching hockey. I can hear him just fine upstairs, thank you. when they do something so that they don't get a point, I don't even want to be near him, he yells at the TV. Actually, he's gotten a bit better lately. It used to be that he'd scare the cats

    Amanda - STILL waiting to hear about your surgery? What's taking so long? Enjoy that bag, you deserve it!

    DeeDee - it was raining this morning, but now at noon time it's stopped and the sun is out. Hope it's that way by you

    One thing that surprised me about the SuperBowl was that the stage where those guys were at the end (when they presented the trophy) to me was small. Is it usually that small? I haven't watched it in years

    pkhernandez - welcome. Cooking is certainly a challenge for you!

    Gloria - (((big big hug))))

    Sylvia - what wonderful examples you gave to Molly. I'm sorry you had to endure them, but it happened for a reason. Now you're here and they're good for Molly to read about. I'm very impressed how far you've come. I like your way of "budgeting"

    katla - I guess there were about 8 in our murder mystery dinner. It was something a little bit different, that's for sure. I did enjoy it, tho. I don't understand the British health care system, either. I can't understand why Amanda can't be given a date for her surgery. I agreee with you that funerals are a good way to say "goodbye" and get closure. Vince doesn't agree with that. My father was creamated, I got his ashes on a Monday and that Wednesday I had to bury them, I needed closure. His mother has been dead about 6 years now, and he STILL hasn't buried her ashes. His mother wanted to be buried in the family plot in MO and fortunately a cousin of his was a mortician so I talked Vince into sending the ashes to him. He's (the cousin) since retired and has those ashes in his closet. It isn't my place to say to him "just bury them yourself", Vince would probably never forgive me if that happened. But I do think it's somewhat of an imposition to ask them to hold onto those ashes. Yes, they are just ashes. But still.....

    Plano Teral - thanks for sharing with us. What an inspiration!

    Katie - Yea for you getting a new splint. Well, as far as elastic waist pants go...ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Good for you getting that genie bra on yourself.

    Vicki - how nice of you and your sister to be helping out. I'm sure its a big big help to your mom

    Michele in NC
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good evening, I tried to write 3 times today but the doggon phone kept ringing :huh: and I had to answer, since it was a few of my students needing to reschedule their lessons.

    I did have "fun" with the manure, lol. Lots of hard work, but Red and I got it all moved and spread around the yard, looks spiffy! We'll be starting some of our vegetable seeds this month, we have a large, lighted "grow station" upstairs. Hard to believe it's time to start things already! Peppers and eggplants need an early sowing, along with certain flowers.

    Life's been good lately, Red's been back to work for a few months now, yay, and I've adjusted to the extra chores I have to deal with. Took me awhile, but I think I finally have it figured out. It's called "Get-up-off-your-fanny!". :laugh: Some days it's crazy, well, most days it's crazy! I have to be Wonder Woman, there's no way around it.

    I've enjoyed reading posts and I wish I had more time to respond. Keep up the great work everyone, and welcome to the new ladies! :flowerforyou:

    :smile: jb in Portland who intends to look like the happy girl and not the mad one when she steps on the scale this week :wink:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I'm marking my place for tomorrow. Be safe.:flowerforyou:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Wrote a real nice note in here and it wouldn't post. So here goes again.

    Did something bad tonight that turned out good. We went to Wally World to do some grocery shopping. I got a 6 pack of Kleenexes since I go through so many and it turned out less per unit. We try to go to the self checkout when we can. But the little ledge to put your things on so you can organize them and check them through and bag them better isn't very good. So I left this big box in the cart and was going to get it last. So I scanned and Charlie bagged which made me forget about the box. So we check out, go out to our car. Charlie puts the bags in the car and notices the box. Did we pay for this???? Check the receipt and no we hadn't. So he says, what are we going to do. We weren't stopped at the door for shoplifting. It's only $8.00. Well my parents didn't raise me like that. So I go pay for it. He thought it was kind of rediculous, we had to park way out in the back nine but I knew I could use some extra steps anyway. So now I can sleep tonight.

    Supposed to have another major winter ice/snow event starting tomorrow afternoon with major ice accumulation and then snow. The last time we had this was about 6 years ago. Most of Evansville was without electricity for over a week, us included. Luckily my daughter was fine so we stayed with her. But she has a roommate now so there goes the spare bedroom for us. And 6 years ago she had 1 large dog. Now its 3 large dogs. I don't do dogs. I appreciate the fact that she has such a compassion for them and the dogs love her back and it gives her so much happiness to have her 3 rescue dogs but I just don't do dogs.

    Stay warm and drink your water. Joyce, indiana
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi Joyce, that happened to us once at Kohl's. We bought a suitcase and a bunch of other things. Got outside and someone asked us how much the suitcase cost. We looked at the receipt and it wasn't on there. So we went back inside. They gave us 20% off because we came back in to pay. :bigsmile:
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Joyce: Olympics? I must be living in an alternate reality. I didn’t know this is an Olympic year. Where are the winter games being held?:huh:

    Hi Katla, the short answer is, yes, you are living in an alternate reality. :laugh:
    The long answer is: the winter Olympics are being held in Sochi, Russia. There has been a lot of debate recently about it, among other things on the question of whether Putin can guarantee enough security and on the fact that gay rights basically do not exist there, to put it mildly. (And yesterday I read that they are rounding up all the stray dogs and - somehow - killing them.) So you have some reading to do. :wink: :flowerforyou: