WHO: Governments should regulate fast food to slow obesity



  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I do think it would be good to prohibit the advertising of certain foods to children.

    wouldn't it be the parents that buy the food for children?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    People need to learn to regulate

    That's a nice sentiment, but it's not a goal or a process. It's not a plan. Waving your hands in the air and saying "oh people should just lose weight" is not an actual method for reducing the average BMI of a populace.

    I fail to see why the US government needs to take my tax dollars and to it then....

    They regulate enough here as it is.....they need to stop.

    But as I said earlier....
    Some how you managed to regulate yourself and lost a lot of weight, and are no on here educating people to do the right thing.....

    Didn't need government for that did you.....

    I am trying to do the same thing......
    So I am not "waving my hands"...

    Not waving your hands? OK.

    What's your actual plan to reduce obesity in America? Plans involve actions, not statements about what "people should do."
  • Mickeyinfinite
    Mickeyinfinite Posts: 22 Member
    I think they should just have narrower doors on the entrance to fast food joints. Or like, Y-shaped ones, so bodybuilders can get in but you keep the fatties out.

    LOL, I say make doors detect people's IQs and see just how many are kept out LOL

    Oh and remember this. I have known many a person who enjoyed putting down overweight people and sure enough down the road, maybe 10, 20 years later they themselves were fighting weight gain, not so funny for them then LOL
  • jabarih
    jabarih Posts: 65 Member
    I like the idea. The food industry is putting so much junk in our food that we don't know about. And this stuff kills over time. I like the regulation because I enjoy a little extra help now and again. Not to mention some accountability in the food industry. :)
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member

    I am trying to do the same thing......
    So I am not "waving my hands"...

    Not waving your hands? OK.

    What's your actual plan to reduce obesity in America? Plans involve actions, not statements about what "people should do."

    the smartest thing to do: don't put more money into useless regulations. Put the money back into the educational system. Start with the children in elementary school, and include education on nutrition, physical fitness, and finances, and have classes on all three in every grade, every year, until they graduate. Then you have educated, healthy people going out into the real world who know how to manage their money, stay fit, make good nutritional choices, and will still keep the fast food industry in business by going there only occasionallly.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    The food industry is putting so much junk in our food that we don't know about. And this stuff kills over time.

  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    I do think it would be good to prohibit the advertising of certain foods to children.

    wouldn't it be the parents that buy the food for children?

    Children buy it as well. I read something recently about how effective advertising is on children, and their specific examples were food and drink. The kids who saw advertising for specific foods were much, much more likely to consume them than kids who didn't see the ads. The gulf was a lot wider than that seen in adults, too.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member

    Not waving your hands? OK.

    What's your actual plan to reduce obesity in America? Plans involve actions, not statements about what "people should do."

    I don't need a plan
    I have my own.....

    Just as you have yours....

    Why do we need to have plans???

    You want my plan???
    OK here it is

    Pay your own medical bills
    Live with the choices you make, no bailouts

    start in that arena, and things will change one way or the other

    If you get a plane ticket and you are fat, and spill into the seat next to you....then pay for two seats, not one
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    It's an interesting concept and while this -
    Suggested policies include economic incentives for growers to sell healthy, fresh foods; disincentives for industries to sell ultra-processed foods and soft drinks; cutting subsidies to growers and companies who use large amounts of fertilizers, pesticides, chemicals and antibiotics; and tighter regulation of fast-food advertising, especially to children.
    - sounds good to me, I think it would be extremely difficult to put into action.

    And the advertising for children is unlikely to have much impact. Parents decide where to eat. Too many parents think they are too busy to cook for their children.
  • WhoHa42
    WhoHa42 Posts: 1,270 Member
    We don't need more regulation. we need more education on nutrition and fitness in public schools.
  • DeadliftAddict
    DeadliftAddict Posts: 746 Member
    How about people control their own food intake overall to control obesity. Stop depending on someone else to do it for you.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member

    Not waving your hands? OK.

    What's your actual plan to reduce obesity in America? Plans involve actions, not statements about what "people should do."

    I don't need a plan
    I have my own.....

    Just as you have yours....

    Why do we need to have plans???

    You want my plan???
    OK here it is

    Pay your own medical bills
    Live with the choices you make, no bailouts

    start in that arena, and things will change one way or the other

    If you get a plane ticket and you are fat, and spill into the seat next to you....then pay for two seats, not one

    Well this is a thread about reducing obesity rates in large populations. Your only response appears to be that you don't want government regulation. Well, OK. But you have no alternatives.

    So you're effectively saying that you're either 100% fine with the increasing obesity problem, or that you don't care enough to spend 2 minutes thinking about it.
  • Mickeyinfinite
    Mickeyinfinite Posts: 22 Member
    If government wants to slow obesity, fast food prices and convenience should be applied to healthier foods and vice versa. Or it could focus on educating people and encouraging the practice of Preventative medicine.
    Instead it's gonna keep letting big corn dictate food prices and get tied up in legislation that helps only the people who don't need it.
    Not a big fan of government meddling, tbh.

    Absolutely, don't like government meddling but how else do you solve the HUGE control that corporate Sugar and Corn giants have over the food industry?

    Yes education is vital, and thank goodness there is a lot of good information out there now about the sugar in processed foods and just exactly how sugar/insulin affects weight.

    I'm just so thankful for the internet and all the info I've learned these past few years that have greatly helped me in shedding weight. Years ago I never knew to what extent the hidden sugars were included in our processed foods, and just how toxic harmful those hidden sugars can be.

    I am not sure if links can be added in these posts but if not there is a wonderful video on youtube called "The Skinny on Obesity" I highly recommend it for anyone interested in educating themself.
  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member
    It's an interesting concept and while this -
    Suggested policies include economic incentives for growers to sell healthy, fresh foods; disincentives for industries to sell ultra-processed foods and soft drinks; cutting subsidies to growers and companies who use large amounts of fertilizers, pesticides, chemicals and antibiotics; and tighter regulation of fast-food advertising, especially to children.
    - sounds good to me, I think it would be extremely difficult to put into action.

    And the advertising for children is unlikely to have much impact. Parents decide where to eat. Too many parents think they are too busy to cook for their children.

    On the contrary, advertising affects children immensely. Sure, the parents make the decisions but one day the children will be teens, young adults, then parents and they WILL be making the decisions for themselves and their families. Companies cater their advertising to children as a way of building future customers. And then you have the parents who give their children whatever they want if they whine about it long enough. . .
  • DeadliftAddict
    DeadliftAddict Posts: 746 Member
    I do think it would be good to prohibit the advertising of certain foods to children.

    Why would this help? Are the children driving themselves to the fast food places and buying the food?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    And the advertising for children is unlikely to have much impact.

  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I do think it would be good to prohibit the advertising of certain foods to children.

    Why would this help? Are the children driving themselves to the fast food places and buying the food?

    Because advertising to children works. It works incredibly well. Children see ads, demand the foods, and parents buy them. There's a reason that so much advertising to children is for food.
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    I do think it would be good to prohibit the advertising of certain foods to children.

    Why would this help? Are the children driving themselves to the fast food places and buying the food?

    Children buy food for themselves, yes.
  • Mickeyinfinite
    Mickeyinfinite Posts: 22 Member
    Are they going to remove all high caloric foods from grocery stores too? Take my wine and cheese from me and Im going to blow something up. My cheese is 100 calories an ounce! A mcChicken is 300 calories. You do the math.

    I agree let them try and take my favs...

    But I am Canadian so maybe we don't have to worry.

    LOL, being Canadian makes me worry LOL, have you checked out who's at the helm lately?

    Harper our illustrious robotic leader LOL
  • DeadliftAddict
    DeadliftAddict Posts: 746 Member

    Not waving your hands? OK.

    What's your actual plan to reduce obesity in America? Plans involve actions, not statements about what "people should do."

    I don't need a plan
    I have my own.....

    Just as you have yours....

    Why do we need to have plans???

    You want my plan???
    OK here it is

    Pay your own medical bills
    Live with the choices you make, no bailouts

    start in that arena, and things will change one way or the other

    If you get a plane ticket and you are fat, and spill into the seat next to you....then pay for two seats, not one

    I approve this message.