Anybody doing The 21 Day Fix



  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    I've never heard of this 21 Day Fix before but I'm jealous that this chick's name is so cool... "Autumn Calabrese"
  • MelsyO
    MelsyO Posts: 2
    I went through it and did really well. It isn't starvation it's just taking in the right amount of what your body needs from the different food groups. You can be counting calories and still not getting the right kind of nutrition. I loved the program and loved the DVDs.
  • karenm405
    karenm405 Posts: 2
    Re: the measurements of the 21 day containers
  • karenm405
    karenm405 Posts: 2
    Re: Measurements of the 21 day containers

    Green and Purple = 1 cup
    Red = 1/2 cup
    Yellow = 1/3 cup
    Blue = 1/4 cup
    Orange = 2 Tablespoons
  • co984life
    co984life Posts: 2
    Is anybody starting in June? Would love to have a buddy to help encourage and trade recipes with. Feel free to add me! :happy:
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    People are different and that's okay. You have the choice to trying out a program or not, but instead of saying it won't work or it's a gimmicks take an additional 2 minutes to finding out facts. There real people, real lives, that are benefiting from a program that was put to test not only once, but over and over again, by an accredited company who's solutions have proven to work! Everybody's entitled to their opinion for sure, but watch for conclusions. You might just be missing out :)

    I don't have problem with portion control. I'm pretty healthy too, but that's because I work for it a little bit every single day. I will be doing the program because I'm very interested on the idea and it can only teach me even more about nutrition. I love the fact that it's so innovative - no counting calories, nor points, nor carbs. Takes away a lot of the work!! Same goes for a lot of the solutions offered by Beachbody.

    For those doing it too, If you need accountability/motivation, count me in and just friend me :)
    You forgot to add
    I'm a Beachbody coach ......
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Is anybody starting in June? Would love to have a buddy to help encourage and trade recipes with. Feel free to add me! :happy:

    I will be starting this week, I also have a facebook group with many others that are currently doing 21 day fix. Find me on facebook if youd like [snipped]

    Of course you're starting this week..."coach".
  • crunchyoatmeal
    Bullies, so many bullies. No I am not doing the 21 day fix, no I am not a coach (I am gathering from the posts that this is someone that promotes the program?), yes I weigh my food and yes I have been a long time member without posting. I came here after searching "21 Day Fix" because my best friend wants to do it and asked my opinion (I am a 4th yr nursing student that loves nutrition and healthy lifestyles so she often comes to me with questions) So many of you should be ashamed of your snide comments, sarcasm and blatant nasty behaviors in response to others. There is such thing as positive criticism and many of you are NOT doing that. This is a forum for encouragement, building confidence and support. If you feel entitled to speak to perfect strangers like this I pity your children, friends and partners IRL.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Bullies, so many bullies. No I am not doing the 21 day fix, no I am not a coach (I am gathering from the posts that this is someone that promotes the program?), yes I weigh my food and yes I have been a long time member without posting. I came here after searching "21 Day Fix" because my best friend wants to do it and asked my opinion (I am a 4th yr nursing student that loves nutrition and healthy lifestyles so she often comes to me with questions) So many of you should be ashamed of your snide comments, sarcasm and blatant nasty behaviors in response to others. There is such thing as positive criticism and many of you are NOT doing that. This is a forum for encouragement, building confidence and support. If you feel entitled to speak to perfect strangers like this I pity your children, friends and partners IRL.

    Your first post in your 3+ years here is to chide other adults for how they interact on the forums? Forums in which there is the strictest Community Guidelines (all hail!) of any forum I have ever seen? (In other words, if these posts are truly as egregious as you make them sound, they wouldn't still be here.)

    Also, perhaps you should get just a *little* more experience on the subject before you assume your lofty position in judgment of everyone else.

    My kids are all fine, thanks for asking. I taught them that using words like "bullying" to describe behavior that is clearly *not* bullying diminishes the meaning of the word and is insulting to those who have truly suffered bullying.

    TL;DR - Welcome to the MFP forums. Enjoy your stay. Also, words have meanings.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Erm, is it too late to come on here and talk about the workouts? I have never followed any BB diet so I don't know how good they are but on the surface seem not too bad and maybe helpful for some. Anything that helps people eat less in a balanced way is cool with me.

    To me the important thing is the workouts. And I'm busy so I like to collect 30 min workouts. I've done most Jillian Michaels, insanity, p90x, T25, Brazilian Butt Lift, and Turbofire. I'm guessing this is circuit training like Jillian? Trying to decide between this and JM's Body Revolution
  • KAS0917
    KAS0917 Posts: 172 Member
    Gracious, if you don't get it or think it's a waste of $$, why post? Especially when you're trying to point out the flaws in a program you don't know. So odd. Why not just be happy that some people are finding a way towards health that works for them.

    I have 21 day fix. I've played around with it a few times. I officially started today but I've done some of the workouts and used the containers over the last month or so. It's not a fad diet or something you have to stop after 21 days. The name is just based on it taking 21 days to create a habit. You can do multiple rounds if you're still wanting to lose weight. She also says if you get to your goal, bump up to the next calorie level to maintain. The containers aren't magic. It's portion control, plain and simple. Yes, I know how to weigh and measure food. That gets boring. I like bright colors. It made weighing / measuring more fun. It's my money. :)

    Workouts that I've done are short, straightforward and effective. Easy to do when I'm on the road for work (40-50% of the year). I didn't burn the 400 calories that are listed in the calorie calculator according to my HRM, so I keep that in mind. I am tracking in MFP for now, just to see what it comes out to.

    It's not a magic pill. Just a new product that some will find fun and helpful on their journey.

    No, not a coach. And not using Shakeology.

    Oh - and somebody earlier asked about almonds - how you can get a lot more slivers than whole almonds in a container and that could mess up your calories. You don't fill a container with almonds. A serving is 12 almonds. It's in the book. Just like a slice of bread won't fit in a yellow container, but the book tells you it's a serving size.
  • KAS0917
    KAS0917 Posts: 172 Member
    Yes, similar to circuit training with Jillian. I have a few of her DVDs. I like Autumn's style / demeanor a little better but it's just a personal preference. They are fairly similar. :)
  • kstinson3
    kstinson3 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone - starting a 21 Day Fix Challenge tomorrow, June 2, and next Monday June 9 as there were a few people who ordered late. Then - every 21 days after. If anyone is interested in joining or getting more info - just let me know. It is a great program for discovering what proper proportions are and the 30 minute workout will fit in most people's schedules. Karen
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Anyone want to sell me the DVDs when they are done? Not interested in the meal plan nonsense just the workouts.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Gracious, if you don't get it or think it's a waste of $$, why post? Especially when you're trying to point out the flaws in a program you don't know. So odd. Why not just be happy that some people are finding a way towards health that works for them.

    I have 21 day fix. I've played around with it a few times. I officially started today but I've done some of the workouts and used the containers over the last month or so. It's not a fad diet or something you have to stop after 21 days. The name is just based on it taking 21 days to create a habit. You can do multiple rounds if you're still wanting to lose weight. She also says if you get to your goal, bump up to the next calorie level to maintain. The containers aren't magic. It's portion control, plain and simple. Yes, I know how to weigh and measure food. That gets boring. I like bright colors. It made weighing / measuring more fun. It's my money. :)

    Workouts that I've done are short, straightforward and effective. Easy to do when I'm on the road for work (40-50% of the year). I didn't burn the 400 calories that are listed in the calorie calculator according to my HRM, so I keep that in mind. I am tracking in MFP for now, just to see what it comes out to.

    It's not a magic pill. Just a new product that some will find fun and helpful on their journey.

    No, not a coach. And not using Shakeology.

    Oh - and somebody earlier asked about almonds - how you can get a lot more slivers than whole almonds in a container and that could mess up your calories. You don't fill a container with almonds. A serving is 12 almonds. It's in the book. Just like a slice of bread won't fit in a yellow container, but the book tells you it's a serving size.

    The funny thing about opinions here is that other people get to share them too.
  • Starfish1125
    Starfish1125 Posts: 169 Member
    Ok. I'm back. I completed round 1 on the 21 day fix and I lost a grand total of NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    HOWEVER - I am stronger than I was 21 days ago. I know this because I can now do the majority of the workouts without stopping and I've increased my weights.

    For me, the workouts are worth the money I wasted on those colored containers. :laugh:

    This next "round" that I'm doing, I am alternating running 3x a week with the workouts the other 4x a week. So every other day I'm doing an hour of my own cardio.

    I am also back to measuring and weighing my own food and not sticking to the plan. The plan has a good base - balanced protein/carbs/fats and I noticed that my IBS did not flare up AT ALL during the program, but I need the option of having a yogurt or cereal for breakfast instead of eggs all the time.

    I am not a BB coach, nor do I want to be but I am just a lazy full-time working/ part-time school mom of 1 and I needed something to get me off my behind. These workouts have done it.
  • MrsWarrior
    MrsWarrior Posts: 26 Member
    I'm doing the cheap version of the 21 day fix.

    I've found the food lists per container online, as well as how much each container contains.

    Starting tomorrow and can't wait.
  • hsmomtx
    hsmomtx Posts: 1
    I'm also going to do the cheap version of the 21 day fix. Found a ton of info on pinterest, I already own so many 30-minute type workout dvd's and can easily find ones that are similar to each day in the 21 Day Fix program. Because of that, I'm going to go ahead and start like this and see how it goes. If I later feel the need to buy the "kit" I will, but hate to invest in something that I could so easily adapt myself. Anyone starting and connecting as a group on FB? I wouldn't mind bouncing ideas, sharing menu plans, etc. with other individuals, but no coaches, please.
  • loywi1
    loywi1 Posts: 20 Member
    Can someone point me to the "cheap" 21day fix info?
  • dlkspeech
    dlkspeech Posts: 2 Member
    I did one round a while back and liked it, felt much more confident even though the scale did plunge, it did move south! I'm starting again so I'd like to "meet up!" How's it going for you?!