What do to do with your big clothes when you get small?



  • samhradh
    samhradh Posts: 297 Member
    My fat clothes were worn to destruction. as it was so hard to find things that i liked. i just had stretch waist style trousers for work (Glorified yoga pants TBH) and long tunics.
    No problem recycling that lot.
    Underwear is a bit of a problem.. as a large busted lady Bra's are expensive to replace, so i try to hold out as long as i can with a nip & tuck.of the fabric.
    Luckily enough I did not have much in the way of good quality clothes, one exception a beautiful (in my opinion) black size 20UK cashmere full length winter coat. I would love to find a tailor to alter this.

    Today I am wearing to work my first new purchase in a size 14UK black straight leg cords with a belt, a smart shirt tucked in, I feel pretty good.

    I have always kept smaller clothes I have a full wardrobe of summer clothes that i will fit into this year. Then hopefully I will have to plan a whole new winter/work wardrobe in a size 12UK.

    Just kept back 1 pair of size 20UK jeans as a reminder of the bad old days.
  • bionicbody
    I sold some on ebay and also gave some away to friends/relations
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I get rid of my too-big clothes and get 'new' just-right clothes at clothing swaps. Swaps are great for those of us who can't afford to keep buying new clothes only to discard them a few months later as we continue to lose weight. About half of my current wardrobe is the result of attending swaps and castoffs from friends also pursuing weight loss.

    Could you elaborate on the swaps? Assuming you don't have friends you can swap with where do you go to locate these?? Because I definitely can't afford new clothes for every size I lose. Thanks!

    In for details too.

    My good friends are 5'3" and size 8/10 or 5'3" and size 24. I am 5'8" and size 16. hehe
  • aprilflower18232
    aprilflower18232 Posts: 205 Member
    I am so scared to get rid of anything...how do ingest over the fear?
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    i like to make clothes from the bountiful yardage of fabric i now have for the woodland creatures...obviously.

    I'm working on cleaning out my closet to donate to others.
  • SwampWitch666
    SwampWitch666 Posts: 110 Member
    My clothes were never "big" but I suppose I could keep my mediums for my future boob job. *fist pump*
  • _jessicamarie_
    _jessicamarie_ Posts: 35 Member
    I was hanging on to a lot of them but lately I have been gleefully purging my closet. It feels so nice to have the extra space and watch those things disappear to make room for new, smaller sizes. I donate them to the local rescue mission thrift store.

    I have kept a few things that would work as maternity clothes in the hopes that I will be able to get pregnant again. But for the most part I NEVER EVER want to see those giant clothes again!
  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    I gave them to Goodwill.
    A) It's a good cause
    B) I didn't want to have clothes I could "slide back into"

    on B.. good plan to get rid of them. if you find yourself suddenly going up in clothes sizes if you have the clothes to fit in to you might not stop and go WOAH! time to diet.. I don't want to have to buy that size again... and reverse it before it gets out of hand..


    I might keep one or two pairs of bigger jeans to wear gardening but other than that it's all getting donated.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    Since I get cold at night now, I'm going to give them to my mom so she can make me a nice fat boy quilt.

  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    I mostly give them back to Goodwill where I bought them. I don't try to spend a lot of money on clothes right now so that is where I shop. When they get big, I just donate them back unless they are name brand and my bigger friends have requested them. I actually have a box ready to ship to Michigan with some of my good jeans. No matter what I do not hang on to them at all. I get too excited to get in a new size right now.
  • Jenni129
    Jenni129 Posts: 692 Member
    I donated mine and hope to keep donating more in the future!!
  • ibleedunionblue
    ibleedunionblue Posts: 324 Member
    Donated. I know someone who takes clothes to poorer communities in Appalachia.
  • unapologetically_crystal
    i donated them. i keep them until i literally wont wear them.. or until they make me feel depressed and unhappy. and i pretty much buy alot of clearance items now. =)
  • dlbredesen
    dlbredesen Posts: 122 Member
    I donate my too big clothes to Savers which in turn gives me a 20% off coupon. I buy a bunch of new to me stuff and start the process all over again. I am at my goal so don't think I will get much smaller.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I kept the pair of jeans I bought just before I started losing weight and a couple of t-shirts that have sentimental value, but I donated everything else. I had donated some clothes in the spring that I didn't particularly like anyway, but about a month ago went through my clothes again and got rid of everything that was too big. Putting them in the donation bin was surprisingly emotional - I realized I was trusting myself never to never need those bigger clothes again.
  • loulou2006
    loulou2006 Posts: 32 Member
    I would love to have this dilemma !!!
  • jennp1313
    Contrary to what seems to be the common consensus, I don't recommend donating right away. Years ago I lost a bunch of weight and promised I would NEVER, EVER be that big again. As I lost, I bought new clothes every couple of sizes or so. I ended up donating everything that was too big once I reached my goal weight. But, several years after, I unfortunately DID gain the weight back (and then some), primarily as a result of developing an unforeseen medical condition. I then was in the predicament of having no clothes that fit, and not enough money to buy very many new articles. I relied on donations and second hand clothes, which left me unfashionable most of the time. This was just another blow to my self-esteem, on top of the weight gain, medical issues, etc. The point is: you never know what will happen, so you need to be prepared. If money is sure to be plentiful in your life for the foreseeable future, then by all means, donate to those who really need it. That's better than letting the clothes potentially go to waste. But if you're living on a tight income, don't let the euphoria of accomplishing an amazing goal cause you to make a hasty decision that you will regret later. Why not wait a few years, and then reassess? The clothes aren't going anywhere, and there will always be people who need them. Good luck in accomplishing your goal!
  • Caterpillar_17
    Caterpillar_17 Posts: 1,500 Member
    I'm using mine as around the house clothes. They're baggy and comfortable. :3
  • wozkaa
    wozkaa Posts: 224 Member
    On the other hand, what if? What if something happens years from now and I gain some back? Getting fat again AND not having clothes to wear would be a double crappy situation.

    Bahahahaaaaa this is me. I can tell you it's very motivating to know that if I want to wear anything more than the 2 shirts that fit ok and my very tight pants, I need to do something! :-D
  • wozkaa
    wozkaa Posts: 224 Member
    Contrary to what seems to be the common consensus, I don't recommend donating right away. Years ago I lost a bunch of weight and promised I would NEVER, EVER be that big again. As I lost, I bought new clothes every couple of sizes or so. I ended up donating everything that was too big once I reached my goal weight. But, several years after, I unfortunately DID gain the weight back (and then some), primarily as a result of developing an unforeseen medical condition. I then was in the predicament of having no clothes that fit, and not enough money to buy very many new articles. I relied on donations and second hand clothes, which left me unfashionable most of the time. This was just another blow to my self-esteem, on top of the weight gain, medical issues, etc. The point is: you never know what will happen, so you need to be prepared. If money is sure to be plentiful in your life for the foreseeable future, then by all means, donate to those who really need it. That's better than letting the clothes potentially go to waste. But if you're living on a tight income, don't let the euphoria of accomplishing an amazing goal cause you to make a hasty decision that you will regret later. Why not wait a few years, and then reassess? The clothes aren't going anywhere, and there will always be people who need them. Good luck in accomplishing your goal!

    Yup. Twin pregnancy and the aftermath... kinda wish I had kept at least *some* clothes.