What do to do with your big clothes when you get small?



  • AnneMousey
    AnneMousey Posts: 10 Member
    I donate them to Goodwill, and save the receipts for a tax write-off.:happy:
  • RealMarkD
    RealMarkD Posts: 92 Member
    Kept a few shirts just for hanging around in/getting dirty. Most everything else I've donated to charity or given to friends, a few things (football jerseys, a leather jacket), I've either sold or tried to sell.
  • Broejen
    Broejen Posts: 413 Member
    I've sold some and given most away, but I'm definitely getting all of them out of the house!
  • ronrstaats
    ronrstaats Posts: 294 Member
    Gave them all to Goodwill/ Salvation Army. Great incentive not to gain the weight back if the 'fat' clothes aren't around. :bigsmile:
  • SapiensPisces
    SapiensPisces Posts: 992 Member
    I've donated all of mine as soon as I dropped out of the size range. I have no desire to ever keep them or use them. I gave most of my good work/dress clothes to my grandmother who just started a new job and needed them.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    I had a bad clothes buying problem even before I start losing, so I had to cull clothes all along or my closets would explode. I keep some of the camo and cold weather gear. With several layers on, the bigger sizes are alright on a cold day. My cleaning lady has a large husband, so I have sent some to him. Her grandkids have a yard sale every few months, so I gave them some too. The rest goes to the many thrift shops that I frequent.
  • Tiff050709
    Tiff050709 Posts: 497 Member
    I donate all my clothes. Except I have 1 pair of jeans when I was at my largest.
  • Tigredia
    Tigredia Posts: 107 Member
    This is not what I did - and my friend thought she was being nice - which she was
    She has lost 50 pounds in December and since I hadn't , she gave me almost a closet full of clothes. I was excited about all the clothes. At least until I really thought about it. She had just given me all her fat clothes. Great.......now I have lots of fat clothes.
    Five (5) days later I went to see a nutritionist and have been counting calories every since.
    ........So, give all your fat clothes to fat friends...it might help them realize they should be doing something to get healthy
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,051 Member
    Contrary to what seems to be the common consensus, I don't recommend donating right away. Years ago I lost a bunch of weight and promised I would NEVER, EVER be that big again. As I lost, I bought new clothes every couple of sizes or so. I ended up donating everything that was too big once I reached my goal weight. But, several years after, I unfortunately DID gain the weight back (and then some), primarily as a result of developing an unforeseen medical condition. I then was in the predicament of having no clothes that fit, and not enough money to buy very many new articles. I relied on donations and second hand clothes, which left me unfashionable most of the time. This was just another blow to my self-esteem, on top of the weight gain, medical issues, etc. The point is: you never know what will happen, so you need to be prepared. If money is sure to be plentiful in your life for the foreseeable future, then by all means, donate to those who really need it. That's better than letting the clothes potentially go to waste. But if you're living on a tight income, don't let the euphoria of accomplishing an amazing goal cause you to make a hasty decision that you will regret later. Why not wait a few years, and then reassess? The clothes aren't going anywhere, and there will always be people who need them. Good luck in accomplishing your goal!

    I don't agree.

    I try very hard not to keep anything, not just clothes, 'just in case'
    Slippery slope to hoarding issues IMO.

    If I am not using something and will not have a use for it in the foreseeable future, I donate it.
    If I haven't worn something for over 12 months, I donate it.
    If I buy a new item of clothing, I donate an older item.

    This has nothing to do with losing weight for me, just not keeping things I don't need.

    If something un foreseeable happened and I needed bigger clothes in the future, I would re buy them. From second hand store, if necessary.
    Sure, they might be unfashionable - but so would any of your own clothes you had kept from years ago.