Week 4, "H20" Lose 20 Pounds by Halloween Challenge.



  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Lost 3.2lbs this week! That brings me down to 195.6! I have 15ish more lbs to lose for the challenge. If I keep on going like this I'll be SET! I'm so excited! In two more weeks I'll be under 190's which I haven't been in... in... four years! :D:D

    Totally awesome
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I DID IT!! I DID IT!!! I just completed my first 5k !!!!!!! I ran half and walked half, I made it a point to run across the finish line!! Woot woot!!! GO ME!!! I won't know official time and place til Monday, same for pics, none til Monday. HAPPY BRU DANCE!!!!

    I could not have done it without everyone's support, thank you sooooo very much!!!! :heart: Bru

    Oh, and I forgot to weigh because I was too excited this morning, putting it off til tomorrow..
  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    amazing as always seeing all the good things!!!
    Wonderful and awesome!!!

    weigh in for week 4 is

    a whole 1.2 loss
    taking it slow and easy!!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    I DID IT!! I DID IT!!! I just completed my first 5k !!!!!!! I ran half and walked half, I made it a point to run across the finish line!! Woot woot!!! GO ME!!! I won't know official time and place til Monday, same for pics, none til Monday. HAPPY BRU DANCE!!!!

    I could not have done it without everyone's support, thank you sooooo very much!!!! :heart: Bru

    Oh, and I forgot to weigh because I was too excited this morning, putting it off til tomorrow..

    Congratulations!!! So happy for you!!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    amazing as always seeing all the good things!!!
    Wonderful and awesome!!!

    weigh in for week 4 is

    a whole 1.2 loss
    taking it slow and easy!!

    You're more than 10 pounds down from your starting weight! CONGRATS!!
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Damn, is it week 4 ...or 5 already? I was hoping to have 10 lbs gone by now. Looks like I probably won't make it. Boo. :(

    Here's my weigh in: 333.4 lbs.
    Looks like I've only dropped 7.6 lbs since the start of the challenge. Suck. Oh well, progress is progress. Even slow progress. lol
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Update on Grandpa...finally.. He is having surgery in Tuesday to try to re-open the spinal column. Apparently there is some sort of scar tissue built up and it is reducing blood supply to his brain. Which would explain why he has fallen a million times in the last couple of months. Hopefully this will help the situation, please keep him in your thoughts. And as soon as I hear more I'll post another update. XoxoxoX Bru
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Stacy, you're doing a tremendous job! You've got such great determination!

    Bru, I'm so glad your grandpa went to the hospital. I hope the surgery goes well and that he feels better quickly.
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Tomorrow will be week 5.. :) woo hoo.. If only I were doing as good as I like. I think ive been coming down sick for a while and its just caught up with me. Althought I dont see changes in the numbers I see changes in the mirror.. and I love it. If only this darn cold would go away. I have my work cut out for me right now. With my kitten that I took in.. hehe.. Hes adorable.. He still needs a name. Still debating.. Hes soo cute thou.. Im glad I took him in.. :)

    Hope everyone is doing well.. And feeling better than I am..

    Bru.. I hope your Grandpas surgery goes well.. Ill keep him in my prayers..

    Sitting here watching Dear John.. :)
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Tomorrow will be week 5.. :) woo hoo.. If only I were doing as good as I like. I think ive been coming down sick for a while and its just caught up with me. Althought I dont see changes in the numbers I see changes in the mirror.. and I love it. If only this darn cold would go away. I have my work cut out for me right now. With my kitten that I took in.. hehe.. Hes adorable.. He still needs a name. Still debating.. Hes soo cute thou.. Im glad I took him in.. :)

    Hope everyone is doing well.. And feeling better than I am..

    Bru.. I hope your Grandpas surgery goes well.. Ill keep him in my prayers..

    Sitting here watching Dear John.. :)

    April, good for you for not letting the numbers discourage you. The fact that you can see the differences in the mirror is even better than the numbers on the scale! can you post a picture of the kitty? Maybe we can help name the little guy. And YAY for watching "Dear John"! Watch the credits...when you get to the casting department you may recognize a name pink_and_shiny name. ;)
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    Wahoo! I'll be able to weigh in Monday morning. Crossing my fingers now lol. I'm on the first helicopter back to shore tomorrow morning due to the hurricane thats coming straight for us. So Monday morning will be the moment of truth. LOL
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Wahoo! I'll be able to weigh in Monday morning. Crossing my fingers now lol. I'm on the first helicopter back to shore tomorrow morning due to the hurricane thats coming straight for us. So Monday morning will be the moment of truth. LOL

    You travel by helicoper?! Damn you're fancy!! :bigsmile:
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Tomorrow will be week 5.. :) woo hoo.. If only I were doing as good as I like. I think ive been coming down sick for a while and its just caught up with me. Althought I dont see changes in the numbers I see changes in the mirror.. and I love it. If only this darn cold would go away. I have my work cut out for me right now. With my kitten that I took in.. hehe.. Hes adorable.. He still needs a name. Still debating.. Hes soo cute thou.. Im glad I took him in.. :)

    Hope everyone is doing well.. And feeling better than I am..

    Bru.. I hope your Grandpas surgery goes well.. Ill keep him in my prayers..

    Sitting here watching Dear John.. :)

    April, good for you for not letting the numbers discourage you. The fact that you can see the differences in the mirror is even better than the numbers on the scale! can you post a picture of the kitty? Maybe we can help name the little guy. And YAY for watching "Dear John"! Watch the credits...when you get to the casting department you may recognize a name pink_and_shiny name. ;)

    Are you serious?
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    My kitten..


  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Tomorrow will be week 5.. :) woo hoo.. If only I were doing as good as I like. I think ive been coming down sick for a while and its just caught up with me. Althought I dont see changes in the numbers I see changes in the mirror.. and I love it. If only this darn cold would go away. I have my work cut out for me right now. With my kitten that I took in.. hehe.. Hes adorable.. He still needs a name. Still debating.. Hes soo cute thou.. Im glad I took him in.. :)

    Hope everyone is doing well.. And feeling better than I am..

    Bru.. I hope your Grandpas surgery goes well.. Ill keep him in my prayers..

    Sitting here watching Dear John.. :)

    April, good for you for not letting the numbers discourage you. The fact that you can see the differences in the mirror is even better than the numbers on the scale! can you post a picture of the kitty? Maybe we can help name the little guy. And YAY for watching "Dear John"! Watch the credits...when you get to the casting department you may recognize a pink_and_shiny name. ;)

    Are you serious?

    Yep! I was in feature film casting. :)
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    April - I love the first shirt and you should name your cat Friedel (free-dll). It's a german name that belongs to my Uncle that I've always been very fond of :)

    Pinky - for serious? You worked with movies huh?
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    April, I'm voting for the first and third tops. Can you do a clothing change during the photo shoot? So you can do some cute/sweet ones, and then get a little down and dirty with the one-shouldered one?

    The kitty is adorable! He reminds me of a cat that I had that looked like that...we named him Cubby. But yours looks more like a Walter/Wally to me. Or Benny.

    Kitsune - indeed. Growing up in LA made me want to work in the 'biz. I did. I had enough. :laugh: You can look me up on IMDb. I gots da creditz.
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    Wahoo! I'll be able to weigh in Monday morning. Crossing my fingers now lol. I'm on the first helicopter back to shore tomorrow morning due to the hurricane thats coming straight for us. So Monday morning will be the moment of truth. LOL

    You travel by helicoper?! Damn you're fancy!! :bigsmile:

    I like to make an entrance :laugh: Actually it's because I'm working on a offshore gas platform.
  • mkpeacock
    April~ Top 1 for sure!!!

    OMG week 5 already.. I hope Wed is atleast a pound,,, I didnt loose anything Wed when I did my weigh in so left see if I do this week!! sorry guys for not being that active in boards this week have a lot of drama!