

  • SapiensPisces
    SapiensPisces Posts: 992 Member
    I was trying to figure out who was carrying Judith and the end. Is she just in a knapsack all tied up?

    I think Tyrese had her in a backpack with a sheet over her head.
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    Out of curiosity, how many of you read the comic it is based on? Your thoughts of which is stronger/better? If you do read it, you know that Darryl is not even in the books.

    I've read some of them. I don't remember Rick being such a weenie in the graphic novels. LOOOOVVEE :heart: the inclusion of Darryl.

    It started off pretty close to the graphic novels, then sort of veered off onto its own path, which I expected. No TV show or movie can reproduce a book/graphic novel exactly, think of all of the Stephen King novels made into movies.

    I don't know which is stronger, I think they are just different in their own ways. Loved the episode all about Darryl. My assistant told me someone else was in that episode but I think she's pulling my leg. I didn't see anyone else there. :love: :happy:
  • EarthboundAtlas
    Aside from Daryl's character, this episode is one of the few instances where the show really topped the comics.

    Just look at the flowers thread....just look at the flowers.
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    Aside from Daryl's character, this episode is one of the few instances where the show really topped the comics.

    Just look at the flowers thread....just look at the flowers.

    Nice! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • EarthboundAtlas
    Out of curiosity, how many of you read the comic it is based on? Your thoughts of which is stronger/better? If you do read it, you know that Darryl is not even in the books.

    I've read some of them. I don't remember Rick being such a weenie in the graphic novels. LOOOOVVEE :heart: the inclusion of Darryl.

    It started off pretty close to the graphic novels, then sort of veered off onto its own path, which I expected. No TV show or movie can reproduce a book/graphic novel exactly, think of all of the Stephen King novels made into movies.

    I don't know which is stronger, I think they are just different in their own ways. Loved the episode all about Darryl. My assistant told me someone else was in that episode but I think she's pulling my leg. I didn't see anyone else there. :love: :happy:

    I don't know if this is legit or not, but I really think that they took Rick from the comics and split him into two or three characters. Comic Rick reminds me a lot of an amalgam between show Rick, Daryl, and maybe even a touch of Merle.
  • Rottnme
    Rottnme Posts: 167 Member
    Was anyone else wondering why when Lizzie was having fits and saying that no one else understood, Carol didn't take time to stop and talk to her? You could tell that they were building up to something and I feel that a talk or two would have allowed Carol and Tyrese to evaluate and discuss Lizzie's mental status.
  • SapiensPisces
    SapiensPisces Posts: 992 Member
    Out of curiosity, how many of you read the comic it is based on? Your thoughts of which is stronger/better? If you do read it, you know that Darryl is not even in the books.

    I've read some of them. I don't remember Rick being such a weenie in the graphic novels. LOOOOVVEE :heart: the inclusion of Darryl.

    It started off pretty close to the graphic novels, then sort of veered off onto its own path, which I expected. No TV show or movie can reproduce a book/graphic novel exactly, think of all of the Stephen King novels made into movies.

    I don't know which is stronger, I think they are just different in their own ways. Loved the episode all about Darryl. My assistant told me someone else was in that episode but I think she's pulling my leg. I didn't see anyone else there. :love: :happy:

    I don't know if this is legit or not, but I really think that they took Rick from the comics and split him into two or three characters. Comic Rick reminds me a lot of an amalgam between show Rick, Daryl, and maybe even a touch of Merle.

    I think so too. I really dislike Rick in the show. He's my least favorite character.
  • TheFisherKing
    Astute observation about Rick. By the way, at this point in the comic, he had lost his hand.
  • smelius22
    smelius22 Posts: 334 Member
    I was trying to figure out who was carrying Judith and the end. Is she just in a knapsack all tied up?

    I think Tyrese had her in a backpack with a sheet over her head.

    Yeah they cleared that up on the Talking Dead, Tyrese had her on his back.

    I missed that too, I thought she died but I didn't see it on the episode so I watched again and still couldn't figure it out lol.
  • KatieMae75
    KatieMae75 Posts: 391 Member
    Was Lizzie actually in the comic at all?
  • Sarah4fitness
    Sarah4fitness Posts: 437 Member
    So, last night's episode.

    When I realized it was going to focus on Lizzie, and I saw her feed the walker mice, I said (and this is terrible) "That girl is a menace and a danger to herself and others, and she's going to get put down."

    Fancy being right. The Husband sat there going, "No way will Carol do it. NO WAY."
    Yes, she would. Of anyone, yes, she would. And she did. Pretty impressive episode. I think it was the best of the new season.
  • TFaustino67
    TFaustino67 Posts: 551 Member
    Agreed! Loving this season overall
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I posted this on another thread about it...:)

    Such an intense and sad episode. The deal with Lizzie has been building up for some time. And earlier in the episode we already saw her lose it..while "playing" with her friend, the walker and then yelling at Carol. At that point I'm sure they were all wondering what they were going to do. Then when she did what she did to was obvious this girl was not well and could not be trusted. What else were they going to do. Take her to a psychiatric hospital?? These desperate times call for desperate measures and nobody would be able to sleep with her around. Or leave anyone unattended. Or allow her to have a weapon. They are already stressed day in and day out having to protect themselves from the walkers..let alone a psychotic little girl!

    But as this show keeps pointing out...often times the living are more dangerous than the dead!!! At least the dead are predictable.
  • MissDLynnR
    MissDLynnR Posts: 91 Member
    Great episode but sad...although I kept saying that Lizzy girl is crazyyyyy. Carol is the best ..happy she is back
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    Was Lizzie actually in the comic at all?

    lizzie and mika werent, but there were a set of twin boys where one of them killed the other. the remaining one was taken out by Carl.

    my guess is that these sisters where playing that role for the TV, although obviously changed slightly.
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    Astute observation about Rick. By the way, at this point in the comic, he had lost his hand.

    kirkman said that that is his biggest regret from the books. if he could do it over, rick would have kept his hand. This was portrayed in the tv show by his busted hand from his dust up with the Gov.
  • mlh37214
    mlh37214 Posts: 517 Member
    I was trying to figure out who was carrying Judith and the end. Is she just in a knapsack all tied up?

    I think Tyrese had her in a backpack with a sheet over her head.

    Yeah they cleared that up on the Talking Dead, Tyrese had her on his back.

    I missed that too, I thought she died but I didn't see it on the episode so I watched again and still couldn't figure it out lol.

    I'm so glad I stumbled on this!! I thought there was a 3rd grave that had some baby shoes on it, so I thought they had killed her too for some reason! I DVR the show, but not Talking Dead...maybe I should start doing that! (I did see the somewhat human-shaped pack on Tyrese's back, though, and wondered.)
  • JazmineYoli
    JazmineYoli Posts: 547 Member
    I finally saw it. I didn't cry, but I was close. Glad I didn't read this thread earlier, but time to catch up now.
    I don't know if this had been asked already but why is she okay killing living people but not dead people?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    If no one caught it, the burnt walkers are speculated to have come from the burning house that Darryl and Beth ignited (which was also probably the smoke that Carol and Tyrese saw).
    The burnt walkers were pretty creepy.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I posted this on another thread about it...:)

    Such an intense and sad episode. The deal with Lizzie has been building up for some time. And earlier in the episode we already saw her lose it..while "playing" with her friend, the walker and then yelling at Carol. At that point I'm sure they were all wondering what they were going to do. Then when she did what she did to was obvious this girl was not well and could not be trusted. What else were they going to do. Take her to a psychiatric hospital?? These desperate times call for desperate measures and nobody would be able to sleep with her around. Or leave anyone unattended. Or allow her to have a weapon. They are already stressed day in and day out having to protect themselves from the walkers..let alone a psychotic little girl!

    But as this show keeps pointing out...often times the living are more dangerous than the dead!!! At least the dead are predictable.

    She isn't (wasn't) psychotic, just ask wendyterry.