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Leave the Heavy Lifting to the MEN!!
Women need to know their PLACE, that's all and I think it's in the kitchen and not in the weights room! I mean, what would happen if you dropped a weight and hurt yourself? What would you expect your hubby to do? Cook for HIMSELF?? :noway:
My husband cooks all the time .. this is about gender equality. why do you think yourself to be the lesser gender. by making statements like this you are making yourself out to be lesser then men. just because you have a ***** does not mean that you are not as capable as men are. and besides.. think about how much better you look if you get out of the kitchen where all the food is.. and start lifting.. your body will thank you. this has to be stopped.. i hope you don;t have any daughters .. sigh
Nope, no daughters, thank goodness...I got boys and they can LIFT! And that's what they SHOULD be doing, they need to be strong and healthy enough to get married and give me grandbabies!
It's not about gender equality so much as the delegated roles we all have. Yeah, maybe more women are working nowadays and having kids without being married, but that doesn't mean that they should do ALL the things men do. There are other ways they can get in shape without lifting weights, it's just too rough and tough for most women to handle, IMO.
I'm capable enough that I recognize my place and don't whine about it. I just keep on with my cardio and keep my man happy. What's wrong with that??
Im sorry i am getting so worked up.. I think you are prob a cool person.. but honestly.. by making statments like this i think you are setting a wrong message to other women on this site. this is abserd.. so many studies have been done about women that lift and how beneficial it is. I mean, look at people like dana lynn baily and how awesome she is.. and I m sure she still cooks well. Cardio is really good for you, but i think you have it all wrong in the gym0 -
Obvious troll is obvious.
yeah, not really.....look how many people are actually taking this post seriously...0 -
These are the only weights a real woman needs.
OK, now that's just disrespectful. I adore my pie weights...
Me too!! They really make a difference in the quality of the pie crusts! No bubbles or uneven spots!
Right?? I have yet to conquer the problem of spilling them or burning my fingers when taking them out of the crust though *LOL*
I tie mine up in a large peice of cheesecloth before I put them in my pie, then when I'm ready to take them out, I just grab the cheesecloth! No more burnt fingers or spills!0 -
SMH @ people who are taking a troll thread serious... #peopleneedtotakeajoke0
Checking in to see where my sammich is at.
For being all "women should be in the kitchen" and shizzz you are a slow bi.......................................
ker.0 -
what an idiot! I am a stay at home mom/wife and I lift heavy, no I'm not bulky nor will I ever be. it is the ignorance of people like you who think that you are below a man. apparently you didn't find a good man if he thinks you should wait on him hand and foot. don't get me wrong, I cook, clean, bring him things but he does things for me too, it's a mutual world we live in, get out of the 1800's. As far as cardio only, I call bull ****, because I am betting you are a frumpy little house wife who bakes all day and does maybe a 30 min walk on a treadmill and wonders why you never see results. lift something heavy and see if your husband doesn't notice that change. Because I guaran-damn-tee you that you don't get the mouth hanging open, looks like he wants to devour you look from your husband that I and probably most women who lift get. Good Lord woman, Lift something besides a cookie.0
I don't even know why you ladies ever leave the house. There are so many opportunities for a good cardio and core workout at home it isn't funny...0
Have you met Nutellabrah? I think you'd get along.
He's a fake.
Doesn't even EAT Nutella.0 -
what an idiot! I am a stay at home mom/wife and I lift heavy, no I'm not bulky nor will I ever be. it is the ignorance of people like you who think that you are below a man. apparently you didn't find a good man if he thinks you should wait on him hand and foot. don't get me wrong, I cook, clean, bring him things but he does things for me too, it's a mutual world we live in, get out of the 1800's. As far as cardio only, I call bull ****, because I am betting you are a frumpy little house wife who bakes all day and does maybe a 30 min walk on a treadmill and wonders why you never see results. lift something heavy and see if your husband doesn't notice that change. Because I guaran-damn-tee you that you don't get the mouth hanging open, looks like he wants to devour you look from your husband that I and probably most women who lift get. Good Lord woman, Lift something besides a cookie.
^^This0 -
These are the only weights a real woman needs.
OK, now that's just disrespectful. I adore my pie weights...
Me too!! They really make a difference in the quality of the pie crusts! No bubbles or uneven spots!
Right?? I have yet to conquer the problem of spilling them or burning my fingers when taking them out of the crust though *LOL*
I tie mine up in a large peice of cheesecloth before I put them in my pie, then when I'm ready to take them out, I just grab the cheesecloth! No more burnt fingers or spills!
I feel really really stupid right now. Thank you. Problem solved *LOL*
I wouldn't feel stupid - I bet a ton of other people have the same issue! I never used these, and dried beans were usually not much of a problem....0 -
These are the only weights a real woman needs.
Homemade hot pocket! Is it a pie?! Is it a sammich?! ¿Porque no los dos?
Please don't take this seriously those who have reacted predictably--OP is likely 35 years old living in HIS mother's basement because he can't get a job with a GED. He watches tv and plays video games 18 hours a day :laugh:
You forgot to mention "his" amazing boobs. A-MA-zing!0 -
Here's something I'm confused about: pickle jars. I know it's my job to make the sammich, but I can't open the pickle jar. I don't really know if this is my man's job to open the jar or mine?0
I need to lift so I can carry the huge bags of dog food and cat litter and a growing child... I don't see any man doing that for me.
Might as well lift so I don't hurt myself.
0 -
Hey OP... If you don't believe in lifting heavy, how do you handle your man meat while bathing him? All good and proper wives make sure ro bathe their man too darlin;)
Among other things that may require so lifting...
:bigsmile:0 -
These are the only weights a real woman needs.
OK, now that's just disrespectful. I adore my pie weights...
Me too!! They really make a difference in the quality of the pie crusts! No bubbles or uneven spots!
Right?? I have yet to conquer the problem of spilling them or burning my fingers when taking them out of the crust though *LOL*
I tie mine up in a large peice of cheesecloth before I put them in my pie, then when I'm ready to take them out, I just grab the cheesecloth! No more burnt fingers or spills!
Right? See, this thread is totally informative.
BTW, nice boobs OPxoxox
0 -
How to be the perfect housewife:
Thanks but no thanks!!0 -
I'm safe, I'm only gonna lift the little pink weights.0
Here's something I'm confused about: pickle jars. I know it's my job to make the sammich, but I can't open the pickle jar. I don't really know if this is my man's job to open the jar or mine?
You need to work on your grip. Your man should be able to help you with that too....
Edited for clarity.0 -
I hear people talking ALLL the time about how women can lift just as good as men can and not get big and SUPAH bulky doing it.
I'm sorry, but I just don't see it. Women CANNOT do everything that men can do and I think lifting is a prime example of this. Ya'll should just leave the lifting to the men, since at least THEY know what they're doing.
While you're at it, you should just let your man be the breadwinner too and work while you stay home...that way, your man can have a hot meal on the table when he walks in the house at night, which he most certainly deserves. Women should do the housework and raise the kids, since that's the job they were put on this Earth to do.
If the need to work out is there, do everyone a favor and stick with the cardio....you DO realize how ridiculous ya'll look trying to lift the heavy things, don't ya? Wish I had a good gif to prove my point!
All I can say to you Ma'am is "Better to Remain Silent and Be Thought a Fool than to Speak and Remove All Doubt"
[img][/img]0 -
I love how the original poster has just bowed out.. where are you... you can't just make a statement and then bow out.. come on0
These threads truly deliver the DERP0
Here's something I'm confused about: pickle jars. I know it's my job to make the sammich, but I can't open the pickle jar. I don't really know if this is my man's job to open the jar or mine?
You need to work on your grip. Your man should be able to help you with that too....
Can't open the pickle jar???0 -
Women need to know their PLACE, that's all and I think it's in the kitchen and not in the weights room! I mean, what would happen if you dropped a weight and hurt yourself? What would you expect your hubby to do? Cook for HIMSELF?? :noway:
My husband cooks all the time .. this is about gender equality. why do you think yourself to be the lesser gender. by making statements like this you are making yourself out to be lesser then men. just because you have a ***** does not mean that you are not as capable as men are. and besides.. think about how much better you look if you get out of the kitchen where all the food is.. and start lifting.. your body will thank you. this has to be stopped.. i hope you don;t have any daughters .. sigh
Nope, no daughters, thank goodness...I got boys and they can LIFT! And that's what they SHOULD be doing, they need to be strong and healthy enough to get married and give me grandbabies!
It's not about gender equality so much as the delegated roles we all have. Yeah, maybe more women are working nowadays and having kids without being married, but that doesn't mean that they should do ALL the things men do. There are other ways they can get in shape without lifting weights, it's just too rough and tough for most women to handle, IMO.
I'm capable enough that I recognize my place and don't whine about it. I just keep on with my cardio and keep my man happy. What's wrong with that??
Im sorry i am getting so worked up.. I think you are prob a cool person.. but honestly.. by making statments like this i think you are setting a wrong message to other women on this site. this is abserd.. so many studies have been done about women that lift and how beneficial it is. I mean, look at people like dana lynn baily and how awesome she is.. and I m sure she still cooks well. Cardio is really good for you, but i think you have it all wrong in the gym
That's ok, I'm sure you're pretty cool too.
Maybe some women CAN lift and not look all bulky and maybe they can get good at it. But I think the majority of women aren't strong to begin with, so lifting that heavy stuff is really likely not feasible for them. I think they should just stick to what they know.0 -
Nice of you to make fun of stay at home parents in your attempt to shock the board with the heavy lifting thing. Sorry, not all of us have to work at Walmart.0
Here's something I'm confused about: pickle jars. I know it's my job to make the sammich, but I can't open the pickle jar. I don't really know if this is my man's job to open the jar or mine?
lol0 -
These are the only weights a real woman needs.
OK, now that's just disrespectful. I adore my pie weights...
Me too!! They really make a difference in the quality of the pie crusts! No bubbles or uneven spots!
Right?? I have yet to conquer the problem of spilling them or burning my fingers when taking them out of the crust though *LOL*
I tie mine up in a large peice of cheesecloth before I put them in my pie, then when I'm ready to take them out, I just grab the cheesecloth! No more burnt fingers or spills!
Please stop derailing this thread with your cooking talk. The last true woman on earth has the guts to tell it like it should be and you muddy the water with your pie talk. We men DO NOT care how the pie is made, it just needs to be on our plate at the end of the day. Take your talk of baking techniques over to the "Recipes" page.
And you haters? I'm sure there is a feminism group here that will be more sympathetic to your woman bashing ways!0 -
Women need to know their PLACE, that's all and I think it's in the kitchen and not in the weights room! I mean, what would happen if you dropped a weight and hurt yourself? What would you expect your hubby to do? Cook for HIMSELF?? :noway:
My husband cooks all the time .. this is about gender equality. why do you think yourself to be the lesser gender. by making statements like this you are making yourself out to be lesser then men. just because you have girl parts does not mean that you are not as capable as men are. and besides.. think about how much better you look if you get out of the kitchen where all the food is.. and start lifting.. your body will thank you. this has to be stopped.. i hope you don;t have any daughters .. sigh
Nope, no daughters, thank goodness...I got boys and they can LIFT! And that's what they SHOULD be doing, they need to be strong and healthy enough to get married and give me grandbabies!
It's not about gender equality so much as the delegated roles we all have. Yeah, maybe more women are working nowadays and having kids without being married, but that doesn't mean that they should do ALL the things men do. There are other ways they can get in shape without lifting weights, it's just too rough and tough for most women to handle, IMO.
I'm capable enough that I recognize my place and don't whine about it. I just keep on with my cardio and keep my man happy. What's wrong with that??
Im sorry i am getting so worked up.. I think you are prob a cool person.. but honestly.. by making statments like this i think you are setting a wrong message to other women on this site. this is abserd.. so many studies have been done about women that lift and how beneficial it is. I mean, look at people like dana lynn baily and how awesome she is.. and I m sure she still cooks well. Cardio is really good for you, but i think you have it all wrong in the gym
That's ok, I'm sure you're pretty cool too.
Maybe some women CAN lift and not look all bulky and maybe they can get good at it. But I think the majority of women aren't strong to begin with, so lifting that heavy stuff is really likely not feasible for them. I think they should just stick to what they know.
^^ Ok.. i do agree that women are not as strong as men, but we are strong.. and lifting does such wonders for the body. I think we should be friends and discuss this more. i mean look at me.. im not bulky and i can bench press 115lbsand I can do squats and deads and still not be bulky.. but it makes my man happy because my body is nicer looking.. trust me.. you need to start lifting.. in fact.. i don't even do cardio.. i find it does nothing at all.. cardio is not as important as lifting at all.
0 -
get a good workout, and in the kitchen0
Here's something I'm confused about: pickle jars. I know it's my job to make the sammich, but I can't open the pickle jar. I don't really know if this is my man's job to open the jar or mine?
I make mine do it... my hands are too small and it makes my DH feel manly.0
This discussion has been closed.
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