Any women over 45 out there trying to lose weight?



  • dconn3114
    dconn3114 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm 48 lol!
  • wonderwoman234
    wonderwoman234 Posts: 551 Member
    Hey, that's me! I'm 46 and need to lose 40 lbs. I've lost 7 so far since Jan. 6. This is the slowest weight loss I've experienced, but I am doing things "right" this time:

    - heavy lifting 3 times a week - this has become the centerpiece of my activity
    - cardio 4 times a week - usually 60 minutes total
    - eating 1330 cals/day with macros 45% carb, 35% protein, 20% fat

    Even thought the weight has been slow coming off, I feel amazing, really motivated, strong, confident, sexy (yes!), and my posture and body feel graceful and elongated. This is from the weight training.

    Oh, and I don't have a sense of deprivation that I used to have....because I am eating well, not using food for emotional reasons, and if I have a day where I eat a bit more, I don't feel like I have "failed". I want a strong, lean body. Period. So I'm not interested in doing things that will prevent me from attaining that. Again, I attribute that to the focus on strength training. I also think because I am focusing on the foods I SHOULD be eating to help with my workouts, muscle repair, etc. instead of on foods, I "can't" eat, I am not obsessed with food or deprivation....and I am never starving. I can all eat whatever I want whenever I want - we all have a choice. My choice is to eat well so I can achieve my goals.

    Okay, diatribe over! Would love to be friends with more women in their 40's!
  • tammykissinger
    tammykissinger Posts: 3 Member
    I am 51 years old and started MFP last fall. Started walking on a consistent basis and have had great results. Most important for me is tracking what I eat! Feel free to add me!
  • clmice215
    I am 54 and also new to this site. I am trying to lose at least 50 lbs. Add me as a friends if you want to do this together.
  • fishsquishy
    fishsquishy Posts: 35 Member
    I only gained 5 pounds. I just did it 14 years in a row... (but at least i"m consistent). I'm 48, trying to lose 70. Was very active up until my late 20's. Trying to get my inner athlete back! LET'S DO THIS!!!
  • toniistracking
    toniistracking Posts: 57 Member
    Hello, I became really serious last year January when I quit smoking! I did really well and was probably in the best shape of my life at 48. My boyfriend and I decided to train for our first 5K, during the training I was experiencing hip pain. Thought it was just muscle but ended up being joint. Anyway that stopped my work outs and ended up gaining 20+ pounds so here I am again, starting over! Anyone wanting to add me please feel free! Lets help each other out!!
  • camiscott
    camiscott Posts: 5 Member
    I am 47 and been trying to loose 50 pounds for months. I keep losing a few and then gaining it back again. I stopped doing weights and i am just working on cardio 4 days a weeks now to start buring off some pounds. Please feel free to add me so we can give each other ideas.
  • toadg53
    toadg53 Posts: 302 Member
    Hi. turned 60 last October ... and I'm not happy about it either ... but better than the alternative, that's for sure. I started my journey the Monday after the last 4th of July. I've lost a total of 84# since then, 65# since joining MFP. I'm doing low carb, high protein and fat doesn't matter, but it's not high, not low. I also walk minimum 60 minutes, most days 90 minutes a day. I'm gonna restart strenght/toning the end of the month (I'm on hiatus until then due to surgery). The diet is one I got from my doctor. So far it's working well, and I've hit no plateau in all this time, which has helped my outlook greatly. I've been dieting off/on my entire life; have yo-yo'ed my entire life as well, which isn't a good thing for your body/metabolism either. I truly feel that I'll accomplish my goal this time. With diligence and support we can all do it.
  • toadg53
    toadg53 Posts: 302 Member
    Oh ya, feel free to add me as a friend if you would like. The memory isn't what it used to be either :love:
  • MunozLCSW
    MunozLCSW Posts: 4 Member
    Hey ladies. I am 43 soon to turn 44 and I am overweight majorly. (This is where you say, 'hello Ramona!'). Anyway, this is the largest I have ever been, and sad to say that when I have said that in the past I was a lot less then where I am now. I need to lose close to 100 pounds. I want to get healthy but have a million excuses as to why I can't/won't/don't have the energy/etc. So I wold love to be part of this group. I would love to motivate others, and I would love to receive motivation back. DId the first big thing yesterday, and that was to get on the scale and scare the ship out of myself! Warmer weather is approaching and I am going to set small goals to get outside to play with my son, take the dogs for walks, etc. Getting ready to adopt another child, so I definitely need to find more energy. So excited to stumble across this board.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    I'm 55 and when I started on 6/14/13, I had 150 lbs to lose. I had every excuse in the book ready....female, over 50, post menopause. Guess what? I haven't needed them.

    Today marks the end of 245 days (8 months) of logging and 91.4 lbs lost. Only thing I've done consistently is eat the MFP recommended number of calories and pay attention to the macros. I have walked some, but truthfully not as much as I should. I have 58.6 lbs to go to reach my goal of 145. This year my goal is more exercise and to end the year as close to my goal as possible. If I reach it, great. If not, I will in 2015.

    Don't let your age or any other excuses stop you. You can do it as long as you never, ever quit trying.
  • jenns1964
    jenns1964 Posts: 384 Member
    I'll be 50 in September. I have been on this journey for 431 days...the longest I have ever stayed committed to a healthy lifestyle. It really is much harder to lose weight after 40, but I am determined to do it. I just returned from 8 weeks in California and am ready to recommit myself to regular exercise and healthy eating. Feel free to add me as I log in faithfully everyday.
  • MunozLCSW
    MunozLCSW Posts: 4 Member
    Great suggestions! I have a friend who has lost close to 100 pounds. He logs in everyday. He looks great! ONly using MFP. ALso stopped having to take his diabetic meds. Looking forward to using these boards as motivation.
  • Mojoman02
    Mojoman02 Posts: 146 Member
    I'm 51 and doing it! Just give yourself time to get into a healthy groove and it will become a piece of cake! I mean....a piece of fruit! ha!
  • rhonda6373
    Hello -- I will be 44 soon and am just starting out. I have about 80-90 pounds to lose and am starting off slowly -- 20 minutes on the elliptical 5-6 days a week and 15 minutes of yoga every other day. I am wanting to add weight training at least 2 days a week but I want to be sure whatever I am doing I will sustain. MFP started me out at 1200 calories but I am not sure that is realistic for me to sustain long term -- I am trying for now at least. Perhaps when I get my activity level up I can increase those calories more.

    Feel free to friend me if you like and best of luck on your journey.
  • lyzmorrison
    lyzmorrison Posts: 172 Member
    I'm 49 and have lost 33 lbs...gone from a size 14 to a 6, since July. Also ran my first 5K, have 1 next weekend and a 10K on March 1st. If I can do this, believe me, ANYONE can do it.

    The secret...HARD WORK and COMMITMENT. It's worth every second you put into it.
  • WJS_jeepster
    WJS_jeepster Posts: 224 Member
    I am 48 and need to lose 70 lbs or so. I used to be an athlete and runner and got used to eating whatever I wanted. After I had my twins I actually gained weight due to stress and being housebound all winter. Was doing well last fall and then the stupid polar vortex sent us all inside for most of the winter so far. I cannot wait for the weather to get a bit warmer to get back outside!

    At this point I'm mostly focusing on diet as the opportunities for exercise are few and far between these days. (though I did chop ice off the driveway for over an hour yesterday :tongue: )
  • dconn3114
    dconn3114 Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks much for all the replies. Some of you have shown me it can be done and are now my new inspiration models! Others of you make me feel like I'm not alone in this journey. When you try and fail at something so many times, you have to change your approach. So, I'm going to log in and support others and make it this time. I see my parents aging and all of the health issues. I want to make changes now so I can have a different story...hopefully!

    I tried to befriend you all -- there are more entries today so I'm behind. Thanks again so much. We can do this!!! One thing I have to stop doing is weighing myself every day. This will not be about instant gratification but smaller victories. Just drinking more water. Logging in every day. Exercising consistently ....and having patience.

    I saw a great sign at the gym : SWEAT IS FAT CRYING! Let's make some tears!!! Have a great day and be kind to yourselves.

    Please friend me!
  • blj7150
    blj7150 Posts: 3 Member
    I am 53 and just started using this site 2 days ago. It's amazing how much less you eat when you are keeping a food diary. I am 5'2 and weigh 135 which wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't all around my belly. I feel sluggish and tired and want to get back to 115- 120. I started walking, doing some strength training and keep my calories at 1200 a day. If anyone has any other ideas for me, I am open to all suggestions. I am just ready to get healthy and fit. :smile:
  • KudraM
    KudraM Posts: 73 Member
    44 here ans also new. Feel free to add. There are also groups based on age.