I ate 5,877 calories today...

My calorie goal is 1926 so I went over by quite a lot today... okay, a huge amount! I'm pretty much accepting it... what done is done. I've drunk 3 litres of water today maybe even more along with the food. I'm wondering if I should just continue with my 1926 calorie plan tomorrow or should I drop it down to 1400-1600 calories for a few days at least. What would you do in my situation? No negativity please. :)


  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
    How the hell is that even possible? I don't think I could do that if I tried....maybe if I ate a large pizza...but wow!
  • jimjamsjet
    jimjamsjet Posts: 57 Member
    Leave today where it is- in the past. Tomorrow, return to your normal plan and maintain that plan.
  • robcanham
    We all have bad days, just carry on as normal tomorrow, no point in yo-yoing your calorie intake.
    Maybe just it the gym a bit harder today ;)
  • Jason3589
    You dont say if you worked out that day and whether or not your eating to bulk. I think we all have bad days though. Just put it behind you and carry on with your plan
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    How the hell is that even possible? I don't think I could do that if I tried....maybe if I ate a large pizza...but wow!

    How the hell is this even supportive or constructive?

    OP - don't let it change how you wake up tomorrow. Your calorie goal is 1926, so tomorrow, you do what you can to stick to that number. Go a little harder in the gym if you need to. This isn't going to be a short road, and days like these will happen. Don't let them happen too often or you will stall your progress.
  • loztandfound
    loztandfound Posts: 73 Member
    unfortunately some good tasting food is very high in cals!! i'd say to dip your calories for a few days, whether thats by exercising more or eating less (or a combo of both). I tend to go by a weekly overview, so if i overeat on one day, I'll make up for it by the end of the week. Not a biggy!! x
  • geejaahkay
    geejaahkay Posts: 3 Member
    Continue to aim for your goal. Don't try to make dramatic adjustments or starve yourself; that's a recipe for overeating again.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Me being me, I'd probably drop a little bit for a few days, maybe 1600, lower but not low-low. I average my cals over a week rather than day to day, so that's just how I work, I'm lower during the week and almost double over the weekend.

    And for "how the hell" girl, I've totally eaten over 5000 a day before :D all the tasty things!!
  • louiseoxford
    louiseoxford Posts: 44 Member
    How the hell is that even possible? I don't think I could do that if I tried....maybe if I ate a large pizza...but wow!

    This is not very helpful at all.

    I think you should just carry on with your plan as normal, weight loss is not an easy thing and we all have bad days. The important thing is to just carry on, tomorrow is always a new day and one off bad days will not effect you at all in the long term!
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    You dont say if you worked out that day and whether or not your eating to bulk. I think we all have bad days though. Just put it behind you and carry on with your plan

    I did workout today. I burnt 326 calories if that helps. I'm not bulking, I'm looking to lose weight and using a 20% TDEE. :)
  • jigsaw_me
    jigsaw_me Posts: 616 Member
    If it was me, I'ld drop my cals by about 500 tomorrow .. but no more ...
  • Nenny1985
    just try to eat really well tomorrow. and do some exercise too
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    Hehe Good Job!
    I vote carry on with life, and forget it happened :smile:
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    How the hell is that even possible? I don't think I could do that if I tried....maybe if I ate a large pizza...but wow!

    I ate just above 2.2 lb of pork. That's how. :P
  • AbigailWins
    I would do this

    1. Give myself tons of love and self acceptance and not beat myself up.

    2. Have a week of lower calorie intake like 1500 or 1600 if possible and realistic.

    3. Drink tons of water.

    4. Go for long walks with my mp3 player and walk fast for at least 10 songs (if possible and realistic)

    5. Not let anyone be mean to me about it or make stupid jokes or sarcastic comments, we have all been there.

    I think it's easy to eat that many calories if you have certain amounts of food. Clearly you had an emotional upset or something was troubling you, please be gentle with yourself. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start again.
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
    How the hell is that even possible? I don't think I could do that if I tried....maybe if I ate a large pizza...but wow!

    How the hell is this even supportive or constructive?

    It's neither, and I'm not really concerned about it being either.....I"m just in awe of the sheer amount of calories in one day someone can eat!

    She already stated it's done, she's accepted it and moved on....so really, there's nothing left to say about it except...wow.
  • sierra_12
    sierra_12 Posts: 249 Member
    Everyone has bad days. Move on (: I'm sure the food was fantastic! Think of it as a.... treat lol then get back on track tomorrow (:
  • viviyueyue
    I don't know if that would consider "unhealthy" not having enough calories input. But whenever I have a day I eat more than I should, I would work out extra 20 mins (to a total of 60 minutes) for the next few days and also eat healthier to balance it back.
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    I would probably cut down the cals for a few days but not as low as 1400 . It sounds as though you like your food and there's no point punishing yourself by cutting them down so low or you'll get miserable and binge again. Even if you continued to stick to your proper goal you'd probably start losing again once your body has used up the extra cals over the next week or so.
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    I would do this

    1. Give myself tons of love and self acceptance and not beat myself up.

    2. Have a week of lower calorie intake like 1500 or 1600 if possible and realistic.

    3. Drink tons of water.

    4. Go for long walks with my mp3 player and walk fast for at least 10 songs (if possible and realistic)

    5. Not let anyone be mean to me about it or make stupid jokes or sarcastic comments, we have all been there.

    I think it's easy to eat that many calories if you have certain amounts of food. Clearly you had an emotional upset or something was troubling you, please be gentle with yourself. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start again.

    Actually, it wasn't even emotional... I just liked the pork too much tonight. Haha. Thank you. :)