Somebody help! I can't get to 1200 calories a day :(



  • naepal
    sweets I have gained too much weight because of them. I know thats not good for you but it will def. pack on the lbs. eat more often and small meals. maybe you exercise too much.???
  • NewToFitness
    You could also have dairy intolerance or be intolerant of excessive carbohydrates (excessive sugar).

    I've been on a low carb high fat diet (to control the sugar) and while I probably don't eat very many calories per day, those I do eat are high in fats.

    Avocados, Heavy Whipping Cream instead of milk, Full-fat greek yogurt, full-fat cream cheese, natural peanut butter / almond butter, pork, salmon, liver, eggs, etc.

    As for what could be making you feel sick to your stomach, try a bland food diet (Bananas, simple crackers, toast, etc.) for a little while and if you're still not feeling well, you really should be going to a doctor.
  • naepal
    or yeah, go see a doctor maybe you have gallbladder problems.
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    When I read posts like yours I am always a bit perplexed. If your desire to lose 30 pounds ( that's what I gather from your profile page ) is legitimate ( which I wonder, because of your username ) you obviously know how to eat 1200 calories or even more., because otherwise you would not be overweight.
    Why don't you share your stats, so people can make meaningful suggestions instead of guessing......
    So with all due respect; I do wonder if your desire to lose 30 pounds is a healthy/necessary one......either way, you will benefit from a consultation with a diet specialist.

    Not everyone using this site is overweight and I would hazard a guess many have never been overweight. I have never been out of my normal weight range. The highest weight I've been is just under the highest point of my normal. This site is not just about weight loss. It is about fitness as well. With fitness comes weight loss if necessary and weight management.

    My only concern with the OP is the nausea. Everyone keeps recommending milk but that may be what is causing the nausea. Another problem since she got nauseous with bread is GMO which is causing gastro-intestinal upsets for many. So it could easily be what she is eating that is causing the problem.
  • mars735
    mars735 Posts: 8 Member
    Increase your fats/oils. There are some great healthy options. (Oils & fats are 9calories/gram as opposed to carbs and protein which are about 4-5 calories/gram).
  • Mitzigan94
    Mitzigan94 Posts: 393 Member
    You're 4'10, maybe that's why you don't eat much. 4'11 here by the way. But I eat more.:D

    But hey, if you're feeling full on that low calorie then go.. But, make sure you get your nutrients daily.
  • prettyface55
    prettyface55 Posts: 508 Member
    Peanut butter and nuts are great for adding calories.