Calorie Counting Dr Oz Show



  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Hell anything has a chance of failure. Counting calories is a learning experiance which allows you to figure out what works best for you. Yes you csn eat nothing but cake and still lose weight. A healthy relationship with all foods is key for all of us. Its all trail and error.
  • defauIt
    defauIt Posts: 118 Member
    He's absolutely correct.

    Intellectually dishonest, sure - but still correct.

    The vast majority of diet plans fail and most people simply can not keep weight off permanently. This is just as true of calorie counting as it is of any other diet.

    However, the way he is wording his statement he is implying that calorie counting has a causative relationship with diet failure, rather than simply being correlated with diet failure. One of the oldest tricks in the book.
  • msstuard
    msstuard Posts: 131 Member
    Someone who believes in a product or specific type of diet that does not involve counting calories will not likely think highly of counting calories especially when it may benefit him or her to hold that belief.

    Likewise, in an environment where people are all counting calories (MFP), it's not likely that methods outside of counting calories will be thought of highly.

    Regarding Dr. Oz, I took this photo last week at a local grocery store. This should give you some insight into the level of quackery Oz promotes:


    Where can I find the magic syrup? Is it by the acai berries and raspberry Keytones?

    can I get some of that magic syrup?
  • BarbellApprentice
    BarbellApprentice Posts: 486 Member
    If something is working for you.....

  • freedom403
    freedom403 Posts: 53 Member
    Wow, what a great response and I needed to be reassured at this point. It really helps to hear from people who have "walked this walk". I will continue to use mfp. It really does help me realize how much food I am consuming. As one poster said, you can't just eat an un limited amount of something even if it is healthy...nuts for example. I used to snack on them justifying it because they were better than other options. The bottom line seems to be intake control and counting calories you aware of that. I am finding the Dr Oz show to be very confusing these days. At least I didn't buy the raspberry ketones. I'm too frugal I guess. (Personally I wouldn't want to wear a "Poop" sign around my neck to help out with a Dr. OZ demo on digestion....
  • toronto_j
    toronto_j Posts: 206 Member
    I find Dr Oz dangerous. Yes, he's a real doctor, but he seems happy to promote any product he's paid to, he recommends "lose weight quick" diets, throws around "detox" like it's really meaningful and he allows guests to make dubious health-related claims in order to sell their books and products.
  • rocknlotsofrolls
    rocknlotsofrolls Posts: 418 Member
    I've never seen anything more contradicting than the Dr. Oz show. A person could go crazy listening to all of his advice on weight loss. I've watched maybe 2 or 3 of his shows since he's been on the air. He's all about padding his pockets!
  • suuta
    suuta Posts: 23 Member
    I have a very dear friend of mine who is a doctor and she refused to listen to him even before he got his show. She says that no doctor in his right mind wears scrubs outside the hospital let alone while on the Oprah show, therefore Dr. Oz is not in his right mind. She says he wouldn't even have a show if not for Oprah. He's really not at all interesting or helpful.

    Also, it really is ridiculous that he makes statements about weight loss (and other health related matters) and then says that they are not recommendations, to seek your doctors opinion. Hello Doc? Isn't that what your friggin show is for? I mean, who has the time to spend all day in a doctor's office just to ask him which is the better? Butter or margarine? One day it's eating clean, next day it's the ideal taco.

    I recommend staying away from the show, it will give you whiplash. Find what is right for you but STICK WITH IT. Adjust your goals as needed, but do not stop. This isn't a diet, it's a way of life. When he talks about people gaining the weight back it's because too many people treat it as a temporary fix. Train hard, eat light, lose weight then go back to the bad habits when they reach their goal weight. He should have explored a few more parameters when discussing those statistics. I feel insulted, as though he just call me and everyone else on MFP an idiot. >.< grrrrr