i have 5 months to loss 80-100 lbs { help } any ideas



  • touchofamber
    hey there you probably don't want to hear this but the first idea is accept the fact that if you lose that much in that little time you'll be right back by August. Consider not just looking good for the beach and work with what you have for now. Can you accept losing 50-60 instead? You would be surprised how AMAZING you look and feel. Don't listen to the lies that you have to be 100 lbs less to look good. Trust me I know what you feel so I am speaking from experience and with love!:flowerforyou:
  • williamshl10
    williamshl10 Posts: 60 Member
    In my first 2 weeks of losing weight I lost 11 pounds, so you may have a big bump in weight loss at the beginning, but it will eventually rest at 1-2 pounds a week. 4th week weigh in was 7 pounds lost on top of that and my mid week weigh in today was almost 2 pounds lost. So it is starting to slow down a bit, but I am keeping my calorie count low and trying my best to eat healthy and if I want some of my kid's cereal, I have it as a snack, one portion with my lovely, yummy awesome 30 calorie almond milk. That way I don't feel like I'm deprived of anything, I am just having what I want in managable portions and not all the time. You might get close to the 50 pound mark by beach time and you will feel so great. That is my determination, to feel great, look good and be healthy for my kids. My face is already looking thinner and everything fits so good that you don't even really care about the weight part. I am in a company Biggest Loser, so that is the only reason I am stepping on the scale :)
  • jimmason20
    jimmason20 Posts: 122 Member
    Excercise, eat right and keep a log, get PLENTY of rest and Water,Water and more Water. Stop putting numbers on yourself. Be happy with getting healthy so you can go to the beach for the next 30 yrs instead of worring about this year. If you stick to this plan the compliments you get at the beach from your family about how amazing you look far outweighs any number you can set for a goal!!!!!
  • Amanda_Gx6
    Amanda_Gx6 Posts: 320 Member
    I think you should reevaluate your time frame but none the less I've had a couple friends see success with the south beach diet.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    It took me a year to lose 70 lbs and 3 years to get to goal.

    I don't think you are being realistic.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    This is an unrealistic goal. You are only setting yourself up for failure and disappointment.

    A realistic goal for 5 months would be 20-40 lbs.

    Buy a food scale. Weigh everything you put in your mouth.

    Log accurately.

    Exercise 30 minutes a day (if you can).
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    I have lost 76 since June 3rd ( 8 months) and I am just below 200 lbs now and it has slowed to a crawl - but I'm still so happy !!! Just do the best you can ,It's not a race its a lifestyle change . Yes , i know you'll hear that over and over again sorry ,but it's true . No matter how much you lose by then you will be so happy .

    Are you exercising yet ? I exercised small three times a day when I started seriously like 10 minutes because that's all I could do . start there . eat right and you'll be on your way !


    Good luck !
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    So what happens after the holiday? Planning to lose weight so fast is not healthy, nor is it sustainable.
  • momofGD
    momofGD Posts: 110 Member
    Is it possible yes. I started October 15, 2013 and have lost 77lbs as of this past Sunday. (four months) I exercise for a hour to hour and a half 6 days a week. I eat around 1600 calories a day mainly being veggies, fruit, and lean protein. I do still go out to eat occasionally and over indulge. My goal was never to loose this much weight this quickly. I have no time line. It is just the way it has happened. My body is just responding very well to what I am doing. Do I have loose skin...yes. Can it be covered up by a one piece suit or tankini....yes. Bikini...no. If you set your mind to it, it can be done. But don't do this just to look good for vacation. Do it to change your life and become an all around healthy well rounded person.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Here, I'll answer this a bit more than others who are trying to dissuade you from such a lofty goal. You can lose that much in a healthy and safe way.

    First, it's called the Reverse Taper, which means you start with the lowest possible calories. That would be 1,000 calories a day. When consuming such a diet, it's important that your food is all clean. That means protein in the morning, vegetables in the afternoon, and protein and vegetables in the afternoon. As your waist line adjusts, increase calories. Roughly 100 calories for every 1 or 2 inches you need to lose, depending on how many inches you want to lose.

    Don't just do cardio, but add resistance training so you can sculpt your body and turn it into a fat burning machine. The more muscle you have, the more calories your body burns at rest. Though not a huge amount, what's not talked about is how many more calories your body burns when active when you have muscle, which is far higher, and has a greater afterburn effect. I have dropped 32 pounds in the last 2 months. I'm up to eating 1,350 calories, have dropped 8 inches off my waist, increased my strength and muscle.

    You need intense workouts. Try some beach body programs, or just study up on some HIIT workouts. A very basic and beginner one is 16 minute 50-10 workout. Pretty much, you do push-ups for 50 seconds, take a ten second break, do lunges for 50 seconds, take a ten second break, squats for 50 seconds, ten second break, and Plank for 50 seconds and ten second break. Repeat four times. This workout comes from the book Max Capacity Training, which has a website with a clock you can use. You can do any workouts in that structure. Run outright for 50 seconds, walk ten, walking lunges for 50 seconds, walk ten, two legged tuck jumps for 50 seconds, walk ten, burpee forward jump, walk ten.

    Find a workout that works for you and follow it, push yourself and work hard. And even if you don't reach your goal, your body will be radically different.

    Are you speaking from personal experience?
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Is it possible yes. I started October 15, 2013 and have lost 77lbs as of this past Sunday. (four months) I exercise for a hour to hour and a half 6 days a week. I eat around 1600 calories a day mainly being veggies, fruit, and lean protein. I do still go out to eat occasionally and over indulge. My goal was never to loose this much weight this quickly. I have no time line. It is just the way it has happened. My body is just responding very well to what I am doing. Do I have loose skin...yes. Can it be covered up by a one piece suit or tankini....yes. Bikini...no. If you set your mind to it, it can be done. But don't do this just to look good for vacation. Do it to change your life and become an all around healthy well rounded person.

    If she is 350 pounds and trying to get down to 250, it might be possible. If she is 215 and trying to get down to 115 then no, it's not.
  • MaggieTor3
    MaggieTor3 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi beyonddiet :)

    I think you might be trying to lose too much weight at one time. If you set a lower goal than 80 to 100 lbs in that time, you're much more likely to reach it.

    I haven't been doing this for long but so far I've been pretty successful. I'm careful to enter every bit of food that I eat, even if it's as little as one piece of fudge. Those little things add up to a lot! I've also made choices - if I drink a cup of coffee black instead of with cream, then I can have one more teaspoon of margarine on a piece of bread, and I'd rather have the bread with margarine! So that's one choice I can make easily, although I do have some coffee with cream.

    I've also found it useful to measure my food. I had no idea how much milk I was putting in my tea until I measured it.

    If you look online at some site that's reliable - I go to Canada's Food Guide for instance - you'll get an idea of what a serving size is. I used to eat a lot of cheese, but a serving of cheese is a 3 cm cube - about 1 inch cube. What they recommend for a serving of meat is a piece about the size of a deck of cards, or the palm of your hand. The size surprises me sometimes, but it also surprises me how satisfying it is to eat just that size. I haven't been hungry yet!

    Good luck with it!

  • HappyStack
    HappyStack Posts: 802 Member
    This same goal took me 3 years, and due to my haste I am still not happy with my body.

    Don't be silly. Just progress at a sensible rate and you'll get there.
  • firstladybynum
    Trust me, you do not want to lose that much weight in such a short period of time. I am speaking from experience. I lost nearly 60 pounds in 3 months by eating hardly no food and exercising more than usual. However, the minute I put a morsel of food in my mouth and lacked in exercise "All" and I repeat, "ALL" of the weight came back plus more. The best way to lose weight and keep it off is by developing healthy eating habits and cardio exercise. 1-2 pounds should be your limit of weight loss per week, but pushing it should be no more than 3 pounds per week. Keep in mind, losing that much weight may allow you to look good for a short period of time, but will your body feel healthy and strong? Also, what will happen when the vacation is over and the weight comes back. FAST DON'T LAST!!!
  • bumblebreezy91
    bumblebreezy91 Posts: 520 Member
    I would suggest not aiming for such a big loss in such a small amount of time. Instead, start your new healthy lifestyle today and lose what you can before your trip. It won't be 80-100 pounds, but a more realistic 30-45 pounds if you really stick with it.

    ETA: My goal is pretty similar and my timeline is to lose it by my wedding in May 2015. I've given myself 17 (14-15 now) months to lose the same amount. For perspective.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I would like to loss 80-100 lbs by end of july. my family is planning a vaction to the beach and I want to feel and look better then what I do now so im open to ideas {help}
    You want to lose that much weight in five mouths just to go to the beach? I hate to be blunt, but that is insane. Utterly insane.

    However, if you start changing your eating habits now, find out what you need to lose weight at a healthy reasonable rate, stick to the plan, and eat within your calorie allowance, you will undoubtedly lose some weight by then.
  • alexanderzamani
    alexanderzamani Posts: 25 Member
    I would say try and loose what weight you can in 5 months healthily, like people are saying 40lbs will be a huge huge difference. I would say it's all about the mindset. You have to think about how much BETTER you look after 5 months rather than how much you have to go. 80-100 lbs is a seriously tall order. Even if you loose 40-50lbs, that will be a huge huge change and you should be proud of yourself if you loose that much.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I think you can get close to that number with hard work and doing it healthy, I would start with lots and lots of water exercise every day, protein, green veggies, documenting everything ! Do not eat processed foods !